The eope'sFuel LumberDuepOt lias beeni reorganixed into a joinlt stock cnenwîhU OATEEQiP NT adth folio)wiflg objects prominentiy before s: TO MOUSE YOU. we avea fitLumber is a trile higlier than it used to bc but xe havsepfulassrentoîa teregular dinsions 5and are buias. eae ogv raoabeetmae nbueadbarn Also shingles of ail grades and price and good vailue at from $1,75 per M Up to $4.00. Special attention to orders for Doors, Bash, Blinds and MouidIngs. forFoudatonRathbuu's "STAR" Cernent is the standard grade for oituat"Wrk,- 8table and Celar Floors, Cisterns, and Silos. We keep it aiways in stock and the price la right. Our' Pianing MiII iS now in full operation and we sabcbepleased to attend to youar Planing, Matehing, Resawing and ail sucb work at lowest living rates.,V' T WARM YOU-- - mer fres. Standard Charcoal for iighting and quiek stum- mer lres.iard and sof t wood eut and spiit te order. SORAýNTON COAL is the best for steady heat and winter comfort. We have it in ail sizes and are prepareà to detiver it to al parts of the tovun or country at reasonabie rates. Aise Cannel eai for open grates, and steam and smithing emsis atways iu stock. EXTRA CHA.RGE for carrying in baskets. 1OUR OTRER UNES ARE'ý--- Sait, coarse aud fine, La.nd Plaster, Grain aïid Seeds. Heavy teaming a specialty. Ie' Cati aud sec us aud we wili try and ptease yen . No trouble to show oui' gaoJs or quote prices, LIMITED., KING STREII'T EAST, BOWMANVILLE, DONALD <G. M. 22AM-BAITFB. ]Barrister Soleitor, NtayPubIj. tc IPrivate alaiOmpany mion evs ta 10,-n a iwest carrent rates. Agent 'ho Midland Loan, Pad Savinga Coui)ipay. Office opposite J, B liartyna'g torce.Kir St,. IBwmaivaiie. 22-tf : r lubsiness;. Noue a e urwork As we ýcannet begin t()SUPp)l Y * the demand IeOr our well train- ed proclute. Get inte liue now7 and spend the summer iu vreparlug for a good salatrv t Enter ny a y. (qýýPatiainars * Free Write leri Buiness CoIkxe, 1IPSI Výenge , ,,Tor- M.Ae.Lang lia purchased a new herse foir bis he3arseF-a hlandsome black. ..Rev. IH V. Mounteer preached hie final sermon bere. Hie departure from the Circuit is generaly regretted.. Mr. aud Miss. Spencer of Buffalo,, were recont guestsaf ai elrWm. Barris ... Mr Joe Clsapmu bought a 1iue yonng tbreeNearo4fllyrfromE. Hall .... Mr, aud Mrs. J. L. Siith of Whltby, have been vislting thoir daughiter, Mrs. I. F Clemence-.. . Mrs. Tyerrn bas re- turned home miter a visit with ber dfaughiter, Mrs. Andrew Kerr, Asb)urn, and tier niephew. Mr'. Joseph Garbutt, Locust Rut...Miss Ida Lang bas re- turued borne à irinthe City. JUINE BRIDES. The, wedding o! Misa Margaret A. Wllmot, daughter of Mrs. Anna WLlunot, Toronto, to Mr. Chap. W. Thorne, et New Yorki, was solemnized at the Church e! the -Transllguration lu Twentv-nlnth stresS, New York, at 4 o'clock Wednesday allernoon, Rev Dr Geo. C, Houerhton pcrformlng tlhe cer- emonv The bride' wore a bandsôme gown oî white batiste over white satin, aud carritd bride roses. She m~ as at- tended bv Miss Margaret Langborn Ellis, of Virginia, -who was gov ned lu white lace, sud carried pink roses. Mr Merle St. -Johaacted as beet man. father, ohowed the hlgb esteer n whieh the young couple were held by their rinonds. Ou the3ir