BOWMANVILLE, TUNE 19, 190-7. BOWMAN VILLE LIERALS î-, There is great promise iu this district A m-eetin)g of t'le Liberals of Biw 171 for fruit of al kinds especially for apples, mýanv-ille. will be held iu Mvr McMurtry'S cxcethi lulowlyirg ]nds Wedroe Oficeon ridy tpnin- June 21sta 1c Vilern last wcch ald-& exe toeetee&6 o he conpraivlyfew treces, the apl rees Norinating Cronvention ait Necas,,tle. '-+1 ~ 2Z. jwere fuit ot bloomn. We bawv a few geoodJ GWRT Vice President. -~-,flelds of gra1in bunt generally speaking î -~-.Iail zrain cîops are in a, very ba3c!kWard LIBERiAL ïMEiLTïïeq.1 codto.Corn planting has been ye- _irtardedl by cold weather andi unless much Ameigb h Lbrl !Drig Stoný township wilL h b eld iu th(, Town- bave to do wthout ou spiyo gren a*apon iïIa- corr tbis cear. Warm weather wih8 p.m. to seleut delegates and alternates occsiea 'lowers lathe only hope for a to attend noiaigconvention at ~s j u t ri ht f r t h \7 xl thst iids th e ffe c S o ha yv cr o. F ew r rom sin g neadow s , N w a t e E ~ I , purpose rg1 V)were seen _______Vc ho ~olb t ubs îook ikLe new -ofr.eni 'betterý ',han new L W -UT S-me wearrsaV,- wel « and 'S miost ecollomical.SLIA S-W.~011 Bat Ou rad are being repaired, Soiabase-bll team w'!' hoid an ice- Put Up in large or smnall cans. Colors mSt 11 itabefr h ur Miss Pinch, Bowmianville, les visitirig cream soci"al on MOr T Baker's lan WeTý have il. the Mises Rico Thu,-rsday. evelig June 27; wheii a good r. Jr. Brown has beeni laid Up with programmetï will bis îenoered by local and outside talent. A mat-ch balilgamne an njredfot.will be played. Mi«ý'lss7 Lizzie Pen- "W ' arm3 yVea,LLt el 0O d.suna Schooi anuiversary was well fouud -visited at Mi1 W C WYerrY's. attendied bers Sunday and Tuesday June 1Mrs Wm Gerry a-id 'Irs Walters, Orono, -lna gr-eat variety..... ,9th and iitli. In the afternoon Rev J. visited M rs W Hl Gorri.1... . Mi Arthur 'C. Craiz, tornerly of Orono, preaÉched1 Westlake ilsaw.,ay witthe volutees .... Screen Doors, Window SeenBu la eO edrn a ntutv d ra.oteMs D A Br,1ice anid daugbter Mluriel, of Ic CernFreerchildren and Rev S. F. Dixon sp)oke to Toronto, aie viiting MÎrs A Washing- Stoves, Gasoine Stoves, Hammoeks, ceC an'F ezrthe -parents giving a helpfffl and ipr-ton ... . Miýss Inez and Mil. Ivan Law and etc,, at the lowest prices. ing~ addres,. Tuetday evenIiig theMisKlyatndth Frms'It- social~ !a thrugi enoed ute excursion to Guielph Mondiay. M.ýiss lenghty pîogramn was given, Tyrone Law is spendln'g the week in Toronto aud choir assisting on both days, Refresh- i vnLwi tedn h R 10E '& 0.ý0., Agents. Met her isv ingln "Godl save ____M.Ivn_____ ttiëln te0 ent ere i srvd ter whic ahei studeut co)nvnLt'ion at Niagara De(alers i Hardware, StoveS and Tinware. Kg" Prced Eefor clFOOT-BAL -oastor D)ixon anuouniced hïs intentionsý Fhone 66. O~~~(ppoSit PotOfc.o e-igTrone circuit for othier field S The local tam made a goodsatl P oe6.of labor, 14c has taken z speciai inter- thodie idadlau junior ina est iu our churchi au d Suuday Schooil pîtousip game against Os;ïhpwa on1 