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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1907, p. 4

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Gxold Medal Binder Twine ____________Neyer fails to giv-e en- . LetUs Spplytire satisfaction. Let s SuplyThe Best is the -cheap. You est. pRIC E & C Dealers in Hardware., Stoves and Tinware. Phone 66. <i Opposite I>ost Offl9e., Farm Laborersr WORK IJARVESTINU FOR 20.000 MER IN MANITOUA W a td ALBERTA AND AITOfWm V~~CUISIONSTRIP $1 -ed-sconiditiong a$bli GOING jDATES-- ,Aud. 27 Aud. 30 Sept. 4 Fram ToaontoA nd ail Statians west le Ontnlo, auth of nmain inte of- Grand Trurk Ry., Toronto to Sarnla. From Toranto ta Sarnia on .T.R. and eai tations narth tS .ýs4 il ciudin.g Can. Pac, Stations Toronto to Owen Sound. Fram Tooanta and cast, to and lncluding Sharbot Laike and iClngton. ao narth of Toronta ptnd. north of Cardweill!ct. an .T.R. and nortiâ of Bolton Junction en Oan. Pac. ONE.WAY SEC-QNO-CLASS TICKETS WILL BE SOLO TO WINNIPMQ NXY ilpLemtjativo fariner ,ap 'ùed y Manitoba Saskatchewan and Abrta s enoiu viii meet and en~gaborer1a irrivai at Vinnipec. zee ýzs0t'1 w.l1 1e funrishe<l at Winnipec to polets en Can. Pao. and CÇ . c rlxcýhe uborei s are needed, eat of Moose Jaw, Kamsack and Swan ier,(iïalu raceM, and at one cent a Mlle eaoh way west tiiereof in aktew. A eu e&urrished withi eaeh ticket, and thb certifirate when exeutd by earmer à i4tbat laborer 1bas wvorked thirty days or more, wil ha haored frqaa Et.peigp ÈL toz1 eassticket bacî ta starting poiiu nta Ontario, aS 318M0, prior te Titvoj ro Êè-donly on s-pecial Farin Labarers' trains and will be issueid tov-omeu ma weX tj mm,but will rot be issued ai .1all are to chilie. boitforet the . For fuli particulars e. neaiest C.P.n. 8adenk, or c*krs xcursians% tVWtTu rlt teepers AX1ý%Î,S8pL 10 and 24 lt C. B. FOSTER. ... JR. OOT One of the zest Faims 111 Darlington lfoi Sale. i 5;~~'MORE OR LEý3S. e, -aicesiin 4.a,,5 Dainga(er ZiiOja), ood fr oiec aSont Ibuildin gs, otwcoegoodYong obadfalrl i']V l eh oneS. ýsouin l!goad state ai cultiyattan, oeIelIt grain and stock farm; coniveaieit ta se,,-tanShureit; connecteS by Slephlone viîtitO,,bawa, Willho soIdtSiroasoa- able price ,Uon8avterras. A>rsçlp, D.J. S. SOMERS, u DENTIST, Opposite Eaton's, TORONTO. 18 ong43 St. 3 G mos. FÂARM FOR&ýL-AdjoininZ tie 17 aereS.'hingsitated n posd ai part of tlie Noth i of the South . Ailot 113 lu the th eonvessiont of the townebip af Darlingiton. Thera is anl the premises a' goad house wïLh, Fstijne eUaýr; good lbarn with stona biemneo; fruit ti ees and sxfall fruts for a -famlily. Paýr furthrparticulars apply ta I. L Ue9iVNs JAMES MOORE, 30-tf3Broklin, Ot, club suit cases Trunks, Tlsoeec .BUY H.EM PlROM... Fred .Fly Bow~'il.,,Ont t I a OnIlf Shopping Days loif, of ollr BIAUGUST CLEARING'SALE--eEE DOWMANVILLE. AUG 14, 1907. SALEM, Harvest Home services ý wIll becel lu Salein Church as fol[owý: 0On 'ý11d'as Aug. 25 Rev. j. ). Ras, Pictoii, wid preaeh at 2 30 and 7, p. in. Hampton Choir WUIl fucnish imnscat bath services. colectio n lid o! Church funids. On Mônday at 