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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1907, p. 4

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SOUVENIR RANGE is wonderfut comfort in the homne. 0-fflm 4-Seoi depends on the kitchen range-and nothing ,ould be more dependa1ble thaxi the Suei. _______________ INo matter when wanted IT'S [F\LWJcXYS -RF-,[DY, A "SOU VENTIR Range requires no0 rekindling-the fire burns econtînully there's always plenty of bot water, while its Aerated Oven mnakes it an uncqualled baker. EýýCALL !NI ANDJ SEE THEM RIE & G Dealers in Hardware, StoveS and Tinware. Phone 66. Opposite Post Office. RÉ FOR HÎARVE-7PSTING EN MANITOBA SASKATCILEWAN and ALIIERTA ZImAr-,% G<ING EXCUSIN 4JLtrlI MAITINAL Flt RTURN $18under coniditions as below S ep . I7 th l i ýoeoth rf Noth Bay ami TUESD-li ee as to Shrbr [Lake and Khigto. ONU..WAY SECOND.-CLASS TICKETS WifL! BE SOLD TO WI'NNýIPEG ONLY Wgaaîav* fariners, aproinited ,by Manitoba, Sakatchewvan and -Alberta Goveroments, wiI meet and eaauê - îaeitioaiwillbc lurishei at î Winnirev ta ý,,oint, on Ca". Par.and Can. Nar. Rys. where labrer, arn tu~lea t of MýooseJaw, .macad SanRiver (including ba -4e),ania* One Ceint t milo ~~.aCh way wet thereof in,tacea niA 'a f Laorail.iesiwith eaà c ,k.ýnd h, tÇct e whenexcteby fa"." PoWiag that Laborbas Wrktd teday. or moe. wij! b, bhonokd f-ro tht point fora eod-lntickt back ta tatapeints ia Ontarjo tA800, prior te No. 30th, 19,07, 01ae~ooly on special Fami Lelorerr traint andi wll be imsd te1 women as wef as tao men, but willI aî lm kenad i halE tare ta cbldren, ie11at tiste seee' Fur fieu parieicuera aee neareat C.P.R. aiaent, or write awhh fUjrieit5ieeee"C .F ST R ...,C.'L OOT lUOui. 8Mand 'ld ... ..,'ýDRNG Ju9AUM FOR 8 CLhE-Adjoing the -LViUg of Eoiiln A smll fanw of 17 a cr .esbSeiing Ri tu at ed aniid tcomapos eo f paria!o 1 be Nocrth ý of the South ý of lot 1!8bli e 815 onesoraf thetownghip of' alntn Tharjoonthecprenilses agod ane 0t toneeti4,g00d arowlth tonle baielnt, fmuft t uetsa nmal fruits for a fauy o ftrbrprticcilalrs apply to I. L. lîRrsWer,t Hamptîon. 6t New Tire Setter. The fcouse coild ir ýle Sttter, e asIL- ;owvrbs ia ete-2e work btter tantOld way: The ties stay tgi ogr There lins rng oýr burning theý No dangeetoveG c-,r deiigthe wlieel. The paint ile not srileior injuret. Ca glyorjob oue leequarter Iltit-me We wvlll uratalal werk dentý by tbis mcie We are3 aise preparedt te ut downl wheels or; auy other reupaire that yeur rlg May neeti L A WIN CMOVZ, RS sharpeneti sud oveorhauled a u, al. A. W. SPIOKARD, £est EY,,!-! c sirci, owaniville M IS8S M. M. ARMIOUR-Isteier of IA.Marriage Lietîses, Registry Office, i3ow. inanvlilie. Re3identc: PBeech Ave 51-t". kDR. J. S. SOMERS, ~ D 'l NT 1 ST, I-POieERton'S, TORONTO. Opos81 Yonge t.8 mos. FAR"S FOR SALE-221 acresý, lots, F . 