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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1907, p. 6

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In our Savings Departrnent. Deposits of $f and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Ddlays Lâ making Withdrawaàtsf atLÂ,,iI VWJt i i f oi4- wmlinuU, 11 in numan affetions, in noble aspirations, and là~ rtorlous ýdeeds. Too 1lng have we believed that -only the unpleasant, the gIloomy, and repel- lant could be right. or religions. There is a type of conscience that. dciermines actions by the rule, that if a thing is plea.ant or beautiful it must be sinful çnd. wrong. To such souls it is a sin be h sunny in -disposition, tridlight in ~çFther's fair wvorl ith ils glow-J ýIg riches and bounty dropping daily frem bi- hand. BETTER "And do you rüaly rmean to say, Mny friaend, that youve not wrilten or tele- gr'aphed to say you're alx e?" inquiroli t4te cicrical-lGooing parly. with whomn H.arding shared a third-class comnpari-j ient -of the London-t-ivIlargate train, ~fte xvhom he Lad intparted the lhr iing strory of shipwreck atnd adven- furc, Privation and prosperity whichi st> Up bis 1f e during the previ- eus threea years. -Thc rugg,,ed-featured sailor tilted his luit bacic and ran artn immense hand ,cýoss his face as if to disguise bis em-- tien. "No"ie anscrd, tler a short pouse, "for as,; on 1 was able to Alart away iborne, an' J lhught Id like to tke ber by uprs. "But Yeu oughit t-eaiz what a ehock il; may ha 10 ber after believing juteLeead so lon.Shul er eribe w11o1erhalbidTffr- fXit, e ihci f sen -e og !ie hapie, y ung r ay, s te mayt ?o ee 10 r-m ingh ts ove very ru Tierce's medicines are composed, as given 'by leaders In, a1l the several schools of nedicine, shouald have f ar more weight, tian any amocunt o! non-professional tes- rimontals. Dr. Pterce's avorite Prescrîp- ,în has Tim B&aÂQF n oxisTy on every ~bttle-wrapper, In a 11111 ilat o! ail its in- gredientaprinted iD plain Eiiglilh, If you are an invaï1d -womiar and sufer lfrom freq eut t eadaiche, backaehe, gnaw- Ing distr ln, periodical pains, dare,* catarihal, pelvic drain, or pelv -, perbiaps 4ark 0pots or specks danci g before the cyeýs, faint splis and 'ktnd sym tomSc'sçe-dlby faiale weak- a ess th derangeunent of thre leInine organs can iaot de better titan zake, .r. Piere Favorite PrescrIption. ,g The h li sann' uiesd opera- ?iing ta . aiy be avýoided by the time1y use o! avorite Prescription" 'm such ,allon anc ae, ý1àe amýil11 rescriptiec moeoteVerybest 'mat' iveedictai rots kan c. ta edical science for the cureo!f wompn's pecuiliar alimenî.s, Costains w) a1COhal and no barmfnt or habit-lormIug drugs. 0 Do mot expeci ttoc mPueft fromt "Favorite Prescriptin; ' It wiliot perform mMira- ~ ~ ~twili,.nrýt <liSOlve or cure tuMOrs. 'o imedicne wili. It will dû as much to establJth Vigorous heailtlu rimost weak- nc-iess arAd aliments peculiearly Inciaent tu iranien as an y mediclue eau. It irust b. gtven a (air chance by perieverauce lu. its luse for a rea-sonablce iength ofUme. sick women are lnvlterd tu Consit Dr. tPlerce, by lettr-, frc46. AiLcorrespond- -ne ta guarded as sacredly s-cret and 'womnly confidence,; are rotected by ï e-iai D*riýac Addrîh.s EDr. J. V. Dr. Pfierce's esatPellets, the besl-Ç laxative and regultâtor af the bowels. 