4.80 1p ni. a Chickcn Pie supper will be set ved after which Rev Mr. Rae will give oee'of his pùpular lectures Admission te supper and lecture 85; cbildrenm 20c;leceture enly 25c. LAWN BOWLIN4G. lu a challenge match W.VF. Allen, J. P., U. A. W. Iole (skip) vs M. A. James, Rich Osborne (sklip) Wedncs- day alternoan, the score was 124 te 12 in laver a! the latter. A short game was played. Wedne-- day evenii3z bctween L. A. W. Taole and John Elliott, B. A , (.mklp) vs. Riih. Osborne and M. A. James (sklp). The former won2 by 7 te 6,peints. At a meeting Weduesday evening a committec of five Membera was a.ppoint. cd wlth President U~ le as conyesuor te look up uew grounds for bowling green., Thursday afteruoen John Lyle and Rich. Osborne skipped a game. Score: Lyle 2o; Osberne 10, Thuraday evenlng J. Lyle and M. A. James skippedt the game. Score: Lyle 26; -James 9. In the game betwcen two local and aw Osaa -n'we gave the core 30-ý8 l favor et Bo)wManvilile It was 38-28 as J. BM Mitchell's riuk made î8 sbots iustead e! 15, being- 2 u1p. Friday's beavy rain Prevented an7 playing on the green. BOWMANVIILLE.ON.THE-LAKE. WB8sr SInu Brnie Mlavuard attended tbe hall games iu Toronto at week. Mrs R Fishbleigh and daughter went te Tarante Wednesday and rettnrned SaturdaY by boat.' Roger was home ever Rýunday. Mr Chas F Ries and family are com. fortably aettled lu bis new cottage. MXrs Gage and Miss Winniie Gage spent Sunday with tbera. Misses Edith Rebluson, Anina and Jessie Gîbson, and 'Mrs Frost, Toronto, arrived by stecamer Hamilton Thursdav eve and are ceccupying"'Sunect cottage.", The obaperene and girls troa Sunset cottage lett by steamer Hlamilton oui Wednaesday for their homes in Deer Park, Tarante, having spent a vcry enajoyable outing. Westsiders 15 or more enjeyed the hayrack ride given by Mr Patrick King Tuesdla,; cve and attended the social at r ho BoîrllsAlhad abump-1 lng turne. 'llorns wers taote-d alaug Ukic wav, Andi songe were sunig, se they sat 0 f berries and cream ail had theÏr share> Well!1 No wonder, -Hurgry six" were there,." TTburday atternoon Mrs Fred Sco, Tarante, and Mra Fed( W Couebh were out fisblugz with hoek and line wheni suddeuly âÏL: Couch on puiliuUp lber, Une, 1-und a monster, pike 1bad taken tbe wormy book, An excitlng tînes for both follo'wed butl the p'reky ladies man-. aged ta hatil it in thei boac and. with a shevel and a paif thelthe pite was sasun at rest. nrdav eveniug 1last by the We.4-er0 Beachers. It la the cusýtomu ihthe West side3rs tahavýe eue good annuail Fester Haidge has returned te Tor- onto W M Barrctt and 'wie spent Sunday aS Leakard V iss Rita Carveth has returued frani ber city vitit,. Mlisa Lena Alexander is down from the city visiting ber brother Herb. M js Gerte Wannan is-.dewn freiu Osaavisitug iber uncle John. P A Alford and wife and Isaac Win- ter intend Etarting for the West shortly. Miss Julia Momnent, Raleigh, N. C., i8 vlsiting bier uncle, R. Moment P M. Miss Gladys Fielding is over tramn Bowmanville visiting aS John Rickaby's. Mrs Jamnes Tarnblyu is having a visit from ther neice, Miss Florence EllittS. Miss