re3turu tra their honevimoon. they wlll reside at VV00d. bine Villa ', Taunton. aud ulDI be Rt borne to their frieuds atter September l5tli. ou Wednesiday Juine 201'h at tbe ses- idence et MIr. snd Mrs. Casey iTrul, Daliuigtou. The marratge vas iclea- nlzed o! their daug-hter Miss Sybil Muriel Trul sud Mr. Artliur Frankln MKghSelb.y. The ccremouy was petormod by' Bey. J. K. Butter, iu the bay window ofthie spaciaus drswlng room baiiked with evergreens sud flowers aud vas vltuess- eýd bv a largo number et lnvlted guesis. The bride who entered leauing on the arm af ber father, looked chasmlug, sud waalbecomiugly gowuced lu cr6am Pilk sud carrled s bridai houquet ef white roses. She wss attcuded by ber sistr Ed - no earrled a bouquet ef pluk roses. Mr. Harry Dean, Teller ef Durniniu Baukl, Napauce, vas best man. Miss Inos ?'carce played Lolien- grluz wedding mardi. Atter recclving congratulations thie weddiug party rcpalred te the dliig raom, wbere su elabossie dinuer was served. Later lu the cveng the happy couple loeti on ibe 7.45 train for Toýrouto, Rochester sud ether western points, ithe bride irav;ellug lunsvy blue wiii bat te match. -The- grooms glît te ithe bride vas a beautîful geld waîcli sud chain, ta the bridestnald lic ga ,srin~g set wilh pearle, sud te the groommanï a peari scar! pin. Mauy wishies are exnosbed for a happy voy- age ilirouLg)1 lite. The borne ef Mrs. t1eo. E. Mannlng, 39 St Viaceen street, Tesento, was pretiiiy decosaxcd witli margirîtiEsand palms Wednesday. for the marriage there utt ilrce o'clock e!flier daugbtes, Miss Annie Towue (Nan) Manning sud Mr, Gerald Marks, ýof Duunvilleý, sou o! Dr. aud Mrs. T. Osborne Marks, Cati' bdral 11111, Armagh,, Iretaud. The cer- emony vas pcrformed under a large weddiug' bell of daieles, Bey. T. G. Wallace, of Osiýville, efficiatiiug Mr. George Mlddletou Mauniug giving Ihis sîster away, Mr. H. J D. Masiel actiing s bestat an sd ibis.bridc's sisters, Misbes Ethel aud Lots Manning attend- lug as bridesmaide. The bride's cos- tumue was of heavy white corded sllk, patterned witlivaicugicunes lace secded witb pearîs. A sliamroek broocli af pearle. the gift of thc groom was, voru as ornaiueut, sua ber tulle Voltarrang- cd ever s cosouet of orsnge blossoms. Miss Ethel Manning, lu white silk muil with prettv white clip hat, wore the. groem's gîit, an ameths snd pearl necisîsce, sud Miss Lois Manising, lu' pale blue alun mulI viti white bat aIseo were thie greem's favor, s bracelet watcb. Bath carried large bouquets etf marguierites snd terns. Mrs Mannuing, the brlde's mother, vas dressed inublack Chaniilly lace -yiih blaciln battiouched with white. Amoug th ý many gifte re- ceived vas s sterinug tes set service from ithe groomf's parents. Mr. sud Mss Marks lcti laSer lu the afierucon fer the Kawarftansd Mirekoka lajk8s' the bride travelling lu a suit ef uny nicîrose cloili viii lace blouse sud pretty tuscan bat. Mrs, Marks l'0 daugixter o e bisate o.E. Mauuiug,' BovauxvîIte, sud lier mauy fieudse offer heariy congratulations. Them arriage et Mif§B Margaret Ed- Ili Parrot Bogue daugliter o! Mr 1Richard Bogue, MooEejaw, Sask., sud CaptiluEruest Tusquaud Wingaic, Queen 's Ov ifiles, Tosante, vas sol- c mnlzed ai hall