ccok's Cotlton Root Compoun& The great Uterirne Tonteo, and Onysate effectui Monthly ,~.depend. Socd lu threo de e-ees .~of strngt-N.1, ; ,o. , 10 4eUre(E s tronger 3; 'o., fo pb cal cases, eper box. Soll b al (i ilg-its, or sent t, lu e n 1 aIl on el st of priîce Èee amphllet. THErss We Solleit the bsinieFssof 7Manujfactulrers, llniners su ad others wvho relie the avsbl ity of hýav-ing theýir Psitent bu1sines trusate byl 'xperts.Peiinravcefe.Charges moderate. Our lnventor's Advisýer senitiupon M4ont real i sd asintoD.C.: U.S.A. ROYAL IMAIL.STEA-ilERS. M1'ontreýal tofLiverpool. Vii'lnit.........ails Fr1. June 7, Jnly . Tunsia.......saisFri. June 1, à2ly12. VI torlan ý.......... allE Fr1. June 21, Jul y 19. lonn..........alis Fr1. j Une 28, Jnly 26. Montreal to Glasgow% iÇimldau......slIsThurs. May 8, Juily 4 mil Thorà. June C., Jsly ji. tCriitbl, . salis erjun~e 1,Jnt18, Pretorian . psl hUrs. june 20. J jlýet, Thurs June 27, Aug. 1, Montreal to London, ,î ian...... .sai i We&. June 1e .YnIy 27. Paria 1n......... s at. Jane 29, A ng. 1Û. Rate, and ful nformation fr>n M. A. Jaies3. AI lan Lino Agent, Bowmanville Lake Ontario alld Bqy o Quilito Sttalbiat Co, Liinited PORT lHOPE. COPlU0GHROCHESTER. WEEK DAY SER!ViCE. Str. "fNorth King--. Commeetni May 27th. 8-UTU BOU'ND, Leav1nzgP'rt Hopn, Ont.......2 . m Atilvii,g S;omeirvill, N. Y,, (Port of Rîeeser)..............7i.45 P. m NORTH BOUND. Leaving 5ummervllle, N. 'Y , (Port of 1toeeter> .................. 00 a. M. ÂrrVtg obmrg, ont;..........130 p M. Arli' vlag Port Hope, Ont..._...2,0 p. m, FOI fu)i nformation apiply to M1 A. James tAzento, Stott & Jury ~ Bw avie E,. E. HORSEY, General Manager, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHI1PS Jun22; jIY 27; Aïg. 31 Vanieuver. :......**.....-WeduQsdacy june gr Sot wark ....... ...une 29;Aug 9 Sep. 7, _Danaa. .... ....... .. July r; Alig. l10; Sep. 14 .taw...... ._...... Juiy 13'; Aug 17; Sep: 21 Domîinion......... jrly 2o;' Aug. 24; Sep. 281 Stemer sai fomMonltrezl daylighit, rrom QlQes '7 P. mi, Firt Glass rate 6; Sûecond lass 140 nS fpars ccedînlg tasteamer. MODERATE RATE SERVICE To Livetrp2>ol $42.50 amd ZMI To London rî 2.5) additionai Third CGlasste Lierpol, Londondferry, For Il infrIn apply 10 H, A. JAMES, Agrent or to DOMI1NION LIE, 17 St.krerarnent St. From MONTREAL and QT.EBEC to LIVERPOOL Saturday June 3U2...........L alesManitoba ttrday June 28.......Enipresof tBrItabn .atrday July 6.-....... Lake Ch ain [Pi,day Julv 12; .......E press ofIrlaî 3aturday Jnly 20....... ..... ...... Lake Erie l'nlday Juir 26 ........... Empreis of Bitaln To London. Lake Mchigan (carrylr g third elasssonly)Juntgos nontrose (carrytng second elasa 0fly) -l ,Oy 12 Fortfu p ýarlteulars agppiy b <)RJ. ,SIARp, W. Fass Agt., 80 Yonge street, Toronto, or 1 Î. -A. JAMES, Agent, - Bowmanvillieý FULL SUMM ER SERVICEI LAKE SUPERIOR DIVISION.-Steaiers 1 l el Sarnia 3.30 p.m. Monday, We-dne5dity 4sud F.iday, for Sauli Ste. Marie, Port Arthur, Foit William sud Du lth--Fr;idaVy teamer going througbr to Dulu h. GUUOGIAN BAY & 'MACKINAC DIV.