Grand Trunk Railwav Svstem. CRESOLENE ANT1SEPTIC TABLETS For Souvenir Goods go to Nieholle BAUWMAY ILLE STABLEN. A simplle and effective remedy tor Dou't miss going to Maplo Grove oolm WATGrGWS SORE TI-ROATS AND COUGIIS Monday. Il0 ..... -bt c9pbn t6a. Me.cîa 1au cf Oresolen _H.oaand palnted Alumina rn Goode at Mil....9 P. .I e"f -. 1.0 10 ml woa 7m ith the sootinrg propel(rties of slippery, elan an)d lice'Nchls lUioa-11 oa..., 7" rice. Your dirUggist >r p-a s O i taas 8 6p.m. 1 Ped....... 36s a L armls.1o i ÉM&0 Miss Mlinnie Martin is ylsîtlng friends - Ëpý MUe4.............. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 S 6pm 'a8neM 8 .mLsan aSa Co., Limited, AgentMtr inotHpe(> Tickets to certain points sold in accordance BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 12, 1907. Somne snaPs in Dinner sets Cali and -' cbtan wiipýl not beionres ano train àoe r vlh ilealbaiS ao lcdi nte soeethem, F. A. Haddy. " ..Town counCil report ie on an inSide Hardy Phlox plants 10e clump orf 8ooioe&Juai Tw Aens page. for 25e at S. J. j ackman's. a DaliDgOncoüneil rdpoxrt appears on Dablia bulbs, pansy plants, etc , are jllv an innier. for sale by S. J. Jackman.à ý1 John p abatoiayinan n- Mrs. D. A, Bruce and famil ' , Toronto, sievr page o ýipp, olan ca are vlslting relatives here and 50c Every, poageo hsapre loca Mrs. A. Howeil, Napanee, is visiting Dahîta bulbs, pansy plýants, etc *are Mis AniFontoHydn pn WbeDnWe tre ys nw.Rttruh liera aunth Mss G. rw n largely Mr. Howard Joilow is hoilidaying 2irs. E. H. Sheffield, Walkerton, is pie lJ a Peterboro andçToronto, Yisiting Mrs. Effiott, Centre3 St. (E I J thIc ýVhen V1e te EYMr. Thos. Goodman, Oshawa, has Mrs. W. Street, Raglan, is vlsiting purchased the milI at Brookli. ber mihther. Mrs.' M. A. Washington. Rev J. S. 1. Wilson, Markdale , isit. M4rs. T. H. Slute is visiting ie'r slster5 __________ ed the Conference here iast week. Mr4 Ze.Frgir ohseN pca Mrs-J. W. Hailton, MIllbrook, is Misses Carnîe and Eva Bale, Oshawa, visiting her father Mr. Richard Osborne. vîsited their cousin, Mrs. Wxn. PaintOIn, S Miss May Vanstone. Toronto, is Mis5. D. M, Tod and Mrs. î,' H. Ever- A h O t c an visiting lier brother Mn. F. C. Vanstone, son, Oshawa, visited friends liere cil Miss Edlth Weekes lias beeci viitingr Mona m.P %e i£'n e lier sister and other relatives ia Toron- 1Old Duhtch Cleansen will save you ron- O.,.~ ~to. siderable work-only 10c, at F. A Mrs. C. Arthur Cawken wiîî receive Haddy's7 jr etg ysand fittinig spectaclesr Wednesday. pool. has been visfting lier father, Mr. fon testings eye mlcte n bcue oýnsan rseaenoinr L. Morris dofects of vision enable uis to give oun -F, A. Haddy lias a good assortment Mr Frank Brittain and Miss M. Nott, A ÂE £U L cutmesa ere t ofotad atngi ile.Oshawa. spent Sauniay at Mrs M. JUPV ~ ~kL~ w o IÇ satisfaction thatt cannot ibe expected M1r G. 