-~-~.-------- I Mr. Afred Pleau, an Cexpert m~~fI 178 St. John Street, Queb e City, jau., Wites: "Two yeare ago, an acc'icnt nrce; sltated miy confinemnent for seea weeks. The good hoalth 1 h-el enoveI wes sipping away and there de 7elopcci a complication of liseaes. 31y -pt- Bician sail my case was anc of generiJ debility, "'Amang the uary ifloents which developedwuas 9, sciions attack of eue. tairh, which annoyed me consieaby alud lept me a aake whole nigI3 ts. 41 decided to give Perions é? trilrJ and saoen ond It acting asB -cada fui ton/c te My systemn. 'l'bc ctarrh grew lPs severe and s'ortiy after- ward disuppeared, as did a. so t. - 5arlouLs ther maladi'es. 111 attributs my prompt rsllef and uli- mnate cure cntircly te, the iise of Pernuna and gladly recomnd oi t.," Bowmanvilte Fair, (Coïtinuud fro-efirst Page,)l SHEEP Jiir)G-Johu Miller, Brcrt 1'ab. Sfiropshirc iam--L 81inne, 1. 2; Shearîung - m--I' B tur,L SI a1n-r 2,8; Ra m Laamb-b D D, er, 1I12,.1,Skiri- rui; Ew- --W J Colacoit, 'T iitkei, L W D )ýyer-, T B,ý Ier; E Te Lamb- W D Dyer 1, 2,T ]late r. Scuthdr-w:t Rami-J A,7re & Zo.RL lloldswoîth & Sons, 2, 3; SEenrlinz Ilam-Heldsworth & Sons, 1i'2; Ram Lamb-J Ayre & Son, 1,2;-Io'd8woith & Son 1s; E & SoirrtlA-,Sa Ar * Son2 3; ýShalingEwi3-Ayie& Son, Hoidswovath & Son 2 8;Ewe s Lmb- Aý,re & S&ai1 2; 11oldsworth & Sans. Leicester Ris - H anti NAllie i12; W C Blackbuî-n & Sn-n; Shearling R-eut, -Black bure & Son, E sed N Allu, 8 Allic; itai Larnb-Blackbure & Son 1,2; 1- and N Alliru; Ewe-H and N Alun, Blackburn & Sonl, HandN Alln; Sheui- ling Ewe Blackburn & Son, Er and N Allit, Blaclebtrr & Souz; Eiye Laemb Blackburn & Sons i12, H ençl N Allie. Ctswold bbearling Raen-W Dàirey, * A CIwlll 2 3, Ram Larnh-W Darnv, A A Colwili 2,3; Effe-A A Colwiii 3; W Darcy 2; 1Sheing Ewe-W Dsrei, A A Colilt 2 3; Ewe Lamb-A A Coi- POE IJTRY JuiuGs-New ton Cush, Port Daver. Brahnu' ('ock-S Snowleuu T J Cle; Hon-S3 Snawvdea 1,2; T J 2' ole; Coe-- erel-S Snowdec, T J Cole; Pwiet-8 Suowlen, T J Coe; Bug C'ohinu C c- T J Colo; Bull Cochin lien-I J Cote 1.2 l e-T T Colo, M and J Nonkes; Langshan Coc-S Snowdea; Hen-S Steowden 1, 3, T J CoIe2; CAk,'-S Snowdon 1, 2; Pullet-T J Ccc; java Cock-W R Knight, T J Cole; lHec-T J Cote 1,2, W R Knight;, Cocnrl-T J Colo 1,238; PCe-- ole 1,2; Baud. Cock--W Wilson 1,2, H B Foster; Heu --W Wilson 1 2; Cckel-W W il-ou L 2; Pahseltt--S Suowden 1,2, W i'sac;, PI.ýmouthRock, anyother uther vaiietiv, Cock--M and JNooko - hec T Battrell& Son, DI snl J Nookles 23; Cctl- Wlson, J G Burt s, T Botterell & Son; PISlîmoutb Rock, Puttît- -J G Barns, T Bottereil & Sou; Black Spantsh, li-- C F ]'Ice 1 2:Ï ocro- P Rice 1,2; Prllt-C ice 1,2; M' Cr-a,00k-- Jas Morraw, Hl Vaîcoe; Heu--Jas Mor- row 1, 2, 1 8 Lunnes ; Cockrel--J S Luey 1,2. J S Morow; Puiiet--j S LuUney, Il VaîVoe. Jas Morrow- Gama Cock--Bottereii & Sona, M and J fîookes; lien--Battoir-h & Son,' M and J Nukea 2,3; Fn ii-Meti J Nokes 1,2, Botterý ell & Sec: hfamhurg Spangiel, Cuck-- Bottes eh & Son, W R Kclght; He-- Wl IlKnight, Bottereli & Son, 8S now- dec; Cockrel-'-M and J Nokes, Botterell "&,Sn; Pullet---Xlrd J Nokes, Boterell " Son 2,8; Ans other variety Hambuig Heri--S Snowdecn; Wite Leghorn Cocli --W IR Knig-t, H B FostcrA 1Batle; lier-H B Poster, W R Knighî, S Snowdon; Cckel-A Battle 1, 2, 83; Pullot-A Baffle 1.3, W Wilson 2; Brow Leghorii, Cok-M and J No e s J H Elsaîl. T J Cole; Heu--M and JNo-osý J H EdeeIJ, T J Cle; Cockrel--J H Edseti, A Battie 2 8; Pullet--A Battit' 1,3,S Snowden 2; Any other varietLeig torn, Cok--J IH Edsali, Botteroli & Son; lien--J H Edsaîl, Bottereil & 'Hte,,; Cockel-Botterelt &,Son,J fiEdeail 2,8, Pullet--A Baîfleý, Tom Dustan. J H Ëlsall;Acaui, Cock--W R Knlg-ht~ 1,2, TomDut eHn--Tom Dusten 1,8, W R Kiaiht 2:; Cookerel, W RI Dorking Cock, W Wilson;. Heu, W1 Wilson 1,2; Cocherel, W Wilson 1,2;1 Pullet, W Wilson 1.2; Wiire Wyaw. utte,É Cock, W Wilson 1,2, J G Bures; Hoen,é W Wilson, J G Burns, W Wilson; Cockrel, J G Bures 1,2, W Wilson; Pullet, J G Burns, W Wilson 213; Laced Wyandutte, Cock, S Snowden, E But- sou, M aud J Nokes; ,Heu-, S Seowden. E Buteon 2,3; Cockrel, A Tamblyn. S Snowden; Pullet,, E Butson 1,2i S Snow- don; Auv othîri vaîioV,/WVandotte, Cock,' C F Rice hcC.F Rice. T J Coe, 2 and 3: cockrei,, C ýF Rice: pullet, C F Rice,' bnff Or- pingtou coch. r S Snowdeo, hien, do, 2 W Vilsoo ceockerel, i W Wiuson, pul. let» -S Snewçer, W -Wilqon, cock, J 8 aunney ,EButsun, S Snuwdeu: heu, SLunne., 1 and 2, E ButsOn 3d; coçkrçl J Y S L ey lVarcoe 2 and 3d. ult J S Lunuey, 1 2 and 3d: game bantauts, pair, MU and j Nokes. S Snowden,BDtter-g ell and Son- chlcks, Bottereli and Son,M1 aud J Nokes,C F Ilice: cochin bantams, T j Cle, t and 2d, S Snowden: chicks, J G Bures, T J Cole, j G Bures, ban- tauts, J H Edsali, 2d: brouze tuîkeyp, T J Cle, i and 2d: chicks, T J Cule, i and and 2d- turkeys, S Snowden, T J Colo, chîck s, S Seowdeu, T j Cule: grey geese, T j Cele, i and 2d: chiclis. T j Cle, t ant 2d.. whte gee3e, S Stiowden, T J Cle, 2 and 3: chlcks, T J Cole, r aud 2: Roun ducks, S Snowden, i and 2d: chiclks, S Snowdeu: Pekin ducks, W R Knight, T j Cule: chicks, T j Cole, W R Knight: colt. pigeons, r M and T Noes, Botterell and bac 2d. Canari,. yellow or green plumage. Mis T Percy, May Gaud: motted plumage, A Bittie, AJYETC- JUDIDG-Johil S. Bond, Toronto. Butter 20 lb.-Mlra. John Wight, Mis D. J. Giboi, Mia. 0Jno. Rickaîd; 10 Ibo. mills or prin,,r-Mrs Jehn Wight, Mis 1D J. Gibsani, Mms L. Skinner- 5 Ibo roCls ®r priis-Mris. D. J. Gubson, bms John Wight Mis. Jno. Rlckard. 4 Ibo. mae hy gIrl under 18 yeais-Heleu Gihuon, Olive Sknner, M-ay Samîs; 2ihs. ert!stlc .de8sn~-Mis A. A. Gacusby. Clear non- oy 10 lbs -J. W. Sparting, W. Adents; Haoney le ctDmb 19 îbs. --J. W. Spaîtîng. Dr. John Hoskln's Prize 10 Ibn. botter le cick-Mrs. John Wight. do. by girl onder 1S-H1eleuî Gibsoni. GRAIN JUDGE-John McMutry, F C Van- stone. White Fall WLat-H. C. Puucoe, J. AllIe & Sans; Sprlng whes.t hard-A. Tamblyn, J. Aliun & Son.,; Springwheat soir J,. Allie & Sons. Gnose what- S, A, Noîtheott, F. H. Jones; Large peap.-P. Hockaday, W. S. Bragg; stali pe--A. L. Pescas, Oea. Cochrane; bIne peas-Joeh Leesk; White oas-A Tâm- hlyn, F. Hl. Janets; White be-J. G. Burns; Cern 12 rojwed-W. Reulier; do S iowed--Boiteifeil & son, S. Seodetu; harey 6 rowed Hl G Paocos- A L Pazcos; beîley 2 rawed jas Leask: Oîts fioatsýeel sold by S. F. HiI-F. H, Jonsn. - FRUIT JUDGE- R L rruggnrid, Whitbu', W 1- Steveabire, Oshawa. C Al Apples 10 t,) 20 varetie-R a; lacott, Hl. M. CîdIlscott;coll dessert apples -S. j. Jeclutan, Frak AllUn; cati nk leg aPPie-Ps. Coliacott, S. j. Jeekinan; ,Faîl dasei---A. ELA. Fletcher, J.Siuou- der; Alexsecer-Botterell & son, J. Suoe I; Weathy-Ayrt3 & son, G. A. Stephens, Seon- W. Rniteî, J" Snowden Wua'ýei deïicît-F. Alin, L, Buýtery; K-agr J F. Osborne, L Bnttery; pFisý- irait Joncas Samii3, R. Oollacart; Pe- wankei-D. J. Gbsan, AC. Aluh'ý; Bole kler-J. F. Osboîne, A. Tamblyn; Covert-W. Rulter, A. Tamblyn; Duch- c s R. Coltacaît, W~. liiter; metn- J, F. Oâborne, A, C Allie', St. L,,-- rrcac-Fratuk Allio, W lutter; Bien- h9&m Pippin-J. Samis, J. F. Osborne; Ribeton Pppn-R. Collacott, A. C. Allia; GLavemtenB-Botteiehl & Son, J. F. Osborne; Rhode Island Greenlng -Badtell & Soc, L B3utter'; American G Aid-cn stL Btteîy. R. Cola- cati; Onario-A. Tambyn,, F. os. bor'ne; SP;ltz3nbur-A. E. Belman, D. J, Gihoo; Staik-D, J. G'b%,on. L.But- tery; Boýldwt-j ocas Selin, E. Breaks; Nat hein Spy-L Buttery, J. Snowrden; Ben Davta-W. Rutter, 11, Coliecot.