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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1907, p. 1

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vbe an abian t~te~nr~n. .rn a -,VI an 33- a RritTnriwm mMn flnnn.nv .,t T...f... A --- V-p.~, er AnflUMf. Iu D. ac cve New %SPring Goodis! Nowhere else in West Durham Wilyou find sucha-ja bïg stock of NEWI Such a fine assortment of' ladies' N'ýEWI ~IJL.SPRING COATS and Capes sellhng off at:25 per cent discountI Snch an immense assortment of NEW% s LACE CUIRTAINS. Sucli a big stock of al kinids of -NEW CAR ,PETS. Such a big stock of Linoleum is IN ALL WIDTIS. Sncb a choice stock of NEWV READY- s TO-WEAR CLOTFIING and sncb. a fine dis- play of lligh Chass Dry Good oif ail kinds as are sold by S ___ Cuch__ *Jnohnston & Cryderman 0 Grocers' Due Bis taken as Cash, _______________ fThe Corner Shoe Store Our prices are Rgt JBeMartyn,ý- Phono 36, -Bowmanville I Sum mer Comfort. --Walk Easy.- FOR LADIES. 1This store begs te draw attention to its largo assertmont o!1sSOt kld shees, strap and lastic front slippers for hopâo use in hot weathor. Aise Its cool, easy.fitting linos in white canvas and prunella. An in.- spection will show, pliabillty Rand insidoe smoothness o! soleg. se! tness o! uppe3r, and rooms, neat-fitting shiape, i the3 best o! these popular wi.als Priced frem 75c. up. Every lino proving- FOR CHILDUEN. Strap slippors, handsome' unbreak-1 able buckie. popular colors Low tie shoos, bluchers, tblck soles. for sehool, white canvas slippers and ehoos. Laeed boots ln tan, black or patent. Ses Our special $1,00 linos. AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT. FOR MENT Our walk-easy linos fer mon are winners We show hors the se! t kid uppers, the plain roomy tes, the smooth sewn sole, laced or gaiters. The cool canvas linos in wnite or dark colors The rubber solod canvas shoo ail white or black, with leather insole te prevent the rabber drawing the foot. 1)re-s boots and Ox!fi'de in Patent Colt that den't pinch or draw. Evoryda-y se! t.utpor kneckabouts that cause ne discomfiort. j very lino provlng"; A light kid boot is thMiet solution of the Sunday boo)t questiont for Summor as te boys. Prcdte fit ay puirse, Sies i L to4J13, 3100, $31.2-)5,31.5 0., S 1z5s q t 812 5, <$'1 50, 1. 75. OUR SHOE DRESSING. La tins or betties is spririn queantity and quality te those soGLd by The linï3 harmless quality cenes te us, w6 test it, sud the makers n'L w ThelBIIIIBCo, Ltd., AMainFour corners, Oshawa 15T NAiJ f) fli*1*A x ALtO T IEZ VI ItLJ AKTERWARDS. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR,-q WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1907, If vou are rut down, o overwork, physical Prmea lIf you Jlack 'vim 9o, If your ap- petite is poor, take a bottle of Keslake' eef0Iro and Wine. Itis a iretn~ Asystem builder and à health giver. Larege botie 75 c, soId o11lY by F. R. Kerslake, Druggist arid Optician. Phooe49. J3owManiville, Choice pla-nts of ail .kidsnow on ae BANK ut-- Es tabhi shecd 181- Capital - U14,400,000 Rec-t -8$11,000,000 Total Assets $16 8,001,173 --0-- Savings Ban k Department. MeanaOierM(nte al Iidla'nd Loani and Savingýs -Ooumpany, Port Hope, Ont. Established 1872 Capital fally paid Up.. $360,00c) Reservo Fund ....