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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1907, p. 5

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nIii;yu ml iàl BOwMANIVILLE S-fT'ON. &OINloEA13T Goulu Waýsi Mail........a9 06 a. m. - Expres_. 4.40 a. m 4Ex1,rEss - 10 10 e Local _,.... 75ý7 N Mlxed......... 36 55p.M. IPassenger-.1 as6y.>iM Local ...- 6 49 pJ.I ixed,.. 7 33 MMail.... 10 24 Par.~sAl n54r~ Tickets to cetii" poltsolinaerac with specia holiday rates announeed in anther eulumn wil out bc hononed on trainsi Nosi.-I or .4 ftOTT à JuaR. Town &Aiens ~When- Stott &- Jury test1 IEye-S 1t I& Donre Proper1y I The Best Is Nol; Too Good for Our <Justomersm WNe wouald riot invest sicoýo or $800 00 in optical instrument'sc andinu atten ding the best Calleges on1 thie continent if we did flot know is that our customers couiri get botter service on aeoujntp of this latrge cx- te penditure of time and mo-ney. m We do net know ai a better 'V equipped okptiecal establishiment in canlada. s St Thêre lB certainly flQ plac-e -wliere, yen cani get botter satis- hil faction.M ST0 ýT T & JUR, Graduate fi:- Detroit Optical Cellege, ne PC C anadian. Op;ical Callege, New Yorkr Scho 'ol ai OptieS, tic Chiao Opthalmic College. PC This Week Ondy... Introduictîon Offer. The pulrest and. best Iaaking Powder that meney (.an produce is tee good fer yociir husbend aed 7OuT ehdren We offer you a chan-ce ta test 3ueh e apawder. We have put up a large quan- tlty in packages and while they lest will dîstribnte 'th.ese et onIy 5c a package. "'This la un absolutely plre cream tartan Bak- ip'-g Powder aid con1- tains Do alum (,or-phos- phates orotherilajurions ing.redients.- STOTT o&z JURY,. Tbh9 Drnggl--st, & Opticiama, 71i wud~~E i-ap d est et WM tttthofs Dakacse-idlney Tatblete-4u CMF kg the Uevenesi kiduayv, biaatdn cd uee wqrîblsmakes tiosc i.iected rejo)ice diC4ASeases Ua éuaond*rs es lame et -w.ak bgck, swabIîsg a)i tie foot, pulffirÀ4s -iüder the e-yes, gravel, brick deposits Îs -4h uine, sainfrequent ca-lgadune1l '4&. day, er aighi, pain Zlu the joints, turc .acid Wn the. blood,drwiehesah rapid 102Z nas *f 1h.uianyor ý, ver torpr, tàz..ý ë t rpr F -n gapeChishdpitr and thie aged-an-O ai, %uikkly relievti aýnt psrsa.nently cunsi. Mn. L Dawsan, Ma4in St., Kincardin*, Oat., oays : 'Ir wonk andi constant toopigg, togethes- wlth exposuno ta cold, :brought on ovetroeae and Kidney trecme. Thse oecr-etian& wre tbick and t4canty. Nothinig ellsved me' unýtil ! gel btlie af Dr. Pitçbe-uBaCka che- Ki dncy Yiableîa. Tbisy Soon stopped the paJýin andi os.CThe Kiney action becamie gotý'and beali'hy. I arn exceedingly Xreiatefui, and glad ta add this tosî,imny te ob expressions 0f OGdwili I have hl,-and *tlserz ~iva utteran.-Ce tw.