20 1, Con.!) 9, Oatwrigit. On lot 09 acres, ,ood bicek bouse, itwo bperne wýith tabl- ingune»ah power miii, h jog pen, divtng shed, good orehard,aid wter 00 1n gore- Pair, a Ill eareri, in gooid state of c ul1tivaticrs. Lot '11-125 5acres. brjck blouse, baril, Stable, or- chard, nve-fiingspls, res ceared, bialanece pasture ail timber land. Apply to EDWIN O. VIILE, Nsltn n. 3 w A SITUATIOeN . I agood salarv awaits every * graduiateof theCn TRL BUSINESS COL LEGE. Ex- IperienDce proves ibhis positiveiy. Enter any time. Catalogues free. Write0 W. il. SHAtv, Principal, Yonge and Gerrard Sts , Torouto,Cad. W, . Shaw, President 'HANGE IN PR.LICE 0FlP We are stllng ceai at $6 50 at the station 87.00 delivered and'extra j for carryving, JOHN GILBERT AND SON, Bowmauzil7e Shoos ! Shoovis ..FOR0 . Boy and, Girls We have m NEAT, STRONG, DURABLE Fred R. Foleay, Bowman1ville, 0Wf. APPLES WANTED On and af ter Aug, 31 st. 1907, we will buy ail varie- ties of, apples for Evapor- ation, Sweet or Sour,. large andJ small, delivered at Bow- manville, Groll and iNew-- FINKLE & ACKEI-RMAN BOWMANVILLE& SEPT.11, 1907. A WISE CROICE. Hlon George P, Graham, Mlanaging E-ditor of T-ee Brockville Daily Recordeýr, Memnber oti the Ontario Leg.-islature and at the iast session lionored by bis parlia- mentary colleaguies with appointmnent as Leader of the Lineral Opposition in the Hoiise-, has, been called by Sir Wlilfrid Laurier, Premier cf the Dominion of Canada, te a seat in bis Cabinet and been assignied hbe portfolioef NI inister of Railwa3 s and Canais. Sir Wilfrid has shown excellent iudgment in choosing Bon. Mr. G-'raham for a Cabinet Minister for lielias proven iwself a very capable pari ia men tarian a shrewd leg;slïator, a popular and cýever leader of bis party colleagues and a mnan of rare execive and administrative abilit. e -is also a clean politician ard has taken a tiigli Stand on al moral iszues He is far ahove the average as a public speaker and tliough naturaliy s--eing the humoro- eu'sde,si as taken politics seriously in in the BHouse and on the campaigu pla- formsnsad in the-ahort perio ha i had the responsibiiitv7 of tlie Ieaderrship of bis party lias wonl the admiration of ail clas-es, irrespective of political bias, aid lias evinced tliose qualities le the p èrformanco of his dutieï that go toi rake a real statesman Industry per- edness and a strict regard for limer, jus tice and f[air play are cliaracteristIcs possessed by Mr. Grahlam and wiir con- tribute te makiug his *.rk as a Cabinet Minister effective atid appreciatedi, The ew 'iviister -,- be greatly missed ini position new te render wider and more valuable service in the wider realm iiof Dominion politice, If we mnay judge fromn the commients of the Press, Liberal anid Conserative, barring of coiurse The Mail and Ermpire, Hon. Mr Graham's .appointaient te the Cabinet m-iets with very general accept anice and the opinion is expressed on ai sides by the I)pipl and Press that bis Ipublic career will fullY justify the- con- fidence placed in him by Sir Wllfrid Counitry Posirn1asters will get an lu- crease ln ealarv, the lowest salary whlch fias been $2ý5 par vear le raised te' $85 wlth a corresponIdin.g rais lunali salaries up ta 1O,00u.., Hon. G P. Graham, Leader of the Opposition of the O)ntarlo Geveruiment, was swern in as pMinister of Raýilways and Canais, and lion. Wm, Pugsley 'as MTinister ef Public VWerks,,. Engli:slinmail posted