WHINK 0F ITI 'neis Fre«Y Mares adeaac v ~ Bakack-HerConditions RELIEF IN PE-RU-NA. App'e pokere a eretiful iii this vie- 'niy MrP alory bas reinted bis famto cewlirig Bros aud intende liavng au ~ ~~o ae t...rs sîe9iP!and Mast- er , hob ceben visitmng riends here Lae oLe to Oshawa enroute- to their bor1c ne V,ý nnipeg..,Miss Maude C ee as returiied to Toronto. . .. Mr W Hl Ceeper :týaster Ge.o!-ge and Miss I ArieCre~zr pent Sunday at New- caste. fSessr S ond e, ard Rdl MI Neil SpetSunay at Zo . Mr anid Mr Ulnder5,Troe spent Sunday et J U'ne ,-,Mis Efes rt, ?iC -auA socialime ives spert 'by the Leaguers ivednesday ewEning wvhen ailu w ee te ed to pe s. ORONO. 'Mr. Oscar Rolfe was homre from Oish- awi. T. WVU dew dEqMrhm took in the fair Mrs,,J ohus ton, Portp,ûl,ivslted ber- Mr. andMiss Lick,, Oshalwa,weevs iter as Mr. A. A Rolph'e. Mre ert MIfookiý nauon Stanley 74it t r, . eckiu's ýý MisNitn Deymaui,Bomnleis ithed nt Mr. C, A._bpa' iMr Jnaes Meam , Port H-lopDe, vis- ite bs boterMr Ths.Mccomnb. teeý, Torno etdbis aunt Mes-. Vick- ers esr.Sid Eutherflocrd and Fred Wiîter Tronowere down for the !faer, PotHoe iltaI M.o.rWtck Miss oeoth.daug-zLte 0fMr.J. E Rihad, is bbep-seri1siyl ut is M.asou Yoî lias lea,ýed theoiOd ,Parker le vacatingz Mi's Kirk sd mroth ér Mes ik Wcrthig lmi, Ichviied lierswster Mi.T. W. Somer1 P2V i. BuiesColiege, Teroitoý, MissEdili cat, Booki, sudr eS i upaux Trembles SchoolQue, Me iu Asnerogfish"-ery offleuer', awd teRideau -akce, epsigblack I 1bass,. son R . iv .A à elieu,. B. Aà tetti Son lanteret thli3ae 0! MLr. Vuj nr1 mnie metn-a-heGnrml As-By.u-M A. Jaacn soicinstlHinga Jams rale lsta gootI Wm'Hhese oYu GAN TET TUSE BaoD - MesMcluup, Mdat....r m reeniv -,M.W. . oi islIe ceso! h he gmJnt ucd Ccl, Hafm,îl1toi , v iltetd vitdi PMr.A Tîr~'sj bin~ saf Pe~îb o was ! the. he Iyil fa, a, a 3 eJ.ckese. ..tieEu"Bine spuîers'a..e mils sepccf-r mit' FoUr s, 0o! e of duheorane. To say hat es c iii Port,, Hop I rîiGrcnan, du hre, ; b-cpi lanhi ani w e lemet anngm lo he iewtu . Sund 'os rîe5ed lnaea &Y inter- AtayilWC p lon u a llie eemets cfstpieiurshecm excrd e eatig snsieu . -- Sre.(Dr. bs hamwlci Du. C _"S'NRV Fon eom 1 pimples, slosi euetca~ uateAlla..vidtetih Pw mhlMe I ost. Thune isne greateW icbh y 5-unigCre' itoLvr Pl Davitsi l. b-d.Oaado se, Tri' tliem. lisbe rognxd ueajon tc cnepwuh!~ODAEEUPEN n b 0o.win ojctvucienl bfreu: TOHtJnYU--- Lumbe le trufe hglie tha Itlsedeebebut culhv n sotuete i h enirdmnin u r * alwys prparcdte gie reaoaieetiaeso4hue1u1ba) HIGR SCHOOL NOTES, Mejs. Richard, Lang who broke hiel wrist, is net nmaking rapidrcory owingo to lier advanced age ... . Mrs yeaîs of ago le lu 111 hoalîi.. . .Mr. Chiasi W, Plukbam, Loweli, Mas., viited bis sistere,, Me,.