% T t le no -wostdr Dir. Pitrhes'A Tabýletoi *lire o weli n>2410 ar-e ticý-Q oipis M a Kltioy spec ar asai ctain bigrec. ~tt tie (oud in eD omes kldney p1îLs 1T.blsiabottlc. Prite foc. or 3W tg; or b Cau r s. Dï Oa&d gi I OWMANVILLIE. SEP7.1v1, 917ý PERSONÂL. Miss Ida Pincl is vislting fionda in Trsonto Junction., Mn. T. W. Undei-wood, _Markham, we1s in town last wee, Misa Mur iolMaso Lindsay, is vis- itbng Mrs. J. T. Hooper. MiQs Wmulnne Penninglon, Tenonte, bas been 'v-sitlng aI home. Mi- and Mrs. Wsn. Ahton, Columbus, w-ose in town Wedniesday. Mnrs. P. C. R1-imes, Buffalo, NY., lbas been vlsitiý1îg Mns. P. Tyler, Iln. Samuel Stanley, Elîvale,lies beeon visiting relatives bei-o. Mna. 1R H. Down bas returned froni iisltlng ionda in Stratiord. Mrs. James Kuiglil !S visitlng ber daugitens et Elinvale andl Bannie Mrs. Fi-enh Downs and son. Detroit, oecently vyisiîed e àMn. R, H. Dawns. SMiss Aima James, Columbuis, la visit. ing beor gi-andfather Mr.-J ohm James. Miss Len2a, Penninglta aithe post Dfflce staff, ila belideying lu Tarante. Mrs. E. I. Osbonnio bas rotnrned from 1ve-ry pleasait trip to 1Helenia, Mont. Dr. Wallace and son Chai-les ai Met- ,lfe are visiitig Mr. D. W, Dowuey. Mi-. W. C. Allen, Osceilla MiIis, Pa,, .visithng lis mother Mra. Johin Allun. Mns. John Elford la visitingli er daugh- :en Mrs. (Rev.) H. A. Strike, Deseronto. Mn, H. Peihna, ofai i Allen Lime. [ontreal. bas been visitinig CapI. Jas. Xlght. i-r. Engoue Moi-ris and brida, Wiud- ;i-, wovro necont guesta af Mn. Jehn Mn. and, Mrs. Lanice L. Masou,G7rave n iral, are vlsltinig bis father Mn. F. H., Mirs _Andi-ew Ponuinglon bas roturu- I fi-rn a pleasasil visil with friands in ai-enta. Mn. anud Ms:.R. Hoskin,Bowmanville, ,eoentlv visitoit Mra. L. R, MeNaîl, art Hope. Miss Marie Painton. la spouding vaca- on wilb hon eun, Mns. Alexander, 'rt Penny. Miss fi Oke, St. Thomas, bas leen isitlng lier cousin Miss Etiel Oket2 înrth Ward. Mn. and Mrs Wm. Adams, Oshawa, ae i-scout guesùta ai Ibm ne-ic, Mn 11s. B. Mitchell, Mr. -andi Mrs. E. Fezz1 , Detroit. Midi., 3B~nacnt~uetaai n.Sarnuel Allhxn, Mrs- P. A. H,3nîy laitSatur4y aion- ig for KingsvU1le tih roafide witlh br )n'Mr. <W>. W. Hnr. MIsses Millie"N qpý", Etne M. arpe and Jeanà M. TIod are atteuiding sdel Sehool et Wbltby. Miss Fled.a Smb lias returued homne T'ai-ato afler a deligîhtini visit witli Br relatives anS friends here. Mr. and Mrs. VW. B. Pinci bave ne- irned friauj vîsiting fniends ini Rochies- r, IlRi-mo, N. Y., and Toronto Miss Laie -Dawns lias rnommeS ta hen *mnei- position ili change af ite mili- ,Dept ai The G.B, RyanCo, Guelpi. 4N1i. anS Mr-s. Rani-y CerSel-(e Iy, N. Y,, anS Miss Carneo Cherrýy, üroute> lave been vlsibnrg Ibein, other. t Mrn. M J. Hutehinison, City oditeof a be Examiner, Peterbono. bas booma )Iidayin.g et lis fatier's n.Wrn. Rut- linson, 'Mn. Gea. Ay re, Cardiff, Wýales. andr r. aud Mrs. VieanY, Stafford, Toni.,, ive beau vislting theur coustin i-. John mci 'ýEnpingbam" e iir'wM. Foley las r et urn e d frPiah dendid trip te lis; son Mnr. A. W. il, Edmonton, Alta , andallier inda along lie way.c ,Mrsa. Wm. Glover and rudaglra oohea Woodland, Bai-don tTar-a it, have boom yisiting lie sistenMns. Ihard Allen, Church ,St. Ve congraulate Mn. Gea E. GibbanSf- ranto, an aid Durbem boy, ou bolng - ceted Presideuit "of The Canad(inl anmaeutcalAssociation. Miss Ethel Tabli whah-bas been spont7- r ,- the helidayvs et borne hlisreuno honr foi-mer pasitian as milineir with i J. C. Turnbull Co., Peterbora. Min. and Mns. F. R. Brawn aof the Jas î cdavDrng Co-, bave taken ia cattaga ' BaLif and wil spend a few wee.2s lu e momana4a1ayAbertian. Mrn. Chas, L. IHava noecntly \visitea sý sfatber Mi-. S. Raya, pLiotographer, a ,viaus ta resunîmgfils titi-S ycan u-se et Qnooui's Unilversity, Kingaton j 4i-s. J. F. Allen euS twochulidi-en ao have been speuding the imer L [h ber f atier Mr, James .qElott _a fo S Mr- D. G. M., Gajbneiijt ttaudod the îi1-, odn fa M.J. sý, Bllvil,an i is entams ehlrCaîonawhielb: k place Sept, 3 lu Trnity Chuneli borne. Rev. R. S. ELarg, B.A,, BýD% Ass't the Metropolitan churel, Toi-enta, v!8lt is eir L-yh.rci*e- .-bar-fwit while picking applea. We are pleased -jthat Mn. RundIe la recoveri-ng nricely. Mn. Chas. MeLean, City Tesrn Brocviile, and son Wyatt reeently vis- itled ha co eusin MArs, J. PB Mitchell ard iothùrfned here. It la fouteen year-s sipe Mn.MeLen roved firn tibis tawna àln.aneM, C. A. Wvrighft, Tai-onte, Mns MLodooaok,1e t n Mus. Neil MPesn ndaaaiansi Mn D MePherýson, Tornoo- wre ie atnngthe fumeral 4ai the lae il- iliai llcDonald. N.- and Mrs C. E. Box.5 and Masjter cCclBox, Montdreal, who nave býeu visiting frienda lu Madoc,lPntHpe ,ZioD, Ný,wcastl, l3aSwmanville and TFor- ante, have returned home, Fa.ttar a v:eny pleasant limue. Beare tlefaKî (îHi laîBîî 9ýignatzurO PERSONAL. Mr, W J. Scott, Toronto, apent Su] da y nt home. Mr. E. L. Creeper, Toronto, spel Suniday at homIe. Mrs. J. T. Hooper recently vlsitE relatives in Toaronto. Miss Galbraith recently vislsted Mr D. Jamieson, Woodvilte. Mr. G, B . and Miss Case, Toronti are visitlng as Mr. F. A. Haddy's. Misses Adab and Mande Wrlght ha'i bee-n viaiting' relatives in Toronto. Mr, S J, Henry, FortPerry, recent] vlaited hiasissr, he _Misees Henry. Mr. Fred D. Cherry, Schpectadý N.Yspent Sundlay with his m-'other. Mrs. Rd. Bragg, sr. bas returiýe froni visitiug lier sister at Dunbartor Miss E. M. Washington. Bethany, i yisiting liàr mother Mrà. U. Washingtor Miss Kate .Hlazlewvood, Wroxeter. j visitlng ber brother Dr, B. J.Haz!ewooa Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Hlay, Torontc were guests cf Dr. G. C.?Bonnyceastl sunldav. Miss Nellie Honiev. Saler", visitei Mirs. (Dr)1 W. T. Willard, Toront Junction. Mr, J. Bogue of Bank af TorontG Peterboro, was recent gust ut IMrTF A&, Haddy's. Miss A. Jamieson, Fergus, WIO lha ben vistting ber aister Mrs. A. C. Prc< lias returned home. Mbsrs. E. Weldon and T. Lane, Oak wood, were recent zuests of Miss Alm Pollard, Wellington St. Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Trewin, Oshmaa avent Sunda.y et his fathier's Mr. 10m' Trewin, Wellington St. Mr, A. Bar ,ber has Zone te Brace bridge to, take charge afi tbe Mode] Schoo1l in that town-- for this terna. Miss N§Jlie3 Wighit,Providene,has re turnied from an exceedingly pleasani visit-witli relatives at SycamýIoreIll. Mr, and Mrs. J- N. Lawrie and daugli ter Mildred bave been visiting her brother Mr D. Melierson, Toronito. Mrs. Steplien Steveus and Master Winston, Athens, have been visiting Mrs. Wra, NMcReynolds, "Brook Hill Dairy, MIr Thos, Elllott, telegrapli editûr of TACe Xews, Toronto, was guest 01-WI-8 tincle, Principal John Elot B. A. over M,.11, lïlapiiY,daher eth and s4on Jack- of Woaodstock have re- ~tu.zDed bone after visitlug ber father Mr, David Cox. Mill ney îope nings at Hladdy & Co's Central Mliliner? P6ilors ounFriday and SaturdLy Sept. 20th and4 21st. Ladies -re invited te a li. Mir. and Mrs. Ben OIver, PrtIflols, irere eixesta af Mr, Carneilus Osborne Sundlay. Mrs. Osborne is 'the only known cousin of Mrs. Olver. Rey. and Mrs. _Neil Mçpherwsxi tand son Neil afI dianIapOli;s, tmd Who have been viaitin)g bis siaýter Irs. J. N. Law- lie halle returnedî te their home. A big ranUgeOOf ladies' COats,, b 0thf Germn iand Caniadien, il new, made nl tbe moat up-to-date styles juat open- id out et Coucli Johnston & Cryderman's Reeve IP. 0C.reblleoeik attended the- openiîg of the Gîlibard school at Caj- bourg7, giving a reminIis"cent address af ho days when he wa.s a scliool boy in that tOWn2. Miss Edith L. Freelanud vill resumie niusio .teaching in Bowmanville the 2nd week cf Sept. and will be pleased ta eceive additional pupils aitlier homne Beach Ave. Rev. Robert Emberson. wife and two hlildren, ai Jepan, formerly of Mona- -han, are home on furlougli, and, have been vîsiting his cousin, Mrs, VWîie lebee, Chalrlecote. PÙtmpkin Pie social in the Mlethodlst chu-rcl Friday evenlng. Tbis will lho agood opportunrsiy for ail the-congrog- tian ta get acqainted with Pastor and; Mrs Garbutt Every one corne end baveý pleailaut eYenInIg, Mir. E. T. Siemon, B. A.. Mrs. Blenon ndca 21aster Rex, Oýsliawa, Mir. Johin plersoîl, BUrg-ovne., and MissPero nId MIr. JohIN Mooro, Winnipeg, wr rcent gueosts et Mr. WVm. Trewin'1S,1 Mi, Jas. Pattinsa(n and Mliss Neliîe pAttison returnýed Suindav maorninigi ramem moat-Jellubtfu i p ta Englenïd.j cao eme over on the Allan.Lrne Vicorin."They report a splendidý minthe ild ]and, a fine voyage and ,eak verv bighly af the"Vcoin lad ber afficers. Barley, Barley, 'Barley, bring- it ail ta Jom Mackza y Liinitod, Bow-manville, Fneu ,Milliu6rv Ooeninigs et the Misses )ingmar's on Friday and Saturday ïept 20 and 21. Mr. W. P. Rich, Clarke, lias sold tlie lrm advertlsed in THP, 3TiT-Esmààzta isheP sas a : "Sirice lIsa't wViting vo eve b>en prottv well through Ire-1 and, rmlzon cidoniderry dawn ta lakes u ilre nd have visited Paris and orseýiles in France-. Spent esveral t~ lhfriends et BnjIhou nd ciwas round. the le af Wigb-t, pat the eedjes anid ar-e nowing daing tup solu.Yeqterdav we taok a trip raugli the Tralsa'ohs and expect to peond to-morrow down thie CIldA lIn- nd going ta 'Edlnburgfr on rTuesday ýd returnlng te London Satnrday and iiij ppend sevoral days more there, à D -ll--- ArrLm~1 APPLES!1 '-~ Bnlng ycun wiuadfalls and euhl appie boloire tbey gel soi bta lite vaporators îît Keep ns bnsy.1 FiNZKLE & ACy-RRMAN d Fermera, Johni Maekay Llmited,waa >.al Sour Bai-loy. New subseribers zet THE ST-ATESMAP ta Jan, 1, 1908, fa-r 25c, Bei-loy wauted *sy john Maeka: ve Limnited, Bêwmauiville. ly An Armenian was in tewn Monda3 ~, sOlieting subseniptions for bis people. Millinerv opening s at the MlssesD[ng maan'a on IFriday and satunday sept.2c y$ _ and2141 ýd The Misses Dlngmama announce Mil Llinerv Openîngson Priday andl Saturdaý 1Sept 20 and 21. 