'fe nîorate stomiacir, liver and ýowelS. 0111, allaxative; hre ,iDor three a cathartia. Easy Wta liaà as any. lalý [i -Pute i 10 tCWuto fla\t0 lalia lt vl,-kwardly. silroight tars ile Cab- prleind routf -f life's- buý,rden cnetgrog fer prafrenebut, faihing thial. age-bed. bille Ib beaulies o1odbnss, loe eturned inslinc!i Î,ly tr is, pipe for Thae it ws' i on re I, adedreseyand gratitude begincheer. Af 1er three yearsh d i e rutrd J -l 'li at Livbolt o evcytinggoo an i u,Jv.ife ch îwo îl-,l~ittiles le bhis and leigbah NnuDr iever xas, 1 hod o evrythng oodand rue vý,feand horne, an d oiy no'.v), cnet new if yen crst ime! 1 I fgive you, Ted! Ted, on ail lhings glad andt elevating; cher- cnly, ihanas Iote he berex-olcut inter- I-nc olde nemny, I freely fGrgive Yeu! 1 ish every fair lbougbt cndt aspiration;, est 'of bis fellowpassenger,bc ha ieen- lbaye scil. an' I usee te )Say, 1Id ha the lecru tei see the essentially religieus in tqrtaineet the leasi doubt that they were death o' yen, but I rechon you'vegel xxhatever luifs up if e, in vhatevar belps btoî wailing for hitit. sa rncîhu' slower an' more grindin', an' humanity, anet so mahe 111e riCb lu When_ ha bad 'gel about. hclf-wcy if I don't huew, tell me wbe doca! heavanîy treasure.and glouing \vitb the along the platform lha suddcl wheel- ,if auyeue should arst me," hae ad- glory-of HENr r F. C CLE. 1 round andt sheekhbis fItt in the ofi ded, w ith a profoundly wise air. wbeui HENRYF. CPE. 1ectiOn in. whiCb the train bcd dis.cp- hiall an hiur jter, ha wartad i the sLa- peardThan lha went ou, shamhlinig tien pllfer r fr Letrain bacch leLon- lown the steps int the street. do ,ha,,ptvelbac in the shadows, sire w recoguize me at-ftrst, oxv'n' In a thick veice h crsd it clani- lest Iauy od let aquintaufces shauld e- te me beard.An' l'ni grayer'n wbct 1I cal-looking party for ioc gbsminetd gteh -i u~shlet a r e, w are. She won't know me. I shah itbscerce apueta h blEobAdnca nteaoy l.nock aI the dcoc an' cc,,t acter meself, Ceor of a bigtl -i pubic-ieuse rtie Hnw onttu! le was ball-ter ait sbi 11 lmie 17'm1daad, ne doubt. wspsigat n u h iPxl'apls I saîlsatears lbirkiri n' lhbr xa asn itemmn.Btteda pause was se shoýIýrtis ,1tescarcelv he h chched-LudilAs(,s e as.An'Iia11 jest break iA galy amount te more thian hesitatien at Iùle -u- bele~ety"ietawenî -on fasier, putting bi' 1e The cle,,ýýraCaL-ooking party loohed dcwu miore ftrnîlyli diew ia I ai îe dirly seat with an air XI "No," ha mtteiette bhirsell, "ia' EN R L C N D deap wndcr.eeM fthe cieet iings I've goe X "Iscyiridea," he saiet cende&scend- give up, an'1 ýI Ughintele inetA il bB T O ir ,"LI 1de net Ihirde wlat you pro- aîller the lest Ibrea ytars." 