Flossie :Scott is out from New- castie, gueat of Miss Edith Maguire. H. H. Odell. Thamnas Smith and, DoIpb Henry Cook a trip ta Toronto. George McLeai2 and daughters, Euînice and Mlildred, arc visiting Mrs Mccamib. Miss Alice Card and brother,Brîgbson, are visiftng Mrs. Charles Barrett. î Thomas McComb and MisFes Bertba and Lncy visted in Peter boro. George Locý(khpart, Winnipeg, la stop-1 ping at 1H W Reuwick's. Eari Gillies and s'ster, Miss Mary were guesta aS A. T. Leigh's. Mrs Leigh is now Visiting ini Belleville. 1Miss Ethel Bycra was eut tramn New. casie Sunday visiticig as Leskard. aebsrs Couper. Curnish, Hooper and Jackson vent on a trout trip Thursday. Lma Dob sou yisited at, Myrtle. Mr73 MeLeod visited bier daug-hter Mrs, John HallI, Newcastle. Mrs Levi Edwards and daughter. Evit, aro- visiting fiends lu Coiborne Miss Ruby Thoruton is visiting friends lPeterboro and Canniugton. The Misses Everson o! Oshawa were recent guestsa aS Mr. A. A. Relfe's Miss Alice Hodg son, Toronto, la guet ef ber frieud. Miss Viola Jackson Mn R C McCullagh, Cthicago, III., made a fiyiug visît hene necently. Mr Bas8il Fitzgerald, Standard Bank, Hanniston, was lu town necently. MN-iss Lenora- Williamsou was necent gucat of Miss Edua Hafl, Newcastle ,Mr O W Smith of Ulxbridge, visited his son Mr T Smnith. Mrs J E Richards and daugbters are visitiug Mr N jeffrey, Port Ferry. Mrs Robert Gillies and son, Port Hope. visited at A Leigb's. Mrs, Alex. Wighit and Miss Allie, Providence, were guesta cf Miss Rnby Thorntony John 1 Gilfillan and Gerald McKeeu are home from Mjuakoka. Mrs1 j J.Gilfiln and tamily have ne- returned froin Bawmauville, witb Miss Viola Gilfilian M A, Hamïlton Mns Wals1h, Cawanville, mothen a! D) F Walsh, la dcad, aged 8e Horace B Brown, Owven Sou od, is via-. iting bis uncle, james Bnrown. Mrs Boston and child, Buffalo. N. Y., viaiing as John Ui's, bas gone home. 1 Aà daughten of T. H. Bedson, Detroit,1 Miiliving with ber grandiathen aS; P'ontypoal, is guest ut WM pArrnstong'si Mrs James MNcCiitcheoni and Miss 8î bul Mrlllward.lFort LHope, Miss Vildta Thornton, London. and Dr E B. and Mnrs. Cowan. Liasay, w r1e utgct at M'/rs. à.. C. Covwn's. Thes News has a tîmeiy aud sane cd itorial on Continuation classes ln Public __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ols. rs.~euuaraur ar-j-: s .----.-.-- have.AI;..l..... a uiSi.. <t uI o,- c~p4 c~CO o o r-I v Ladies' Luster Blouses 40 Lustre Blouses lu black aud wbite. self trimmed, aIse tancy braid Simmsd, ail sizes from 812 ta 42. Reg-ular pri(ýe 88.00, sale prIces.8.2.10 ,9_8250, sale prices-.8$1.75 ,82.00, 82.25, sale prices$1.49 81.50, 8-175, sale price $1 00 Ladies' Gloves. 50 pains ladies' Gloves lu black and white aise celorn lu lae, siik and lIiisthnead. aIl eizes, witb or wltbout doms fasteners Reg- ular pnice 30C., 85. ud 40C. a pain, sale pries .................. ..........24c, FlIanelettes. 30-0 yde. eofstnipe Flann6lettes iu p16ck a"m~~~~~~u wbite ais biney sudýý wht sudÈý; 1ne Ai andieelmi 4 oS G) C) "-4 a> I t 400,vdo a! baud and te% !Toweliug te clear eut at prîces belaw, Uezular rices 15e sale pries lie Regutir pnice lksafe price,, loc. Prints. 