WAGON AND IMPLEMENT PAINT keepe tue farm wagons, implemelits, and toole, youg an4d strongý It's easy to use. 'Red, Veliow, Blue, Green and Blar.k. _Zvery fam shou1d have a c=n fgr ready use. SOL» BY,1 Truo Paint Economy lies in using paint a little before it becomes absolttely n-cessar. Doni't wait tilt the old coat bias entirelY wori aweay. THE I Iidlalld Loan and SavîUgs Comupany, Port Hope, Ont,,' Established 1872 Capital fily paid Ur .... $369,00 Reserve Fund......1500 ONE DOLLAR will start an accunt INTBREST AT jper cent eornipoundcd btUf year]y a d paid May 3iît arld Nov. 'ý0th. e3 Y nwilI rcceivei NTEMEST for EVERT DAY that trie BALANCE re- mains 0on deposýit. Iln bis eay NOT £à D)OLLAR is ever iiec. No trouble to die- posit or draw,mnouy. If you have e100 or mor'e and woul ke it to earn A HIGRER RATE OF INTERE Wr, eil i ' t or write Ie ts Information Aiwvays glIadly given. $0 (do not hesitate to aLsk. TrusteorS are anthirizeci by îaw 10 linvest funds In the debentureae of thls eonipafly. Itits weffl known that the. SAF'EST SECU- RîTY todayije FIRST MORTGAGES N 114PROVED RE~AL ESTATE, and fhis is th(ýelea~s of eeeurity we have te oSier to every depoqLtor. Ho-ar in mmi'de thaýt th FARNifj, andaiwaysv 111bethe fountaIn source of wealth. AU obeesstransaeted with uýs is kep, ABSOLUTELY PRIV ATE. TOUR BUSINESS IS RESPRTFLL 1 P--- 1 --- Bce-Pieler Ad1Ieon, -an Old,-suIperan- rnuaed pyRcher, formerly of Ne- rcastie, s3poke wlth fervor isaving ',It's I4 an gwfui condition of aff airs"', ho sald. Ho wouldut JIhe to mneot in judgmentI such me - as thOsO who professed tO bealr the divine cail and thon left the pulpit te make inoneY "It's true-YOU l'now it 1$," he added. "-Thoso winis- tors have lest the love fer seuls"'eHe had no use fur the preacher who stopped eUt of the mlnlstry te mrake monoy, or sat idle for a year te se what would tureu p. Rev. A. 1B. Chambers dld wrong by acc-epting gegveruorship of Toronto gaol. Rad ho indignantly refused te be a party te the Government's; despiciable action in dlsmissing Govornor Vau Zant, ho would have woen the respect of al fairmi. ded mon and snowed his abhor- rence 01 the spoïls system cof the3 Whit- nev Government Bv aceepting the office frem whilh Van Zant was wrong- fuUiv disia~-ed ho lias ishown a woeful lack of the truc sense of henor that ehceuld characterize au aged divine and lost the resýpect of a very largo sectiQu of Methodistes and other CanadiLans who appreciate honor and soif respect above partizencnibrtes Dr.-Chambers haý bv this acit hrought un credit t) tho ministry or te biniseif. SUMMER Goons AREOW IN PULL -SWING! Children's Linen and Straw Hats. AÎLL