-Wm. Harris, and Mes. Eddy et Orono,_ and etb.ie friend3, 1h ls 16 yearssiue bis estvii...Mr. A. W. Carvet tbreslied hie eeop lu thie new barn re-eujtlv fusid yMJo.e.La,w ton....Mies Bssis W Lehl îssTtuiI Fmauvle 1gbShol sdMieli The atin of-arter, 's Littie Liver Pille le ,plea9sant, mild ud uturail. They etystmlt the live-r, aiud rezlahe the 1bowels, bult (de nt pre Tbey are sure te please. Try them., The celebration in oneto with the epeniug cf the m-, Forresters' hiall at Nestieton was a grand suice -es. Tlhe ball game betweeu Port Perry andi Blacksteck was well cnsse.Score 9-4 in laver cf Port Ferrýy. Tlhe hea providsd by the laie,,s wasalal that could be desired botlilas te quality andi quantity, aud was doulce ample justice te by the l arge crowd preselut. Af ter eup- per thestranmn a given. Ju.N SfanderSon cefrageoccu- pied te chairW iiiJ.',A' , cfTee.r enwte, f,_uhy siistained i il rptt as aý frt Clascoedian. TLe;-uin by Miss Mandeflý Bigwood was cfi the ligbesýt eider> Chas E BodleY, pianiet, prevetCi bimlpeamaster e! the 3art. Pr0ceed about $8 TaiDooron1'S2s ierQUESIfON T-AI- otteflirst questionï a dectoýr pute.t hiepatiernt le iu eenel the action c f the bowel,.Bc ksýeping the bowvels1 regullar yen ia void C-1the dera ugemens cf thaý liveý,r aud kiciue) s ant ci def v colde arud cotgosdsae.DR. RAE RIDNEY-LVER PIL-LIs:rs prop action cf th lierthoroïug-hlycur 0con KEýNDA,'L, Faile.. .Ms, arue sd two snc NewYork, sudNMr. llaýtrrj T.,een Port Hpe uvs taIM.ali'.. 1Mr. Stau.,lmled niwie, vst bis mthev. , .Mrs Sm oro, lia bt vil ieteti a',Mi. opvl's sudnf SMr. Faill'..MrWalrLih bs ret-arnetdi feoma vstoteMid-,auti. puieuinoula ".. Mr Ceeil Mecer lias rerited the Thomp5,on farm .... A vounug The Hligh school b OVs' athietie Soeiety hes besu organized1 for the yeae wltb the follewing e5xecýutive commivittree- J. Elliotu, B. A., peiet Leisle Cox, sec-lrsas; Etruer Rundie7, Harolti Sharp-e, Roy Hooper, Formn representahives. The attendance on the whoes l about the samie as least 'tsaer. There are heu studenuis tak inugthe work fer Houer Maticualiuanid Senior TesýCler'e. The as ôrBu le isargeýr thàn that e! la'-t terhbe inerease bielug among the beys'.1 Mr NormanTrbicokwhoss nemeý titi net appear ilu the puiblisliet liat la been eore by th(ýeeducatienj depait- mjeut ý, assaesug theo Junior Teachersi examination. Thsis akes a total ef fonî,teen te pase àthe eamination cf1 wliem eight i-Iciluiig N. Trýebllcock passti aise for îma.trlculation, 5 ebtain- ing heoîs. SEPTEMBER !WEDD1NGS Tberewas imarridattroeklin;8ept 18 Mis llu IH. Croxail, only vdaugliter cf the lahe James Croxiail, anti Me. G. L Brewn, vwliieeale stahioner, Atielaitie. street, Toronto, Rev. Johiniarris, form- er pester (o! hbe Methedlist Churcli, Bokupe'rformeti the eremour, Oulyihe mmeiiel frendeo!the co- tsacing arte eepres ait u o these thoee were mnany The youug coule lefh on the (') L) C. P. R train for Teot nid theWet A quiet wedding h, oek plaýe atIl o'cloca., on Monday Sept 2 lu the Mletho- diet chre, hen Mliss Miary A. H.ayn es of Rochester, 'N; Y , became tûe wi!e -o! Me. chas. A. Bradfordof'A r à-1 an., Rev. 