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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1907, p. 8

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YTe ePeoplýKe's tPlue11 YIK las eenreorganixed inbG a j(oInt stock concern wth UPl-TO AEQUIPMIENT andth folowing objects promifleltly before us1:- TO HOUjSE, YOU--- have a f nil s a trifle higher than il used to be but prha e p ula sr to give fal the regular dimensions and are alwys repredto ivereaonaleestimates on house and barn Also shingles of al grades and pricec and good value aIt rom $1.75 per M up to $4.00. I Special attention to orders for Doors, Bash, Blinds and Mouldings.* R athban'e "STARI" Cernent is the standard grade S for Foundation Work, Stable and Cellar Fioors, Cisterns, and Silos. We keep it always !in stock and the pree riglit. Our Planinig Mili la now -in full operation and we shall be pieased 10 attend to your Pianîing, .Matching, _RceIawing S and ail sach work at lowect living rates. TOStandar~.d Charcoal for lightig and quaik sum- 1 mer tires,. Hard and sott wood eut and sptit to order. -~ SORANTON OOAlis the beet for steady het d - winter comfort. We have it in ail sizes and are prepared tD deliver i t teal parts of the tovcn orecountry at reasonble rates. Also Cannel coal for open grates, and steam ani somithing coals, always in stock. EXTRA CHARGE for- earrying la baskets. I OUR OTEIER LUNES ARE-- - Salt, tearse and fine, Land Plaster, Grain ande Seeds. Heavy teamaing a speciaity. Le CaIl anid sec us and we will try and please you. ~ No trouble to show our goods or quote prices. LIMITED.,N KING STREET EA'ST, OMNVJLLE. i ti ýS PRING C REEK& DAIR Y FARUM FO R Sale or To Rent,-St tin-, a hf- ,mile of Lowmlaliile station. Pseso -e this EauI. ApplJY to M. Buax, box 87, Bow. manville P, 0.or on premises. 13 if. DR. il S. SOMERS, -*2 DEr 1,S T, OppoiteEatnAsTORONTO. 181 Yonge -st, 3 6 mos. FARM FOR SAEAjmigthe F village of Enailn A ama,7li UUarm of, 17 acres, lieing situatèd aud comrpased of part et the North t of ibe South t of lot 18 iitbe "Il" eocae,"coSao ethIe towumhip eof Darlingtos There la on the prenisýeS a geOed han95e w atonte cellar; gaad baru with atone baseut; fruit trees andsiaal fruits fer a f amîl>'-For furiher partîculars appi>' te L L..liaowe, fHampln. î6 15 44 The Up--to-Date Shoes for Men and Women Are to be found in tLhe Foot-Rite and Doily V, rderi. JIl is fi' and styie you owant w.ant why try them, (lo't ï5at look * in the wlndow at them but corne in and try thiem on Prices from 3$4.00 to 935.00 iboot8 and OxfordH. We also caýrry other lines for both ý mna Ed women trom $1 ý50 Up t 35.00 i an d fo r ithea ou nger ones we try to h av everyýtbiugZ to please them and arnongalt Chese-ëyou wM lllfd whlte shoes and seau- dais îotvh of! wbiehi are so Much worn. O ___ ____Corner Shoe Store, opposite balmoral. Reid & Pearn, * ~CLEANEST STOCK liq TOW~omN. ii Opposite Balmoral Hotel B -nil The Hmune of Quality, SEE OUR LUNE:s IN: mn sud Brase Beteade f[rom$.0 te0 850 00. Spiugs sud mttesesfom 32.00 )ta Dres-sons arestands tram i.u0 te $6lL5 U0 Diisg nûoonuchairs nstfou$ io SInba d tiBfifets from $- 5 t ou.0 Other Lines Liudssy countûrfeiters, snd thesa ne- cused with thein, were- senbancadi as follows: Burke, Ibrea yaars -lu the panltentlanv, Logisa. two yesns iu tûe penitentiar>; Bouyea snd Wynn. oue month ini jafi; Eveleigh, releasad, iller sud Gosîlin acquittat. Miss Edith may Henry, B.A,, spacisi- îist lu moders aud Eg inluNapana 1Coleogiate netituta, lbas been Jappolul- ed le a similar position ou the tesichiug staff et Bowmanviliîe High tSchol at a enlar>' of 8ý800 a year. Ml1ss LHezlrv cornes ver>' highly recemmeuided as a beacher and as a lady. Sha le an Ans. glicans lu religion. Mn. Lorue Rnobbins whe hias beau sielk le ent agalu , .- .Mr. Jas Coeabad a- valuab!a eowv vaiued aI $ý75, kiiled b>' b)v ightninsgSalutrda ' waak... .Mn. Moses Rob)btnS lest bis spleutid diviug mare 'Oid Loun.". ... Mn. Fret Cornilih receuütly bat a barun aibing. Tho barn le 100x3(3f8el. Sýtone stables wana built Unternaath .-.Wc congratulata Mn. and bMrs. John Gan on the arrivaii o! s vouug son aI Ihair home.ý Votor's List 190 7 ]Iinipality (e, the Township ef Daningtonl, Counit> of Iurhîn. N OTICE Ile berebv gr 1 tatJhavej ianiimittedf or delivere(t te the pensoins t era' LiaI Actthe cpisrequired bl' Sa Sections&J lbe SâiO mttdOr delivercd £f thke LisîL, miladie pursuant ta saiS Act,'of ilal par- flons al>peanii, by the lasI raviseSt As;saient RoAl 0fthe sfaiS giipaicitabe ntitled to voten inIe said midipalir>' a i Electiana for. i(mibers cf the Legiiative Afssembi>' and ai Municipal Electis, and thiat SaiS liatI Vas fîr8t ' sI anSc if any omissios1orsu> re found thlýeein. ta aehmS ga, ta haive the sa,,iSros orc to la I. 1. ELLIOTT, 0lark cf said uiiplt' L da>' of .jnly 1907i, - G-ENERAL SERVAN F- Flil qAnd t I ALI. WEA11 WOiI>N W)LL FIND fHBÀLrJÎ AND STRENOTL Ns Dh. WaLLîÂais Pîsîx PrLs Mrs The weak won an a depend upon Mu it that ber blo3d la ont otf order, for If- to j10 hen blood le nlcbi and pure fihe wîhl be Sor. etrong healthy and happy. Bad blood Capi ln the cause of neani>' ail the aches and Cstit pains frorn which wornen sufetr. Kriep Hlili,1 the blood r1ch and red by the usze of De Regi Williams Pink Pilla aud sufl*rar!ngwil here Dot eXi3t M Nri. James R. Kra-Z, ot daue Jordan Station, Ont. ham testad IbhaNMiFSs vaineot thase Pill ansd trougi>' adrîs- nul sua other women to ue hein. She oaya: -For moreý thani a year 1 waa a gr-eat Chici Auffarer frorn weakueBs. 1 waa coin- 13gb pIe tely worn ont. 1Ifont flash oould. the nob nerit at ulght., and ln the mornlng Neal 1 aromýe more tlned than on gclng te Grsu bed J ad aken doctore ureatment - Sou wiîh nt. benefit. i grew worse day by MiPss day and began te look apon My oses mui a hopelesej when 1 was advlaad te try ef Dr. Wililam1in iu PUil. To mny grepàt Beau je>' betere J hali been takig e Pille daug a rnonth they began le bel-p and b> In Il the time J had taken elght boxes eýery July Fayubpbom of my trouble had laft me longi aud 1 waa once more enjoylng perfect sheah health and trength. 