11eE lx - IT i( poixiý i. advisable courseti adopt. Graduclly thaý streggitg ltîe ownl OTTAW"A îci' êay you bave been away thrce ei behine hil, and hae began te plie years, and during ihat lime yeu- hava aterig the co unlry lonre, which weuud SEPT. I3th to 2Ist, 190)7 net bad an epporilunîty te commiunacate ovar -rtsmg greunet., with yQur wife, wbo must, therefore, i "If there wasiît s.tcl c haze,." he Saiet <2111 YEAB.). ýsupposa pou are decet, s'nce yoiffr ship 1 soflly, as hie turned a corner juta a I will ha BaLlýepr and BiNjer than Be- was l. Thoat being se-I don't wanI lana, "I oughtar sea a light in the witt- fore. le hurt your feelings, or te make you Idews noîx'.I-I oughter. Ye, thelii di*teust your excellent wife, but -oea -lochs like eue, but-yeS, thal'sa o,15,00hl. re, ii wilh 37 Gold miust considcer possibilitesý, you knrow, igbt 'nouglh, but I-sccru le tbhin il l"' Medals as Sp:mcial Sweepstake PrIzes. c ndt yeu hava e ,tinia cf the pessibilily 'baclc more te the lefI, as il were iBu thalt, flrmly biicx-ing yeu te be dead, ltera wasnt 'noîhar cottage ner, SC, t Knabeusuit('s, Airship, the Wonder of sfio Las-er-that is te say. she migbl rmay fie. Ani' it's a lighi1, rigL. neuhe li Century in List of Special -Attractions. --bave married ugai. Yeu-" BIs îsîide leuglitnedanet witfl oefi - "Yes," saii Harding, in -a 10w voice; slep the ltghit grlcict- LSte vis-vs w riigrcsadoaRniî "ile notion bas cccucred tec me, mis- loti. Il became astrngunnashedi E euotr veiiy D a sad Ptsrone al ni- 1er." fighl, evidotil? sh i eut rruan un- "Wol1l, ira. viaw of tbat. pessibilily, c\tia idw Il]eb that il vont neuthinia iluld ha wiser te nhhdIepoiinc i tle honte OUtifer Ililihi wss Attraclions lu Front u,uku aa few itiquit jas befora dcupping Urapidly fde.ofhrptr i h I Grand Sad ev-ar thatîrnaýy feexpecItinig te lnd ev- i the(aie cfIh cottage,. eryting mnuch asyou lai t i-egr- agineddugI palb, andlliale udtrim kasf hf th levilable changes ieps hetheuIl gl eenxIlbis bolj. IrefrPriza ,ist and alt infoirma- )rigs. loumay fint she bais If.tý yu Bt -e le ne eneriSudioynea mLay 'fluet strwngers in -possession cf L ilbs cionha tepee. cetloal lon ye-idhome. )ou must ho preparei ow oireovfuiilv ethLegala, wfich E.M AIOeceay for- such disýappo)iultments. Anet, rny swngleagi înspilably. 26 Sperlias St., Ottiac Ont. ,-,e-d fllow, yen rasibeaccin mine "[a dt ail"he a iedcîefiy 74 that 'in te midst cf Ie we ara i tk what she'd say. If she's seen dcatl.'" m~ do 1h01 il would bave speili every- DR.CMBELfEYALAG H-arding- glaneet out thceug,,_h the thin' ati lime atarti Galas wcrcn' made wiuetow juteo the dock niglit, Sighing fcr icin', au' ne treraîy xere, an'ETA . -oflly, il. apoils the paiul. Ycuve gel a loi or Buffal, .Juni .Atu ere F. "Well r-course, mîste,"he a sietpitfuIls 'fera P-ju, johnilHarding. DO Sebulizý sady lctxit urgt qu2ietly, "if 'Id Lad a gentleman liho ite carfu. 