- Steamers lnv CoI!ligwnos 1.30)-p., Owen Sound 111.30 p.m.. Tisdys. hùslssand Samuirda s for Sali Ste. Marie andwa ports, ]NORTH SHORE DIV.--For Parry Sound, Byng b Ilet snd FrccliRiver, steaner leaves olngod10.30 p.m. Moýndas iend Frids5s. PARRY SOUND & PENETANG DIV. Steamner îvsPeneîan dil 245p. or Parry Sound and ,sy ports. Tickets and informaion rom al raiiway pss- qenar agents., ils foott Ih1LII1o they Isoi uh(oi'l l jAbout the Boùsue Whit Stawb~ryPudding.,Apuid- ding mada xvit cen ta1IIcan11,e ineiiat Ineva te mind w 1t lad steak, xvian brila, with ,baked ana l ia in Iackets. l Xith t IlIl1e sait. s ini pat, atî aeigeestrip. MetBalIs,.- Use 4euiy watar, aiand peppe' ur, Add abut we upaet atf Appla Sace Caka-One andena-hai r ýa Insý, FtapenuLt inmn Peach 4JSnrpie.-eii tugether en qur e arantCi ecuse sgr Whe ceitirV uAàirc t niernen c oad une quart-l o! p il1ache sA sili thinreez t1iltfià Srpý muh, unad hexeirba. e whitecP,1s et thggs nti reeeti st. Japanese Fr ,ý Iittrs-BatrlI tl we g tutil et4 ýýI ý ianftia. Cullstole b sadjin qii1t i an, , b teiches i sz, 111ak watt ýin tP c[ostard..rledry rati Frait syrup or pwiered sngar. 1 tep ~ ~ ~ UUI an ettP pnap angthwi1 su'I uaof remxetelure ai S,,itil ari shapinted iruitpe sas nThie i noire ean e rjuarernaertiplime cue te r iewtct euthen be iuked qandnservean eaiswrirbaeare tPe Frut Putt.-MOne pant fe utc ee-y iipoltns b a blpedron iof soite, ate - tablehpeens augar, ns ggj sv edciw tupu opfen.Butte Mîxe-cupslange p ;e --ueaaspuroetutetall, wtiieonemeu nrealerni tisved eeme te anti serve xvillî axveetaned ce-m NuaLiiMkea rem auc ,b 1nul meas reensmii iih uaeup bîeod 'lrumbs, l istnt iU wib ee wIl 1ea;n11 g. ne ibis.sur e adcanin sace lsay er tse momie iea, 'îni icku ngMra nuulybînthhon eatp antri eheprss ryng ti cng;tprm vee-i tbgar. Adit ,etýc cd Sateraw e ak.Bleniaphebla-, apeonewbtirter itkl oe nelpnedsuga unti l reii a my; ati t th r e s e urycii h ate tPggsi, ena-oit oep mîiker aranVi i 1cU t toetayere ami enboitcps fiwleur and twuandlepaspeons Pakîý n pe- dae; uadd te fisead ba ad at i preaoticolhar 1t, set baieti ctn eï, dltcidve in hcly wit tearp beri~ rsin ii ing; prinkJia witb totar ver luceverIham; iutwap Ibe ba- Tin wIl athekly feuddic tba n a ild reai -uhJli he aerlante'rly ceti scoea themetlyenaby . ieaslurub tUeL i skm n etf ditta aorsetofwaconput t ':id te e jr, laye yla, xeevbriag eh ena thie ouy ant eotey-ht gafl- jutte sgarre flnad pundedand sifi- au, nl -vntPe jar tyinu t Cese anti- oetilod set lu ancool, dare ple.r Chouay;tnwtouqu cPu d g-YlkSo wet w .andbena boitepe wrmwa tana- hngaseu e elssas encial cup e ee sada, ena nti tree-quor(er( eupse flr. s euwai Pebote tn v F g aslie. a i mansde by fairy Baked to a and ciîp, and emigthaf: juîtL opeing the 'box is tcaling the appetite. And you t find a c w delight in every onle you ea t. Ynget perfection, when you gel perfection danger ut lenrtug il Te ml IPes pesýta on a Iigh ciiiu1gj tarHPe Pondufle out a bratý_wîi nail <ou tPe ~ ~ ~ l( tpalnextt.Fil qujarter fuit f kareene, Wenevei a ussquite La perbet entP xvll ais Iis machine anti dt tPe fira wif a roadeati frem ira 1w l. 1I1-lav sre n mode tifil tPe xitiv Pul iutle! t afidaLit tPe top anti Pettm teXeepfiimtyl pae Vwa cdi from tPe 1îtep 'er Pl In.lutleirxv in- 1c'r 1l Pu it my bha reme1ývetýidtitPle aicreenai put away fer tPiw hevn er SELECTED BECIPES. Molosses Ceeokies.