'A. Kingpton editor of T lihro tins frorn those of iess experience. Camapbeîîford Horald wvas gueat at'the Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Perey and daligh. We hve eerytaciity or uakig C ronce over Sunday. ter Rath, Chicago, M.I, are visitink the ii f> I Y A D L ~ ~ S~H accurate scientific examinations and Richard Gaud, a Bowmanvile oy Misses, Poy our work is absolutely guaranteed. perished on Alberta plains. S"~ Mr. J. T. Nana and* son Mr Chas, EyS1 «.Q nu an inside page. W. Nunr, Coî)born;e, spont Sundar wlth 1 S N i Be.Wn KnePineAbtrelatives liere. Are 'oi W hen We Test Eye R asest o! ra . ohni ed dPrince Albet Weare leadquarters for everyvthinig conference, ta s up-to-date l the shoe lne IsDo eMaplry ges Gove anrs ar nJO Mu Rei4 and Pearnis. dlay. Good program o! sports in addl. Mrs (Rev) S. T 1Bartiett and son SoteSuei od tNcol o; S o t & J II tio te the other good thincs. Fred, Coibonne, have been vîsiting bier SceAL). theioe Soueni Goodsc atNahyîs ur Mr. oE nogPic let îî. father, Mn John lIellyar. When vou are ia town have a look at S3jloran Is..G.JbuAdeyh, a ed Mr. J E, McWala aud other fniends Mapie Synup and Sua, at F. A. the Souvenir goode at Nichlls*. daughter. an tende~Cenerene Fi<ia. Hadv'sthe rigit.nd~ Also sel!- Ebenezen annlv'ersary wAs a grand Detroit Optical College, Dunrham Rublier Comipaay Band wili raislng Buckwbeot Flour. su1s.Fl atclr etwe. MctÂ-IEÂteasugHmtn Candia Opicl Cllee, iv anope ai cncet Sturay The people say we have the finest Mn. John H. Reid, La Monte, N. W. June 5, by 11ev, J. P. Bercy, BAMr. BHenry New York Sehool of Opticain,hn eaith aad wegthor permittinZ. lino of Oxfords la town. Lail and see T , le visiting hie mother, Mrs. j. 'edMLaObwaS asBascSube Mrs. T. H. Tremeer, and Miss Grace them at Reid aud Pearn's, Mn, and Mrs, Ed. Saunders, Oshawa1V, HZNPx-MUNRO-At 182 Strachan Ave., To)r-i Chilcago Oplithalmie College. Mdndarguseolir ag O Mrs. W. Asbary Wilison and daugh- 1were guests of Mn. W. J. Todgham ente, June 4tb, by 1vJ J Rediditt, as8isted lidad r ust fhrdugter by Rev. L.W. 1311. l, ary, only dagtrof Mr. are Mad Mrs red Poter,'NowoodPiaa". r o Kenra ero oce t8 etoflerî Clarke people will read of the legacies IlobertL.iunro te Glenni Atkinse lienrymOsb- Lades Spin Catsan Caesnalnie Mn S. Poilard, Begistrar eft by Dr. Campbell to Samises with a-Jn~îaîOicgJu tb que8tion. new goode, sel ling off at 25 per cent dis- Mons ats, tlho latest Englieh. and iner1 111ev. Rob8on Noimian, Cbarles Corby ChaSfrî coiut at C1ouch, Jolinston & Cryder- American Styles. juet opojned out at JMn H. Bennett and M1r. J. Joblin IChicago ami Jessie Gregory, ofetanh~e Darabiitý Man's. Coucli, Johinston & Cryderman'si. Toronto, attended Conterenc' boenr y GrgoyWiteWoSsikot or rn. T. J. Sheridan, Oshawa. lias Mr, and Mrs. A. Toms, Columbus, Sunday.eryfOba. om