î; Cras-mîs. P. McGllI, J. Seowden: Judgieg cante2t for boys or gIrjls under 17 S. Roy Jackansa, Table Pears-Fiarnk Alun; Ritzon- R. Fonteî,' S J. Jackroae; Batlett- T. E.ilggi.nioùharn, J. F. Osboîne; Sheldon-& Brooks, Botterell & Son; Duchesa D' Augouleme-A. E. Belîlman, S. J, Jackinan; Beurre Clairgeu-li. Younng, Buttereli & Sei', Seckel-Luke Butterv, £1, Varias; Beurre ID'Anjou;, -J. Seoie, G. A. Stsphene; Clapps F'avorite-A. E, Belman, S. J. Jaek- wlan;-Flemi2li Beeuty, F. Allie, Botter. eil & Son. Plume2-Grand Duike-R.Foster, Glanss' Seedlig-D. J. Gibson; Yellow Egg- F. Aie; sweet coin; AH Flotchoer; uteoî Son; yllow mangolda J SemIs, J F os. bone ugar maugolds; T, E Hilgginhouh eut, J F Osborne,; white cairotè; R Binaire,, F Allei; long rad table carrots; Li LtRichardsc, S Snowden; short îEd tal-le carrirote SSno ', GHI R'hIl e saipp; A B (CiyderMaa, J G Bre t able squash; G H Rlchaîds, TE Huggiei- botham; hubbard squosh; T E HIggln-t boîbsin, W Rutter; pampkine A B Cry-1 derman, A C AllUn; Citron: Bottereli & Son, W Ralter; early potatoe;, G H Richarde, T E lHlgglnbotham; pot atoee any klnd S Saowdeu, G H Richarde; ol! pota.oes 6 varietiee: IR Brooks. FLOWERS JUDE -asPhilp, Newcastle. 9 Coll greenhouBe plants; S Jackman, colt window p'an!s; S Jeckman, B Var- coe; 0ol1 dahlias; 8 Jâekuis, H Fletcher, colt bal8antý; M*y Gaud,MVrs John Gand; stocks: H F',etcher, B Brooks; aigterc; 8 Jaokmam; H F etchor; verLbeas; H Fletcher, R Brooks; pitutiep, S Jazkiman,i Mrs Bqrîk; petunliss snge; S jack- tuani 3 Bý11 ., pâtinnias double, S Jsck- man; oalpiglossis, Hl Fletcher; phlox drummnonfii; IH Fletcher, S Jackman; colt pinke,donble china, H Fletcher, Mis Sparling: pluks single china, H Fletcher, Mrie Burk; cut flowera; b Jackman, Mra C Bradley. everiaeting flowere; H Fietch- er, Il Varccoe; double zinnias; El Fletch- er, S Jaekunan; French marigolds; Flor- ence Morris, Hl Fletcher; AfrIcan mari- gold; May Gand, S J&ckman; gladiolus; H Fut.-her, S Jackmân; snapdragons; Mis M Burk, S Jackman; carnatloxse, H Fletcher, R Brooks; hegonias; S Jack- man; natnrînms, Mrs Sparluog Mrs W Dutan; double geranlums in pot E Var. coe, Yr J Gaud; sin2le geranîums; Hl Varcis; helsems3 Mra J GaudMay Gaud; fuchsia,, d',inble H Fletcher, 5S Jackuuan; borgmansia; Mis C Bradlley, S Jackauan; ferna; S Jackman; speciman plant R Brooks, Ethel M Haines; hanging basket Mis C Bradlçy, Mis John Gand; table -iaouut; -HFltchev, S-Jackman; -baud- bouquet; H Fletcher, May Gand; floral basket; H Fletcher. S Jackman; floral desiRn HI Fletcher,May Gand, Mrs Gand, LADIES' DEPARTMENT. JUDGE-MIES Magson, Toronto C -Il fancy werk, Bolls Allen, Mrs W B Couch. H1ardanver work, Nelîle Pat- tinson, Florence Vanu. English teyelet embroiflery, new, Mis PR M Mthl, T Perey; Russan croass titch embroldery --Mrs PR NIM MN!tcheil; table cover and doylies, Miss R Percy, Mrts T Percy; ta- hie centre pleds embro!dered, Mrs C S Mason, E Morris; sofa pillow, stamped, Mrs R M Mitchell, Mrs C S Mason; sofa pIllow, any other kind,Mrs T Percy,Mrs. John Jones; point lace, Elle McDougall, Mie T Perey; table caver, calored, Mis W B Coach, Mrs R M Mitchell; Brazillan or Teneriffis laca, Mr8 