tate~ntan TE -$j.Co »er ATnnTETT1nw flrTn tmf-LUWNA nfND UUUSm-r IRST ; - lt.... TT,-,I..- A A------- JÂ~~j j .I.n~ YYu1~1.a~~ i~.UWAJ~1DS. M.A, JAMES &SON, Proprietoris fil A I~ divaflci. -~~~~ ~VU:JumE LI, 0 53 NEW DRESS GOODS! COATS AND OLOTHIING,,. Couchl, Johnston i ryema xtn ihearty j- KERýbLAKE'S 'Colnpould Extraot of Wild FOR CRAMPS, COLIC, CAIOLER& Mou- 1315, ErTc. The medicinal propearties ,ýof Wild Strawberry, aregeray well know. J stoach~ndbowel lmaya houisehold,ý Wýe have a preparation.,btat we have reason te belie3ve h le sthe best ever put on the arvket, at least ilnany of Our customers Say sol They sboi srely k ýnow, for theyhave tested thiis retnecLy. It la excellent for cralmps, cle cholera inorbus, dysýenterv, dliarrohea etc BIG NEWSPAPER SNAPSI THE8TATE8MAN - WekyGlobe and Canad.a Farmer OF TORONLTO. THE ,ýSTATESMAN will furflish yon with the news of interest in Durham County. Every home inthis district shotild receive the best loc al paper. The Weeky Globe and Canada Farmer is one of the best famlily and- farni papers in Canada. Its inagnifleen t news service; its rlumerous special departments; its interesting illustrated agazine features; its great serials and popülar short -stories make it the greatest dollar's worth to b)e had. CEJLEBRATING TnEla TWENTY- FIPTM ANNIVERSARY., Jt is just twenty:five yvears since Messrs CouIch, Johustou & Cryderman com- Menc('Od business ini the store,«>bieh they ocupýv to-day. Tho business whch fbe- 9ga n lder such favorable asicsgrew. Bn r p d s th at th e sto r e a s e! n lagd üo two different occasions mak- hig it about twice its oiia ie About three sasao the ook pos- 5Sý,îSon of the adjoiing s ktore former]y tePost-Office The w o 'eof thig sýtore iS devoted eneirely to.Ready-te- Wear oods the front part boing used for M1en's and Boys'Re,,d to-wear Suit&, OVercoats a.nd Gent's furnifihings, il' ail of whicb hM evc rrva iue aild u to- date stock, lhebajck part 0of Uiisuid îng is occupied ntielybLdis Ready-to-wear goodF,_ UndIzerer, Skirti', Raincoats, and adies' and Mis- 'qrEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1907