are th e reedy for a (eraniged so c.They are alfan gentie %aoative; a eliahjle cre ,-for obstinatoe Cntpton ii iAttaciýks, Sick edah ndaldisorder-s arising from a weak D- geýs'Àton, sughLiver or clogged Bowels. Becham's Rusil and are a world-fanious medicine for the cure of these prevlent body than anyother remedy.Knw and usbed byy hundreds of Mr i m.Ma und, 1 inidsa, Mi J.cnr md ba ncphc Maste Iks Stil av1 benluitnglrroro Mt.A i C'ayla envisling Miss Eua J. ieidng mdlir ou sin, dulliM. Fildiug \\nn e , baie +The Last Voyalge +' d that ~ i xxle eaI L y oIman'À the Iawtaesavr eeuviwo "Dnt, B À nard, dent:" "Tsn ef o e ,carryl the1 Lucy, an!lier t ctu ca 1 ilrien i Hie 11c et a ominal ate etitro, The K ind y i u ve Mwnays 7e hi ue fo ovr ~3 ycrs duo wc cati i W it laie the t is lest. voyage us cight ,cli?" marte a auiiiner et cekitir the de~ hetore, md foun~ ices et tho iteuui\ had n ~e1 toc a sum tac eve~edn~ face 1cm eud set, ~r ageinat hile hie se ciedp that they lice lieu ccçw lOt Itit dy tour luenîs laier fouiîd his captives seîîsos, and tlîey a' e feeling et dreed thc ,signai ide zmnder Il ls lnýce ijts fi 1 ceiv1 -vnu packet aottanlI. ~Aiiie up 'e lest il egait box." "Pight. i ot'-the Haxut t 'I-i b'~ air. s narre Dxîce Tee liS