300 ydIs of flue Enghîsb Pnints aIl goocd washers and fast colore ii gneY and white, black and white, aie ight coloûmraegulan 14e a y d te dlear balance c....12e a vd, Raincoats. Onya few Ralucoats lett. Stijl ail HIZes if yen want OleeoetOur 86.00 ta $1O.00 nain. coat for$10 be sure and coins this- veek. Wrappers. 25 onl'y priint Wrappers lefS luneaîniy ail sizes,. Regulgr $1 25 and $L385, sale prie 95c Regulan $1 25 ad8150 sleprIes........81 3.29 Men's Underwear. OONO.., *TO'WE. e Ollly a few pairs of towels lef t. Regular price 35c. -anc 30e. a pair, sale price....................... . ». -2Cý. a pair Oanadian National -TORONTO.- Many speclal features including Capt. Ruabenshue's Airsh4p and grandi dplyof fireworks. EVERY DAY A GREAT DAY. S1.30From Bowranvle. Good Special excursion rates Good going Aug 127,29 and 8lst, SePt . 8and Sth. Ail tickets valld returninz lrom Tor- onto on or before Sept. luth, 19. Farmu Laborersexcursion to the north- west 81,2-00 frein Bowmanville Sept 4th. Far tIchetts anid full informa3tion Cali on Stott & Jury, Townvý lg wwrctý,ýX>li-ý-">r,ýýWi " wer 11 I S O r write te J. D. MeDONALD, x Union Depot, Toronto. nwlwatte ses My Openis Sept. r5 ia al SCepatineatds estw ptersfrom Ça toCNRA UIEs cOL ~rr~- m. prr anY~ftd Grr, A ts presas ie-aC . f eth, odig esuhtG. mu a5es.. yo~ w n a!ý1 pattras Sugestons ive. .H.-Shaw, President .~~c Winow haes, Curtan Poes, lào5om3 Mc aî ingaFALaER pPESeEP,.r Shadeicloth and ibade papir * ppularlîy caS goanlue menti. Our ittendance ~ P. Trbalcok~ . vgeater, moro tudonts %vore plcerl * pîa io1]ansand at biter salaries titan ha aay Bowuauvile. ~000yea, Wite ta day fer haudisamo IW. PJ. cloai . Sundav b3chooI annversrv whiei th.e kids et!JOey the fire workb and ice cream, the elderly folks each other's cpm. panv and the YOUGg people entertain their lese favoredi frienda fromn up-town and Cther places. More interest than Uuus was taken in the event this year on acceunit of t being the 50th blrthday of one of the meet re8pected residents DE the beachi-Mr G W VGrant, of Toron.- ~to. The Boss-of-the-Beech, -Mr George Mj.Yuar45, and his assoclates lcft ne Stone, or piece of tiniber unâturned31, te mxke the functiona s cs That they mianâged te do so goes witbout saying. The Duirhan Rabber Co's Baund played a program frointbal! past seven te balf past nine. during whieh turne teBsthe heB achud bis ce- horta attended te the pvrotehnlýcal dis- play, which every one proneuincod first - class, At the close a litge benfire was Iighted -and the effect was rcallyapbet- dI Refresbmentsi were served to the Band by the ladies lu the commodieus quarters of the 11Huigry Sx"where toasts were drunkt, speeches made, song s sang byv Mr Grant, and one ef the joilieSt events of the seaqon was brou-ht to a close. esamsGeorge mayIiard, GusBonai Rumn Dumas and others, wereIne ina1e the-r enideavors te mak-e thej Banîd and visitera feel at home. WlViït shall we say of the leader of the "Hungry Six," goo Dillon, amd R Dumas for, their kianess lu attending to the welfare