past tans o'clock Wed- ueday alternoon ai ithe home o, th& bi)rde'ïi graudmether, Mrs Daniel Galbraith, Queeu Street, Boy. 1-Tug Muros B. A., pastor ai Pre9b.Ytenian chureb, pcorto'rred ilie I I - 1 . mennouncement, 7. her girl friende Captala sud Mrs. Win- gate drove off iu a gbewer of rice end confetti to catch the train for a boney- moon lu Muekoka. Ou thoir returu tbey wiII live ou Wi cbrow avenue Tor' A SgvaIEz AsE OijlRD - Di,. WIl[- "suffered s-) muaclifroua nervous dlyspepïla thiat i feared 1 wouid becorne lnsane," aays Mrs. Altred Aust'u, of Vsâruey, Ont. "For moutha3,"l ays Austin, "I wma prostrrated ç%ltb tbis trouble. .1 gai mo bad 1 could not eat a mouthifnl of food withont l near ly choked me. ï vas uffected 1wlth snch terrible feelings of d§zzInees and nausea thât 1 had ta leave the table somnetilues wlth lest bwo or tibre mnouthfula of food for a mes]. My uerves were ail unstrung, aud I grow no weak tbst 1 coutd flot even cweep thie flior. In fact my nerves sffected me to snob an extent i feared ta beý loti Iatone. i oould not sleep ai ulgbls, and used ta lie a%'.ake uûtil If eared my roeon woutd leave me. 1 waa taklng î mediclue constautly, but It dld flot do mue a bit af uood. I b.d used Dr. Wlll. tains' Pink PIN n a former occasiou wiîb ,good reüuits, and at lent I doter- mlnad ta trcy them agaln. I eau Bay uoithing better tban t;lal iliese pille - bave been a blemasng ta) me,as tbey bave made me a well woman. Every trace Qet he Indigestion le gobea, and my -nervea are ms srong sud souud astb ey were lu Pgirlhood. Now I eau est auy- thlug that Ip ou the table, and I get eound sefreshlug sloep at nîglits. Al thisi I owe ta the tilhtul use ot Dr. Wllliamb' Pink PIlls, whlcb I sfhal nover ceaie te prsîse." Dr. Willlamq' Plnkr PIfil111thpe velus wlth nov rîcli red biood. Thst le wby tlaey strengîheû the nerves sud every organ lu the body. That le wby ihey cure ait troublesa due ta bsd blood or weak shattered nerveos mcias susemia, wlth Lis grluding, weariug backacos, headachenansd uldeachoa, rbeamatlauu aud neuralgla. beau pâîpiatlou, indi- gestion, St, Vitus dance, partial para- lysîS, klduey troubles, aud thoseB speclal aliments that rendles the lives of 50 mauiy women sud growlug girls a bus- don. But yen mu get ,the genulue piles wlth the full name, "De. Williîams' Pink Pilla for Pile PeOP1e." OU the wrspper &round eaoh box&. Sold by ail mediolue dealers or by mail at 50 cente a box- or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Willliams' Medîclue ÇCj., Bcokvllle, COUIRTICE Misses Velma Morrow aud flva Ever- son, Oshawa, are vlsltiug relatives bore. .. ,Mis Ruby Ceurtice visited Oshawa [viendesecenlv......l-ilasd Mrs. W. S. Percy, Chicago0, were gueste of Mr, S. S. Brooks.. . Mss. R. Brimacombe Town, bas br-een guesi of Mrs. J. F. Br7oks... Our base bail team beat Whitby at Oshawa Sýaturday... Mi si Anuie Aunuis, delegate te thli raucb ~meetng 0.1-the W. M. Picton, seceutly gave ks splendid report o etti Conavention ai Ebeuiezes..,...ÔdNiY 8 Scbool bouse lias licou toru down. Cauitractors arc bu9y oni the new bniid. igta be complete by Aug, 15.. ~,R? Chas. Adame, Brooklu preaclhed tor Rev. J. B. Butler Suuday, the latter preached ai Kedron auuiversary ..Y, re. Butler le vislting lier father, Ms. banc,_ Deubi... Mr. John Walter, visied Mr. Lewis,Kial...Mr Lewis Trullisj ercctlug s uew barn ou his tarm. ENNISKILLEN. 