1 look upon Dr. bure W illarna Pink Pilla ae a vertable lita ee a3aver and neyver 1oie Pa chance to recon- ut rnend thera te mx fiands.' MNIr,-, Thesuosa ! r.William,; PInk Ian' Pills le due te their powien te Make new luniel rich red blood. Thia pew hiood stren- a thens the nerve3 anid givea noarieh- dn went 10 ail th(; organa of the bedy, M th thusq ccrlug aus8emia, ndlgestlofa-nr ralgia rheu-matlarn, nrosdebiîity,mo headache, bacitache, and ail the secret great Ailments of girlhood and womauhcod. The Plla are aold b>' ail idclnse demi. eretu o r a oh..4 Al,.ect .15J) ceinGa box or slx boxesfe fr $2.50 t rem T he Dr. W11lIam's Medicine Co. Brockvllle Ont. Mn Thos. Bingham, B*owrnanville,1 Mrs, Tohn W. McPherson and Miss' Esth)ecMcPherson, Des MoinesIa.,were neceul guests et Messrs James and Samn. uel Bîngh-am.Misse Effa and EI'a WlVght, Providence, are visiting Ihoir cousin Miss Mlabel Wi-ht. ... Nis Effie Manning bas netunned troam a pleas- anI visit with tniends in Malton accoin- pauied by her sister ýMiss Mfary Manaýlig ..Mns Samuel Pollard. Bowmanville, called ou old friand s bene ?ecently .... 1Miss Ethel Curtis ententained a numrber ot tniends at a cake and ice creain part>' Wednesday eveuing. .,.LMn. Russeil ýadMiss Jessie Bingham enjloyed tbel excursion te the Thousand IsIanids _ ». ,Mn, and Mrs Peter Werny spent Suuday with relatives in Bowmauville. anit Mrs. Levi Skinner visitad Mrs. Jas.1 Skinner, Brookliu, ecently... TIrustees, bave had the school honse newly painted outside . ... App.ýes and naspberries are cti abaudintt UIOI swd appiolouyers are almiosu as numenous as her>' pickers in this part of the IOwnehip. HOW'S THIS? We offer Ope Hua dred Dollars Reward for îny ase of Cutarrh that cannot be cured by al's Oatarrh cure. F' .1, CHSSNEY & 01., Toledo, 0, -WA, the undersigned, have knîown E. J.Chie. "eV o h lasI I15 years, and believe hlm par. eelhoorable lu ail business transactionsq Lnddiiantaly bue sîo carry out any obligat- eons made bly bis rm W ÂLDTNi, rçxIN & MsaRvi, hoeaeDruggniats, Toledo. 0. Eiall's Oatarrh Cure ls taýke)n interna ly, act. ng dlr2etiy upnàheu;blood and m ,os ur faces 0f lte aystem. Testomnnals genlt frea Take Hhls amily PMlla for -constîpatlon. i I HAUPTON. Mr Levi Niddery receptly returnedj fromn an extensive trip tbrough Manitoba Mnry. W. W. Horn and wife and Mr Nelson Brown hinve neturued te Toronto after a pleasanât stay wth friends here,. -Rece-nt yisitors: Miss Ada Cryderman with friends in Oronlo; Miss Syers, pro- fessionai vocallet of Boston, at Mr. John Lane's; Miss Lilliari EllUott, Toronto, witla friends here; Master W ilbe3r Bailey of Berlin, am Mr C. Horn's; Mr. and mns. Anderson, .Aurora1 w'ith Rer. T. H P. Anderson at the Parsonage; iss Alice <reeper with her cousin at Owen Sound-, Mr and Mrs F. R. Kensiake,' town, with relatives.... MIrs. J. Kerslake is stil11 very il!.. - . itteen different apple buy- ers in this Iocality Iast week-most of tbe apples are prorised...- Our young people had a picnic at Scugog laite Sat- urday and report a ver>' pleasaut tirne. Wiil be found an excellent remedy for sick hleadache. CARTER'S LITTLE Li-ra PiiiLs.Tbousands, of letters tram peoplei who have used themi prove Ibis fact. Tryten The 'young people of the Epwont1it League wili give a berry social on the church lawn Thunsdav even-in)g, Good1 pro.