ESTAULISHED 17 0', CANADA Head Office . .- -T.rn. $1OOOPNSAN ACCOUNT Depar.itmenit. Deposits f $ i and upwards are received, h the h ighest current raitec f nterest is allowed. <No Ddiays in îm-aking W ç'thdrawa!s I1'EA LJHjA BEod-SORES, eBloïod aIs Poe so -.nd If youir bowý,els,kies or skin are flot riddtilg thet systeml cf se-n tter te blood is 1 aden w, %ith in,.ipturities,, which iulaml the nevs It is tiiese iiltenres tha't mkethe LOST., NO BEN~ lf-aw aRe, arias. ai tb~ ca h~ rl~b;~ KING