ne T ooth B rush ~ ~~~bough tbe insoivenit state~ OIESmytil Mr. and Mrs Jo8, Hawkey, Tyrouo. Mr. and Mn. jas. RîchldS, ikrOakeMy3tnJn aPrs in that town. gyMn W. -1 Hallett Pzid daughtor, Miss over Sanday. "n G. Charlton and m3 ts ~u a i3 .Mrs. Goo. A. Graber and dlaughbtenî. Greta Haliett, Whitby, were gaosts 01 Mn Guy. Weeqe. Prince, Edward ,, Voucix- At Port Arthbur Joue 9,. enTki Mrs. Jas Kalght, Lake Suons , Sunday. Countv, is vîsitîng hi ;ser 1eier paris, Faceest aughter of Misses Frances aud Agnes. Chcg,9a r.f>nielý F. Bu-rk, Port Artitîr, lii., are visitinz lier parents Mr. and A -.ehoice Stock o! Moni's and Boys' Hrarold Pemn.-- nDD-IWbltby, June 6th. Illiln, widow when the, Did you laven ray-25ic. for a Touth Mrs. W. L. Keys. perfect fitting Ready-to-wear Suite. -le an odbocils no eni o! the -Ate Da1e rdinbr71 er ]Brunsh and thon find out that youi had M.Go Pwran MisCneJust received at Coucli, Jobustoni and Church S3t. on TueedtLy. Fluder wilI Mîuii-mn Toronto, Joue 7, WVilliamn O ir, amnoant, o been 1oeled-tbat the bnistl'es "carne Power attended the funeral oe their Urycorais beave at Big 20. ntelaeWlamMrnereluB- onut.", sister,-xx4alw Mirs. Wilson Power who Toilot Sets--Dont think yon cant a!. If voju dou't get oue of our catalogues Maa.CL FR AE if yoa do net know the secret o! died at Ottawa Fridav. ford a new Toilet Set.- We will makce send' us word or eail and gel one at *8t. AppD teL J. R BA A elle reecting a good deponidablo Tooth Rorsemen, entnies for the stako race the prices niglit. F. A. Haddy, China Reid and Poarn'e, c HtPto».ý2à ZtZ t-J.BRCLW01 Brueli coule te uis, at Contrai Canada Exhibition.s u a Rail Grocery. Miseis Vekesoiý and Mi2wSecm ý',We wil select onîe for yent and If closes lune 15. Write E MasMalien, During lieuse cleaning yen wiil want Tornto wero Suna0use !~is E fr00ta wr e!da charge. of ~ eim YEE stock.SI 0n( oristles "corne eut" we replace thoev. Ottawa, $4000 hung pp for Faîl te sort up la the tcreckerv and glasswaro e o. c onmo.BWQi& aOhw.e e buad rlËifeofcagracees, lino. F. A Haddy. China Hall Gro- Mn. aud Mnrs H, A Milison and I oi&C. 8a1,0L21-W1 We haie ail kinde e! brushes frein Newcastle Higli School base bail team cOry, bais some bargaîns. daugliter Ellenor, Cievèiand, Ohio, ans ~XANTF1D-Girl for generai lieuse- Se,. Up. and Bowmanviiie Hîgli School toam A uovely lot e! Dress Tweeds3, Venlet- visl.îipg lion fallion, Mn W. * iJlenor. 1V work te go teo0sbavw. Highest wgd Hav1 talechd ruhesfe AtiicalTetbplavcd on the Drill Shoid grounLde Frlday lune, Broadciolhs and -ail kinds e! Dew 1n n m .Rs agie Aprly t' oxt., nwpn24.26w oFir unbeahe bruse for tenSeria guns. aflernoon. Score 11.8 in lavor o!f the Drees goods, just opened at Coach, Gerie, M. N MRo, Ë Claofuhli W20 ENRL SE Nr nert ýrFb,-, fr einergue. visitors. Johuston and Crvdeirman'e. Brbo i.adMs lreo.ouh(01yEEA EV_ý ' 5mi11 well made br-usbes fer ehïilîren,. 