-raru %will berendered liv t'lent from1 Boiwmranvillo, Orono and Enuiskillen4 and other places Football game Ty- . roue vs. Hampton at 6 p m, Corne and enjo-, a pleasant evenîng. AdmissIi 15c. aad 1 siliceCi'rlhoodÈi Mrs. E. J. Vanderburgh, of Eastern) badlyafite with hleart trouble, nierv- ousnes and rai4ps ini the limbs, 9s twithiu ofthe mu1sclýes and nlervous "trie'd a und remodies ini vain, and, 'dml Pedn bu r.Che'Nre Ir ud Mrs Fred Dinginananda iwv Earl. havo beeni vigtIlng their aunt, PhilIli Tyler, Liberty' St. NEWUASTL9. tess Wilson has necoveored sufficientir cin ht.uDant atMarkhila .. g ir rom New~ ýn hpr 1>' Visied .... Mr is viitl CATARRH 0F THE STOMACH THREATENED Hft Finds Prompt Relief In Po-ru-na, the Catarrh Remedy, t as t ba se]1 her b Mn. Oscar Rolfe, Oshawa, ie helidaying aI horna,.. .Mr. Howard Skinner, Tor- outo. vîsited nt Mn. R. Beer's.... Miss Irana Allun, Joliet,l, visitat Mn. D, T. Alliu's., _ .Mies Katia Cowell, Tenon- to, vlsited aI Mn;. A. A. Rolte's. ... miss Winuie MeLean, Toronto, visited hen- grandînothar, Mrs. McConb... . NMr and Mrs. Jouas Samis were necent guests oi Mni. A. Leigh,.. .. Mns. Chas. Doncaster and daughýter Mlies Elva, Oshawa, visited friands hae,. . Mr joe Rickabv and 3bride, H1anilton, visited his tathen, Mn John Rickaby....ý Miss Nellie Kyle and brother, Master Gouchie, Belleville, vis- ited their aunt, Mirs. A. Leighi. ..- Misses Mînnie and Nyda Lcigh visited frienits at Port Hope and Beilavi le...Ms Smith, Cobourg, visýited han mothen, Mrs. R. llughsoni.... Mliss Vilda Cowau is visitiug her father, Mn. R, C. Cowan and býrother, Dr . Cowan , Lind say.... Mn aud Mrs. John Ruddock, Toronto, visited Mn. John WaddeVk ... Misses EU by and O;ive Coo, London, aud NMiss Eva Allen, Les kard, visited at Mr. Wm. Thompson's., .MNr. Clînton Gamnsby, Secretar>' te the Assistant Manager of the C. P. R-, îs home for ho!ida> s ..M.Williamr Eddy, frtMa-n,.nfr~gnwsl ilg recently,... Miss Lau Limbert, teacheèrJ iu the Lindsay public school is holiday- lng aI West Zerra. ... Miss Julia Syer, Boston, Mass , and Miss Marguerite S'% en, janetvilie, have been guests of thein aister, Mrs. M1aguira. .... Mr John Davey has gone te Tregarva, Sask., 10ý assist his son Arthur who has rheumnaîism If sick headac'he 18 miseny, what ar- Cartan's Littia Liven Pille if tbey wll positival>' Pure il ? Peeple Who bave usadtIhem a peak trankl>' of tha5ir Worth. Tbey are sinaîlland easy to take. Arthur Farrow Cowanviile,has leased -the Best tarin recently tenantat b>' Mn ,John Caswell. ...Dn. Neil Cole.ille, W. M. Orono Lodge AFP. & A. MI., No 325, attended Masonic Grand Lodge la Ottawa.M,.Niss E Laask, Taunton, visited Mrs A. A.,oie.- Misses Olga suit Esma Hoopar entantained aboat twenty fiende Thursday weak A Duumber ofthe populan games ware in. dulged in, and mcocreum sud cake ser- voit.._.. Mr. sud Mi s John Rickab.y and taMilY, Mi,-s Bertie Rickab-y, and Mas- ter s Howrold sud Perc-y Rlckaby, sud Mn. sud Mns. Albert Chapman, attended the waddlng of Iheir son, Mr. Jeal Rickabev, 1 IssHolliîa>' aI Brooklia, Tuesday.. . , Mouday July .15, the 761h 'blnthday of Mr. Wm. Walter. Sr., ws the occasion for a tamil>' gslhaning aI the home o! hies sni-ini-law sud daughi-- 1 tr, Mr sud Mrs. John _Molea. Ail thie members et the faMil>'with Vthecx - ceptien of Charles o!Tooihand Orm of Guelph, the latter being li with an, attack of rheumstlsmn, wene prasant, suid an address and presentaîlon was mata. MnIrWalter has belo as e8i- dant of Ibis village 57 yeare. Ha is s waggon maken by