BOWMMJTVILLE STot GaNeELBT 1 Gof _WI Mal 9 O0a.mI Expres .40 s. ;JE prcss -10 I Loal .. 77s £ie-..-.. 836 p. mI angOr 6 p. m Loi l . 49 P.fl. IMixed.....338 Mg Il. 10 24 p.n. Tïcketm to certain pints soliin sccordance with i3pocial holiday rates amnouneed in anoth'r ecsllmn will ot be honored oen STOTT à JuRy. Towa Agents WhnStrett & Jury test lEyes It Is Donc rroperly BOWMNVILE, UG.14 1907.1 Miss Vera Penningto is visitlng Miss, Reta Clemens, Oshawa. LMiqs Olive Herron. Toronto, le visit- oliday- from Ran iss Ir0en I ~rJ~uL&L~.atr. ~S'EE THEFm ix 0OUR WELisT- YOUR Cf00: PEIRSONAL Mir. A. Barber is home from the North West. Dr. A. S. Tfley is enajoying a fort. night's vacation. Miss Carpmael is guest of Miss Arm-. our at Rathskam ery. iss Grace Trewin je hoidaying iwitb. friends at Rosebauk. ýster Band of Lindsay have new Is costing $500. r Hlardy Nichols Is holidaiugl [ends ini Port Ferry. Lottie Cawker recently visited sie Robbtns, Oshawa, J. C Vanston)e :and party have A from n Macklnaw trip. Anna L Peebles, Coîborne, iLï' rMiss Lilianl Smale, Provideuce. ýobt.MAsher, wife and daughter sen of Mr A L Nicholis. Conces. nd Mrs. Geo. R. Mason1 and son le enjoFilig an outing on the tha Lýakes. nd Mrs. John james, Jr. Coum. ent Sunday with his fiather and elatives here nd Mrs Fred Brnimacomnbe and ronto, are viiting athis father's, hard Brimûacombe. Zella Boddy, Toronto, and MIss %undie. Darliinaon, were recent Nottees or ' Births, 25cet;Jarae. 50 cents; Daaths, 50 cent., ee n sertion. When flineraï eards are priflted at this otfice, Insertion freei ]BOUi 1 SAI.i5s-In Oqhawa, Aug. 2nd,' to Mr,' and Mrs. Fred Sammiels, a dauighter. ÇÂYLLY-In Oshawa, Ailg. 5th. f0 MT. anid Mrs. R. E. Cayley, a son1 RÂWKES-In OShawa, JUly 27, to Mr-.0,11d Mrs. Thomnas nawkes, a son), SCOIrr-At L eaSasie. Aug. rtMr aud Mrs. J. J. Scott (ee CarneOsoe)a da;ýughter. BOWNAIIVILLE-AT..THELAKE EAST SIDE. Miss Nan Goochl l spending a few days with sehool friends at Sydenham., Misses Cooper, Mouldov, and Brown., rig, Riverdale, are rusticating at "Bonny Dooni". Mr' and Mr3. Rogers, Toronto, and Miss Nettie Wilson, Town, are guestq, at Orchard Villa. The Misses Tayloir, Charlecote, have been rusicating a.t "Kilikair" g'uests of Mrs. J. K. Galbraith. Mr, and Mrs Samruel Bîngham. T.y- ronie, and Ussefli Bîngham, Toronto, been guiests aýt Uncle Toîn's Cabin. Mrs. Fred Gooch entertatned the cottagers at Fairview Cottage to a liter. aryafdmuia recitaI -Mond--y. even. IDg. Mr. and Mrs. W. Norman Tilley, Toronto, are visitinglits fathcir. They have just returned from a tour in Eng- land. Mr. Stanley Mann, 1Neýw York. and Mr Wm. Richardson, Toronto, are gýuest9 of Mr&, F. Hardy at"K gs Miss Maynard, Toronto, la guest of Miss May Shaw at IOrchard Villa", Master Teddy Southey is also onjoying the breezes there. Mms Cook, Carvi lie, Mrs Gertie Stark and Marjorie MoeQuaig, Belle- vilare gilests of -Màro. Fred Gooch, I ~ - Ie 1- 1-Af OLàiii<-Iu Newcastle, Augisr 7th, Robert Clankçe, in his 801h year. BROWN-In orono, Angust 211d' ElizabýethI Davey, relie i of the lte Richard Brvown, ge PHILî.iv-At Westhezld, NK. Y., Ag ii SarahJ. Crosby. beloved wife of R G.P& lis k s, s, s, s, s, s, 19" 1907. by lev. Ecbert MCtlcOmemnec. le of the bride, assîsted Rev. J. A, Je ell iit- kiillen, and Rev. J Afodges,ý B. A., Osbawa, S3tewart J, Storie, secn son ofAMr. J D, tne Osha9wa, anld Miss MWay, daugfiter of Mr. Dnl mecCnlloch. CORBET-SrONLeMÂre-li OShaWa, Au. th, by By C. a' akilMr. Athur F Corbet and Mrs diana B. Stonieman, both o Oshawa, DARci-IN'EEN-At the Engish Chulrch' Oshlawa, Monday Anlg. 5 b)v PX.eV. . A. HeanvenI' Oakville, MIr. Albert Leslie Darch. Boa ,,Ym ville, and Miss Fornei Emmelne, eldest d ogte f IMr. Johnt Diueen, Chicaga, îiII PHOEIX-LUMfERI'lToronto,A . 7. y Bey, J Ptckering, Helena Mande<Lena) Pinîn- mer. eldest darnghter of Cliistopher Pîimer, Toronito, and Henry 0, Phoenix, of Oshawa. OSHmAWA LAUJND-RY Ni. HASTIENOS, Proprietor. The Proprietre"Ss mfthe Oshawa Leauniduy fhaq aearngmnst peanAgen,-, inBwnnvie wagons fomthe Ludywiflcaletg(-oaaS inBwmvieeey Friday Orders !eit with U? C P"ethick, barbher, wil be) ~l'THEFOLOWNG stTHIEPCELS: 5I Shirts................Ic akn.........3 New op. b'M or fan.......i Table Covers....... et.... Collars................... Î-L !OC -i~ai~. 0t1e uis per pair..... ....... eI iiio'w S ips........ Ladies' cape coliaurs v,,.c..1 lc I i(usinste1, ....... 25e to Si1 00 Chemisettes..... ........ 5ec Dresses.............>25c to .... NigttShirts..........Se to7e ;kirts pai.........25Ce',to. D)rawers.......5c, to 7c Chiemises.. ... .... 5c, 10c to ;5 I undersh irts...-........ ......Sacques.......2eto .... iFlannel Shirts .........5e ta7e Nigh1t Dresses.....50 to 10e, Socis flr air.......S hmeaeh ... ......15e- cto 20 Handercbefs.......2eta B I.Ar...........e,0 t 511.....2etaSe Drawcïs..... 5e, 10c ta Neckties...........5e àadles, eacb.....20c ta .... Vest.............'1e 0 c eBlnkts..........25c ta 5--C Pt............25C ta 50)e srends.......1eta 5 SAprons.......... ..... .5c Rollers........... Towels .............e Sheets ...... ........... - 1 08a