1 s We are lieadqitarters for overything .1 that la up-ta-date la tie shoe lin64 is Reid and Pearna. W. H.1 Bragg, Chathami, died et hb[ ~homo Ang. 25, aged, -55 yeians Ho wrah Oborxu lu Port Hope. THn STATESMAN will be sont ta a new d addresa in'Canada an Great Britain to OJan. 1, 1908, for 25C. If yen have Peers ta selI eall on Poter .Murdoch, Ho wvill bny on the t-e a Inl good order et bu is store. The peopla sey we have the finest 5lineofa Oxfords iu tawn. (.aRU and see e therniet Reid and Pearn's. A beautifujl lot ai Dresa goods in h1back and colouns now showing at a Candi-, JohuaLton & Cryderman s. LaPdiesyvou are invlted ta attend Ithe Miliuery Orenings et the Mises-D!uZ man'aq on Friday ai-d Satnnday Sept 2O and 21 A chaice Stock af Men's aud Boys, perfect fitting fleady-to-wear Suita. Just received et Concet], Jobnstom..anid *Ci-.deman's. t Excellent oponiing just now et Tnî STATI4I.SMAN4 office for a bnight bey to eai-n pinting. Apply ta Nanman S. r James, Foreman, --parties baving fnn goodoi needing re- rpairasbould take them ta Mankus a Maor, the Fui-ier, mowonefrth Falrush beg-ins. If vanwant ta 500 and Icai-m ail about 1the LNew Fail milliiery attend the Open- ingsaet the Misses D)ingnu.n'a on Friday andl Satnarday Sept. 20 and 21 Re3ad(jy -t )-Wear suftsfor mon and bo3a , perfeçl it ting -and made np in the rmest rashionablo stylý,es, uL-t received at Candi Johuiston ,& r.vünan's. Pleeseul ta hear ai tle prosperity af Mn. W. A. Tom, Cllfngwcod. fonmerly of Salne. Tïitii BULLETÎN Sttatos lieis building a twO storey brick i-esidenoce. . Mr. Jack Edsall won IsI, 2nd and 'àrd prizaq on Black begborus and 4thu pr'1r. o-n Bull begboi-ns aethetla 1fdli11Nat-i louai Exhibition, TçI-on'o. Well doneI, i-, C'has. F. Rico ws avêSr s &S f al exhiblîor of Pur atTQyoito IEXt- hibitiQn, winnîng several Nl t wfzek and a bronze mondal lu Spaniýh and Andaînsian elesaes. Do not foi-gel thet Conch, Jahuston sud Cryderman show beyoiid tal quos- lion the flijeat stock aif Carpets of 8i1 kind ci uLace Curtaîns lu aIl qualities ahown b y amy hnse iii West Dunhai.i See the new dinuen ware et Cinla HUqll Gnocery .àA- new stock patu, Yo'n can buy a dinner set as yen want, a few pieces au a lime or a w616 set at1 once. The goods and the pnice will please YOan1 Ladies, reserve Friday and S'-atuirdayv Sept. '20th aud 2Ist for the FallMtl.lineri-y opeuing?. Three of thej staff hae been et the leetding wiolese.le suiiilinar-v hanses gathevînjz the latest id eus in faîl muilliner-y. Yeni will find a lange1 display ai up-ta-date imillinry. Mn. Johin Hem, Meeford, 'receu1tlv!t vls6ited n Samuel Allini's Stocklz ai-m and mado ceice ai an exceptlonally pnarnsing horanbull ealU under a year e'd for which ho pi-off eredSI$10 