in I.ondon on Frlday and brou,-lit bv thoe C. P. R steamer 'Emnprees of(irielanId' was de- livered un Montreal andToronto the uext Frïldav meri,Z three daye earl- îor than b-v the New,ý York route '111E STrATESMUAN riscs with very great pleasiure,10 seeond the RenifrowMer- curv's motion that John F. MacKay, Pusiness "Manager 0f the Toronto Globe, be closen as tho mau who eau inspire and lead theLiberals lu Ontario. Tho net debt of s;ome of the great cities of the world îs a matter of in- terest te the taxpraîe rs. Th -t of Paris {the greatest, bFeisig 8450,000,000, or $172.82 a head. New York's le next, being $44.0.000à 000, or$182 a head. Londou's dobt le 38:5,000.000, or $78.59 a liead", wh,îe Pbiladelphia's is -$64,800,000, or 865 a hoad.' The telegraphers' strike was indIrect- ly the causeýof the terrible lose of lite on ie Qtlebe bridge, . MrCooper, the censulting ongineer ûet ie bridge, lied sent a telegrama ordering, work te be stopped on the bridge as ýthe resuit of a report from eue of his inspocters. The message was delayed in transit, ewinig te the strike, and WAs enl1Y ire. ceived and boingz considered by the officers ef the Phoanix Bridge Ce., wheu the structure feulliedt it arriyed ina time seventy iývs Dmleht have been saved, evbn if t1io bridge had tgoee Womnen's institute meete Thursda-y at 3 P. m. subjecte: "Care ef the Sick and Dalnty Dishes fer Invalide" Ail ladies iuvîted. to WaIkAgn flot walk a stop wlien lie beganiug Dr.Chae'sNerve Food, couldsar- ]y fecd hI an ~d had pains inl is back and sidcs. Rlis dctrtreate dJhîi for loceotoor ataxie, but told him he couild fleuer get better. liýecoulld flot feel the needies Le docter stuck ito lis Thrcc mnonîifi aftcr beginting the us ef Dr. Cliasc's N,\er-ve Food, Mr. Bs wrote as follows: "I111arn glad t'o teli YouL that 1I have been wond(erfully bent fited by the uise of Dr. Chas' Nerve -Food. 1 eaui now walk ail over wit- eut crutch or eanie, crau, sleep a.d11,t wveil, and do lots of workabute farm.III faet [ ailn the wou'!dcr of die nciighlborhood çwlhieeI vfor Inee exetc o ha. able t wL' uk aan Thenks te God aud our117won1derfui mnedicine, 1 arn tarottdiagannad tcil evcy one what it lias doncfor me. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,50cnt box, 63 bo-xes for 3.0 4 i elr Mr and Mrs. joseph Hawkey and Mir Mrs Peter Werry recently vielted frie)ds in T7oronto)... .Mr John Awde la indisposed,... Mr Ziack Pollard, Lind- çay, caited on friemds reeutlv. ..Mr Archie Camnpbell, Latchlord, New Ont- ario, is vlsiting his mother Mrs Jane Campbelli...Mrs Evelvui R Bingham, Wetaskiwin, 'Alberta, and Mrs. G. A. Watt-s. Iaiton, were recent guests of Mr. James Binghaîa.. 'R 1 KLEN Mr. J F. Plowriglit wlio recently pprcliaed Bovne Witer now ;&ýdy for business and wll bc, pieased te reoive orders for ail kintis of ehop. ping. Glvehitna eai and be convlnced. Will positivelv cure eick headache, and prevenut its returu. Carter's Littîn Liver lils. This le net tailk, but trUth. Oletpfli adose0 See advertiso- ment, Smallpill. Smnall dlose. Small price. _______ AUCTION SALES TnHRSDIY, Sept. 19-Mr. James Colo, lot 32. con. 8, Clarke, will sou ail of h-igli' grado cattle, Clydleedale herses, lnciluing two very chtoiee brood mares, stock, implemnts etc Sale nut 1 o'clock Seo bills. 