-......1Z5,000' ONE DOLLAR wilIl st an account INTERES3T AT 3%1 per cenlt cmpudc alf 3early and paid May Siat and Nov. 30th. -tu will rece1Nei INTEUEST for KVER',1Y DAY that theý BALANCE re. mnaion depodit. lnachuis ay NOT A DOLLR 15everidie. No trouble to dp. posit or draw money. Il o have $100 or maore -and iw0uld ike il t0 v-arn A HIGEER RATE 0F ITR'T cailiinor write to-us. Inforinatiou a1ways gladly gîven, so doi not heitate to ask. Trutgs are authorizod i'h i aw ro inve-st fands in'the dc;eenUre,4 of thls company. It is well known tLhat thec SAFEST SECtJ. R1TY 7todiay lm FIRST MOR1TG-AGES ON IMlROVE D REAL E'STATE, and 5h.ii. f the elass of secnirity we hve to offer 10 every depoïitor. Bear bin mmd thatte FARM las,iand always 7,ill be, the fountaini soure of wealth. Ail bus i.e,8traaat.,d vitli uq 15 k,ýpt ABSO>LtTELY PRIVATEý, YO0UR BUSINESSIS RESPECT FITrLY SOLIICITED. ' 28-6m. J. H. HELM, - Manager, The Royal Banik of Canada. capital paid up.,$,0,0 Reserve.. . $4,390,OO Assets, . . 44,500,00 75 Branches 8 bnd. ïracesi Cýuba, SI. hsNeonda.Neor Tr oughout the, worlid. A-eue raÈ bankinz busi neýss transaeted. Drafts on G reiit Briïaini, United Statesý, Ca!oa and other pouints bougit or soid. Bankers' inonoy orders issaed. Scilfaciitie0sfor hanIdllng fatrmers' business. Deposits o! $1recpive3d. lnterest f rom date o! doposit pald 4 timels a year. No trouble, "red tape" or deiay. Accounts of corporationas, firms anid indhidualIs 411iv d 1d best terms gaatoi Co respondence soiciàteli. * F. J. Mitchell, BAY 0F QUINTE CONFERENCE. tif the Metholst cburch o'f the Bay Or Quinte Conforence openied Wednesday ,morning in the Met hodIst churcb. Thte stationlng and statistical cmiteshad Pa!readyv been at work and were readv wbnthe minlisterial ssf-sion opened. aPicton, the genial Pres- Ident, Occuipied the chair. DeVotionai exerciseq wero couducted DY 11ev. Prof Alfred I oyaH ,. LLDVielorla nITeversity, 11ev. W.G. Clarko_, B A , Stïiing, and Rav. il. V. MOaunte(or, Orono, Secrotary of Confer- on-ce. The morning session was 'ei ýon chleflv; to hearing reports. Thle follow- ngtransfers wore roported: eyA, C Wilson and Dr. W, J. Crothers, te amltnConferonce; 11ev. tiso. C. Woîrman, P1.D , 10 Montreal! Cofrnc;1ev, Jas. P. Berry.' B.*A., te MAberta Conferene; 11Rev. S C. Red- dcBA , te British Columbia Confer- ence. Comlng lanto the Conlferenco: Boy. A. 1H. iBif, from New!oundiand Conforence; 11ev A, H. Hoare, BýA., 'rom,1 SakthwnConforence: 11ev. E A. Pearson, from Toronto Confer- once. On) motion cfE11ev. W. iH. Emsley of Napaniee the hospitaiitv of the Confer- once was extended to Mr. R. T. Perles, M.P., cf Kensing-ton Gatrdons. London, who bas just 1la nded at Montreal. Beys. J F,. Mears, Dr, J. B1'.-Sauadoris, Thos. W. Jolliffe, J. C Wilson and T, H McDonald were granted4 superannu- atîon for one) year, Edw,,ard W Rowland o!flnsaE. Wesley Morgan, B,A., of Belleville and H. 1:. Cragg, B.A., of Pictoxi were' givon f il mnisterial status. 11ev. J.' N. Clarry, B.AI., was appoinited Confier- once reporter for The Christian Guard- iau Bey. A. R Doive, Baktcwas made transportation representative. John Gladstone MoKee, Rebli; James E. Beekot, Enfield; Harry A. Frost, 'Wark wor 1h, and Frauda isJ Clarke, Cord'ova, were receivedl as pro- bationiers. , Rov. E A Pearson, B1A,, Toronto, a flormer minister of Ibis Conference, was lntrodueed and accorded a ver> hearty welcomo. The pastoral address presented by 11ev L. PhielpaR, Lindsay, Ir, publlshed on an Inside page, 11n the ovenïin: devotional eeocises .were conducted by MWr. R W. Clarke, Millbrook, President cf Ontarîo Sab- bath School Association. The opening prvws offere4Iby 1r. John EIIiotIt Schol, chir empoed f 50 boysof' the 'MVorninge Hour'" contributed thel muis.i. Mr. E. T.Slemon, B.A , Maths.