T Perey, M B L t- GREAT INDBED. Will be the Ativantage De- riveti front au Old iRem. etiy ini New Form. 1 Messrs. Stott & Jury oui. JUEGE-MiSS Gelbraith, Cept. A. E itm'Pn.ile meiately p uî local dirugists initerelsteti Col McLaughlin. chased e suppiy and if was cot long be 9 Col china painting, H M orris. E Morris foie fhey hegan to help me. I gtsw -- bisad and butter plates, E Morris, H stronger de-v by day titi now I arn a The Publie Marvel, aiid Bectors Morris; cull burrt woîk, E Morris, Mra. haalthy as I eveî was. I have a good Everywvhere Pleased. C Bradley; hand paîntgd five o',clock tea appetite. eut strong seld aotive and eau Probabty nun ht-stucS of science has set, E Morris, H Morris; buref wood attend te mi' househol luttes wlîhoet made sncb wouderful strides us bave work, E Mariýs, MisC Bradley; decora- fatigue. I have no hesitation in recout h8enruade le the praotIce cf melre-it-e tire piri - n china or paîcelain, H moding n Williams' Pink ille lu ait Di-ý,esrs t,,,st a cumber cf vears ago MoýJrris, E Mns photo trams painting, sefferers front indigestion. wero consiuered fatal, are flow Unowii E Morris, Hi Morris; foldlng sot-sec scrap îhieumaitîsm, kidney troubles, nur- to hoe curable, Evon consurrmption is noi picture, S Jachunan, Mis G Varcue; algîa, St. Viles' lance. headache and longer lcokel upou. with the droad tbaf plaque. painted, H Morris, Mis J Joncs; ekoe apriorcilwans if formsîlJy inspired. potier>? decotation, jar or va-s, Missansd a huai of other troubles, fiel their If ks right on this lice of wasfinz dis- W&déiz-l, t, Morris; mut) drewrng, plain, roat in bad bhloel jest as le the case of enses that we now bave 'ow-s of a won- >-ay Gaud, E M Haines; map dr"wiug) scoch trouble.'1hat la why the Dr, derfut ditcover--one that is bound 10 colrel, E» M Haines, May Oand; pyro- Williamts' Punk Pulls treatutent la ai- revo 'iiutteezi hie sonce ef madictoe arcneninl i CBaly aysa asuccpss-they are e powerfei sud startie the world, Eveîyono 18 RiarrIs; fejrntois, con.0orladecapEblood bulîdler' andnerve tonte. SaI by familiar wih methods thaf have heen E Marrie; punch howl, E Morris; figure ail dmagieats or dýrect front iThe De empiocel b, ph' siCluns for Yeats, te cases fliat they were a raid woull loi'- w .rt on vase, E Morris, H Morris; oit Wiliamns' Medicine Ca., Biocirville, elop ici-a a doclico lui ail troubles of painting, portrait, E Waîdeli, E Marris; Ont, et 50 cents a box or SIX boxes for the thioat, tungs, bronobtel tubes and oit painting, figure, (sny) E WadIell, E $20 other similar aliments thet woî-o known Mrorris; oïl painting, biaforical, E Wad- ta ed disastrouasiy, about thefirst îhieg, Isîl, tirs T V-ecy; do. animal, E Wad- TYBONE. a Iodter woull do would ho ta recom, dlt, Nelîts Pt;îeea; do. mariras, E moud cul liver ol, los ced liver oïl lues Morris, H Morris; lo. original Canadien 1- bec reo;znizel for a great meny yeaîs marines, E Waddelî, E Morris; do. orIl- Dr. sud Mis. J. C. Mtitelhell. Biock- as poessssincg peculiar modicirial pro- inal Cnadtan landecahe, E Wadd,3tl, E ville caltel on friende reconfi' ... ponteos particuiaily edaptel for theMarres: do. laudecape, (any) El Morris, E Miss Lila Viîtauo, Toronto, is homo ... cure of sncb troubles. Morris; dIO. ineinate euahject, not fruit Mrs (Or.) Little, Michigan, vîsItedliher Eery oneo lrows tino objection, 1mw- or flOwers, E WaddIdoil, Morris; de. fruit sisteîs MrsWVVStpls andlMîsfladgsoln. i and Nirs B, G. Stevens, Solina, were ovor, ta the use of thus nauseatiug roenEl Morris, E MorrIs; do, flowets, E Moirocn ussu usSVru ..s cdi'. Su extremclv lisegrecable la the ris, MI Gaud; do. original, any SulJect, rer-o was weii representel et fBowmae- tasuto aed smo] cf Ced liver oil that E Waddell,E Morris; wstor colore, figure ville fair ...... les Wilassarl. B. A. mani' people have actualiy bec unabie E Wdel E Moitis; dQ. Portrait, E B 1), illgv t'aîra u1h n te fake a single dose cf if'LIlan others Waddell, -Ji Adamts; do. animal, E terest of the -Bible Souiet' Thuislay 1 bave made herao efforts to tpko the Morris, H Mt'orris; édo, original Canedian eveung... Mr and Mis Raymond! medicine, but have betu oblîgel fi> marine, E Morris, E Waddoll; do. marine Davey and family have reovel 10 abandon il a!lfer strugglteg with the ay E Mo.rrîs, uas;d.oiia oravle horrble tuf for fe day.Gn'adîan landsape, E Waddell, E Mer- If there wss evor a speciflo for ani' The cuesequonco is that thousauls Ils; do landsecpe, H Morris, E Morris; one comrpleint, thon Ceîter's Littîs Li,- have ditittlit o incurable diseases do. original Bowmsnvile sene,E Moins or Pilîs are e specific for sick beadache, who might have been seved, bal if heen do, inanîmate. net fruit or fljwers, E and osoîy one should kuow this. On-eý posAible tu adrninuseî thns pulet modi- Waîlell. E Morris; do. flowers. H Mur- oespiB a dose. Tri' thori. 'cie. Eneugb people bave heen able i, ud;d.fuiHMri ,r fi> assimiltâtoCodlilver oit f0 prove torse Mri;d.fut orsEMr APO the meltoal profession and the woîîî at rus; do original, auy subject, E Weddetl, HlPO large. ifs iuatîinsic. value. Sncb patients' H Morts; Itaýwing in lîght or slsade,from as wero hleesel with uurusaliv troug CLt, E Weddelî; dîawlng,crayoe portrait Dr. sud Mis. J. H. Elliott sud daugb stomacbs crivol henefit front ced Ilie'r et photo, E 'Waddu-It; pencil lrawing, for, Toronto, visifed bis fethor, Mr. IH ol. Vhy, thon> coul nef a trn i !i figure, M E, Jonecs, E Waldell; pend!l Elliotl. ... Sunlai' School Raliy, Sunday. hoe devised fa ho adiSinistered to pat- drewIeg, animal. E Waddellf Mi E Jouesa At 10.3U a, m, scrutons wiil ho pueshed teuts wkose digestive organa had been peun eland1,k sketch, M E Jonese. Mra T lu the school hy 1ev. T,' H. P. Anderson weakencd hy disease? Perey; drewlng MePla, figure, M E Joncs, ansel sf2 15 p. ut. )r. E. T. Siemon, B.) This ta whsf sciontisfs nul chomisi s H Morris; dLrawlng, sspla,ataliual, E Wad A., Ohawa, will givo anl adîress Spe. have beon slming at for years, sed this dol, E Marrisq; diawir.g, crayon, tend. ciai music hi' the SchoolI Cordial wel- is exact iy what bas been accompli bldScapa or marlus, E Wa.dl i and; oi 1 i...Ms'ilsKrlk, hi' two j ruminent Fieucli diemipts. cati photo po tel carIs, FIGrence Vanan; Res ilillanCdTsn, MiseEsteta Tbeir secret bas heen hîuugbt fa Amf- coe photos, J G Bures, aichîtectnal and Iie'edyw s e its EnJ oone spoetMr crics sud oui local druýggists Messrs. utechanicel dîawing, E M Haines, Perd>? urak wooeh fîledaispent-hawa.PortMi Stof t & Jury bhave succooded te cnnedf- piper; Industriel design E Morrie, in Whttby . Miss Raore la visifiug frienîs ing themsclves wtth the rrominent filmr Mora,; wrlttcg b>? boy or girl uler 16 lu Toronto . .. . Mr W H Rowe aud son, of Boston Chemisfs who Pa placing this years Kathleen MeGil, Olive Sktuneet 'Souftl Wates, are wif h friands he:ýe... cew pieparation ou the markiet. Thewdlag hy boy or girl uanler 10 yeai5 Pleased to seo 11r V utCrsopor on the preparafbon lu question. uuw thaf if bas R SVitrneaiwaddeiI; geomotrîcal dîsw streets Saulsy ....Alavaîlable young heera discovered,Cie ai other greaf in- nE rGflPee Pie;prpcve