1L. A W. To-îi, auctioneer, TUE-sDAx Spv 24-Mr. Ravmoed ,Davey, lot 1, con. 8, Darllngton, will seli bis farm stock inplements, etc. For particulars seo billes L. A. W. TOLEJ- Auctioneer. SAUtASept. 25-Wes Knig-ht will sel lu, Brown's-yard, horses, harniese, wagons, spring de , bu-gis, bob- sleighs. oe Sale al. p m. Seci billet, L. A. W To, s, auct ioneer. About On'. !Mr. Albert Crago will soul hie Reglstered anud Higli Grade îarm stock, 11120 machlnîerv, implements, etc. L -A.W. TOLE. - Auctioneer, OcrosIE-Mlr, T, C. Bragg, Kingeton Roadi, East of Shav5'sciSoool, will soul hie, valuable farm stock, lmplem ente, etc. Watch for date of this i important sale, L A. W. Tordu, auct. Mrg_- IL1--rYAý EI Ana rM ther Vur. A. J. Courtice. "Altardis.' werthy" mifter afn absence of nine yeare, -Mr and 'Mrs A. ýJ. Ceurtice have been vrslting ber sister Mrs. (Rev.) J. Hl. Oke, Scarboro, and attendipg Tor- o010 Exhibition. Visiters. Bey. Thos, and Mrs. Brown, Oakweed,,, at Mr. Jas C7ourtice's ..Missa Marjorv Truil, Osh- awa. at Mr. L. M. Coutice's.._. Mrs, Garduer, Clevelanid, with lier sister Mrs. A. F Rundle-...Mr. Wm. and Mise Ella Grills, New Liekeard, a. Mr. S. Everson's-M., Guy. Columabus, at Mir.. T Guy's,.. . Miss Florence Allun, Providence, and Mr. and 'Mrs, A. H. Brent, Tvroin@,' t Mr. Geo F. Annis,' , .Mrs S. K.'Stevens and Miss J ack- son, Athens, were receut guesis ef Mr- Brooks-..The August cheese eI thel CoUrt*ij factorY lias been eold fer, lIIj cts -. - Elmer' Rundia and Frank Walt- ers are atteiiding RBowmanville Hligh Recent vistors: Mrq. J Vipend, Te'O- ente, at Mrs. C. Resoolde'; Mr and Mre Reader, Lake Scugog Island, at M,ýr S Werr's; Mr A McCUiocdli andi Mr. Fisher, Asbblurn, aitMr 9D McCullogh's, Missecs Ida andI Lizzie McýlCilloch nu a trip te the Thousand Islande and Tor- e nte. Following visited Toronto dur- lng exhibition- Mesers. P. Aehton, J,. lormiston, AIex. Smlith, W.Sib Arthiur Smith,-F. Reynolds, G Nlddery, Elmer Beckel, Wm -leieeDelbert and -Rose llosle.Y, C. Me-ullocli, N. Avery, R. Griffl nsatd MisHume,,,. Mise 50iidred Werry is visiting ne3ar Port Perry ---- Mr W Ormiston las juet completed a. well w4i-ch proises te boea gooti ene,. ..Mr, S. Brmy is building a cernent silo., ,rs W. G riffilu as la grippc,... . Mr and Mrs. J. Hubbarcl haTpe moved to Ontario. TEE ý, rni Pcons .'Dï,sEA s- Disease is a tearing dewn, wastfngi away mnd desirosing 0f the tissues of body anti a irvlinp et the nerve celle andiblood corpusiýes. Waturo de- mande ssItnete overcome tbis dreadful wasling proçees and the neeti- eti help le beet stipplied by Du zCHASx'S NEUnvE Foon, the great blootci builder andi nerve restoralive. Mies Ethel Edmontsen ile visiting fri-inds lu BraniptonIý. . . - Mr dntiMrs P P Everetîs, lroqu4ols, wero recent -gueos et W. Stopleison ... . Mrs S G Wrig-ht, Rochebteri v* engMe D)Arm- Sîrong .. . .LN Germ-onti bas solti hie Grocery te E H Wihlliason . .,Jame C(Jinnamon anti wife, Ldsa - is5ed Robert Brooks.... Thos Kenney, Glati- stene, Manitoba, le visiliing bIs, sistor Mirs P Lyons .,. . Mrs CG J Çxuppriecht ai familv have returnetite Peterboro.... Mrs W111 Nott lime, returned te Mon- tram i -..