and relic-uetaîv fe ,was, permittell ta take tie aninel ta improve the stock ai St. Vinfeent townlship Abont th.inty girl fihondaoai Miss Ail- Cen] V. K-eya assembled at ber homne Thiursday aveningaud speul e jol1lv lime pieeoustaler dopa i-lui-o fi-arn tawn. A vere' humerons address was road by Miýss'(da Richards and anulie- hid f a l cieeMiss L ot.tie H1arnley pýesan1teul ler wîîih a beeutiini gol bmele xpressive ai thifir lavo aei renot.Rfreshmnents were sçýrvprli eind e vory social Wlur -%as varticipateà in b ý ail preseul. Miss Koys bas been on TiiE STAT1ESMAN st'uff !Or neanly ive yea-s, lias severd berCOnnection tleroý with and ilitends gaiug ta Detroit ta resiýde withli er brother. Before ey-. in- ieofc Saturday sle waa pi-esou"'t- ed w ai diamnond ring bï tlh edhtan anSd maniIons cf k hesiaffas a tô'ke- m o thein oo-wllanS estooj. The eeiet zood wlshes aif al llo bler '0te li etenity, OpQraHous SAM EiRICA'Sý GREATEST, Of COLORED SHO'WS. Laig-n-,inN itîmbe r Best in Quality PUULA Band and Orchestra ýI Real Colored TIn;P RIE Dl-IRECT7iFRO7WSUNNY VSQUT11 Buek and Wing Dancing Quartette Singing, Patton Scenes Grand Final of 20OVoices. Prices: -25C,, c,5e TICET NW ObýZALE AT Mitch-eII's. Drug Sý'to)re IMCNPIL-In Clarke, Ana. 25, to Mn. and Mraes Thos. Mc!Nêl, twinls-boy and girl., BASHEaVILLl11n Clarkc. Sept. 5, ta 'Mr. and Mre J. J. Baskervilll, a daughter. TOOLFEY-Ii > OhalWa, SEpt, ard, thec wife of JaE. Tooley, of a dztnghter MANN-In Oba%, Sept. 4tLù, tie wife a El!jýL ,a ofg,0fadugtr -MUaNDY-In Oshawa, Sept. 2n4, ta Mr. and MrS. Chlai*les M. Mny a daughtén. KEELEAMBY+I OsbwaSept 4ih. by Rev XW. B. Tieker. Mýýr. robhi. Keel an dMýïss -Kdih 1s~ianbly, bath of ()sha wa, Ablraham, Au. 5 , M.R ".V bb,DanI, Miss 1M.1Panikburst, bath of Oîhawa. ARKE5SMTSETTtUOAkvjlle. Aukjgnst 2tl, byrBey. J S Ross, WilliamH Akes ndMs Lotte C. Missett, bath aof Oshawa. SI>rNsCal-NIOnsuT-.- A LakUfeli, AUgi C28l, by Rev. Hamilton S. cpeucû, Iyroln,uncef, the bride, Mr. Percty Spencoe audc Miss Victoria Nugenit, bath af Lakefield. ROGF!t-MCLEAN- On Sept. 'Z, et St. Thomas' Cburchl, I Toronto, biy Bey. Canon Farncamb, atssisted bY Rev. C. E. Slitrpe. Margaret Eliza- bleth 1 Jverend, daughiter of tine late George C, Rogers, Peterhoro. and Mrs. Rozers, of siWas91 inigtan Avenue, Torntù,o and Evau Hamii'tonl MceLea,tï Newcastle, son of -Neil ieLeani, selle- ville, and grandson of the Lite Han. Archibald MeLean, Chief Justice of the Court 0f Appeal, WÂLSY,-In Cayeu, Sepit. 2nil, JeniieWals,ýh. daughter oi Roben-t Walsh. MUNIOy-lu sbwaqept. md, Infant desîugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Char-les U. NMundi-. SiroasE-1in Oshawa, Aug. 2s1h, infant sonli Mn. and Mrs. A. G. Stouies,,eel two mAonihs. RFEE-At 19ý Gifford St. Tonoia, Sept. 6, (Chailes S. Reed, in bis 601Ih year. PaTTER- Suiddenly iii wmnyllAuguet 210t, John PVotier., aged 52years. VcKAY -At ala MAbenta. Sept, 2Sud, DatVid Mo Kay, farmnerly of Port Hlope, asi . i, Cbanrles esIe~y Cole'n an, on hibi671hbin h- daRy (ormnenly of Bo)wmanville.) BECKET-AîPort Haney, B. C , Sep)t. lttr, Mary, rli i te la i H. R. Becke!tt, aged 8ài years. Moiber of 'Mrs. T. E B. lienny, Bas'- idece f bs gandaîbs-Mn. Ezra Giffardý, Xeil Gifford. dearily belayed .sonof Mn, F-nank Gigg, Toronto, aged 4 -ears. 5 manths. STAnsmuaIRP-In New ceIstle, Ag11,e b residelce oai ber dangister, M'S. J. W.Baey as nret Na,]ttrass. reict ar the laie G'eorge ýSta1inthorpe, aged 76 year S. LEN Aiberlai reideceAu-,17, Lucinda Evanis. beloved wi ,ifp of Mr. Cê . entc,PM, inhber 81ist year. interment wevs in Leni's, Bury. ing -GrouiL nduer PeiosCorners, nantis o! abanheg. ev. .Jilecodce evc CLARK'S J4UN'ICH TO101NUE Speaka fur itseil. Plropircd with the vnïot cefr, il is th. 1,-f in Canada or APPLES WANTED! Af ten Septemb2r 91k we whill buy eny quantity of apples for evaparating puir- poses delivered aithe Baker and Clarks Eaporator, Sotith Ward * Bowmaniville. BÂxAKr & CLARK. SOY WAMTED-12 learn printing 13 t S'?kTF3&AN OflC FRIT WNTE-D-Apeis, v ~ plms, etc. Wnte tu GEO, VIPOND C. ri L nreal , Que. 3'. j . AiN'",TED AT ONCE--First. claqs gilfo oonto. Wages Yé7. A)pply JÂMS lEY~N BwioaH vll e., Ut GIRL WANTIED-To aýsst lu hanse andstore. Apply ta Mrs. F. J. MANN nzc, (Gan CntalBowmianville. 872w. C)Eî,ERAL SERVAN~T -WANTED- G A oce Good waLres. 4pply at TFz: the Telephon bsinss Apply ta, A.C. PSICE Loca Manger Bel', Tele11oue Bow mannville.37 if. WANTED-RE1LIABLE WOMAN ta take chage i ouisework cin inail Eaiy. Gýood place for the rigit persan. Apoiy taBo)22, Onaa 3 f MATTLESS1I,'S 'FuR SALE-Two sueinbai n matresses. Wï1ll ha sold] cbàeapj. Apply 0o HyeCR BEtTE iMiss Gaile's aven New ùOfie. 6-w TII OUSE TO RENT-Twa vostonev frame witb nie gardlenofagandsml frit;oad location and in gLýcol od conition. F.eated wilh new furnace. 'Apply 'D Wtt. ussBowmaanyille. 35tf, Y OUN MANWANTEO-To learn * phatography. Onie wolia s passed Ëtise Enirnceexainaianpref'erred . Appiy to S. 1:AYS', BaWmnville. 87-tf. ge1ncrMl purpase farmý mares aged'l and ers, spposed to lbe in fii. Apply tu F. T Guv, Lo0t 21, B. F., DanlntosP.O 3-f S ERVANT \WANTED-Good enre KJ a orkb he it fr sal f miy.Apply 'b]etter tae, s R. WK. R ,72 .Alexander Palace, Qnee's Park Ave., Toronito. 31w FARMI TOUfENT ORSEL oth L'h it f lot 3,con.7. Township of Cake On wibare tramoe bouse, 1baen. stable ilde ne th god land andfinlao staltecult a Oron. Ap l aMs. !BROADLxn,1 oal5t by a, piese funace. bas bot hbard and soft', atrpumus lu litchen andis euompletely vired fo Eecri Lghin.Fori, riclasappy - ARM FO-R SALE REUlNT-One 1 ,Lmile fi-aujBoýwrmnvte post o)ffice. A fam 010 areSwlthgoo bouase anSd stable, 2 aeres of orchard. and garden with iOalfreit; 3 aes ar Woods; 30 acres of ood tise premises, Sculgog St. nortb. ýet hai, ete; gý--od grefruit trees, ndlag 'ar-ab tit are, w eli ened endrtin É"goco conditioniuae o 'ronSt.. Bo1 avile býeiwven i. ad OurliSis* 'ltes W:?ik tram iýP. O. einc of thlaie , Col. Cubuiti Tie ahove p.oety will be sold (cbeapiý, fo r cash. Fuirtier panticutlirs on aeplcatiou ta, W. C. CUai1r'r '- or *to F. C. Curi.p 88 Bey S.Porntý ?teýro, ont1 35 6w. One of thele Best Falms IIi Daligtllfor Sale I 5O;eRE',MORE 1Z Dalnln (usr Zion, good farm n eidene3 andOu bilinswell waer ,ldyouug' oj-chard faln l nsUfenced. sal[inlugoci state ai ciltlyàtion. excellent grii ni,.