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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1907, p. 3

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+ 4 + t .4, .4,- BOWfV1ANVILLE + + h + + 1+ + + +++ 44'~+~++±44+++4-+++*+ Visite cs te toxvo are m-uucniecous. Hî,nss Oies are taxi ci- tlîcî usual. Ban n-ucnnrlla enerchomîts ara bnsn. t - "Irasi" is vais- î:ead iii Ibis tai'. mi. W aîeciîîg rucb rau~dcm-s go-ad serni'.o. Pasteu Ganhuti bail tanu- lui-ueo-aIs -mu Ju y. Public be-ilîli le icî-y- goosi riais-. Citi Hîli requmas imulai-let- renmnabed Bon macînîlle cuL- le" etîcoris i istars. Diet yen s" bbc asecus celipse? Thuadai' shimmuis huas-c I "an trequamet. Cnt ivarets cuiet tlîisbls-s on youm lot. Folioge is tîeos v ou loxi c Incas. B~cct'it-uuLs su îll ho i amy plenîlini. i-Iacsays 1-lis de loals nînch habler. lIa-g tcx n-un t ha palet et once. îhonrg tîecea Suien' e-pane Xng. 20. Ne'.v suheri ber0 ram' la doili. "Stitesmnami' ta Juut. 1, 1998, nosi -siihs'cip't-uns, 25'. Ho! tir Ceiuîphal tai-et \aig. 14. Specisl leaxas Ban muouuvllle 8.45 na-n. M-m-i-luge omîsi deaulu aaliee5 casb 50e. B -xx lîng ciuthui ia 'ru cmctri-un' s bu-usis. Nexi ly -bulit fire-engimua bas ardu-ad. N'ogau-o Fatîs excame iii Acmg. 9. J Specal Icaxes Beninomixuule 7 a.m. - Be-ad -axars' page t-ar lecol liens. W~IeoxNads eccupise Jouas auttaga. Ses accu s mirant tiauxes un tesx'îî uueîs'. ?&sssDmVnnouî ana cciii aIa~cing. t(iug SI. is LepI naît sioteroil. elals n si-o suceessfîml. Mi'. B. ClarUes leltan? Toi-e, le Fini- N Mug x6 te SepI. 9. Bld yen recil Mental Dy-'-pepsiu arbiels? Facîs.ers on-e fcsv lu lexi mu noix. Applas cm-e sliaxviuup ixeli en m-ces. Vegmiobles ai-e e giemuet CiOp. Chi't Jamo is Isespe lus taxi mu tiety. Mi. nuiet Mcs. A. C. Pnica are [toîcie. B- ast Aibcit Collage autmuenmxceuu-ueut. Bmg 21) ici las ait slcaagams ta ccli. Timensacet Islande exi'ursiau Ang 10. lIai, \V. Jaltitie pi-raclîcet tierce sec -nu imîs on Suuudoy mode la Darlbigtnn. Toxvu ian-i-s are leoliuig oeil. i4en'I negleet atl'netaeee aI rhuich. Motiai is in damuiommil pay yoni- dci le. Sac i o tira te ri-ciufeis et W'. ilummi- ptiny. 0< Excellant tai-ms for sala cee odi-Is. ~x tender sce NI. Losceru-ubas Let Arbiel liais pbelo~roph yen. Setîool capai-Is ai-e ex am 1111 Sept. S~net us nausias et y-cnt- xi ilors. Geceral set-i atîl xx'arîtcd sac ails t. Daclinglon inters IlsI is primîhesi. Adilrsse ilis Wdrstlip Mai-eu' Spmy i ncxv as Viii Bight W ecshiptnl Grouusl i t S'seretany-. T'ont hope C-aunc[t de--isird o-at la ccii- taxes ttii-~ upU tieuxke. ~ Ad-x enlisa lest en foumiet articles ~ î-umnp~y peepie acre nxostly houxesh Cormaepaumd"nis. se-art in ail hie paw-s, -et visitons 'o nid froni s-oui- seetton. - Mcccii auuts liai e bei-g ilus etrys six day s as w"sU 1U1 nîcctb. Be'.vcauinille eamnî'lcny