- Edmund WuIerth is visitlng hie sister ai Napinka, Manltoba._Mis NellIie Guhas reiurne;d te lier homneilu Buffalo, ;;fier visitinýý ier cousïins, Lon) wowas klcked' b'- a herse while at- tondicing Toronto Exhibitions is arouati againî. .-. miss rie Benneti lias returil- ati from fie weeks' vaýcation with Mr LOni:e Aiken, ClveaniOe. .,-Mr aud Mrs John Reili, Port Perrv, ware3 recent gueste' cf E Mlixndy. -. .. BeyDi Chown, Toronto, Secrtary et Temper- ang an MualReform for iie Meth- o)diet Churcli preached Sundlay evemung lu. Mecl tcuci rdAshton, Who lias Iseen local manager of the Uinion Lite for two-years past, has been promentedt lethoe isritmana-gorship et PeLërboro.... , Mrs F Patte anti Miss Daie.v Patte are Visiing ber daughter Sire Woodforti, Phfladolphia.. Miss pata Rewse, ;&te et Oshawa, won first prise at the National exhibition f3)r pa.intlng :ou ~lm.-M n dMrs Sch- adewatd, and son Orvil, Columbus, Obl, Mlsees Alice, MaF yd Zoo Wilson, Batavia, N Y, Mrs H LMaaek, Roches- ter, N Y',ar guestesut J A Wilson's.. Young ladies and yocung men are u iteti te jOhn theS ingln imes I SS m- coeebt mthodist churcli Sept 9th, a I FliSUitS Awaiting Vour o... Inspection...0 o CD Il w Il p 'o c Tc, prospective buyers evervwhere we agmin mako our bid for your cjotýhing bu-siness, The well knewii name et 2Othi Century elothing, its special miert and thm vaillues we offer are well worthy of your inspection. 2Oith Century CUoDhin From whatever stantipoint et fashion proiablt-o e-rehaudising valule sunex-Celled, Qu)tality of 2th Century Clothing-.-Ouar clething lias oinly eue standard et tailoring, Every Sutit, every Overcoat turned eut etofeur phop-lbas samne ametunt et qumality and skili put on f t. Our Clo-thing le macle in one coat shop, oneO treuser shep and one veet shop. This tact makes it impossible 10 turn out knw quaiity et Cîething. Our prices are regulated absolutely by the qluality of clotliba-0 trimmings. This le the only satietactory way off soiniig, Our clothing le uow awvaitilng,-roUr Inspection and eannot be surpassed by aniy store for range, quality, fit ant -i er.. Aise loweet plices, JOHN MMURTRY West End Hlouse. Prie epi for ail kinds of Producl lludreds of StudeHis at the Popular alld Sufcoessful batve seeured positiontis this year.ennr i3 far g-reater trn h sp ly. edate for biusiaes positions and you "tIi eaýt s-mr but the editeation i iuat b-1u IST cLa,8s. studentis addmltted et any tUie. WVriteý for catalogue Cor. Yong e andi Alu-xandur Ste. W. J. Elliott, PORT HOPE. Mr. Robt. Glîles lias been appeinteti acting Principal et Publie Sehools lu Ibis towny. Mr. and Mrm.Wm. MeLean, Miss McLestn and Mr. W. T fileîLean, are altending the MeLean-Sutherimuti nup- tiais lu Tororlo. MIr, W. H,. Linisay and Ms Lind - say. Il amilton, are Vislting lihersier Mr'sýR. GIllies. fr. A. E. Meadows-, Date, won iret prize for Durham bull at thýe Toronto Exhibition and also second prizaeilu the s-woepstakes, The engagement