1 a were- Wueos û! Dr. F. H.1 5, aaeda ne No wahn.Apply ta Fo 5. een eloua.goda Do not fenrget that Coucli, Johuston You dent se how Il can bo done? Lwy.- M S .5 T1ILIEX, Cburcb st, 23-13V., For15e wec&nso mo asgoo aand Cnydermani show beyond ai ques- Wel, nover mind. You eau get brnh s s suli sod or20or25. ion the fiuest stock ef Carpets of ail pretty, baud painted Souvenir of Bow. Mn SHaspoorpelisa HEEL CHAIRU FOR 1N AI-~ S -kiuids and Lace Curtains in ai qualits manille for 5c at Nicheis. collection o! the langesI and finest 1 W wan(Lef, Must be sitrong andnloc Stott~~ &- tlokpo -sTATE8,5(ANSOfcBWilVle 4t StttJ.ry aliown by any bouse la Wost Durha eao eî' akeswn ase enorpiioecnIin tt prfie, Addr7mnvlesM Aes Druiggiste and Opticlans The firet league gamne between -i. awardoad five prizes at Phuladoîphla nulmei-oWstDra -,)NY L !'OiWinsa, awasud Bowmautiiloe football tea',miherse show. "Ou Guard" formerly Amn n letinu fWs ula jO E O -n Wdeev will be pflaved Tliirsday eyenjn-àt woen the sweepstakes. ~ oe' n tci wlil hos hoid on Sat- LV1 June 5, between Tyrone anud Bowrnan __________________________c Urday Juno 22 la the Couacil Boom;1 F; nevn der will b'ÂEMÂ fe,Bea- A6.80 on the3 Agicultuirfal gruusAd iundoch'H "Ideai Fonce"l the flrstand Bowmanvlille. AÂgood atteudance fromvle2-t niiss;ic)n: Ladies lOc gents 15e. Doa't best lleavy Fonce bre-uglt eut-putu ail brances ls requestod lPNGCEKDIYAR FO miss Ihtsgamùe, now for 5 years aud overv eue Ibat lias Yî tutere over was a specific for ans' SaleG or EE ToIR Bet-t ated FOb R bl- ~g. A number of Bogwmaavilie people liaS il wants il agala. Cali aind sec i t. eue corupiainit, thon Carter'. Little mile or Bewm[asvilleý stationi. Possin ie 1Whave made -cousidenable moaev during Victor record diseo, Victôr aud Ber- Liver Puils are a specifie f'or, sick head- "'ibi F. 0.9r 01 jt1ie . RbxB J Vu ~~~~the past yoar bv buying and selig cil' linon Gramaplienes, Edison Phono aclie, a-nd evory womaen shouid knowmailePOuonpese,1 . lots lu -Medicine Hat, Alla , ilinongli grRphe and records and ail talking Ibis. Only eue plil a dose. Try ihen., INON-UNION MACHINISTS W ANT- MnI B. F. booneh of that cils'. Aayooe machine goode for sale at F. C. Pelli- Ne0eL1P1-selola e-pt dt ln, nSr tosgo wîshîng te ijivest should write lmï for 1c' abrSip iewgs stedy wrgo oain pl r~ 24. w ' C re r Johson yema r passed lier exams at Liiiau Massev addrgess arak-os aainMn!St Bey.R Dogla Fraen, oroto, slowing bi ansonîm cf Liolum Sehool o! Domoestieý Science witli firet ,uriug Cem-pany, 1379 Bloon WVest To:ron te, Ont. former highly rospected paster e! st. lu anil widtiis ail boaght bèfore the recent cls honor lo- yolra o esen2-w Pauis churcli, Bowmanviiloe, lias beeni advauce Ili pnice ' lbey show ton dit- Ontanlo onl a lecturei toeur throt1gh lb 1 U il, BNT 'OR FOR SALE-- DH 1 -leeted ReL'dndinig Clerk ot the GePeral feront ptterwn n ou ards wie - olne0s Of WRtnîOr-O IÏgtD P0ý F ýi tucs lvo, ,i 4 rlntton, in ssembly ef the Pnesbvteriau Churcli o! 1 de4 and . Yokgood spoi god Cnada. A good man for bucli anit n-riJ tc aa,.1wn ll~ ter'ltar,.,st. - Cui T A.LtU poiin A Hawkoy, -Mies i Hawkej1ý¾Ty- A musicali eveOiig 1uder 5~ ol~sen4r1 ~5I Simportant position Mre.