lo-uLs loi ny. Ay.'les are 1h' tai-i-et- ~t Puo ronds. Chernios au-e ni-ara placlilul thon. tc~n sîx-amel iSais. Ban uîtene 1110 iaduslci~s ceuîtimîua busi. Racle> liai'. est hes co:ouumeneeet. tIi> is sallinîg cul geosi pccos etilt. S îîcl 111e Stclesc-um mi le eherat tniends. Bsn. W - Liaiberl. Oî-aumo. lax-sîrcet "111e Slateemooui' xvlth o fnisosil>' cal Harnesî I-I mues ai 111 soomu ha on. Fuuin lînize lists are Lsiag linimîbesi. [Ioy tîaunast is about cocipletesi. Fi' queut show ors mnal~c iveede gccxv. 'f w i luconi thunder stomnos passosi ex-ai- Baîvînauvilla Cia Waimuseday. -I Curie Haldai is Memietan, Aug. 5. Nls-~ Acîuic \cole hec latI London cor \n'-euxer, B. C. Nîns. W. A. Cramai-ansi ansi sen, Nex'. Y -mi-, nisitesi aI Nîn. NI. Canrubbem-s. Mn'.. W. 1). Ccamoond, Ntimuîico, sisi- t O Iriensb, lucre rec-cntly Sonder Beitti. 'day-or T. Il. Spry ansi lies. Helen' at-a tpauuîc train Obtan a. Port hlopb Councal l~iltcet 111e luy-lasn appoinliag a tacet hante le colin-t lUe] Issu-c lmmxas. Bais mnoiunl'e peet office sensi ont daily î.iall et nuldilai fer Port Ilopa. Qsisow-a ,iasl~ brouIe. hue bibi mail taUiag ahI let'i.~, ton tUe '.îcsl ansi western sbates. Jamusas IMi-nalsis, Port thapOs xxaltî- mîîg b icbç'nx xx ho tai'est te tnol~a Ibe tcip e Tam- nIe ansi m-etnmsLe texv n relis aga, nuil Itîem-eby- lest itue xx oger, xx os gui-n n tîsu- fil concert TneuIdnti nigUt by 111e baud anîsi n as piesantasi xx illi $250 nu ge id. A"cording le the report et Dm'. ilicl~ey. Niadicat Supenintcndi'uit et tha Cohourg Xcylîmiii, tue nun-sher et iuumaies ai cm--1 agret hast pion 146. Oua oas disebargesi, 1) adunilleet. 9 sud ansI 5 im-ouistecrrsi. A aumi-u-uLrm- et truit tracs liai a been plouil- cd. h cast $560 fan highibing, ansi Dr. lhiclscy udylses lnstahlim'.g ami eleetnie plu cil. I'etambaco Exacîlacu' dexol s lamgc shiace ta csportiuig inuproinlitu sports la- il ulgesi lix by steamer Ogematu ~ us"-ami- gem-s mît Imisilun Village on Tnc silo>. Nîr. B> con 1-ladeti- w ou ltighasi houons fer luigh jumoping. Mc. John hall' an. Jr., Boxa mimamux utc, meisu-ecl cil tUe coula ts. A Luiuch et xx cisc lilias xx as 1h' gu-amuet pi-tee. Nlr. (~hae. Yeniug ansi ('sirs. F. A Bailli xvare on-uoug Ihue ialarcstesl spuctolo i-s. Mc. Esixvamsi Bellunait is th' to"aî mu- migu-oti-an Agecît. Vs ender if ha is Iha ogemît la xnbein an Iniuh applirauut xuu-ate fi-arn Emunisîstîlea toc a tarin ialoc'.r, uias-tî-ug bgom'd 11101 ha "dealî tii ihueun. ' I nouldl'liLa la gel on li-ishaieti," ha sirote, "as I nom-ut the bcst ; but if yaw conotgelmeanIr ishman1L, glcmei t11 nex LSt aSetchna." I oefainer il cates upmi111IaLu n an das1 ge cl "l a ' Iv e t d , o dil i sbte, i las'l i'd tb1 11" il ilbîv IL ps nlcuty pnides m rel ilLI11 Ii lre ci let n lmn lDrbLtw euniy Il- excl I li ii ul olon etil bl Sl ti- ii ioxi