and bas doue much to encourage the Thiirsday Jue1t. he gm wor ofGodlu ui hurh. ommienced sharp at 7 p. m, ENFILD.The locali team hadC the kick off andj FIELD madcla &go-od ru1sh o i OshRwa goal but Mlason the stalwart defonce man for ov Pacleed church and overflow mneeting Osawaceadthgoladsnth Au was the record Surîdav ai aunhiversary bail back to centre field. T!ho bail services. Bey Vernon Hi Einery, Bowv- Soon came down Fgal.n- and on a fast manivile, addressedî the aduits in the pic-!cmiainwr yBaly, W cab 11 -Pafternoon and the boys lu the evenaing, Carter and Sisson, the latter -dfropped a, W a l Pa e shis discourses being ftighlyappalreciated. beautiful kick in front of goal which l'b _scloý1!ssarg' th afero"" ld ws uiclycoutverted ïuto a score by dJ~~ by Mlisses Asilton and Jewell. lia the Cub eveuing Euinisilen choir led the praiseaS,- The- 1exyga was secured, b servic acd CeMes from a pass fromn Westlake ~fr lig addrssed thec ovei flow mneeting inda 'e carepathedeceau ~the Sons' H-all. Mis Alex McCuhllocl n i scridpattedfoc ln îresided at the organ and led the s-ng- and puit tbrough by hlmn in good style. To those who appreciate true art deeign otir inacetby ByTSndoasTteddthsorgfrteltbl. e ý toi, conducted the devotional exercises lu th.e second hlaf the Oshawa for- Wall 'tPapers wiIl appeal very strongly.O Collections for the day -were liberal,_ 'wards got through the defence3 aud 4? N~i John Campbell Nisited at Toronto scored their first and last gzoal of thýe >_~ ~ ~ las t week,..ýMiss Gergia ilîson, gamne Fromn that on the gzame was We have the hi'*ghest quali1ýy papers th's Cambîay, bas been vîiig at i R ivery mnuch ln Oshawa's territory but SCampbc)Dli' ..Miss daM ulohthis clever worË of thec two backe and 4r ~ prin we ave ever shown. vîstedat Oshaw..Ms m alp the goal keoper saved a number of goalIs Au~ CI Bownaiville,ha bpr-istn and spoiled mauyii beautilu! ruas by the îen here.MiArthur Oriston ut-~ local forward naatrub t The pricec no-w from 5c-, Per roliluw ds tendedl the asi t Cobourg RS~ji son and Carter and from a drop shot man . .isMabel ',éel'an dMri [ rom Siason, Clemrens again Ecoredi lu Borderssamepries er rll s te paers bNidder Attended thse excursion to fine st'tl1 juat a hall minute before time Nigr Fls-..M Tohu Reunie, wals "P kn the score 3-1 lu favor of Moligs to mat(;h at e.per fI, ' rc.viicdfiîdsb re. ï i lbeit Bwavle h saa ta t ~~Fi-ther, Toïonto vs t~rîshrr~ was made up priucipatl1y of old country OU csnly.ifs-rs Arithur Hubbard, G players who certairily kniow thse game 1 Brown, G Fergusoni and R Stacey but weya unable to witbstand( the fast W . re. A L E N 1 are attending n-iitaryv camp et *igr com-bluation worl, of the local forward ~~Bg2 DIEAE-une and the clo)se cheking of the de- Boktr.Bownvie Tilp W àsY.