1-IanI, a suaî bnd for $l00,00 for Dr yeuli te advise rue hera I 1decideet whal Ha opaet the ý,gale respectfuliy wilh Edtxvt-etN. Poi cniuleo f the 1I' de; 1 Imigbit nerhave stenrteet bis o.nd d. eiteriîîg, eosai fit altcr asIate of the late Dr. Bob-ciE.Cap l-ie t ail. haiug satisileetin Jme oxvn hlm difraniclly). ll. \ 1biDt. lobihlpattioneetthe sur- miet o i wî', fl'e baubu-rtte "Now.' h 1saliichng -a8rrss lime togata to Ibave imIself appoliiteetad- deah e- kdua fiebyBcdIni juns. - gardariiatI liallage, fr-mm a sida xvm ,u- uîsiratcr ,fthe, asIatebcsefa - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a-p 'Toafiepenyo bp cer clow w iafi Ibe liglit pori eut ru-- ý20 clatru agitmtlt, ha sîcti thai ?hIe wbnImarct e-lay"hýýa deeet171 the hazy niHlI-elooeehettew ards vlec L sit e hu 15,000.hI- s-emmsceuly. "'ours , Ibrea ne Ihe lightl, ne qura is shoulders. sastigation ba dt4osd Iat Dr.Cap hnein' '[ier wae Td Wlhimsfoc "Now, w1milail Bo dif l'in netilhall, ai the titît if"Ibis dc iiI( ihePrk ou, Ted 1an' ime xvareelays eiemies. I'froid 1e fluet eut a'!i lu llttp!' 1-otal hiLd$00 aotctl oa '[ac eyýer wa iie a melnu trick Ted coulet Ha movcet foru ciÀte ct-ihe ccb- ba iks. z Itas_ cia bauaeetine dIo mie but whIat ha 'ldetil. I 'vo a )bai Lge-bcd 0w-art-etLe liglîl, but rherh- tlia I clIate cnt rnhpcpcntyý ozs llong as ic 0cm ariJaginsi Ted, an' I1ecd hiruseif. owtedty Dr CaphaLJira Neirash cne erfen lilbogi thismedayTId g alo "ýNO," fie ttitced cniuirgupth lsew-eail,\iinog Ihe \ Olth lie a chanIc( Ile i iL r! Ohya wchfiorie pathl, "Ihals ýjas-i wtee eraraharytaauptoo h bndees fthusnes [,eri break Iýil nerf ,witliml '[aiare aîn't au 11sho tcul tehaiies 1 acayluBI cece wsIe ad euei thin, ne t irs',nec Le hast!peae0' m <tInonIbiis tnp Go lowpiy ictnf t11w .iI1y. Ilis saiietls bro- illeiha ame oun, a'w- ee ir Hal -cl,îrîlhl up Iheput aetCaifriacnt îhr eatveIlvel teet but hNxer fogi ahumthi banet e lï ai Iýt, cacaluliy cvoîinîLe eaena owav(hiOt hutalywbiI hu,1ow cf, buit ifivrdu lIte al f hacotue. Ha \Vaeruralwvays lk boete be "Oh, you, xho avi somncb e a le wulr sisn, ndbe ed n u-_________________ ril chieso, utlshIlelt, hoillamon'H coseta aaîOfas-l n CI~ourse ~IÀ-ju wifi Cure zOU "Ye; Iis a Witabl. D ye lie ~oreetroud uti li w's L a Reumtis, Siatcaor Neuralgia- Lar?" ienle oci diccty bte Ima PO5~ f th i Cduceys are su aflected that "Beca 'ong itacamot abit, ceîlee toni. igh o nhave pains thrauglitheelaips and '~il, the 6smal i fthe back-don.'t itesitate Haetng -itîgcnt uiIing is uie H loýd uigtpe frbai a mart il' pedùgoc for a large fr il, Mch nt rpaigleeigî ifit-sigctahaccgiee la boaof ILu-Ju, t h e Geutede pilîl.1 "T'n rygo elw"sltîeeayhrglilt oraaiemri ljý JVon iwil geltsnch relief from the firs-t aicîaa-iohin pclyloyng doein alitm tr Ib ocitemai ci ih futhmr ew doses tt rnothing CouId tpersuade1 ln ad o icin. anjI le iug O il- s a I heherîa.'[a ue wassea-yon to discontinue Untîl cured. Bu-Jti le is 'uged ac suplienty,"lo ui xv0iehagee; h lcha cher uinot ouly saves you eUdîesS isuffeing olijin ou e h praeret fr to u- ca'aaoct, bt h wosatnisihaby conpletelyremovets every trace. o! e~pteL Amiif- .ay l lmpig l~t'[c Wiliaiis H wo ahna n Ia heuruatimalid idiiey Trul. it cy ot ie utif i hue aialrecmts iiiouIhe ed'ge cflitsi<vont ,drui-st wil l ot Siply you Witil Ilrgi' vfefa lidtecnol 'irra iri n leb11o4, bnia- ;1-Jusend retail price ta 'The Clain berel fo' oss c ye b brn- tebo'-pip m îL tnde. is bte xit-citemical Coi imited, Windsor, Ont, ô 1U it tUOP US tlti0 tue U ii O1U Uï ! pull1 a oa e asncb weads freru the xaed cî'p airai l ciL. BaIeramachal iug frines ar inv\iteeplsi e a10h sampie of th(,irgrs roynsct witb thair tîtam etadetrea nleet wlîîch samîmîe shoulet abccalyne presentatîve of the bulia lei, addlea i t ihe.Seed Corumissioner, Dapt. of Agri- cuilture, Ottawa, cnet witbin tirea or four days they xiîl t-acelvo in ralouna sdtderuent shoxiug ils parcanlage punfi cndet Ihkinetsanet proportion cf nox- !