brade, havlnsg enter- et on bis apprnnblcship wlththebb Isa William AilLi when 19 yeans of aga ILL TMSRv AinaBAD Li vum-Can. yle jtxstlv abîribaes the 11-amper. whicn made hum a meusIer in the eyýes of lthe worlt, le s bad liva3r. Nobhin,- makes oins teel maore mîserable on moreiý gieomy sud dib;couraget than liver complaint sund couisequens bhillousilase and dyspepsia sud uothning so prom ply>'1 sud lhorojughiy sets the liver night sud J overcomesîthese almente as DR. CHASESu1, KIDnmsEv.Livus PiLLs, lime great family mnedicise, KEWTON VILLE. No service ir sunlda". Past Wrn Bon sway. recesîtl' Mr. ladman li-Om the ceity Ovens has Cw Contîractet G; Rîînna,- le han PROF. ALBERT J. SMiTh. A USTRALIAl, LON)ON AND CN A , RLATE SAlbert J. Smiit,, e wl-nw professer et dssncing, fori dais Academy>, ?addLin.gtoin, Sydney', ai 1er touning London an( now iocated in Car! ton, Victoria, (Australia> at 435 Cardigan s He 'wrie te thýIe IPeruina Drug Mfg. Ce., Clumbus, Ohio, ga.rding his upe o! Perunra, as follows: wlzkh flua lly resulted scrlously. 'I"1 was w-hen the disense was at U3s worst Biud 1 could nrot.j wvork that i bagsa using Perund ani fouad that 1* was din "ysoach began to fret rnulch botter, My eppeiite lucreaed, <dd;E 'ltÎfoc! senaasea ted upon rlsîng la thee bfoming. SMybowels Were 3sa la better COadîflo., MY Uleep audlsturbej L P ri,. sa efc tly wode fîd.1 nedIcie ad I erîIaay e-ern Sorne yeans ugo it -was thoug ht that 1 The meh relibie pamed7 fer c earrh was confinait to th? had and no Mmter where letaa Pffl digestive orgaus are linied ub>' mucousn ren.,ssei ead Memibranes, and calarnh will attae: i bue proen li2 eM4cacj't' 7«1& iheme maembranes at an>' point. i- hu ou msotf fvcI2îs ,,<U. ý. A cber et j uep, em lige £a* THE -uMASON SALE CONTINIUI OV,"NLY FOUR WEEKS 1 *. m ORE . 1 Only 4 more we,,eks business. The new firm wi11 s<tart on Septemnber ist. During .ugust we will continue the Sacrifice Sale of Dry Goods andCltig We are noot only sellng Dry Goods but Clothing, Meu'a and Boy's Suits, lots of them at price. Everything not positively ap-to-date has 10 go, suite better than the .new ones lui many cases, better cloth anyway and onfly hait -of regular price. Hlere's a chance to get boys' school suits, men1s lholid ay or knoekabout suits or an extra piair ot pants or anylbing you inay require at very special rates. Re. member the longeor this sale lasis the greater the bargains. We are constantly jabbing away at the prices : Sec- our Shirt Bargains at 49c, regular 7ýPc and $1,00 unes. Sec our Hat Bargains at 50c, reg. $1 00, 1.50 and 2.00 lines. See our Tie Bargains aI ý19c, regular 25c eand 50C, Unes, Sce our Tweed Eargais aI 2cregular 50c quality. These are sorne of them ; All-wool Ilalifax and fine Tweeds for boys' pants. We are cleaning out a,11 our cioth at reduced prices. We tatke orders for cuits aI very littie more fhan hall former prices. Neyer have the people of We>sýt Dairham had ýýsueb . a money-saving opportunity. The sales during Ibis big sale have been over $1000,00 per week and the Wý; stock is~ melting away. Have you had youir share of the suaps The Masu%-7%n eos a-, %X4UAfUC ,K&L V 'W 'U <.l8uce Ail Unhes Fuli anid la 0-e-Z-94-

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