-Txvo cups molosses, two ,Ljgs, une eup lardoe cup Prown suga, te-brtscup ,saur miii, oe teas-poon soda stirrilintPh-mr, lx. vO) tspossoda alirret n , i lnue ori- suga l e 'or Pa i;ri hn Id watt. ýuaL Mo atesPgut ne alaspeenýl;1 falur; ueon1t et ibt mlirt; season wtb s wlaitnti pepail fsoi' Ihra mnl inutes anti puni'evegr thasioi atiir,. tPe sugar bat.ePurt lu allia i ,ii -1s lune. 1Du nelbraI il inbt l Pebl le" r xitb stoug eatng spenagni nîeats, choppeti lu, naetagr, oe egg, uilbeaten, letbapusmilk, uneý beapeti copeo biling poxyter. fleur ta maire rthrsttfough ta roll. Santi Coke.--Use une peundtt rler, elleA cnpp sugar plvritbealen loaa cî'eam r! Atitiyol"fet ig7bteggs xvelî beala, thli ue pe ni orstarcP -anti lPî~ vhits uteggs aitrnally.o tIle ai a îima ie ni mok lu at r i athraiglaemali pi'rs Te puit n;I eron te olu t ekn anti than alyr teacri con Biepeat li tir efsbiahue.axvy Plae n te venaunt i Paire taa icée Ccabalpple,-To iaacb peunti ut fruit aluwv, a Paît-pounti ut sugar anti a pint cf wailer lu Ibree pountis ut sugoir. Wbau lIlie syrup ta Peiiing Pot drop in tPecrapes Thay wiîl cooir quiciiy. \VPu dnafiti a jar witb tPe fruit anti fi u ise î'vicas wtth syrup.' Strng eauSalad.-CulPeaons langlh- xi, Poiil, hntdrain, Stice a tiaif-onien finely; atditl anti sait anti peppar; rau- der a litta borni fat or bacon; stic everý oneIsat cke boclat , '-il!,cup 1tnui eue~ ~ ~~~4 sc111s lur u thpo', an Mrs. J. 1Hatehar, 224 Shierbrooke Street' ronixvc4clwc ip'eydcrtt J'eterboro, Ont., andi whose husband îs a, wissîsme lîes uitnsa TP mouflder at the Hamilton Fotmdry, s3ta-tes: rdxh.rsgs ua yb a a "I Lad an atc of iniflaînmatory osrlc ;vM'tteaotbîov ut !heumatsl&which lram me in a very 1111 euaicorm'ida show eL ret'roses at uown state of lhcath, ati luinfaat my hilsettP ' Luc uge whole nervous system seemine .xhaustetiotueiurasa, ioteiiiwbt and worniput. 1 couiti fot sleep and i afs *5w" anridr;mth,' iingphs times the pains inmiy hcad wara aluluio3t rsas s.1Iiî ifnrw xnsg uîslbearable. As a result of Ihese symp- ws\% s uau Ate tel.rmîomyi tomns 1 was unabie to attend te my h- ouse- ueele 'i etMs uhswcr work, andi fait miserabia moat of the iîeciyslnlilc c mi finie. Oui the ativice tof a friaýnd 1I bagou Mca. Hniir1tatI ii Pe .0' 'aî e uismug Dr. Chses Narve Food, and con IerPnyîîotebiewenn say tfiat ilhas provan of vauygraal banc-tcxigtisaepoeg'yttbxx11 etIo todco my owîworK tnfcngsat asPf iesat xsow, and ifeel stronger andi hc-aith;er thonglv. 1 have for yaars. 1 cou truthfulIly stale that this ia due to the use of Dr. Chase'.