(us wacd seets, if eny, Ibal are con- 1iclîmeetiluil. \illî sncb itîfornation Pihey wil baller knew il vme v h,ýjý"ieîm coruiltpercedt xih îLecur',rn i quotii ons fin sceesc Ih cionUs gadsefqu ity.T. lG. lAYNOB, Saelnspeator lic Ontorio. FALLINli OFF IN W'HEAT AREA. TheMitohýa Deparimeut Issues a Crop Bulletin. AÀ apaa fcru -Winnipegscs:A bulletin deeling witlî the conition of etplive stock, etc., in Maini lha wa îssad n 'hursdcy mocnng hy tha local Depaniment cf Agiicuîitur c net Immrigration. Bapocîs ýof ocspnet indicale pronmisitmg cteiicaiae section cf the.-pcovýince, A flliimg off is repot ici in the ectea,;ge -ofxbet but a anibstaîmil inlcreasa ina the acreae ocf cals and haî'hey. '[ha wheal arreaga ceparleetinlulrsl ycar's June bulletin was 3,141,537 erres, againat 2,789,553 acres ibis yaar. loasi year thora xvcca 1,155,961 acres of cals, Ibis y-anc 1,213,596 acr-s. '[ohe brhay arreage ai ycar vasý 619,570 acres. As te liv-c stock, tLe figures show the cailtle faîtenai durIng tLe xinter andt the rnînher cf milei cows t'ibwrlcn.........0,5 Ncrth entra..........5,4 Eter........... 3,213 '[eta-ls........8142 Milrb 25,65 l 20J0011 'Ihiîplomea netfarru lober preb- lent is hou hus: Vi'iiit b u eployai ........... 18,501 Fiarci ois roquirai .......... 24,583 Fmala e,rvanits empl-o? ai........4,619 Fe',mala se-viuls requît-ci. ....... 5,16t,2 TIIE NAIL SUBSIDIES. Amkounit Poid Out Durinq Last Ffiscal Year Totalled $1,128,876. A dcspatlh fi-oruOttawa-c soya:Dur- îng the short-terru fiscol yecIr Ceciai Mxarch 31lat sthe mcia bii es pou eut- hythie Dininion enmouîmbod 1 0 $1,- -128,876, as egoatst$1 f27.560 i îLe bý ull fiscal year 1905-6. Of0!Iibs86,6ws f- the nmail serxice Lin EnlanI. '[l e ssdIo lthfe Atllnlir mtoilervira in îLh asifiscal ycaameunîoiri le $3ýS73,- upj ofl'os: in cci sîcel Y29, Indr I iouýneDllrs13,95. i BAUT TLORD CROMER. Ihritsh GorIUmeut tPreset"I' a uii eveSif U r00 JiUt- pr)ji in anl stgayear ir ail11the tmrue îLe ý"P rovin- iCi Depac)imul cn f Agî-îr llura -hava tltý acreagrs annuaîlly dcx lic Iia arru (la-ops. Witbiu the pasi 10ew yeeaw, the cac aplcntad la potalces lu lhms proxmnce bas dacraseet by 50,000 ac'res ; the pro- duc by approxiruataiy 6,000,000 bush- ais. Pseiindicatioins ara ihat the crep -ef 1907,xiii ha lighler Ihan ait year's wiIh lte high prices Ihat bava ruetfor sea hme sIrongly tîîaiitainad. Faauers, on tLe righi hinet of sol, xsho thavia plnlad c agoo 'aor-ge le ibiscrop iIbis spnItg, w illi.if Ulhe3 atro chie leWsur- rassuhl bcb thir rop1e ratnrily, ccc itis e pInl oIlhiatfly en4orl" 1it1a1l', ugsIhatmtrimasea d s ui-i ha sursfla cu(,,mph1i,, iiriiili, îthIb tis article ibasbeau