ý(,pCÈ8op F S-S,- f ence. Clenssue and Couch on, the lefr s4 isase3 is a teariug do3wu, wasting w i-wr aggese nfttaddd ___________________________________________ a a and Ldetro' !Dg of the tissues of grengv anwfssadr lut _the______anda________________ofwahesplendid work. BradTlev- ia centre was e bdy ud shivelln u~of healwaya uthers aujd *ýept the wings wl use ele au blood corpuscles. Nat- supported Carter and Sîsson on the nie' demanda asýsistan2ce to o rerco-me right wluig are a good teami and wr this dreadful wasting proýess and thhad1sop ButteeIhl ac _____________________ ______________ ______help is bist supplied by Da, CnAsrE',s p a ssd togcm hl INERV FOO, th ý-rat bodýd bitilder playeda tdysrn giewhe NERV Fon, te geatBrown lu centre was a. surs heavy kick. and iererstr, îe Moore on the rigbt hall back lino was as usuai invincible spoiiig svery rush 70 D FELLOW.3' MlEETING., ho et elWstiake and Mitchell as fuit backs playied a sure andi scientifie gamne. ________________________________________Annutkl mieetinig o! District No. 29, James lu goal waH asCool ad sure as 1' I0. O. F., was heild aI Plkering last everstopping sever*sl hot oues ln his W'eduiesday, M. A, Jamnes, 1). D G5 M.j brilhant style The gzamevlwas a spieud. 44 Io%~l th,, chair. Ilepresont tives pres3,ent. did e;xhibition o! football ai-d everyone of the teamn deserves credit. -'he Onutario Lodge, No. 82,PickerDing, & P Co Band headod thse procession * ~ jVI ntn y b *I1John ~ Stephenson3. Irap thse Bennett HBouses followed by RoaiigL, F. Bardenl, G.-A Stepherte., credit, The ocl play tbi retaru Weael-aiting tise moutli with a 4 Wre ard ete aesorted -tockthanever Broughami Lodge. No. 155, Ciremon)t n-mtch in Oshawa on Thursda4 ti 4êbefors, we wauî ý ou1 to, eau and se îî as J onch. week, The linse Up was as foos spacewilt lot pîmitWAs u L- J V%'gîs J Websrer, and P We5tlake; hailt back, Loins A Our Men'she o! Boots end Oxfords O Jo aeChsPcoiE Poad'Bruni, A Brown and ilTbur Moo10re; 1a adare fitesae n p o. daeJ îi !oîward, lefG wing Peî'cy Clemens, perfect ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ vi I 'oward Coicis; centre, M Bradlev;tbnheseossduWis aP laste aud aie rasonable lu O prole, hsHGlL l rod i Qet oor aehcix Lodge No 22. Osawa RoIrglis wing, Elmo Sisson and W Carter. tlu thereWsosu's in Welt' haeFei.4 rank Proctor, W Green.ý c- \( patent Leather, Viol Kid and Box Cui.aBehs Lde o15 roklgo n fi ees etiestsato M fiH We make a specialtty o! boys' and ~ 'Wm Arksey. oi trdyngtJalcl ot iq--àF ch,'ildren's-goods andi have them iu evei,4 ->"at*rr Star L-od-e, N-o 7,. -Wbitby, t rijzn thes-Iootha-Uyteaw, oî pBat ,i R c ( _____color, shape and size. ______ad Wvarriner 'Lodg.e No 75, Port Perry, Can adian Arttlleiy o! KinPgshon caDped - weentrepresented. lun toivn on tisaI ni-lit by 2 goals io 1 A Thed&DarDG M aplointed the eollowing-ý Atteýndance at botis gamnes was large. t) W Aston;z Guardian Wlis ____ 5 opposite Balmoral Hol0t3 - - Bowmnanvil 1e 4'Treasurer, Go A Stepiseus; Chaplaîni, Bey. Henry Thomas pîeacised isere W H _________________________________________gr ~ ocs ti god congregation SunPY week. . Mr James Ili making hie reot II . -- 1-. Geig Keisaewoashrw Cnit 'Z", *,ds and Buffets !rom 7.0 SufflfleriIor&selda dlt U Our Wash Good1Sefction.