Sa inian .......3aih wed, June 19, Jaly 27. paMi8Mf ......... .ails Sat June 29, Aug. 1. Rategs and full information from M.A. James. -M an Line Agent, Bowmanvllle IlQ PastyY Bour, îwo well-beaten ecggs, anid one plut. of milk, lieating al dia turne. Fiavor dclica.tely with vanilla es- sec.Pour int a greased fancy ple- dislu, place Ln a gooci quick_ oven, andi ook for hlaf an lieur. Kidneys and Tornatees.--Cut twçv sheep's kidn-cvs la slice2 a quarter of - rruit-a-t ives" are întensifiea fruit j ulces with tonics and intestinal anitisepties added. 50qc. box-6 for $2.50. grenna ied to kit iý ýx lines iro-und n xvages. Tha famnily incoe would be bbc N bue wooien s~kn she was mak- nne olars-a week -and bucii parties ing foi er faler, Six limes round \vcriàg ail the time. \Ve can sce at a asher "stpnt." gli nce whý lat a a s dofrelth jinvolvcd. 'Sairali," sail ratgadm afo "Those men, w*e cry, would earn mora ihc litILe girl, 111 ,,loe oe egg !er than oua dôllar and filty cents a day if ny Ound cake. soc- if you c; ait inclil tthey xvere frec te specialize, te clevelop. Suosbane. Its aeis its guara7ie. It de(-stroys i Worma and allays FE.verishness. Ilt cures Dia-rrhoea and Wind Colic, It ï7elieves Teething Troubles, crsConstipation and Flatuleucy. It assimilates theFod regulates the Stomach and Bowcls, giving healthy su-d saturai sleep, The Childreu's Panacca-The llother's -Friend.