naeoggdapepckg..M ventions la simple By ea podullai IdraicOiPer piper; r&TPersect ive onaretenagoel epplepiiîing. .... prilcess e eiver' o! the col is freatel in wlgFrc'PpearsTPMc. ni ubs goehW onef0 Maelfha es Euch a marneor Ibaf flere is obtie unauDOMESTIC SCIENCE ises 41ighe bsaoudfl... Thatmes extreof which confaînnaisl, aud onh-y ali, JULDG-A Luttreli, T Toi, Insfitute moots af fMer W I Clark's of hue Curative properfies that have Colt cauned fruitsairs G 111cb1VE1, airs l'hursday Oct Sud Suibjeets: pies, cako made etd lbver unI fameus. The horri- ble ssnelliuoe, rauscafiug-laafiuig fa G Varcoe; COU jelliee, airs Spaîhlng; jean a.nd cîeg; applos aud how tu prepare fhat bas alwaiys hoe a part of thii Adamsu, caI pîctihs, airs A A Gamehi', theun, tloci' Mesdames J Bures, T remoît kas heen enfîrely liscarded. jean Adams; chili sau8e; EdsaruDougisîl, Ruwe, L Ruosbiüs and G Taylor.. Tbis curatix e extract is the hasTs cf airs R ath";humectaIse whlehie ul: Mis (îles) 1ýHF Anderson stepped' ou Vînol, which Messie, Stott & Juirv are airs w S Brigg ars a mshy; homemande a ii.sty eauiasat week whicb penetratol preoeuiug' f0 the publie. It is coam- brown bisaI: amrs éohe Riékard, ma W 9' ihrough the shoe sud itt the foot cens biâel witu Oîgantc lion anldLieuf Pop. Bragg; pieu Bune:s: RîMitcellb-airsig si-eoie pain Iutproviug' now, tocas, dissovol lu s specialty made john wlgLt: cuvrant hunea: Pai-a n aiuche .. Pleasel 10 gîset Mr- aud Miss Kat- ,mcdicinel wiee, sud the riýsHhfta a ares john wIhb: bikleg powder îun e rsori haoms agate-...Mss BerthausM! ýpreprati«tha, le dlicius tothe tste rs Gasby.mra S&t-ou:t,à DoacanesCüst Toronto,, To gavogaaeverer .pîcaratsau ba~ s deiclos f0tho ast air Qamby. iS seriig: bkng els m t siung- utdîres iethe hasement o! sud extîomelv comfoîtiug lu the atour- bunes; amrs Go x¶karl. MiS El Osborne the chu,,h Suudav ovectug on the wouk euh. Mess. Staff & Jury bave Indool gInger enas. aiay Gand., m E Jonsa;cok- te the oty. Miss E MV Werry. T% roue, beom farfuriate lu maiz iug arrangements lssgr r âsy % ad oo tendtemeig lissl lu han-île ibis new remely, whicb goeslssgraisnmb, si u:coo tecdîemeig.WAtesae under the namne of Vieul. Itie woîth nut cak'e; amas spamling, jean Adamts.moll Oct 17-...Miss Kafeison's lnfcîesting sun oue's whiie 10 telk to thons about if jelly cake; arts j suowîel, mWy Gand.: btter on ber travels lu Europe appears andI f0 issrue ireutli' hum theuat 0 a pange cake; aie>? Gand, airs sparing; uon another page. goul that la beieg doune hbfiudiug aehocolate catke: JarAdeams, aira a iifcîh- 'rbe ouïstruc conalipafuon cure muet way lu alauleister whefhbas aiaysb e et- it: fig ca e isa mcill, massparilug: ut bogie ifs softhing, hedliieg action wheu a horrible and muc.h dreadol mdediclue, cakze: airs speming, fruilk cake: airs ýam- if enfe-rs the montih Hoilisfer's RoC1ky te P, forut that la aefugliv deflclrq, o by, ar GVrcs cufac celu:irs kaôutaiu Tesrestures thowhlole systfe sayi oîhiuz- t f hiug s huul,îed times spariîn,~, aisY tsd, el cke ars spr'- uasheaithi' normal odttioiu, 35 cIa more efficient. kir, ugaeyG u aplo pe,m E Jonesq, Jean' Tea rTants futsd jury. AiA STATESMAN, Weekly ~i ~Gloeoand Canada V Iaame,1yoarfo uew RII o'r 100 subscrihers-2.00 wuth JAMES PUBLrSrrrNG BOUSE, Bowmauville, Ont., if cents sent, to u addre6s in Canada or Great Britianu tnA new subseriber for 25c. tQo j an 1, 1908. For 8 1. 00 to J an. 1, 19 Addiess JAMES PFUBLISEING Hou.'