Iict ua ie tn liex ica i iLy ,00 bild1ail 1 cat 11nd f hl 1.0 ai hn sudet 1ideshms nOtrei mode to i t lîd-n ii'j l is c1o tact Iba 11e geatst dnîld i to lnnitod t hasi1 1e isiuin o n lovinil i i a ietle-day are' 1 mclt ledly ans1ceîîieati e t fnm 1'Eluioiillv 11Ex iiers d: The effect of Sol. mck6lcrn tKhn, c Spale children is magilal. ilt- makes templunip, ro-y!, atvhappy. .h contains Cod Li-'ver 1,Hyohspie and Gyern, omaefat,% dan oe and So put togei-their that itZ is esiydigested AU. IDRUGCISTS; 503 AID l. (IViLS0FGOLD. hi'ILj ishe.î' i"'lil )eu o-'er I, i y luthave fay I lits Cil11etore e~~~ G>(si le\TrNrier is AeT 1tlio X ar Itea tac ru it ',1 1 e fniy nen xvl lhl .ee it.i1 i I)i î l ii iitîsi, e t, im i ýi ,tiî l IuIri Ex al li a (n IsfcuIcsexepeeijx'l dU n u-Limc tlfits aeri vlit e. 1 lvitd-ne du, g1111 L ily 1iaie ne litel te ha3 ric,, if1 ye feicy an i tm lil-tiI- et miunet iîîîay nilet uc ide-laneil. Ecîn enaiibier p pi 11 il Ne rrm tle deb1 1 nt ess 'LiU1sec1 1exaisiv lit taNet1 mV;ry ui i )N u are L11e1l sd p r Ile. ,[ i L ý jii I Ke1 isit, l ;Iocdcîs i t eLweil Soya xvi enll e u1- ni l1 -e yung, e\vp-ans SUTHPPITiNDPATOS Plumî isa x o mxxas Ied sby 1-1ane fat etitinb sel hua ta dsIt 111 1 U niiii, Inls t),ic (Iti. alr th ltid "aea A mai te utii ha canaio 5' vi i siudt1e;alrlai Biedin Soes oveedHer Whlo!e, -Nured Eery ~gtfor 1Three, Week-NotingHelped Her'. QO PfL ETE CURE I N 5 DnA YS 1 t is in iny opiÀn invm duty tn join hoewbo paiethe Cuticura Ree djj -. After rny granddaulgt irCf abu been ced oftth') fotIglaer lby a furlouýs,ichn body, e npeciallyi a great deýal and for trewesw remedlies we couid tbink of. Noth'in -wouijldhelp. , We thn rmemere baviiig leard so) mucb alabout Cuticurla Remeies Wesent for fa and aftter twelity- î husw otdcnieal imprvemntand, afli t uing oaly co competesetof tho CuticuraRmdi, live coisecutive dalys the lutIle one, andbasben welor a, long time Mris. ClJune 25 and Jilly 20. 1906.11 Crdby Cutiýcura Reniedie3 No keturrn Lii20 Vas "My son, we a lad oCsxte,£a truldwith bumocr on is fac and1 afte- ' using CujticýuraRemediebwa redfrüm every umor anid bas cn tiudse to thie present timne attler twycyarsbhave pse.Your Ci- c ura Soap bas beeniused l n y familv for, se"Verl yeuar ad 1 bave faitb lin tibe Cuiticura Remnediesý. A. 1.1.smiitb, Mlarln, Me,, Dec. 1, 10. CompIl t Eira1 aod InternaI Treimre fr i cy Hioo at ChObr. and Aditscoin- 0 a ilnent to tÙIll Ith, Skie. AndC (ui ura inOv nt r1pUic f (o! hocoîste cst l ls. out 1he - rId. PoLtter Drua cs crs.Sole eSMlle Fre. ook on Mil 5kmitiumnr. Trt lys l sî met tribulatio-.z Worry tea confesion fwakes relignn as a dosed toi put on nl is lir Iauhl1 Ihogroes tielal Li ls adstrm tocnsine I Lut~~Ul thes!ad iqtuwns1j ihtss 'Fst l v i. ,pen tIL he'il plbut To q lie4h0l orpsssiostal 'aa Se h itet 1epsiiiye