'R. L. MýcTavi.sh per{orm-ing the cermony. The bride wore a pee-tty dress o! da.r~k _reen silk %witb- creamr trimmiigeant ihat te match. Me.anti iM 1s. Thos. Luck, intimnate friends (4 thie bride and groom, acheti as wtese Me. sund Mrs Brad[ortihv tknup their residence ah 7_g Kutgenie st-,eelt, Nor- wo-d, l 1r Ms Br'atifortýi ;iseero! Mers G. C. Hlaines, and lier mn red besPin ni'cere congratlion gooti w7ishes for a lo nud happy mPar- THOO-IREDSTO,4cK SALE 'Mr. John RHE'oklot !(6,ecou1. ?, Claîk, lia deete astuidj for a vet- errerry surgeon und wCHlssii i-hN reserve hýie vrvaliate farm stock, machinry, ipiem1eàîs, etc., on Mn day, Sept 8Au Me. Hancocli bas oeeoe vli bee stod'c1ked fane sini the townsPhip, ineclndiug. Percher-on. sýt-udard-b'ret Hier, Jeýrsey, Hleei sd allir eows pouirv. achiery ud im'pleis are ext'a gooi.This ea versy importýant sae. See large bille fer particula. On Aug81, 1 esd eCa M_-lo, a con iý ,. MisC.ee ugoG G ardon Wihbas been gustc pMrs! Doive at ýthe01oMethodist pasrsouaý-ge . Miskmein lea gmeatst he Ms . -. Mieyîýs M (-111)rnmitl. Tor"-oo, was receul guseat et Me HCrokeors,. . . iss Cimbe tachr, andtihMeati>Ms J A WeeE ýUiskihlenj, yJv-isit at ex T A held o rn Oct an sd 2d h rc lias been anded sud put lunfirsoclas shape anti une may expeet sometfirst- cliss races,..r N J Rals oia aPedt r iReeriýs' pralcliseturÎÏ1,Îi hie bother, on Sept lite NuMieMg gie6 McLaughUl u w~nuin marriage ,vh obI icrey...Aiet wed- biespre"ýntsou'Sept1, whe Mis Alie Mson dagliurof Meroh Masn, aneit n l mrrag ith Mà L-amry Chapuiu. MODntha cf agony. Bu rx.N!LLIAaISý' PINKt PILLs For many xwearY nt-"he 1 enffered unuld agouy. 1 could not walk I could_ acarcely raise s elf te a aittlug pos- tare. I wase tndcer imedicai carè,but In vain. Finally 1 trIed Dr. Wilitme' Pink 1>111e andt tey bave rustored ina ie my fo)rr beathcondition. Tbh earn ~tue~was zmade ,-to a eporter receràtiv by M.Cnarles S. Keddey, formerly oi Kiogeton, si.S but now livig etM ortMaitland. MW. Keddey is aca'pe, r y trade au'd î1e uaw abe to work every dryE SS AI canuti eek toc hiyof De. NWII pisk pille as tbey Omredme ab~er other medlo'ne feilied Whule 1 was livng nt Klugson N.,S., I wae seized with rttears u ite i vio lent formn. I was comapeiieI tg take to my bed and for montlis wasan invaiid. 1 waeso 9weak that 1h wae diffleuit for mtoraise uiyeelf to itlg otue I. jeý lmüp'eeibleU heu lo mch I1suf feond day anid -nîglt, weelsu nd week 1out. The p,.ineweýre likýe plerclng ( swor!ds. 1 had medical atterneebut Ir faliled Then ILris nedicines ad- vertlseod to cure rets, but wilh ( the, sýaïne àresait, ney was-"Výtued.Gone day when hope lied asinsoE (op;e a fricecdà sd vieedme ao tiry 1Dr. VVWI!ms ' Plnk Pille.1 aidhlmmy Leprece wii other meYdnes, but haeauwed mue tliat these Pilu would cure ebea- mnaticm 3o I senit for 'a app'y, Âfter nsicg ta few boxNes J1 wes