~ ]BoWýmaùilHe, Ont. 8- tie; boniton lace, Belle Allen, Mroe M, Burk; Bgttenburg lace, Mrs T Perey,j Mre Richanr d Foster; slk embroidery, Mrs T Percy, E Morris; embîoidery on boli inglob,Belle A'en,E Morr!s;shadowi embroudery, Mis R M Mitchell. Mes Ed Osborne; embroldery on white cotton,1 Mrs El Osborne, Belle Allen; ombroid- ery on tonalp, monogruam, Mrs John Gaud, Mes R M Mitchell, Mount mellfck euebrcidery, Mis ' Percy, E Morris; Ro- macn emhroidery, E Morris, Belle Alleu;1 Wallachlan embrodlery, Mia C S Macon, Mis T Percy; embînideîed centre, wlth nek, hl Dustan,Mre Ed Oiborne; embrol- doîed shirt; walsr, eyelets, Mis T Perey, Mrs El Oiborns; Ladies' cation shIrt watiton, Belle Alion,MrB T Percy; fiva 'lc tea cloth, Mrs Ed Oahorne, Mra T Peîcy; aîawn thread work, Mes T Perey, Miss R Perey; drawn work, doy!lem, YMis, T Percy, R Perey; embrci- dered doyllssio, Belle Allen, Mis T Perey; Battenblirg bîa!d work, Miss Anele Allie, Mis R M MÎItchell; jewell wark, Belle Alleu, MisB T Percy; Moxfca'u work, BIla M McDo-ugall, Mis T Percy; rutln woîk, llki, Jean Adams, Be'lo Alleg; ondiîne work on cotun, Belle Allen, Jean Adam'; aldeboard scarf In white linon, Mes John Jones, Florence Venu; toilet1 set, scerf, pin cashloa and sachet, Mis T1 [Perey; tea cosy, beat monnted, Belle Allen, Mrs T Peîcy; plllow shamq, Mis John Jonecs, Florence Vaun; netîlne, M B Little, Ella McDorigail; tatting, Ells MceDongsli, Miss R Perey; te% co8y,Belle Allen, Mes T Perey; tollet mata. Jeari Adaums, May Gand; table mats, Florence Vann, E la MoDouga'li; sofâ afghan wool, it-r8eEdl Odborne, Mis J H Werry; crazy patchwork, Mis -W B toecEMo-s Whlsk holder, Mis R M Mitchell, E Mlor- ris; darued huokabeck, mes El Oshot-nc, Mrs C uamso;hemietitching, Belle Allen, EllearoDougaîl; handnade wnrk basket, mIss E 3etoilel!an, airs John Geul; feecy article, made wîth handkrerchiefs. airs R mi 'ltcheil, F Venu; beadwork, ai B Lit- tle, Belle Allen; braldwork, BelleAllen, mis Spariing; raffi4 woîk',ars John Gaud, miD,, stan;- fancy lamp shadeBelle Allen, F Vanu; bedroom aslippera, Jean Adanas, mers N Allie; infants hbooteee,E île MgDou- gaîl, E , aolelan; fancy knlttlng wilth eotton, course, A Perey, aira m Burk; fancy kelttlng with cotton, fine, m1lases Hockadey, mes J m Jonessa; iccy knitting with wool, E MoClellan, mes J ai Joneýs; crochet wîlth cotton, m B Little, aies T Percy; croc1hetwýiý h lineuflla aioDougall, Mu1y Gaudl; croc-,het with wool; mr W B (Jouch, mrs R m Mitchell; crochet wlth sllk, mus John G3ud, Emema miclellan; crochet on knitt(ed wool cape, A Percy, Mis Cauch; crochet wotk and fancy bîald, couined, %rDustan, E MoCtellii; suit laîles' undercloth!ng, mis Sparling, ares mcGiII; fency hand-made handkerchiots, May? Gand, aire C mason. FINE ARTS. Al Other LUnes Ful SEE OUR LINES IN: I-on sel Bias Belafeads fhem 3.00 f0 ,¶50 00. Spriezus and maîtresses front $2.00 la $-2100. Drrssers ar-I stands front 810.00 f0 $65 0 Dinrîg roem ct.airs te sots froc8 59 t0 Al Othoer FUit and Stdchioords sel Buffets front 57.50 to $65.00. ind piete., The HQme cFurnishers Fulieral Directoxrs Phone 10 Bowmanvllle. Oronoand Hampton. l 1 9 Adams.Coustard' pie, M E ,ronges, jean Adams, teuton pie, Ml>? Gand, m F, joness, chocolate pie: Miay Gand, M E Jones, cocoanut pie: miEjanese, May Gand. raspbsrîy pie; M E joue es, Mrs Sparllug: Deon largest hen'is egge: Tout Dustan, Mis MoGiiI DOMESTIO)MANUFACTURES JuDGE-Mîs D J Gibson, Reg mat Miseeuumsby, m'sse Hnckaday: iag carpet; E Mcciellsn: crGchet quilt: M B Little, airs .rhn und: wooleu cover- let' M 5P SoGtl, .Coverlet coton: Belle Allen, airs Rt Mtchell, knitted quît t cAtton m B Lttle,misses aiockoday. pa'ched qellît Cotton, jean