an bia Imm tai M. A, JAMES & SON, Propriet-ora' AY, JUNE P), 1907, VOLUME 1,111, Noý 25 of Peterboro b hldli Luday RIis many rieuds in West Durham Conernc wllbehel l Lndayinwer- glado te met Ile v,. Ph e!ps of Mev.J, . Wisonsaideve prach r Mev. . Jack"on sald the CongrEign - ve colums- so! b nevneis. avse1i toa ocuc f England bad rnason to0 Rv IL M. axnlng gîvsi al e tbanks for ,uch men as Dr. Camp- tueo laymen ILI voung mini-sters to get thd best thouight b)efll Morganr. li- lortop, Mev. Jowe t t rfRý .of beat inen, and R .J.- Cam-pbell, Th-eý lalttr is the weicme hr MeRv. R. Bamfortb, B.A,, was appoeitthr0f1th"-New Th)eology7" whichý reîom hreed treasurer of tihe Spran ion hasbeen4e: Lv3eey rtiiedpaoma m of coufer3. -ill T .ýle 1-1-- V-- 2,-A a -er az, W 1ý evar? h& io r f hi t aOidt h ore1,olli Coruneyce r Otir Prices are Right. J. B.aryn,- P h o n e 3 6 , . U o m a n v l l e, i.4 1b~ Bllrhil i [unows, FOR BOYS. lfA lgh id boo)t is the b'est ollifutin ofthe Sna boot questioni for Summer t Priced to lit any -purSe.' Siïz e S iL toa13ýt. W1 0,$.25, ' $ 1 50, Ses1 to 5, 81.25J, 5,17-5. OURS5110E DRESSING. f- lu tinsor bottles is Su2perier lui quanýýttyn quality te thosc soid by grocars. Tie fine harmless quality ecores to uis, we- tesr it, and the ma4ker.s know wei main Four (Joanerg, Os3hawa aptlpaid up,.$ 90, 0 Resýerve. . 43 O0O 76 lrncbs n Cnaa, Bandl othruPoit e OU9 od. l Bankers' monev order s saed SpecýialFaciiti lor-haadlung farmers' business., Deposizs of st reeived. Inteest romdate of (deposit paid 4 tîmes a yeatr. No tobe "red tapa" or deiay.ý- Accoýunts c orprtosilm tpr uaanteed. Corespndecesoliçeitedi. Manager. -ýU ay Pý'.C -va', Oellfa, oard. I asuame and a disgrace to 1.ànd lt help to b1ock up the sldeswal1 acknowledze it. But the reasois thatý in front of the church, and 1 would 'Lti oudnt giVe, us enouigh te allow cf let a -Ask me"~ boy' carry myv grip and env larger distribution" show me to mv billect without tipping Rev. Geo. Jackson, Toronto, while him. wOUld rOU? reviewing the British preachers of yes- La-,men are not reporte3d iLn the billet tex-day alic today Salid«'I owe or 1 ILSt:sr. Blatkeiey, -Pî-ton; Beck. Rev. AlexandOer MicLaren than to any Nerthpogrt; J. C, Dale. ad;A P.o-her rm;ir-.Me lhelped to make me Germain, Siu~l;Chfas. Mu1t, 01,lcertain of certain t'hingS. Whien hei enn;G. S. Maelin, Ro11selinth; J.G. asses awaY the 'les,,ctl O theLnts of thie Vanuza, elevle IWL.WlilliamU nine,ýtee-nth centuýry will have gone te son, Picnon; F. W. White, Cobourg; his rewaryd.", L.A. Wickwvare. Clo3ne. Dinner was served each day ln the Rev. J.- G.LeiPtroo assist- 8 A. Barracks 1)y Mr. Thos, Tod, mant secretar 'y, states that this YTas one, affordirg opportunity for sociabiliî of tliernost succ'essful cenferences eýýver and greatly reliLeving osesefextr held. Vhe attendauCe eof minist'ers was work, in their homes. This is kno)wr as full upte he uuels~ubei nd isethe flarvard plan and so fer as we havei a goodj attendance of laymen. Mrtlheatrd gave general satisfaction The-o Lewis was one o7f the busy men, be-ides cater-er, assisted by 'ý eung laqdies of thle being assistant secretary, he-asa hurci, gave geod service. It was member of the statieýning' cOmmittee more expense to the local chUrth, but ard President ef the Uhooca resits are satisfactory UnionConference was unique lu its rmake- The special[ foature of interes-t in the ulp. it wscrtil dgiied 'in lus Conferenice wa t*he unau-ual ecelene haracter seeing thant a Duke presided of the evenîngz meetings. The speak- an I iop was pee.Several ers ebtaîned were the best possible ini Cooks were there, good meaLs wereo their respective felaandthejrirIre..1ervod, e thoro was oiye0-Br0 ses gave delight te al who heard then. for dser.The eclor of the gathering Forthi fetur spcia crditis uevaried as wve had severatl whutes aud Mev. J .J. Rae, the retiring presjideut of w1hile weO lied ne bItted, orblcs there the Conference, who had much te do0 were a niumber of Brownis. A dozeni wit te aragement 0f the evecingJhs eethere a s well s Jhn-7 ns meetings' pormeJac,-sons, Tho-m-sonisand Wl-os Theuagh several dectors Were preenit there was onfly eue Leitch foýr al.ý There wý vere ne Ups. butP eue ýDown., Theý philanthropic spirit was eince àby the presence ef 1w, lwrd.I was au ordjerly gath, ering a-,S therq was, Is cnsttuionl iseseouly one 3Locke çoand C1eeWad eeded origiatinghi im ure bood b J i peets wre reresented and rquirg costittion L nOldineveidence we lied Ncteaud ZDJew i t wasa eaefl 'qd treatment aug tsouu teewas one Strikýe SeveralCaen andpurfyng he lod fr trswere ipresient a7d p cent VofJWoo it r di al a u p r m n e t and C ný . ee vI w o r thee l cur ,Be sge o tke ony saw eone fis,and i, was a Mulet' Whietre wiere -neo eibaru 1o oodsSaret rîllaaFairhilds thIl î UZLOnly eue Bird was present and liebe Nasl ad oheloclfomsocaarr lo~S otethe lay site cf the lieuse1 ar u releec yCaares Two Coons we2re amno;3 the mmbr whîc ally inlam atio ad odorize aud euon-,cf the- w-S mdCeuference dilarge. Secretary and lie led aM c Ora- HodsSarsapaàRilýa, a:; drugg,7ists, $1., isîaiit, Amoug the list cf enterta-'n-rs Caarits al order Only, 5? cts,. ive noticed Kights taà(ltRing9s Paswell Fo tsomfiaecemarkable <ares as Potters, PParbers sud otb-e.r tradesý used for car -Book on Catarrh, No. 4. -,appy te mecet, ezerry te pamrt, liaPPy C. L. Hood Co., Loweîl, Mass. te meet again. At any rate, you seem to be, getting rid of it On aUCtion-saleî g-o-ni-e! Stop the auction 'ih Ayer's H-air Vigor. Lt îlCerta'inlY checks falling hnair; no mitakeabout thlis. Lt acts as a reulrmedicine; makes thescalp he2lthy. Then yolu must havehety hair, for itnqturec's way. The be!st kind of a tasimn11 "SldGr over sïxty years-" Êlem 1 SARSÂP>ARÏI LLA P 1L LS, (MLRRY PETRL