permiîcnlJ psŽesinganyling Abutte i1ttin wmn c qurs he 51 ae u lhmsuyo hurnî npec 1hîr-zinn I chas-coo , .th rm 'atUesncletpil mi-erpl, oc ud eeabegre liihc lUa an ctîccdexce.b" eae agret ilersî. Breynhi m-ci -lo eghobalacite If 1 dl reans hilsbut1ya so l aieObasicjj ai mil l al ni vih 70t 0 pruus, ma cilît~eu-uss e grint epl alus)f ii-kpu l 1e b, ak 1 I~ ~ ~ ~~l luse1,e1a\,eaue'UI, M als a d n gan ted as lu a 'frel1tua pl-d. I '20 pote palola i i s ne :î ~ ~ u lieue)I aie1gise a1taspe îtut t1sal aist Il e sa, lI'ii tiuecu on b> n Ild u- siiug nd a- ilsuerepeuis n> heilci, or I si-cerrase asLl hIe ies.e il What is-CASTORIA Castoria is a armless Qsubstituite for Castor 011, Pae.-tc goric, Drops and Soothing, Syruips. It is Pleasanit. Tt 'containls jeither Opiumii, Morphinle or other Na-rc.otio suilbstane. Is age is its gllaranltee. It destrQys Wrn itnd allays Feverislness. Tt cres Dlarrlioea and Winud Colie. At relieves Teething rqbis cures Constipation zind Fl.ahulency. Itasmite the Food, regulates tho 4stomieac an Bowvels, giving hlealthy and natural sleep.' Thle Chiidreni's Paniacea--Thie 3other's Friend. Bears the Signature of Thlci KliRd 1011 ave Alwlays Bouglit In U-ce For Over 30 Yea--rs. -1-- -AUR0- -, 7V.7 -ERAYO ET t?. 1W ORK C!-T n continuaI toss le the oxvncc. Il is aise col dutheuit te gel cens tUaI xvtlt pay a pnnfit 0f 20 ta 50 cents par cous'. Wlmot Ismet ore yeta teaping TuE PAGEANT FEVER. 1'l- anid gef l il botancee. 1I auuu vecy cane,- You wo li ile if yen isasi sen c samne alllimiut cota day. Ce - Uîop se -uusmc balertUa x ayamit 'a-tî ga' ye anugi; yn veuIli iîi if yeu has an ~ 4 avnOx tulis isî1tUe ttme w-liith Ihi yeu ote bxehai or ta mjille0 e'ryrllîurlig ai tes cue 0 emsy aniIO terd1h0 turanlh. A gai 1e1ir )us ptlu nuxats ethse11elas asc bruts t avrteif e mlse a smeess i g lteBuiy S. Edinîlnîsi. Nt it of i bIOe]ne'ial cal lie, buIhe trîfI, yiud Iwaat tJ ec e xelt ac Ihein. - rgoni Iissucuxri ail i îxr ag-i -ua- 'ralt f oUes asda Ii COW'STAA A S OV THAT bcematoîaYhee COra1 S.A:- L iS n Ihisani gednss imonshes nuny oud fg sclinis m n ainis'xa h niljuisýt lth in lte t il! A R mc plei'nset 111101 i u o nsli for 's1e4e sixtpeltoi'iacs si ai ran icxi5,I aii e um "c.Rhm-ts yn ii' I dayseas mre Ifapcnun emugh te saepheibrlnans. You au l-tuva s lde Iax iilacIna- eAT xa ré gesoneufrntoin$5 a$0 mixc tepgaIli nt11etc cadi" le relie, " tnhiI I oixbl y il Aitlocng a gemgeu dipt .etdrs- toe ce-s acIha md iamsIb lif magniceu spcale ,fuli etIfsuit-- lIýe thonîlgUlt lute basIiliue11oreew ei pce sbl t i n ifsita e hueftct, tUii 1hýl MyittsNr. j>B.Chopii. \IAtîsiita- '00ccnie Ileutou scU ailnast crie f siir ohs ir cao wa" l;y et eel I ( aiigat l 'nr sat i-auO l( crsslU Il. nsd)ih bd uei ballerPloginhan lie uiu)gsa;nt ousi als afîe ns l le 1isoan-,.'fr1, is'In, ve dons non\îsj itiilpuy