- watical Master o! Oshawa Hligh School. gave a most lnterestlng address in be- bal! o! tho yeung, referrlng te the changes that have taken pilace in the church work and the need of ail adapt- inz themselves te new conditions in order that the young may be won for Christ litv S. T. Bartiect, the now1y ap- pointed Assoclate Secretary o! Sanday Schools and Epworth Leagues, gave a very enthusiastie and helpini address on the vital problems o! chiidhood. Both addresses were hlghly commend- ed and greatly delighted the large audi- ence presont. Master Vernon Emory sang a solo IlHelp a lttle" and was loudly applaud- ed. Thursday forenoon was taken Up principaily by the election cf the new ?~rsdent. The honor feul upon 11ev. R. Duke, Selby, who was elected on the first ballott, BRev. B. Greatrix, Port Perry, and 11ev. R. McCulloch. Omemes, received a fair numbor of votes. 11ev. Charles Hl. Coon, o! Bobcaygoon. wo s elected Conference secretary, and 11ev. D.O. Crossloy, Whitbv, Conference presentor. in the afternoan the followlng wero, elected: 11ev. J. G. Lewis and Mr J. J.ý Mason were elected assistant secret- arisa, and 11ev. M. E. Sexsmlth, journal secetary, 11ev. W. P. Roirers statistical secPetary, 11ev. J. Garbutt and Mr. Deroce l etter wrlters. 11ev, J. W Graiiam, o! Toronto, A,îs ociate 3eetryof Education, gave an excellent address in be.. hait o! the educational work thrcughout our Dominion making au onthusiastie apipeal in behaif o! the Board te aid the young studonts seeking an education and te rènumerate them for their mis- sion wcrk and laelp thom te terminale their college course free o! debt-a word very distasteful te every minister, He speke o! the spiendid work boing done by the difforent Methodist coileges and stated that whlle $26.000 was ralsed last vear $44,000 was needed this year, A resoluation was adopted regrotting M. A. -JAMES & SON, Proprieters VnT.'mxnl'&-A 1 n Li 11Ev. FRIHARD DuKEB, PRESIDENT BAY OP QUINTE CONS'ERENCE. the lllnoss of Rev. Dr. John Potts, the General Secretary of Education, and 1hopiDg for speedy reeovery. Mayor T. B, Spry and Councillors Deymanx, Tambiyn, Tole, Cornish and Gaibraith were introduced by 11ev. V. H. Emery and received bvl the Confer- once standi*ng. The Mayor preseîeýd an address of, weicome and was support. eïd by Councillor WV.W.7 Tamblyn,M A., who heartily approved ofithe moveniont for church union. .invitations from the D). O. & P. Co. and the Bo'w.lng Club were received to visit the former and to enjoy a gamne at the lutter. A very happy reply was made by Rev. W. IL. Emisley, Napanee, heartflly upported by 11ev, S. J. Shor"y, Oshawa. >Revs. J. O Totton, E. W. MNorg-an and E. Bowerman were ordained by the President dutring the year for spec- ili purposes. Rev. J. R. Butler, Oourtice, was ap- pointed Treasurer of the Unioni Churchi Relief Fund il scÙe3 inCo 11eV. J. i Berry, BA., who has been transferred to Alberta. Communications wiýre received irom B1ey. Jamies Ailan, Secretitry Bo&ard of Mismions, Dr. W. H. VWithrow, gJvinHz report on Sunday Sehool periodlcalsth W,.0 T. U. cfl Ontairlo, report cf Wços-1 The following mniristers were reportod as having died durlng the year: A C . Maybee, T. P. Ste3ele, Bellevulle District; F B Strattoni, Napanee district; R1. MeQuade, Poterboro district; J. S Clarke, W. J. Young, Whltby district- C. H. Fusce and E. A. Dove, Campbeil. ford district; and N. A. McDiarmid, Madoc district. _The church was packed at the ovon ing service-the missionarv annivorsary. Rev. S. J. Shorey, JD. D , Oshawa, vvas chairman. Bey, T.E. E. Shore, .4. A., B, D,, Toronto, Associate Secretary of Foreign Missions, spoke interestingiy on "'Our Miessioary Objective," Mr. N. 