o! their visitors on thîs occasion ? Nothing but thanks. Mr. DnilBrow, ngliElRi,On. writes :-" For thireersIufrefon iiriniary troubles, paritak,ýïi of te natur of stone in the blIadde(r, or gaeand thle pain whihI enure cn sacl be deseribied.' I wa,-s uabeo do any work, and frequentily ihredbod Though I spenit hundreds of'olasi doCtors' bis I reeeived io -relief, acnd at last decided that 1I wouldneyerbe al to work aan " WhUin this condition 1I ic'i ad«,,oA to try Dr. Chase's Kde-vrPiflS, and, though 1 had no fitLh in thiem I de- cided to give them a fairïtrial.Afeuin one box 1 feit a decidedi change forth better, andl after taing f-ive bo(ýxes I feel like a new mlan. 1 ara entîreîy Out o! pain, and ha-ve no mor diehageo id. 1 can honestly recomumend D)r.Cass Klidnïey-Liver Pills to any flo ufrr and will ceerfuilly veiythis statm: to anlyone wiigm. D)r. Chase's Kidney2,ý-Liver PUIS, 4one pull a dose, 25 centis a bx at aldie, or Edmainson, LBates & Co., Toronto. A-mcunt ,o! Goverument grant received by Orono Pub.ic scheal on salaries and certificates 15 8280.oo, an increase aver last year's grant o! o-ver s2o0.eo, Congratulations tac Miss Bernuice Tucken, daugbten of Dr. M1 M Tucker, and also tSa Harald Rickaby, an success in passiug rnecnt junior Teachers' ex- aaminatien, Miss Tuacken successfully passed ber Matriculation. Miss Nonie Hoopen ententained bier young fiends anc- evcning and Misses Winnifred and.Len-ora VWiliamson gave a sinclar partS'. Waldemar Hauter hahsi a veny baud. soee thne year for exhibiting aS Uic fail fair. Major j W OdelI with is 1attery, the CobounigGarisouArtilery,are atPetawa~ wa Camap, to take part in tlo autaI BsIttery Caîupetuslon, DJr, W. WjAndrus, Mayor of Miles City' Mou., wile- aýfïl aly; Miss Leua Dickçey, New York, visiting ber grand- mother, Mrs Baliagbh, Stnrkville, speut a fcw days witb friends ain he village last wcek; Mn. sud Mrs S Austin ansi daughter, Cleviauid, OhIevlitugRcJv, W.- Limbent, aSt he Màethodiet Panson- agre; , No Iý0rmianilLe Cv.- sud 0sister, ?Mis Sadie Levy, Toron*te, aâdMes, E. J. Tolt aud W. A,.CeGe shawa, atMn T_ Smith's; Misses Katie ;sud Agnes Me- Rav Uuderwood,; Mris. Stautùon aud twot daughtena, Misses Chiarlotte and Gert- rude, recent graduateýs ef McGill's LU- ivesivMotreal-, 2audCtMrS. KendV.yck- sund Miss Garvin, gusts at Frank Sheppard's; Mrs. L. Wbhitson, Toronto Junction, visitin!gMa H. J, Heidge. .... Miss Edua BarrabOIl was tbrown trami ber rig, bier herse being irigiten. cd at au automuoble, Her Injuries wele nos serions..- Mi"ss Sararh McGnayt,, Sixtlh Lins, gave a pazrty Fniday atter. neen lu houer a! lher uiec3Es Misses àMay and Lyda McGratb A very eüjoýýable tims, waa speut.,..Mn A. J. Staples ,was reappointed, Collecter ef Rates anid !Taxes. Salary 8110..,. AMr. Robt. Stewart seida dIvrte Mr. Brawn, lîvenyman, Oshawaï, for $0,, h sudden deat o! Mîrc. Richard Bnowvn, (Broewu's HiI tan), Fniday evening Aug. 2, came as a shock te the entire communiity. Mrs. Brown bad beeni as usual, attending te ber iiousehald affaire durnugthe day. lu the cveulng she was almoat !lsnmiieditElysi bv a stroke