~ Black Colored Lisle Lace. Fovruext week's selling we offer wash geods o! high-class summiner wash1 materials including ail the uev and moat desirable importations of the seasoü, suli as w] -uI; ti-r fIL uie iunrse tît rac Persin lawn, wliiîe vestings,wht swise spot, mlusilins a many more materials silabie for sumumer wear too nii erous toe mention. If you wanit a neat, natty and styl summer dses corne next week and gel your choices elf they gsI pie'ked over. LileSiIk and Cottoil Womn'sfin, back gazeliste thread Hose wý ilace fronts and fancy spots, Hermsdor! staînleýs dye, aplie heels and tees, ail sizes from 15c. a pair up. Ladies' Blouses and White Duckand Pique Skîirtb Ladies' blouses in mauli, Inidia linens, Persian la-v wiîh lace and smabroidered trimmed, long tisîse-quarters short sleeves, with or wilhout le w ne.ek, al sizes te cýho f rom. La s white sk--irîs lu fine d -lsand fine Engl pique vith. embroidered insertion trimmed, in ail sizesa l-engLhs at a low pries. Ladies' White Wash Beits. Fine, white wash mater lais beautifully embroider attracýtive buîcisi, detacisabie, stands the washing thoroa ily, a large range te choose from- at 15c. -and 85le, at at g aiýn. Sheetings anld Pillow Cotton'r We have a fine dispiay ef sheetings in bleaehd iunbleached, plain or twilled in 2 yds. wide or 211 yds. w~ tfrom 20c. a yd. tip. Pillow cotlons in cireular or pi 10 in -12 iu 44 in and 46 in wide-a good. varieîy. Lace, Insertions and, They are using tises twe lunes very much fer t: -ininge summer dresses o! ail klnds and they make a vi i mart trimmxng. We are preparedti t meet you with1 a thing you require in this uine iti al widths f rom a very vý narrow te) as wide as yen .wisis. Aise al-over embroider and corset cover embroideries-. SShaker Blankn-ets. Iu white and grsy, We have a large stock se a!bus teosupply any quantity 10 x 4 white or grey aI 95C. 453ô*ô pair. Il x 4 white or grey $1.20 a pair. 12 -x 4 white grey $1 m50",,pair. HihetPrice paid for ail kindos of Pr,ýoduiCe, ciashi Brinig Us Vour Wool. JOHN MCMU'RTR' West End House, 13 0W. AND CALF FOP. SALE- $35. Appiy t,- J, BAncr~i.Ay oole 14l2w, 5-U ppjLIE - Il stock. oQue 21-2w1 ten s aaeth4it certlin in(dvidole csioinuEie poaoh i- ,l- UU- - r. - ' - - eite off'enders will be giveniimipysoiknent ibos tise Option of a fine. RL S. VAN VLACU, Newcastie, My1, 0.23 2w. r. 0h11 dren's Shoes. If id lf.1 su A i Mariag Lienes.Registry Office, Bow- maunville. Redec:BeecisAv 5i-zf. DR. .1.. ~ ~OMTI~R~ Opposite E ton's, TO1RôNTO, _T-T OUSE FOR SALE-TisaI splefldld. LA. ous e 8luated onilOntÈariaStreet at î~ et ocuiby M.J, H1 ryenin Oeo an ol t waIteýr iisjide; nîceiy diecorated; ciothkes 'Ico'ets and ait conveniences sdl IIIet cýIais cadiion. For partieularsapl to. Mv .D.G 4Larxbrfeet, Bowmantlte.2î if.' ______ w- Se m Stc-ieket patîsînas fîom ilîre fclotes-îomSe.per .~rohi, Border sold by the, rolâ, S ame puice as aide Wall. I'D' ~~ ou wa nt ethig veiy Sspeeciel, select froma my speciai patîi us Sugestonsgiven, SWindow Shades, Curtain poles. oui West lies, Jors ors and -red, ba r. or wide1 lain very Lfly-j 'ery ries are 'Irj otrade, 1 ý 1-