hlm 11 emfrimnc en uI g l a n'l U ý' J1 1 1e il 1ss l cn s iitn I lice . i in tay pai-focners, anng n cl uecin IiI1 ballr tac im; un 11,ss , 2 cSan eîlul reds etaoýjtliý111s art pao deuesani nîuhîua t 10 l ucey. e cto. As lUeh er se t tUe l Iesen Paîhape ema f or-licalas liayha ge -b hias i Il dings d )efpeII hesi y uabt i mulu isas. u i'et i ayiptywth-1ebyle rcptadilgtIhaIbei-s i[ha îc l Ifaitin ' e Ueseels oael.b d vi Itueugx aI curse nc ainud1tegl ,thos- To h inu oasiema I netongr a uant ssmîumm'et 905ali!viut gi ni es , i sîi te p e1 lu, ur plni qc-ii tel etunharx 1- 1 imii s or6 rca s. lat at lîan nbaco dmiretui- hibi plet igU-c prIier, 1ad g -acIr cnlu asonmi b $jol L ) ilu te cest acs lio as îe.ehn nsi . ii , Iog fiads e lgll. 11escuoloy atîi eînam 11lma1 ied 0 ni:kfa' ae-, test" papen but are s[I l e caI la. Sin fd ltaux ;uum"! e 1et 1s. W'e esîut1 1j 1, 11 cn cls shlc t-ie t sixule 1 ighew n P -on ilcdo lu iatce1,I\"Utissipoal efes r i tUe pei- day ibeu 11elas n osui. an:hs air rss Il i cg 1 cf iilt~ ixe i a nîe ibi liat111 it- u irIa xhuyubt o WKIkIL S 00ail No aadfi3 S'sLCE FOR TIIE G/'sNDEB. Mc. Fussy : "I dont sec o tty y-ami w ccc 1110e nidtruilosisly' big -leai es xx tîctu yen liox e u-uoIhud le fîli thein." Nîrs. l'usss' : "Dc yen 011 y ont' silI, huit t' M-.rl~lay "XO's, i Sud 1ei~cl iu:-o sso.-- Nciu'itt "Vs aIl, I suppose lt-tu umai y oui L'uctî 'ecic 510>', huit y-adi ecixI uîxuls" lulutu - Uîurc-m ." NIa i Liai "I stan t t~nosv about liaI. 'I ho nuira 51gb et nue ix uulLi"îg o oog ttuc sinre b 11a t umdl thxub ettret np. emu liOn ccx ci--ml hiuie' tal"1s." Nnueng ihma xnandeu-tni jc'.5 milS ix-emu b>' wonuîon is-tite xi 'md uîceLlaca, 3000 y~ ut-e cci - b-Oen tixuti usu Cgr pi Inn îniim.iuiy-, auîct lit-a ents-l la Nirs. St..Ietun llce'tri"ts m a nedding guI hy Su- holun Sectl Mtirroy. The ioGrea nt Z~t ee. roSsteiM,09ï- ne oies Debili*î1, Me nta td Brcii.Wom ,Des, ondecaj&xul WaknssRmissins.Sper. P .i31Siper , i x -for ~. Oa i c ase, six wilt cure. Sotd by att druggists or mailied.n plain pkg. ou roceipt crf pae. Nwpml maldfrerhe lWoçcîd Modi5cineC. (frmri indsoir) TMorato, ont Evpcimel Inicatinq That Theiy Dn't TUeMo11wthl'y Iliatiscuent e smeloliibaspbe1n1demolheet by aOfseiasI o!jl ' exeimenîs repeiiý;irteeti o eReni bear wa se upneort eue eIItY theI nes et~~~~~~~~i- talncisadauni. e h egsw r lai uponHi e platte F'lioi'tfx iue ient ee tentIeiliud lneaninIoce nýn ')tf mentors Iben tistad tue patr are ~ 1hI unIlebt11esIcnd pane pint10 Witeuthsitatci cf ianeaI cas seme allierstire cadiindiidu Tiwlxvays usesi e sam h w-as tounet tbntn suli tîtg asth mly il seme tekn aiotUion b Fncsrn Tuat aven hscensut bi de'itinin itut ati Ui va e ra-io as eabthn saifem t vision. i'îal.a eeti ub vsstu near one tenti-ncho1 et lsce

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