'Visitors. Mrs. Herb. Sith and child- ren and Miss Millicenit Spashiug at Dr. Trebileck's; Mrs. W. M. Wotten sud son Boss- visiting in Toronto; M'r. C. Mliss Bessie Staples vlsited Mr, Col, ý,StapeS.. Mr. Joseph Hall ile lu the 4ciy.. . Ms.Wes. Thosuton lias se- turued frou a Pterboro .... .. Mss. Ueo. Davideon sud i ouug son are visitiug frieuds lu Port Hope_.. Ms. sud Mss Williamr Cauin, Bovmnanville, vliied lien sistens. ibhe Misses, Colville. ... Mr. 'el, orouso, le visitiug Iis sister, Mvrs. (Revc.) Hl. V. Mounteer, aitie par- .onae.. . .Mss Prusia Jobueton s d .Mss. Wm, jobuston of Tarante, are visitilg ai Mr. Ed. Morto's... Wil. liam Adams, Taranto, sud lailier, o! Bovmnauville. vieited ai Len Gameby s .asnsd Mss.WVilPesey sud daugbtcr of Chicago. 1Pl., callcd ou inoend lies.. ..... Miss -M. M. Moment -et M1onts-cal, Bowmanvllle, wal fsthev's, Ms. Wm. Sýta$es, Tliompsou, Sunderlaud, irs 1lfilanansd Mise E. Aitii mauville, viglted ai Ms. J. J (; Ida Laug pissed a ex'amluBatiou aitibhe ConýesvS Music in Toronto. . .Mr. John( ba3 retnrued tram Merlckville pauied by his brother-lu-lawe, M Saowdlen. Ms-Ai. sud Mss. H er, Ms Chare Heoper upd di Miss VloÀa, sud IMs. Barnard af, vieited ai Mn. H.arrv Hoaper'p Wellingtou Blewett's'... mr. Waddell passcd bis eecandl examiuaiious wlth -houera., C G. Armstrong and O. A. sang ai Oak 111rcety, WalsliJ P', Parryiewn, had raisinoe that emplosed about :-4 mint- « m un: the eflarming- Èlor nd a al ter dae s ý niio~de, r. ILH Bunt viE orenco Stuar We have kept faith with the publie and contiuuedi o1r Sale up to Jaiy lst as advertised. Wa have donc a tremendous buý)tsiness and the people have purchascd goods at iower prices than they ever did. Wc are now carrying onn.goiatons ell iout the balan ce ofou Dry Goqode stoc en btock to Te moved teanother townu. We have h ad seve rai offers but as yet have not made a bargain, untit- we do se the stock wil be sotd at last weekIs pricec. We stiti have about; 84,000l.00 worth of geeds in the Dry Goods Departmeut, aud as good goodsaea are bei!ng shown by any store in Bowmauvitie. Of course, we are out of somae Unes, blut have a good assortmaent of Dress Goeds, Table Linen, Whitewear~ hig, Ladies' Skirts, Black and Colored Ribbons, Tapestry Table Covers and Cartains, Shaker Flaunel, Wrapperebtes, Ladies' and Childreu'a Under- wear, ffosiery, Giloves, Girls' Straw Saitore, Tams aud lots o! other tinese. Ail Dress Gooýds at exact-Ly hait prie. This is ne faike, just eaU aand sec what we are deiug. No need te buy if you don't waut te, We may close out the entirb j s3tock auy day or we mnay bc setlinig it here for some time. Yen eau get the advantage by coming new. be flot delay. We are now taking stock aud the new lirma will take possessi )n as sooin as it je possible te make the tran.efer. Then. the store wilt bc re.fitted for C!othing Store, but this wilt net intertcrr with the sale ef any dry goode tef t. HoGwever, we wish to emphazise the fact that any eay the dry goods irnay bc sold in lot. The Masoân !eo OGRGO- r THE