- h eîls tlr oe ttefe Nerve Foodi, which I conisider a grea bu aeat te oua1 sixlP o1cuhe, heith builder-." Pihtu eteh'trî in Note your iùcreasa inwi mhtwhlle IPîmmf htsIa hrlniwdx -Nay rZar50'K cen t: Yes cuss, us ng Dr. Chases erve Foo, [ etcai. lsmdt:ta saeun par- 6 bofr S2..50, at ait deaiers, orel i ana "Kleui "es l S Pa IasoBotes &4, ou., Toýronýto. ' i iitma she in lireda. aieif%, in talu orPags;ifynar bi reCh as yen V,ýcon. A shIwf ~eetira iînis s Iet i i elairate desserts.v i ï Keeppeuil ntimemranum Iip on seiug L'11machie ni io!wýien-sPd!. Tai l'rig at yeneit ot nce Pil Ibreaii iail n ac pi wrIf g f e f? tlceneîie theynt ubr einwî fnidiffi, cuity inintiiin uio Ptsee yu n0e1erw, hltug, a I l,'asci an licbId tf bas. Iavail I 'y sugbIy abohut isa I wl, aisi fas Plang ia Peuh antliry t u tot aîtia 1:1(, ces einaeb sida ut, houk, pits evyn atip ahI axing pti uimstie ut tie ,Ilhirt bondtlsebe- tam et tPe bond ew eyes lu a stnn 011 othars ii aialleiebsalrsd- putac11Igernisut"ofiic anti -isls xvýi-in.h inîm'isugealsîe anli(, (as- eau en liiy ttaofng tvvliseIbf1inneatrabrie. Onx astisiuaa ocuolsd t shir-bad te bottaxvlitilet1corse b puloutPeinideuttP ais ,ipo itsln, xvilb ise eys on te untade utlsa srii'. bwad Butibe prIinI[jcipfle et suppCiorl Plbsam, nt i ivry <adstcti'y.lI"( teganeriiy turu jiberoiint noarPorianti Me, isrecomenieti. I3Txvo ailwt i oa-at[iIsIvcu Iba ity o Porîanti itis acousMnion t sas br anti catry, o ena.aD;tPeDboati el S1eau , i en tP atbara inagwnifc viwutPrianti Hrui'. Te- Otaw Heuewei iaxn er exraiy rsi cennectIon, acfýcfmmtates150 geta xxat i it s eq ii t'a u uf tPeiol on howa tel atioar1 Aîh itormaienbeohitsitc., ay P secuîIl',ti-Ien applicat iont .D e- tu, Uion Satin, ocateOnt Ail Saints, fot Torol, Datel ovrna- BI iil. e nl- Score 3 0 Ace i Sa int hat, i Bxni lle Jîiersic ploatitIe hsieft tP susiîiIloe- a-ntihm gia frte nalo l TI-EL{)LD BOYS. Balç c i i tPe 1eti owntbey xvaîstir, lu tise piotiseljy once caied. oe SalitPeetti bes tlu Poltal;,is, a itisýýà ilos dln IgtltPycne tPe doyu eIlong fg, TPy il ais ildhai's beuln usei l s'mbl taan i tî'e. i, nce î-aget iw Iarfu[l eet Boi e hqre Lie xsIdlxstsi'u'ja ahave Pe swilnig el TotPe lace troil t tbaivee boa i. Xheei y maIi irait'ao11"y1) s1,1-ee'lhetsi Bock a whaa Ilîi mu1e Ieraspiati a xvy ithiay i I te 1Irgl wl.5il(ia dm11,anti seple Dm~exsing ms luslowexs istne P tPe deyset leag go, ipd d IPIle Intil ,ra(ty alu 200 Tîîgavecaugt I,\a heap tPay'U l) t tat \Vess arout i l iseo ihm anîfUle ben- 4h ~ ~ I tlatr rnîn, hav em aei).a cculdn't run!ilu soa ti \\i'lita GEvary Aeu ba.g .(;.. uCpelyex"ry Hoaa b a elo ia;i .0 LitdTh-oxvuNderasthey cm oc so TAl ttscy'up atita ýite ;-traniiy h -uPeyi ftiil pety slow.wh as Il)(r 550 MeMan ol the Tripled Lir \in Om h Nwfiers o! Phoencix titi Feuiwsbilasheiîsg rwai cd ut.ts fc li, tne;aGandtes'at T.E.