o! paralysie, sd w se awiay in a few minates. Although threateued with a stroýke Pbouît a year ago. it is thougbit that the excîtement et the bunung of ber hbarna by llght- ling the weet previons was the real cause. Mrs. Bnowu's maiden name ,,as ElIzabeth Davey. She was borai near Leskardl 61 yoans ageo. Twivesous sud a dangbter, besides a wide circls o!rltvsand friendsmonuru ber de- p)aîture. The fuïneral, te Orone Cern- etervyàMouday atterni(onwas eue o! the lang-easteven seenta !lthe towaship. Rev. W Limibent, aasisted by Àcv J1 Meenconducted the sýervice white . eu jar c2- a yd. sale pries t euer Ia r Oc jaer r amiu U)crgg'an R 8rin shirts and drawers, ail sizes. Rtegular si O0 a suit, salte prices.........75e. JOHN McMURTRY, West End House1 Bowman-vî1le. H igbest Prie e paid for ail kinds of iPro w,- HÂMPT~. .BOWNANVILLE HIGOR SOHOOL. Mrs J H Cryderman, Bovinville.i Complete returns far the rmatriculatien bas been visitiu(ýg tiends here. ... Miss and junior teachers' examninasions are GuIf, Exeter,viid friends berse receutiy. even miore favorable tban the pub!isbed ..ýý Miss Smith, Brookiin, whobasbIecn - repenýs et last vweek imcicated The gucat of isaWestawvay sang a solo in succestual candidates are: Phan-macy cburcb Suuday marning very sweetlY,I matnicUlation:- Percy Westlake. Cern- ...Misa R MJohus neturued Saturdny pletcd matriculation in Latin: Macle aften a pleasaut stay with frienda in Ton., Rebder- Complsted maticalation lu auto. -_.Miss Ethie Jehns visitcd fnienda Frnch- J. H. Billinga. Matricu latian an Base Lîrce West Ne 2 School Section lu English History, Mathemnatics and Congratulations on obtaiuiug youn Science! Hanéry Hiockeu. second with houions. ...Miss Lita R use Maticulatlon in full: Nellie Go-uld,ý 3etnned ater a pleasanrt visit withl Elsie Chaus fnicuda at Janetviide_. .Miss Rorn aud M atrclionadJuirTece Miss Lottie Hornnvisited !iends aS Weil Itiuýto ndlno eces came.... Miss Hilda Johns was giudat of ySeV rg (ooa iaCl Osbawa friends,...Mn W R, Allun la very (honora) Mabel COx (houons), Donothyl serousv il yt ... issEdsalI, Milite Jackson, Florence M, town, speut Sunday as home,... Mr V son hnr)EmrRnl hnl8 Clark, Winnipeg, le visitiug bis sisse,M. BemuTice Tueker. Mrs Truîl. Sunday attennoon he -tisited J unior ahea Oie obedick, the Suuday School wbere he was at Eïmen A ElIo!tt (aise passed lu French),i schalar forty years a-0g e and gave a 'eleýna E Johas.- Edua Sharpe (also pasa- address whlcb was much appreciýt c,-Vd ilaFreucb), Edwiand Wanreli. - .School opened Mvonday with Principal1 Senior Teacher: Part 1-Lesle Cox, Groat and Miss Johus luihigi . 1 Rupert Hainlyn (houns) Part iI-Annie Frauk Auîenson, Aunera, bas been visit- Co'alter. ing bis brother, Rev. T. H. P. Anderson Mnr. UeBah nefcnned Sein the Globe article attached li-ed ntas-apton sund played in the oid bauid ud sang iii the** B. C. eburch choir. Mn W-m Jeuniïjge o! your towUwas a member o! thIat onee1 famoaus musical onganization; aisa John and Thomas ElliotS, J T Cois Ru d oth- A YouiçG CeaNýIE PRIGY.