leaunounteetioe! Hlattie Belle, dau,-hter cf Mr- and Mrs, Wm. Hewson, Toronto, and Rev VHerb-t art Staialey Sueyd, Calgarv, the wed- dting 10 take place Sept. 18',h Rev, SneNd !le ona eof the promieing young monu frorr Gardon 11111, and lias for sev-J oral weeks paet been supplylng the Bapliet ch'Irc'h. At the Baptiet churcb Fri(lav evening, tlie cong-reg'ation and choir assambleti te sav farewvell te Walter Clarke and Itov Pipher. The latter was pr(aeonte-l wîh abauiu writlng cabinet, anti the fermer w'ith a tuan'bible and a well-filledt purse. 'Mr. Pipher bas gene te Woodsfock College te tak'e iacoursýe In civil ekginieering. nut.r ~ lle PndlYrnullIvtAwys 8îîglu Dýýominion Liu ROYAL 'MAIL STEAMISHIPS DominionSIpi2;O Kensntn.......c.5 front Quebec 7 P., j Firsk lass ratae05;second Glaýýs s $40 upwar(ie accuï dîing tosteamer. MOQD ERATE R AT E.,S E R VICE. To Liverpiol 842ý.50 a nd $~. 1 Te London $2.50 adiditiona, )V. 16 t. 19 it. 26 and Ts.srd Cl~aaa ro Ltverpcol, Lendoniurry, gi3uat. Qiasgow 82750. For al Information apply to M. A. JAMES, Agent. or to DOMINION LINE, 17 St.Sacrament t Montru-al. To Liverpool Frldacy S ep ,t. 6---- ... .---Epruais of Irulanti. SaudvSept. 14...... .....LaeMntb Friday Sept. 20ý............ Empress of Bnitainý satils-.ay, 'Sept. 25----------..Lako Chemn-piain FiayOct. ------Empness of Iretendl( To London. Sept. 229, Lake Michigpan (ca,,rryiug third clas Sept. 29e.... ý.........lvontroee caryîgnd ciass oiy) $4 0 00, Ocut. 20'th. 1. MounniTemple (carryinig 2nd ad rd as. For Si particlears epply ta S. J. Sa AP, W. asa.Ag, 71 Y'onge sireet, Toroto, or Il. A. JAME6S, IBowmanville. e, cash or trade. LAKE STBPE RioneDIV.-Steamer ieaves Sarnia 3.30 p.nm. Mond, ys, Weodnïesda)s antI Prldays unîti Sept.- 13tý for'Sauli te iPort Arthur Fort Wtilam a nad- 1ultl4h Frlday steamer golng tiirough te D)Uiuth. GEFOPRÇrI&N IBÂT Dxv--SteaMei. leaves Collingwod 1.30 p. -i,; Owen Sound 1130B p. . UusaYtiThmrolays aniSatnrdavs dîseontlnued. -NOR12E SHORIE V-o Parry Soundi JiYng, liniet andf Frenchl River. steamter lt:aves Ooliingwooel at i 1.30 p.i. m ondajys and Pnriays. PARIZY SOUND DIV.-Stearer leavus peil- etang daiiY et 2.45 p. Im. for Parry Soundf and way ports. Tis Se rv ice lscontinuedj alfter Sept 1415, Tickets andiinformcation, frointail raifiwaýy pasege aents. p , I 8 WlJestOriR Excursion SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP RA'rEs From BowmarwiIie SE",PP. l9h, 2O0th anti 21st." ,portBrn ............. Datroit. Mich......... 8 0 Bay Cliv. Mlfch -,. ý-ýý--.q> Grand Rzapitis, Mich...8 Saiu wich .............. Chicago, I111-II............... Cleveland, Oie (via 'Butf RIO and C & B)- ..-.... .....80 1Clevelanti, Ohlo (vi, Dotroit and D &C)-..........10 55 S3t. Pauil anti Mimnempolis.. ..$29.85 andi Valiti for returu on. or before Mion- day Oct. 7tb, 1901., FARMER WANT MORE IIELP IN THE NORTH~WEST. An ati4itlorisul farr±i laborers' Ptz- carsion will be run on Sept. 17th, 1907. 812.00 from alil etRtions in Outarlo. Stott, & Jury, Town 1> r I UMM ousa put ne W-111- De la a 1 :âncl Non Or tsrIzon la ffiin i - ýr 1 mamý 1 1

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