ebie 10lea niy bed, an-rd fro i that ou miy restýora%- tiontob) ealh wan rapld. annnau a Fv,1 weiasever 1 Wu', end ha-1 ïual11%3,d the slîgfbteet tof !rheuiaatio Fsînce Thuelchange tbey baveo wrougtit a rmy case iiimpJymr aul nsd I eau atrongly recomaienid Dr, iIsa Pink PSlAeta aiy 'one sufferlg from Rhemh5smlerooted k tin he blood muaasd outward remedies canot rieumatlc acid out of the blood and Dr. Wiliem' PrkPille tiiIthe one s'ure imedicine ta do iîlile hesase tfreY aetualty n L iaIV ue Cblood.T-ha--t 1lei 1hy these pille cure auseWY ,headacher aud beokeches, neursîglindigestion sud the reores alimen t ht mkemiser- abie the llýveî of S) ma'Y women su ad growiu girs. Sod cy aiu Medidcs deaiers oi r by nmail t 50 ents ïa box or six boxes, ,ý-,ýý f or $2-, 5 0, f ro m 1the ,D r. Wl liamea' Medtcýne O,, BokilOt MUAPLE RGROVlE Reen vsitai: Miss Gale, tcols a Mr Clha S Axfor d'S «5. Mr GeorgeM Toimele, howu, spent siuday with hie parents, Mes Wm T S 1Snowýýdeu ia nd Mas t- ers Ebe-r auid -R'avmnoud rcn visited hlsser Mrs B j Gap, ToroM rsnj D1 Stevens with fr.eends luin Toronito. ... . Miss Swoî, ied Sucetry oM tdueDeacoees Woîk, Torutogave a very itetig talk 0on the wor.....ay Church -r Pill Theyunare auotiewsCure o b'disodrdlieOl eepl i soiDiciY John fladKay Ltd., wiAUpuy highest rice at the mi115, B w avl I wri MaîAY 11 lui 'lothing hos -S.iveths E vi Deris:- Arshorit I-.me 'o I b Pemit, d as i caued WhMari sdofr ne. lan i;3ess taïsythe n, ,,arof-rs. M. rki'r V,-e11aison fo se any fa!I,3 t 'Ilemua eculiý,tha o sa escaas tarrh rvof any teoan 1 1 j The large amiounit cf bsns that we have (jonie sIne j oop Ienting, bas for exceeded oui, expeciatiens. this S pla ii'y shows that tise nîen c f Bowmianville and su.- " oundiug. country, have juet 1een waitincg for a store cf Sthis kind,-a Menis Clcthing and ff ur]înishiug lie. A store where a large aso onn f Mens .&Apparre anmcUd Furnishings je caried; where a mian dIoes not lhave te elc hie suit frem 15 te 2ý5, buLt wherýee li as Six 2 lundred Suite from wý3hich te matke hesleo.The J -came with RIate, Caps and Furniishinge,ý. We Lhave ju me eeved a sipeo f EeatDeuble * S Breasted Worsted i te -for men. 'Ihese suite are ahiead ol etthe eduayReady mdfiihd hoghu ith * Wý,e have aIlareaso omnf shirts in ýstck The S pepular plain bine Cabathe peaedw ieh ceai shirt, a great aàseortmUeut t rou 45C to $1ýý!50 Al the lte hneu is Ail the new ,shaiscsud olor in Overcoats, fromUI the ý tylisL i BlckBeaver sd wed OeserLed, tee ~ IIa\'yIJiser ith thbe hgiPrussi8an CellarII.I e Our cildeens detpadatmeut is now cO]ïplte w ith sa ùI a5srfmntof ail the iatdest novel(ies 3in Buster BLrowni Suitesud Overcoatsý. Ouir Boy's departmtent hýa-s al hati s wellanmrice V: able.B -hpp(aIoul Bra tedBue sud Black Cee,)on in '1ud( seeu, whethier your intend buLying or011 neot Weintecm rso T TiuE MISON COIIGcom CLýOTHING AND FTNIHN OR GENTLEMIEN ANDTHEIR OS