-Wn .Aane. 1ecste 1908, 0B~s J!lE5Si>4 S,- Vltohae'aPack ache.Ilidiiy abi. ta in eur. tmg the eeverest kidney, bladder and unie tny troubles, zuei.. those affected rejoice. *ech diseasenanad disorders aas lamne cg -wak bacli, swollitig of the foot, pulSa...s gder the oyes, gravel, brick doposits ia 4he urine, sc.aldiug, (requent call. dua'lnj 4 day or nai tpain la th* joints, unic- 'acld la the bFloeà,d owbinesa, beadachie, lets of flcli, habituai conelipaticu, %ver terpor weakuess of th. uinary or- ýîa&âs in p11odron asud theaged-af-e tai. lC.kly rli*,d and pern5aaently cured. Mr. E. Dtwot,, Matn St., Kincard;in, «Oi., mays : IlHard wark sud constant ý&topinX, together with exposurc to co!l4 brouglit eou mvere backacho anS Kcidne- 'treuble. Tho mcretions Wcere thick azna ,4uatty.Nothinç rofiived ctue ainl 1 goa & botli of Dr. PitclienaBaklb-id ?rablets. They soon stoppeS the pain ana, @nesii.E The Kidny action Fecairn, &ra -ad healthy. Y amn exceediigh .~aeuand glad to add tltis.t&t ilnyt tbç' expressions of godwi,1L have er 'qtbens fgivo-stteesicc te. " e S It io no wonder Dr. Pitc12er',ý 'Tablot, gur~e seweil e L'hoyare tbe presa-iptics a a Kidnaoy speclalistan sd ecoain ingre gWatï mot found ini coaono kidnêy pilla &q Tablets ila abottle, Prices jeC, an3 ýj'8'3, dugÎ5t e â. ai.Th. 1 I ~Iev7¶n.Jolliffe coniducteýd the ser- vice in the Disciples chureli Sun da, mrniang last and proaehed a metS'x ,jcllent sermon. nî. Jolliffe OlI., of the Vid-,chool, plain and te the point, ever reùý'ý i o ii cr ~odWk ln the Iown. b6lôVsd bs'ail sud one Mi Bowmanvilie's grandc old mou -Cor, A bangue game o! base bail wÀs piayeti on the Agricutturai grounds Sattyrdur aflernoon belween Bawnianyilio and Oshawa the former winninz by a score o! 7-(3. Tlie gaîne wus a splendid ex- hlbition o! balilbath teames doing geod work. Batteries: Ot;hawa-Hlawkins and GayR; Bewm&nyilie, Beilli and Me- Dorald. Umpires-Weekes, B9wman-1 ville, Fowers, O6hawa. MIrs. John Ormniston of Brooklil who witfl Mes. (Rev.) J. Bennett Anderson mailed for EnglaS on Mlay 17 frein ,Monitreal ounilie Allan Lino RoyalMiai S.8. *'Tunisian" wites fromn Liverpol tinder dIate o' f4y 25, glving a vr intereeting aceou toi the voyage across the Atlantic. ThejvhlaS a goedpassage and reac»ed thein destination la saloIr. We hope le10publieli some extrudes frein the lotteon noxt week. The many trieudseo! Mn. W. S. Mce Kowani, formnenir foremaun o!THii