I i IWAN17ED PANA. IQUAN-JTITYI > Visitorp: mlss Ne!lic, Gunn, Peterlboro, visited lMIss ida llocken receltl3 ; miss Margaret Stewart vistng friends ln oehawa musSes Sophi a ll, Btirketon, misses Virtue, Toronto, at MAs Editha Virtue's; miss Jenune MCeod, St. Pati!, Minnreso)ta, dRaghter cf the lâte 1DW. Miclod.i a former nerehlant cf thiq vill. aga, is withi friends heýre; Dr. miel MrF. Treb4lcock visited 11ev T. Snowden, JaueLville; vrs. F Barcoloy v'ýiL ied at Rbr, MLaugbhn a , Osewa Hecamne foýr her iin bis at;Ms.W 4tteri GadsCornen r;Ms.C. JA mouftjoy at Jancvetyieand Port Perrs; Mca oDor LAWN BOWLING, Ff ida'y eve-niDg two rinks of the bawl- Ing Club wo-n t to Ohaiwa anid played a frlendl-y ganie defeating the Odhawaites by 2 shots. Score: Bowmnalviile Oha w,- (Japt. K!in2' George Johnston W . .Mc rry R. McLeam y. N Goreon- Fred Hiare J.H. MMrysikip 15 T B Mi-tchell Ak 12 R. M'MitEhell R. J CWoon .J.Mas on D a F. J. IHomeR.J.Mak J. BMlCbe k 15 F. Bull1 skir, (3 302 A ~ hi L ,f+h Rnr WISE PAktENTS GIÂDTHEir C11ILDÎ>,tEN'8i BEÂITH L7 GI1vIN'G THsau Dr.WILAS PNr pIlus T'le heal1th of a growing bo'y or girl Ehould be cnarefully guarded. DLriag, the growing time there is a danger of t'ho biood beeoming poýsoned and theD health seriously im-paired. Theo blood ihorald be kept pure and the child will grow Btrorig, heahlhy an'd actlve. Dr~. Wilbais Pink PUila ro an ideal tonic forthýe yooeng. Th-ýy iever fIl to brhng color to 11,10paýle cileeks and strengt-h to the r i~brody. To il reporter f L'Avanlr duL Nord, Mr.Jos,. The Il qýl