p1repo;rri., Inbht.le qap xiih ltereoiLasbea iflai 4Àa auec fajiure lu poito iiiuî u.Gmlre ivexadolions on eve les, vil ceerthe cntttre rosi-for nitra amidLt'req uirci te treact ena aite c)f petalees wiliL bordeaux Mia tut-a, and ibis mixt,ýure preperlyrud arn> nousislenlly anli iîmlalltîly LOp- pletis c certain pî-eveîmtive 0f t'ait Freru expariruents offhatally cnulia Guaiilph, at Ollewa, sud.atprcîal acm-y axpecimaîmisatlion itiflimec tl- Sîtas, aiid frem the proctircal exp-ait- aura cf groxvers aeylmrBordeaux bîlîxlore lies prcaven tLe cnly efarýtive rcmiedy foi' lntl RBnl.At Olac ur- ing îLe pas!i ibreayeacs, th evroErl- cre-ase tru yiahe fei srcin lxit Ii iixtuce was 45bbespa ra Bordeaux NMlixîrofe eltesi.,ii is mode front thafolhowiug foiltimla CaDpperc npelïbloîceor ýblue viel) Icxui, nschilima 5 prunî, xvîari40la 50 ge1,lions.p i As il is eat in"(nveient 1 xvifolum lie net coppcerd i ifl li lacfeixi2 p),ind cf ray- mlxdBoda lx ognbaudt sIn sutýions 0f î1' L repaii ima3 clîmin te 1,,wcienaiacreio « po al l fon Iflues,-r-ocai s fllexva Pha lýre 72il V-tnis el fiuestoî-elu c bg o asel cntssyce i er the surf îýw! ae 6 gallons oi yntr. l ehrrli,,l iIl dis-th useolvfn as x hi-ouj i, aniexryaý(I;s- ilon saftrxv1ccds dpiforu Ibis ý2batl ili reinom excy2 pes I lese poîtuts o f freai uniaket lieoi 3 goalonsoi velr. hakaîLelim bytît usIn a hie of thexve tan os pole itat rta, i o he30galocfwi-e- Li ry îlon f lmemixur uiw, ou- batts aarty 2pon i cfIume. [has miýiAn-a, if alundr1cxa 11netavo lûuî-rpy aiffciogs in îLe ne)7zzle. -He' qujira Poirls Green may hoapia vt Ilb- Bo,,rdeaux,'adding baîf a puic Par!ia Gir e oeoch barael cf litamx tu-e. sprayiug should baglu ebaiut 4Inly 15thi arI the vinas hept creti 1111Sept-cm-ï bat'. Four applicalions as raquirai, will usýuolly arromplist-iIbis. Sanie hava e - ltiiniy satisfartory resubîs fror u eag 51 roying justat aIthe ime Ihe diseasaha girls 10 apreac, aira s we gain luispray- iimg exparicua.c, hrubcr of appi- tion may pcrhaps haecasbt cniiti-.iy, il is beal t 4osa bbc ulxb atIcs loifour limes. BordIeaux ta Ilîi ciy affect\ivri-ed y- yet etevisaerl Itaecomtrof -(If pelote-li opiy, netwli, re propeiy ruadti,;;c lhcreuýghly ïepplitaiis crtilte h efi# Iit, - Tune ocly pr"rcculioms le esrfelu luoking are tle osa pure Ireahmaenal mue umx ieailucorrect peottn Icdlu Leper way, andi iu ply a , heepfthe mixture en Ilie ie, uli ille ssntatblight la l I<,ly l p- laîrcioileunt Buildings, T'[crol, Jonc, THTE AMEBICAN INSTITUTE 0F PHBFENuLuu)Y. By SpEci l d ef Sh _ NewYeh e Chatie, sillepenis moxissso. îe icg. Fr bansami pachrlar is "cpl slraM. aI-I. Pe, Sccy., rr owe Wells Ce. 24Eos 22i éSt.P,INew1,(1 Lyig onilor, WTîth Leistad houeandun Thoat vig fa e dew îmwani the flei-ïii, wî1lha thenitlw ii tignthcil -r Mrc)nlgel, on L eyugife et SI ih rerai Srciwes, avasbon i cil rn strdaglftion bye uileforyer- scu ormo abot 5 'cloh on'rs- dcnigîl. I-ls ciesatîactet ca Laiois Millo, w-h ro,1ts lu lecm You atc col eaiiy r bcumeunh ALL RUG S T S G0. ANMOD$1,0. -elL -1 1 1 1 1 1 -L il 1 1 ý

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