STATJSMANoffice, Bowmaniville, wil regret te learai thal bis h-orne atI 14) Sevenîli Ave , Southi, Naslivilie, Tenu,, ,wae logethen witli ils contents, eitiroly debtroyed bs' fine June 3ý Nobodv was ut home at the lime of tho fine, n u Mrs. MeKqIWaIIliaýiUg lote af" ininutes betore the2 fire brok'e cut. An! attempl le gel an ularin turn!eSi falied andi the heuse was detroved betone the fliee englue reaC.bed it The cause o! thie tiree lesupposeS ta ha% e bcen rats aud matches in the pauitrv The lais je estimlated at 4$2.800, wllh $1,400 lu- 1suriance. The liouse was a eue stony Bears tbe , ï1îKîn YL iHîeIîm og Sign'ature 7..ssg Edua A. 8ritten letI Wedanesday' for Saskatchewau te -See lier parents, Be fore uavlug she wes plensantly sur- i -rué y the presentation. otan uddress sud a beautîul gold bracielet (rom lier ~young fiende Besl wiýhes' of all foli ICiIIi7nB W i- k Iv àii'-e Wit Ithle open air coulOont rendère y li ID, O. & P. Ce baud Salurday eveuling on the TÉown Park. The prognum wae varieS aýnS weli rendered and a large naumberws're out t0 enjoy the music anS the promenade. Suseqex Ledge Na 5 Sono e! Englanad, Whitbv Lodge No 97 Ancient Oen ULnited Workmen aud the 341h Regimentul Baud, Whitby, are arrang- une l7tli (Wýednesday). GooS fon twa dJaç s Wail fenil. Round trip tare onIy $20via G T. By. A Paying j emeI:LiteCash' NeKedd" c leun.Large profits4. Buiv "Centrlal Park" ciIy lots aI 81100i each One tird-c cash, balanece six sud t.we[va menthe. B. F. Souch, Presideul Centrai Park Land Ce., Medicine Hat, -Ails. Theso lots wlll go at $200fil aý q1hort lime. 2 1 2 w William O. Main, 99 Dake Street, Tenonte, died Fiday evening at the Generai Hospital as the resait following the mputation o! hie le-- Iwe weeks ugo. Dciaused camne 10 Toronto trons Bcoumanvi]le about twouty yaars ago, sund stArted a iivery eslabl iPbmenît'at 272 King shorot east. lie baves s wîcdew but ne children. Be,.rthe , 1118Kiiilil H1,mAmWys bEtîgu cf 4' /i« $ F ARM FOR S&LE-AdijoinlnZ the village of E-4nni8kîlien. A smail farm of 17 acres, be ing situated auS co.mnros!def p art of the Northb!,of rie 5ouîb ý eflot 18 in theth conicesioii of the twsbpof Darington. There is on tire premîses a gond bouse withy @0one ecular; guWbrn wlth Stone basanaint; fruit trees andSimail fruLits for, f ails.ily For fîrtber partiunlars a pply "ta'NI ";W' pBaow6 on he r e mse s ort I . BROW q, Ha napLO n. iBOWMANV ILLE MARKKTH, FLOUR,V 100 tS ......Z2 0 Ot$2 40 WHIIAT, Fail, bush .... 0 0.leQ080 le ' s pring il... CI O t ï.: iq Red rii le......00e.i'i, 85 el Goose.......0 00 Il ('51 BARLYIIreiPbush, No. 1 ... 0 00 le 0oc Il fi 2 ... 000 l 0 48 fi 3,,î8..O . 0 45 0 1 "Two rowed 0 00 e 0 M QJATS, Whfte fi.............O00 "0 42 RYE, le ...... 