10hdcgreat eineTot, n fortgiaoro w-h-cVmn a prepaid on recept of price.- Free pamphlet. Address: TH,, C ~WIEDICINE Cg,,T«RgNTo, ONT. (trmerlYWindsorQ) Eier rd otherswilsridue teavsb1 by xpets.Pviintnayavic fre.Charges moderae. 0crInventr's d Iselet lupon Aeqes. MriN &MaIo , wYr ,f ig +++++++++++++ 4+++++++i~ t t About the Hoase ~ _ +4' + ++++ ++ + + + ++ +++ ++++ ++ + a. bus bue sate te lte are !atbd and rnee anesb ZamC, Bu,1 It alsacures Esun-buirn, Mr, O. an ce f 17 namr(Q.) Z a tr- B u 1-fo r noqut btssnsOf bswssor hoinetsý. Ianatapr bites and bruises ar-e to mnecominion. Frthese Zn-ueiqs safie that 1 ahvunvscrrnrabox...if.hn- ROYAL MAI STEA iMsips n ig Ibe crusl. - 'lwetve ibte an icu the teunti et bu ~eo-S ont' avas oî tuai rien xviuie ferry, trimmeti with S. . Lrnei; Andrs ummr dyaniti stopl C r~nui n linsanti alteqikt.ti'lns e hcretet nt agigi 'd ban ti a eeitt) E sIces as tte r 1w-o j incb 1hemo ,11~ich rie 1iic ds ,Îh tl t \ l'nnýg ýai ýc! ibalon tot rejm be tscracler 1m1altstetrtalc niIi atl tlit gs rrt ie ads s gaeu otswtetai rm ig ýor breati crumbeý, butter andi oasning. feMn. Triu oit any etrmateriat'atii raeg a teear esn l o- -. . - - ~~~~~~~Svett StI a llen nn --iO es thei Business Systerns Comnmercial School will not turn out any balf ecicated graduates; each student wiIt- have lu be 'Capable, whea he leaves-thie school, Lotht'r tarmt Mnil iiî p ea ini l mb teav 11e anti he at il~~~~~~ bie mltbis ait ,Ued\% pue itn hiingctoset i!ilb id stuti titt hinis uer-, lued to geV worse, until therem dut eposits. and ',lin I. b ta~'a 5 utteth man, stili Ilie guninnovations as installed by modem businiessbus. me ~ pl Iniaieiptaay LIoryt W taxe broken yeur bunl." If i to v u*r ,,,.rslÇ - L-L- three met xxatk eut in I et tUent on Sunda-e-?" 1 bel ex an cf ajn a r:Iait s ql iV J.,(E 1 1 1Df 1E V PLE1 . v* water became a natuiral coker, andJ is stiti so. Tise ure w'as thorough end Dr. has's- idsey-LerPilis, cone AN INSINUATION. "Tett uic te 12. .......... Epressgc ................. ...EnpreM8 S~AD1NA AVENUE (Near Kin~) TORONTO, -ONT,, T--ORONTO,ýoInT, thj rhuarbpetecy ry tak It h ctin o pet ad eghil ptt l!~ f t ye ie II, aIlitt te te i pieentth rhIar lte brLngni 41 1 litS fil !JI unClisdntkm ao l f dno il erson. Pu itn. teckn iug rentth re i inîe ,ormd reqe ifla-da, a dee, and Cquatt: <id bubarb eue nti on-quor- n ctilied4belri nd1 pn i. l.1