-piansPeneils tuin tir sani ie c tat; i xvPieove sisi i de e is hu plisliiig u tise liîmmunily hie exv tueî'aet ilso m ade n P2 c..f, rsaxvaitsthe nevTuas - Buxmasviî,ae: Noi aGanThorand urerii' ,i, Ju Giîson ; X acien wereya' noeaiti CendaGog. lsa' bp Fasliion GOMM F1ICPSJUI LA lig Thlguimpe1frocl sare bîng xver anlre esn i Usaig ksy bri o tine iupepuia il eila constan use ~ an ar tcs ba o eshow11"wle t, yt eyncTh, elenite lia assumeriitI mer girll. Evryxhik hs soixbt purct1.1\ e1 ;i u t oi nty musk i ns, sIiks lieus ant hi s, ani, tPel1separt blousa unreilvetiuby sema s e t mesiexcl1is i for;tPe aernînani e very y ,ou ,Ig g oirl atiirls wbu areýnt * ~ ~ ~ ~ ýi moathheirsitba Thar15 gea fny eremrideryel xverir t areutitPeuek atitie nThe ll ia I aleav. Usuily bis 1 li ; dein user- et tPelien xatiy(toug(jcasonti arterbiuuse ,ilhn ta abraderide ligjîny bllbrtaioca in o anti carro iet icoxv lk ittiii hi'e u four uche et ha xaisilin pouior styL la , ai tPe eTh ostmafor proises lu1,lve langer thon a sý% inl suîîînr. l sggets "tlerIlimp- sni, Ixv;ithlsa et a satO i uttonIi uivrs ily liket>icestua for irls.TPe shýirt aîaatu.Iu , wPila tPe blua so plastamthcîuut xitiail nec\imget the loeais l wef-ýii ýiivy !emt lb rn Il h nîshe i iîth ai'o Iiiîsc- ,ii-ii' ) et equl xxiti atil eau o fsqare Ibis isrlid secy junIiy in sir no STPe ad t leave et Iis prelicat coume machtu couac. '. UntielIisIWOn. tenn[is, Paing atial Peoha et cotoreti lieb Convalescents need a large amount of nourish- cr i y neIlt in easily di.gcst-ed form. * Sot'~Emajirzis powerful ors * ient-higlily conîce-ntr:ated.- * Itmaks bne, bloodl and niuscle i putting any tax on the dligeition. ALL DRU-OGISTS; SCc. AND $1.00. TH SKNTAR"BANK7 0F CA-NADA Head Of fice - - - -Tont $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT lIn our Savig-s Depa.,rtmient, Deposits of $1 and uipwards are rece!ve4'.. on whichi the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No DeIays iri malking Withdr-awats Interest added four imes a year Savirggs Bank Department in Connection with a.11 Brandhs. 30'WMANVILLE BPRAPqCH v1'. J. Jon.e5, >managez- il lac inlserion ta seeau un sema ,o!ILic ',IIg o tirasses l" 1a-o cheiple 110w aIr, y esp cii ll mil yite, - l] cumbinabioK wi ý tfr aitver, as, for Ixanspia,'autll pelaial ierbarisIrsivi tuae Fer indour gowas or cljiabrae g ua wIslalarg P-ni t ttIse shei ul,, Tise iabom-inging ut:Iluwcrs inil M sig ooa acharuhsg îu A iroys t wbite! si uitis 7fl I g Érdnia uoue tt wic[1t,,al Illx- 1d,)anti ncharer of 11e e1un10) Navy bIna s ore lu foyeitonilW.s a)i tPe eiung ete nwpseaon1. espeial lyiud m gavé i aî'utie guec uti mon Ceucilor ntiMcaMJon.El'l, ",Mer-)(I McU ti'rd ti. J B. Fuiey','caîsinai tiio- tPe' M5 iepeit- iîtM. on B. i Cic, clantP awpotr, B 2v. tsiaxvle as ac was lu )oo I - -ol l.agEî's, tan bopet i, tIr 1-d i Im hveutti aladaî. c FedB -. ae a ry olîl et r tîigalu, h l . lu peaig mîssr.MssEisetY- Iic ado. Mrc.ev.) . W elI llee ant tanduglyadoye;i. A xsxV\'- p Ilsnisxvos ccut iet erctrat Mca. lliet caitoîuiytctea it aa jiyguitioy, -tia bappy gatr- arîîg dipersd al feelng tarm-riarI, Poi pas a moi praioiavei tBeWr. D.O.Creshy, htPy, w Tm-i l eitHn Eienunaniueirer TuePucavli eerepune iî e iaý Mitahe tandrd sya: "ey.LordF iVacspracai4Pis trexxSi arase lu thia usemhans 0 elr f churcHas wer- tici bilrt pnitlais peece eiii,& rp-i nLi[ny p ex i i vrtregri',