Ade.mq, Mr$ M Burk; quilting: airs Gec.Mitchll,Mrs B Fnster:WOObn mita% airs Gemsby, Mrsai j oneas; woolen socks M B ilttle, MiS m BniiS.woolen stocktngs, is J M Jouessa, Mis oemi3by, fency mitto E, arclellan, am B Lttle, set hoiseeshues 'as Moirow, Wood calving, Arts speling argaret Allenu NlOTICE Exhibitors area requested to report ail errors or omnissions lu the Secretary AT ONCE IN WRIT114G Prizes will be payable on Fridav and Satnrday October 18 and 19 at Town Treasureî's office. J. S. MOORCRAYT, 1ýecretarî-Treagurer, Bowmanville. TIIE tTOMaCH ON LiTRIKE THE ToNie TREATMENT FOR INI- GESTION Is THE MOST SUOCESSGUL teste in the month, heavy doit headache aed a dulf sluggush feeling-these are the symptane ot stomach trouble, They indicate that the atomsch is on st.rike, that il us no longer fnrniahing to the blood the fult quota of nourishmnt that the body demanda, heece every or- gan suffers, There are two methods of treatuteet the old one by which the stomach is humored by the use of pie. digested foods and artifucial ferments, and thie new ee- The Dr. William's Pink Pilla methodAbv, which the stoun adhi s toeed Up to do the work nature intended of it, A recent dure by the tortc treatutent is that ot M ýs. Jas. W. Heeskell, Port Maitîsel, N. i4, She says: "Foi vears I eejoyed perfect health but snddenly headaches seized me. r had a bad taste in iuy mouth,my tongue was coated; I ziew tired and oppressed; my appetitu left me and sucli food, as I dil est only caued dIstress. I had severe pains ie my ceet. I lost ail treegth and was Olen selzed with vomiting. At different timïs I was treated by some of oui be3t doctais, but rlthough 1 follow Ied. their- treatmeýnt carefully 'I did not get any better. One day whîie reading a paper I came across a case simlai ta mine which 1usd been cured hi' Dr. Wil Overcoat Weather These cool mornings and evenings ?,nd Sthis wet weather make you feel that you ~ Smust have a light weight Overcoat or liai- * Scoat ~~ To illustrate how our CASH and ONE PRICE is working out to the ativantage of Sthe buyer andi ourselves, bore is an example: SA traveller, representing one of the largest wholesale Clotning House in Canada, called* on us, andi off ered ns for SPOT CASH[ one E Shundreti fuIl-weight iRaincoats, by our systems * ofselhing-or gIwodsWk,'SEM-nly -aund the large Sbusiness that we,"are doing, we were in a S position to purchase the entire lot, at a price à= away below what they cost the matuufacturer. Hebre is where the customers get the benefit, e We are off ering these coats at prices that * were neyer thought of in Bowmanville bof ore. S These are beautiful worsteds andi tweeds, * Ssmall designs with the best of linings andi Strimmings, Matie up like an overcoat. SJust the things for these e-ool evenings, andi Swet days. We have a large stock of overcoats in al 1, the latest desigris. The Swell Black Beavers S a-ti Mehtons, from $7.50 to $15 00 the hand- some tweed Chesterfields, from,$5.00 to $12.00* and the serviceable Ulster. C3 We have some beautiful Topper coats atr S$6.00 $8.50 $10,00 and $12.00. Our' new suit S department contains an extra large assort- * Sment of suits, ttUe pop Lilar D. B. bine serge, E Sbeinog the favorite; tweeds front $5 to $20 0. SOur children's department contains every. Sthing that is stylish anti servie.-able for the S boys. * TUE MAONGLOATHINO Ou. -P" CLOTErrNG AND FURNISHINGS FOR GENTLEMEN AND TRRS c. _:7 ~~. 'ITY ~ 6 -igç. 11kî Jo nIlcKytd, il py iges prie a te mll, Bwmnvile U91H MaKAÏ IM EI e price t the ilîs, owmanvlle. JOHN MacKéhaY LIMIrBD, ti