-ThO MP ESu Lord Mayon of London, SirWm Tre luar, bas reccntly sent a peugratuilatory- ;etter- te a youug Cornish boy, MýÉ'aster G T Balil, who at the age of 10.ý ,years To Liverieooi bas passed with distinction the e3xamina- ridaiy Aug-. 213---.....E prosa iBnti atiens lu piano piayiug a! the RoyalSauryAg 1........akEn AcdaivoiMuican te oýg Cf~i- day SIept. 6--........E_ esaiIoed Acdev t use ndth Hva Cu- '. tuv Sepit. 14 ...... ......... Lake -Manjitoha cge et Music. London, England. M asst- Friday sept. 2ý0.... ......Emp ofsaiBritail] er Bail promises te achieve distinction SaulY, 'iep.8.....LkChman ln the musical world, and 18 aineadv hailed as a "Corish prodlgylus- To London. tather, Mn. George Ball, was lu Ontario Sept,. 21-, Lake Michjign ( earr-yirig thlird class manDy yeans age. He nmannied Miss onilyl Spear o! Managhan, and went ta Aiis- lSe ,Moa epl aryn n. n r tralia te live. Me was !on)menly baud. oasc aly master cf the 16th D 0 L I Baudi, ud ïForfnlpatcarapyte. .SA , became cornet boloist te the Plh'ilha1- W.-a g. , 71Yonge artrot,, Toronto, or moule andochstrai :societies aSSyd ueN S W Rev. J. Fl 'Tilbury, i .J M S Ont., lsaua uncle o!fMaiw er Bail. Age-nPt,- Bowmanville duce, cash or trade. I CHANGE IN, PRIOE 0F GOAL. We are f3ellîng coal at 86,50 at the station $7,00J dollqAered and extra for carrsI'i,, JOHN GILBRIRT AND SON, Notice f0 Creditors. In lthe qmaler of tt est ate of WILLI4M11 HUMPHRY, ae or!file ton icio ham, saddale'r, deceased. N OTICE ls herebv mgive uruant À~"Tite Revised Statetes of Oiitirio," 1897, chtapter 19 htail creditors anS titbters havn elaims against the estate aio the aM Wlitn Humphrlitey, vho £Iied on1 or about the seven teth day of June, 1907, are required n ri e fore the tw9oty nin(h1day of Aqg1ust, » ,andl by poi, repaitd, or dellye te A, E. Me- tsaughl i the tomn ai Bowm5anvllfe, afor s a id solleitor for' Tm, Nâ,ti4A111TRUST (JOJ- J'ANY, 1- 15[ITED,ý the A (fiiniistr a' trs f th e ett i the saiS William Hu Hmphrey, de(ea9ed, t1lir ebristian and! surnairina adress,,es and deserip. tIons, the fUfu icul ofaithair edaIms,Sth e statcemlenLt Of their aceounlts anS the nature of tae seu itisf any, blS. by thain, Alififutrther take niotc that after sueh last m entioned jdata, tbesalit A.dmiiuistrazors viii proCeed ta Sî dstribute the assets of tha deeeased amoug the parties entitled thereto, bavlng i egard oly tethe clmaiiofwbich t&y sha11 than bav notice, aud tilat the a aISAdinis. tratorsH wifllnot ha liahJe for the Baid Rasois or ay pal t thver0f to anly person or- persans ef cios aims notice lshall aot have been receiv. oS by tbomn ai the turne of sueb distrianitste. DateS a t BovlmaIY ille the twenty.sixth day ofA il uI 190. A. E. lueL AU G leLI1. SietrFor the National Truit Company, LinaiteSi, ASmnistratars aofSthe esSaie of the said deceasod. 31.4 w t- = I Corne in these Il days and get your share of the bargains, every-thing on sale is at genuine bargaini-reacl the list over carefaly there will1 be something in it you want. Other lines through- out the store at reducec prices. 2=m" 'jý 7 7- .11 'Ail lia 7-- ý7 1 1 ý 1 . 1

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