We Lave opened out a very choice stock of called ari ', ieba 0 at the The art!i W; and shoii tht cultivatîon ci ginse aPPears On an i1nside r be( read b- ail who desij Al at one price- 5cen8ch or ',;Oc a doz, NO 8-A fie ne iof engraved tumblers Twortb $150 at Se each or 9eadoz. Sec sampl es in store window. teRemiember, our IDEAL TEA. Aith-ouii t eas are much bge thqguality i n stili the saame.- Our 25C IELTEA 18 bard kL, beat. Our 40e IDEAL TEA is equal t-)man c50e eas, Green. Black. Mixed. Butter and Eggs wanted. CHINA HALL GROCER Y Store. Ma.ny Bargains -Are going in otir alteration sale. TMis week we bave an in-j terstng otof Wom.en's and Child - ren's Shioes at 39o per pair. Besides other tempting offers. TheBlrns Co, Ltd.j maili Four Corners, Qsawa hur prescriptioni our stock soi penser 20 ,com- rviee is assllr- compoticil eveir y year to the Aentîre satisfa2ti of oaia, of the phjsicians of the Iocallt ' is ovevieci of uuisual confidee i'on the ýpart 0f both physicianis and Éte pubie, and leý as- surance thiat any prescription or recire enirusLed ý to us wil, baye the mOst scienitifie attention. & CoD., Druggists and Opticlans. Bownmanvilie, Qnt. Phone 92, Bahygoene, f irh, pr waeare amng et causes ~ sCaled 1*- "the U àiý for tuberles,"and .,e7-e iz, Remnoves every trace o scrofula. Get Hood's. IFor tesimonials of remiaricable ro und for- Book on Scuofula, No. I. CQ L Hood Co.. Lowu. mou. culated tbat tbiat inafitientiamcal or- ganization was ttlkil-tfzides"'in the'u:5 pendling eleetion and the letter Wals a denial statiflg that like al ba;ns-as members they werc divided la their opinions, but as a Band were '"pertecýtlýy nieutrad aud open flor eugag8ýýment by eitbler political party,." Even la tiiose days the "esmail pota- toos" Of pollUecs were found aus for ex apea culsod~n res to injure W.Martin'seant4tuebecau-se he bad seeun hlm 'proi#idg tho -strets, wjthý Mr. John MîII2e anid Col. Firederie, Cutbitt 'Iis ,remoed )ail doubt, the wrîter states, of bis 'being a full-blown Tors. ' Tradesmen were eltber so busy that they had not Urne ta write advertise Iments or trade was 80 dul that it was considered usoeses, for tj ere had not been a change of advt. or a newv advt. tbat müonth and se.yeral busluese advts bore date of months batik and were 'buoary wlth ageY" You can trust a mnedicinle tested 60 yecars!1 Sixty years of experience, think of that!1 Experience with Ayer's Sar- saparillau; the original Sarsa- parilla; the Sarsaparila the doCtors endorse for thin blood, -weak nerves, general debîiiy. itS 1beet Work if tfil ivr i nntive audàthe boe.conStpated. For the besat jsUAnier- 9.t, yon shoulId tako lZati're d0ocea of Ay.r's lPiiis wbile ta'dng the Sarsaaririta. 0J I VGR 2 2 dICURfi CI rw % CIilHERY PECTORAL. w» have na secretgs! W. publish aa. formulas or ail o.,r.medicincg. F. A. HADDY.