(" st'c-k fb"'111 coý ' Vneit ta c)1archol-nicui-5tb l COnnec"teSby telephanle witit Oshai," vaWiU be11 soldat rlea,,Son ablepnice on easy terips. Address JMES MO uEt. *HARNESS BUSINESS Ntny uoic ee Fr ' ýsndCatpny mouleyas O ban ai. lowest carent-rtes Agntfor T'he Midiauri LcAn FOR S LE. aasaviasopaY. Bo m3îe.1. rO Upt-dt ALa uEs Mrs ayd -eK1zýsBomnvle 9et sticIin r the Town ai Bowmauivllle frF ARII TO) ENT OR, FOR SALE- d sale. For perticulars a ppl y 0 ",,) acres, lot 20, eaul. 4. alngoin gsod c ondition, good buiilding, spcialygood 'eIul possa inA pru 1i. 1508 Apply ta JES Bawmanvil 7 Hamptoni. 23 If, OSAWA ANR M. IIAl.STINGS, Proprietor, Thie Proprietres ai the Osbawýa Laundny bas made e'rrangemjeuts te" oPeli an Agency in flowmanville. Wagons froi the Lau drv will calleet gooula in Bowmuville eveny Tnesday, aud they vwill be delivened by uesegrbqys every Fniday Orders loi t with C~ C Pe3tbick, barber, w'iil e pramptly pand vell cexecuted. j £~~r'-ý THE FOLO SG THE PRICIS LIST: 'B. itit.............10ec. Napkins.......e . c New op. b'm or fan........J12 Table Covera......., 10c te,,.-f V Cle...............2e L'adies' Shintwaist .10.e le o15e Cuaffa per pi-------4 Pla lp..............lyilo sis Laie'cape collara..... Sc Curtains aci-------.25et$1O Chemisettes.........5c Dresses .........5e a- A4î Nigbt Shirts-------5e17e Sýkirta, plain - . 2eta .. '1Dnawens....... .5e a7C Chmse.....c, 10c ta 125P I Undershirts ........ --s-- -----20e ta, .,"* F iFannel Shirts.. ......5c ta 7e Niglit Dresses ... ......Secta 10oc , Saeks-, per pair iasec 15e to 25Ce STf llandkorehîiefs, '2e i c Ars....... N 1e t.. .ilk 2 a3 rwes----e0e fa I ýe P9 edties" -. ....5e Shades, each-----20e ta o coit .....e Riseta ............... EXCURSION SEASON WILL MOON BR O'YER- Se TARYE A TRIP TO Tins 9, C CR NER y ~SHOE ____ ____ ___ STORE... and buiy yonr faotvwea hlereyo eau bnv the best such as, *T-ie Dolly Vanden Shaes for 1lies. The Foot-Bnite Shoos for9 genlemn.The Plamgh 8hoe for tIh;e ploughan*Th r' Wea9r for tise children ani, Blippenvs, Bubbers aud.alil ? 4Is 0[daa Footwear, Poluah amd Peste ta he fauindl in amy up-ta- data store. Calt eud lu pDect Our sWo¶. No trouble ta shlow Re Id 'ozPÎar" - CLEANES r STOUK IN TOWNý Oposite Bahnroral Hotel - Bwravle ove Our first het of the so0 popullar Il e I e e g g I I e I ~ I jdepaimmient Quality and Vlcsvr SITheGns FrihngDprmnta sal bud in the icai ail kids of Hat<, Aps, Tcs, Shirt,(as, Cla der. Nout Lior o SandrBnki r., FreSeEon tcLtc %Q r-.. s, I. 1, Norhtway CoatsAFOr Lde n lMisses Now in tock You are SpeciÀaily ia.vited to see tuhese Coatts bceoreÏ muaking Syour f al prhae Aise New lDreS& and nde(1itand the Most seeDress CGods,. Thàese are t1he best we hatve ever hadi the pleasure of introd-uc],ng to your notice,> -poi-ýiGul"s-SWO13- to-mls9-P*-ný §-t i -.

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