'W. Roweii, K. C , leader of the Lay- mon's Missionary Movement in Canada. delivered a brillilant adaress on the mission fields of the world and how te evangelize them. The choir of the church rendered a good musical service under leadership of, Mr, H. J. Knight who sang in splendid voice the stolo "Soldiers of the Cross Arise. Friday afteraoon 11ev. Dr Chown, Secrotary of Temperance and Moral Reform, gave a splendid royieo! o his work throughout Cunada, reiatlng prlncipaliv the fight against intomper. ance. Ile urged overy minister to use ail tho power ho~ possessd in Christian. izing christendoma, A resolution wâs passed 8trongiy approving -off Dr. Chown's work, moved by 11ev. Dr. Sborey. seconded by Mr. J. J Mason and supported by 11ev. W H. Emsiey. In the contributions to thi.s fund this year Bowmanvllle district stands first and Lindsay second. A most pleasing feature of the doings of the session waâ the fraternal gretings of the local mninisters. The deputation conslsted of 11ev. H. Munroe, B. A., pastor o! St. Paul 's church, and 11ev. ýw, J. Cadmanj, pastor o! the Disciples churcb. Mev. W. L, Ckirroil, B. A , rectorof St. John'd who is always ln hearty sympathy with every union movement,-was unable 10o be present. Both representatives mnade very kindly addresses, Mr. Munrce speakilig of the church union problem favored a move o! this kind, and the ultimate good bouncl t0 reauit froiit. Tho Presi3!dent grace3fuily acknowledged the gree)tings s0 cordialiy extended, Mr, T, Keough, Toron bt, madea very strotig ex-planatory appejal in ho. haîf o! the sprnu tlo und. Dr. C. S. Eby, the Canadian rpreseont. ativ7e o! the werk against thei opim trade la Japan gave a goecd a ee 1eov, J. 11, Butlur was eectd troasuirer of thne CuR Uin eli& 11ev S. T. Barttett added af, !ewwed o! exinte bu he dèecrease lu Sunday Sehool mcbrMp, hwn thapt tiswas acutdfor byth d- cr'gase in population. the time of ,ear o!f th2 maàking U p o!reott-al cheels w Det beîng -opn " or summei)r werk. histoer y' wve La -d s ucéh a s tronggi p on the beoys a n d g i rlsa s new INe-a r v ail o! 'the Districts roported ihaving e' sihe SndySehool or Epwour'.h Legue convention9 d. Dig thebar The seating cRpaciïty et tecue was taxet at Frid'ay eveningz'i!sE (rvýice' wbich was deveted te the receptliorn o! the y Oung mon who wiere to e oordinedq as ininisters of the gospel. Tie Ihenme of. Harry fI. Cragg, B. A , Edward WV. EXCURSION! TO GUELPH Aaîoiteî fTURAL COJLLEGE! South Ontario, West Durham, M'est VcoiEast and West Norîýinmber- ]and FarmeInrs' 1,9Intittes wil mun an exciursion, per G. T., R_,te the Onitaric, Agricuiltural College, Guolph, on ËO.ND-AY, .IUNE 17 From the follo)winlg staýtions ac 1 undomentonedrates and time. Adisretura tickets. Tim--. Port Hope ........U 90 6.12 a m NewtonvMle...........1'.75 6.54 a m Newcastle .........1.45 7.07 a in- Bowmianvllie......1 35 7.15 a m Daý'rilngton........1.3,5 7.2-3 am Oshawa Junction... 1 25 7,28 am Children under twvelve reaBars 0'f age bal! the above farea Tickets good goion. on speciai traina, mnti goed te return up te Tuesday aven- in", Juno 18 Returra special biaves hulpa a530 m H. C. HO0AR, JONSE RT Secretary W. D F. 1. Presi'lent. Rýowland and Augustus W. Shaver bOriefly reciteti their eaM te the w0rk andi minlistry e! the ehurch. Rev. I.L>M, Manining, Peterboro, meved the reco- tien O! tÎls '31en,01B9mon aand 11ev,. JP. WloB.