000" 0 B-JIORWEST i............000 ' PEA., laCkeye, r bUShO OQ(.)0 0 0 M Caniadian Beauties 0 00 0' 75 ci Umit 'i O60 t'070 t ue n 00 (JO 7 CLOVLB.SnEBDý.........700 8 00 iru, ,best table, e lb.,0o0oo15 0 28 Edas, e doz ...........O U1W til0 171 Poyr&Toais, V bush new *05 'O6 at Hampton (oollen MliAI] orders wtil re- ceive prompt attention. J. BARCLAY. FARMI FOR SALE. lIt aces,~0acrs cmpoedof,Utbll df lt 12,con." 2, and 85 acra. ea-t bl!, lutP,13, con., Cla-rlt,-ligood rich Soi1 aiflufitgootl btate ýof cliva"tionl, Weil tne.23 crsof per ifanleut palitu' e. partially wooded wýitb two 1 ever failugspi!gs; two %tells, two banli t mru wth stab1.ig Lcileatb, and 0one other baruv; roof lbouse. heu bouse, drieing Fhbed, ste lv')g peu 4;0 fi long; tvo framne 1boues. Neairly ail bulildings ret-singled last year. 600(j or- ebard. 9Ohi ianIle fomNeatonvilie hee r goodsebol, ~ Schtirches, oiofe;adfi miles eàasi 61 Neacaitsile -Ploaxiug p e1ssio tis flU. Itouse bas B"ell pliciuie connection' ~TermH t e b rancd Apply ~W . 1'i-uuT, Clarke P1'. 2'3-tf. l'o e of the best faim's' in 1 Darington for Sale, ami eut bidigweIl 'aerd o ong orchard fairiy wceU fenued, soU tiui goo41 sïate 0 euitiration,ý excellent grini and sto)ck farn,: covuct t o laalchnc onetSby telephone witfl Oshawa, Will lae sold at reason) able pie on easy terins. Address 20 4f, Br*ookian, Ot !îl ogr5, 01# n " 8), '<J in h-ei L cis. c- ( HIaddy's Ideal Tea is winning Ilis wav te public laver, you trled il? Il je a (iG0OD TEÂ aI a LOW PRICE. ul&ck< MIX3ED, WREEN in j lb and lb packages ut 25c, Pine Apples and Rananas. We are the lieadquarters for genS piDes. We expect le i increase aur sales la Pine Apples Ihiseason. S3pecîal la quantities for preserviig. Don'I baye il aati-too laIe as3 ason for plues is generally short. Bananas at reasonubie prices, Crockery and Gasae ;alemember us wlien yýou wanl anything la this dlepartulent 30e our s$3 00 Toilel Set, good val!ue at S84 5 Butter and Eggs taken. CEF. A.H lAD[rDY. GROOERA Pi s e i e e 3 s i s e e e e )w About Painting? n going- to Paint this and 'what kind arc, kg te tuse : 1s M ' le 10 alnswer eveny Quýalily, Poýwer, Ly, Capacily, ail are - in correct ilegrees pure Paints, hey ailse guarayiîee satisfactionand can be relied upon; By go on they are there to Fstay und with arosnbe ot cane suýcese 1- assuredl, Foýr sale b ,y V.Ef H. DSTAN eril'ice Dress Goods Sale - This Month at W. Ilason & Son's ce of an7 Tweedi, Serge, vo, CaoerI. or Ciffon Broadi 25 Dress Goode o .,-.,..,...s....9e Li SiDress Goods for- ,..... ..,,.$ 5 3goreds are ail] new Ii seasOn anTd poitvev ol as adver- Scarce Goods, s'Long Gloves- in Coitton, Lisle and Silk '3.5c.1 -45e., 50ce., 75,c. and $.O pair. te Curtains Spedýial va"LIeS fr(m 3e.'Pi, 66Opair.3 adies' SjrýIng Coatts ndMe]Yot' and BOY's Suits Cs, Youth's and Boy'sPatearg at exac.tly eostg .So special bargains in à i es.a nd -MXi ss es S ki r t s, oo S:andari Uanik, Bwavle FTI -& là IL £ ý&, -L &I A & & A ý ý a