cook's Cotton Root Compound The great Uterinc Tomec, and L N O I I0FG L I IT iolyaf e efectutai Mionthly depend.t iii l three degrees lu steg-N U ,ý 0.~N 2 - for special e, 5prl.x Sold byailrglts rsn K paid on reeeipt of Price. c" aplt. Adtlteis: 1E. 'erbeDssesî isl1Sý19 n DOoC:'EDII!Co.,ToROt4O NT. (-nel.vinW1) Tril iatr u18,18,19 o That of We solict the business of manfcUeý giIýsniadctlheCSrs hetea dIý îb1î ALE1,S 0F TUE ISATE lty t ainter atlttIbuinessruce by}xprs.PeiinryadIce ree. Cags AsEte ale n lo h in, s xv Inloderate. OAr Inventor'ýs dv i3rsseit l'poil(-u requet. Mrien&Maron, ewYo1çI~fCBtg. xas cughtiniie llnlri f lorlw FOR INDICESTION distress 2atter atinig, dzinsthat heavy' feeling, windl and pains in thle stomiach and furred tongue, take 1QOZstart the gasi courage good 1gestion and worthiving. vt ys ely a Umleeveu Wne yars age Suld Eveywhe ~e tecollpse of a ploen e ti _______ y hallktlled23 pple and ilinjue er en hînr~ eties.~ eein ces, asitthe f" the fcood, enî- ite, souind di- ou teul lite iS boxes 25 rcenltS. The Trl*lu-fnph of the Time! 'Th ph he TI]n TrJLUn 7 CANAIDIAN -NATIONAL EXHiBITTIONIONAL IÎ'F TORONTO 1907, Auià-ist 26t'a to september 9th VAbout the House ....... n + \, ýÏý SEAONBL BCIES In Premiums $459000 I Premiums $40,000 In Sýpecial Attractions $40,O0 ai and Hia Ail That's1 Our Counify', Resource5 Canadian Progreis Illusrated Our Country'* industries