*A., fBlleyile, seconded the resolution, both givinig addresses cf nuch rmerit and hslpfui1ness. MISS Emery zaendored the sola 'Ninoty and Nine' very beautitully.. The choir e! the cbuirc-h lsdi the musical part o! the prograi. Suntlay was a day long te ho remnem- bered a Bowman1villeFr im early muorning crewds were seen wonclrg their way te the -Methodist ckurch, ltev. R. McCullcch conducted the feliowsihip meeting wbich w as greatly enjoy ed belng a season o!(f blessing to manyý. When the public service openi'. ed every availing space e! seating accommodation was taken. P1resident Rich, Duïke conducted the openlng exorcises, 11ev S. r. Bartlett o!fering- the pra-ver. 11ev Dr. Chown preaclied the ordination sermon taking as hig s;ubjcC '"Life and its hig-her attain. ments." H(o gave a vory streng stir- ring address don ïuncing some th-inge, of prosent day liv!ing. IThe ordination o! H. H. Cag B. A., anid A. W.'lShaver fellowed theo sermon whlch was cenducted bv t'-e President asiisistîed by a nuimber of other ministors, Itias a very solemn and impressive ser7ice in fthe afternoon. the Sauday USehool, servicýe w". held ln the ýehurch, 11ev. J.ý G. Lewis and -H BR enney giving the ý-dctresses. The Alfin quartet rendelred two select.ion2s, Mr. W, S. BEragg sang a solo andtinminers 0f the echooi rendereti choruses ai, greatly pleasod the audience Mn. Wm. Tre- win, superintendenit, presided %n the evening the cturch waýýs again packed it belng estimated that about 14100 peoiplo wero present. 11ev. Dr. Shorey conducted the cpenln)g exor- cises, Bey. V. Hl. Emoryý, pastor, read.. ing the scrlpture lesson. 11ev, W. H.. Emsley, Napanee, gave a very ablo dis. course baseti on Il Peter, 8, 1l. Ho le a very original and ciever speaker and bis address bristled with gooti points, The L-ord's supper was administereti aI the close by Rv J. A. MeCamus. The choir rendereti aun excellent andi gen., et us usial ervcethe duèýt o! the morning aattems being taken bv Mr, IL, J. Knight and Miss Emery. In the evenaing Miss Ew~ery rendered a 'beau. titul s901c-" 11ail ta the King"!l te the great dlgbto! t12 limmense audience- The exo3rcises throughout the day wers exceptionally geod &H being o! a veryV helpful a--d inspiring character. Tho CofeeeSunlday of i19-07 wl I long ho bc rmembarvd by aJI who wor&- privileget teattend, Mionday evoning a weii filleti churchi greeted the 'speakers Bey J. 0, Wilson prsstided and very klndly intro. duced Bey. Geo Jackson, pastor cf Shorbourneo St. Chureh, Toronto, wha spüke on the 'Brithlïsh p)re&sohers o! 3ies. terday and e.çl day," pa-tng hi g htrib. Utes te m-fany ministers. H e aIse proachod '1 ueaFdav morniing te the pleasue and deiightof ail Tho chairman .neîtitroduced Mr. Jos. AI. ibson. P. M.,, Ingersol, as the war horse o! Temperance, a ter ittng !y applled. The choir rendered t everal anthems and 13.v. 'E. Cragg ciosoct with. the baediction. Dressing Nearly every one likes c ine hair 'dreSSing. ômthngto miake ffhe hair more manage- able; to lk-eep ih frotn i zg toc roufgh, or from sjpIitting at the ends. Sompethiing, too, that wiil feed the hair at the Same time, a reguIar hair-food. Well-fedhair will bestron,and will reinain 'wbere h ïtbeloîgs - on flhc head, flot on thecmb Tii boat kind of a etroii Isola for ovTer Bslxtvyears.'l Crs Plu.L cam E!R STORQAi. VOLUmp, LIII. No 24 Li

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