'ûj fEý ýýT DADBANKA 0F CAINADA Head Office... Toronto $OOOPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Depar tment. Deposits of $ i nand tupvardis a re received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Deays in making WitIidrawals anti cbe)p very fine. Pcutingr sugar, andi spuc s oit le i ci, &&Iticlicpadnî- turc cîttd cok rite heur. Atdd [ha ap- ies, pcrtd -ed, nitd quur[ercti, andi c' ek slxx lv unlîl seoft. Chili Saý,uce,.-Sealt a ha-it peck seoih loiîleien pcel. CI-îepfUne tw-e s iîli rd paprîs onuone)nioii, anti atii ta a titat-es, lcge1!her xiib hall a eufui rotti hrserdist, oc tp- fil 'tieott' icd într eeiîi <ci-lxxe tabl.sufeiîuis lae piipCtr, sua. x a!bis'esu Wýomen ,ilc ert1 ainly do ileglect thetrislv~s. hey -,ork too lir-ovecr-tax their strengtli cindthien wonder why they ~ufer ithdiseases peculiar to their sex. Most case2s of feýmale trouble start whethe bowýels b)ý2eomle -aL'lte skin not cared for. r iculumi and xitr[ eh ired antb-in, in ail instancs, f t ï \cd iia littie coacbadanle e i teîct his owakaiîs a nîuitde f wale anti r(emnoxaLla couac s ,i ae r nt he niai-- kat. hebacc are si, a ccd tiuckand pique, stoks ianc liîjîi n k îi, uiicuig tb-iî. Ail are a lutileitighcî- ihan the- collcî lerots cf the spiiitg and ivlysuimnmr, ciso. in sente instances, îîorueleabeî-aie, lhough .eceyplain ii ohc.InIiie si, e-ls. Agoirn Ilitea ae siItiltg ccl- SUGGESTI.ONS HOW WOMEN MAY FIND RELIEF. ineetadded-foür Lmsa erfiîacs wlf hcl--av-IlWf±-r a-cl - Ite tip;r' InteresLa its ahclerc-s and mace. Xlix thle syýst:em by these organs, cdge, utxihù flaps, antiii ý ency Savings Bank Debpzar-me-nt ini Conriection wi M aF ranches. icl ead hnbta re taken up by the blood igticaxvihas11e 6Â an thedelct Cings tuynmng hait fi -tn the an nf1aîne th iae centre -~f lie, frDtin. Tue) ýiîiderl-iy til ELI'YN S:IOO LUChS. emleorgans. thlese Lx ail co;ncantralL ieti 1 up iet wings, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C 1. Txx o e-ue sanwiches lwe cof vvhich are lhe fet'aure of titis stlie of BR N Hbro-ev brecti[ andi creamn cîîacse, two cCJIlar, Ail lIba shapes [bat apar n- W.~~t, ei.s jFncs Manftgci iroidared mnay ahtt in ina plalît î n a g i c r î e ~ , l v i d h v s , a n r a g el i n e u . N ýo w , it. li e ,v n i w 1 ; h e s a i , BRAC~ALS A ORNO2. lxxcý - hierie soindxxichcs, [xxv cf ckýoppl, figs, a hiintful cf pcanu.s, t O(RUT LIVER TABLFTS.) cf ilur, vîitîla o, a il ad& e lilleý spýne ckea ear W li th CA SE of hes i ? ti""1n" ~nct in Ilie s1j i - A -Ilirem ve te CAIsaiodtheelie Lu + le the slarch, is better Ilion wax,----and + ~lis net expensixe. Tomato Omaiet.-To eacb aegg, wcl 1( beaen, atiti eue lalspeonful -of ceok- + M flli HU n ~l ~--cdtomiialoaýs anti hall as niiiny tabla- +~;4 i aef boling waier. Ccok quickly +~~~ d î bttrippings andti u ill thave a + lighl, ppatîzing dish. 4 1-omaMade Kindlng-But thaehaliap- . . .. . ..s.t.resiiineapeoundt, meit il, ;;1(j txv aune--es "'talloxv. Eiher sincearcibison RECIPES FOR TI-E COOE. oadsor elEe stir in saxvdrst tbat lias Pudding Sauce. One cupl) icttenused .* XXhan hard4eiied e-ut in vrptw laellîsnscflur pc.Ait excellent fire, kintilar. c~I- sor-hrissolxadityl er.iiiiCvv'neft Mic Illdr.Týoeman hiler. % Fias-or te tst. f as sIeve, anipusihntilain agotît. JoiiCake. Use ena e-ucip sgr bra Itswl afut evnetplace !e quiloseup hii- , achi -p ar 'e urtint-a,whicb censtanily nuiu, an e-np hackee-r jon, ttreaOluaceuuiaing areunda gas steve. eggs.,]i\ xng eut aa xvhiie fef"i-est- itbrcad Eennîy()ne oîay noce îîg xocup.s fleur, ena lav-itaa-l im nilti(,i-catiInmaktng Fi-cnch tii soý,da sifleti xitit fleur. Bltin sor ybainge-holding irni one lh-eloyers. For fi-sting beath[i cg ete nai-fo-uirlb inch frem te ývcie f egg anti tit en eup ef sugor c lier anti ning -ý1lite foot be-amer. Holti- vici is bcenubeiet iunil itilspins ang t[ha shleraig ex e n, llc [hi-cadi. îng the lenlit etso once insterd et English Lamon Pie.--!ibre- lai-go ei- [sce, as libe thrvay requires. r-ans, four eggs, tva oucos f but- Shea Laces toî- Drawstrings.- Shoe ter, three-quai-lors peunttiof sugar. Put laces make cenventent daxv- trLngs' sucgar anti butter i rie-e bojlier, squeezc f ur any kinti af bags aniti ra-quira T-a Pb-- ienîonis everi hese, beat egg yoïks ecdktuî b put lbam iin. Whtilta anas are ani whites taýgellier, stir Ibis iio t he tice fer fane-ywo-rk bags ýor xvie laun- lenmon, sugfar', aiti butter; colt, sîiî-- dry bags anti celai-ad cnes fer elethes-< ring e-nslanttiy, until [ha consisiency et pini bags, etc. If a sirnî i nt long vtc -y.Bemaxe lram th-e ira anti beatnl ioughi pull off t[lic illentis of t\va VILiicelti. Make rie-h pastry, lina yanr icas and fasten liiese- txe entis Io- ?ula tins, place ini os-en, anti xhen near g9ethai-. ly donc tiraw t-e theoe-n docc, flli wiît Use Tops etf\Vern GiýovcS.-In te-se tlie le-mec flling. anti cross wtlhspassry doYs et mulli-calaird elbow ilengtiu W,â bars. ccýk untîl itrown. This quantiiy g:eyes ntore "goi"ean he hoti firn xiii nake Ibre pies, ar use as ntue-b oîîa's ntaney rPla-e)by utilizing iiiua Os yen w-i1slx ai place rcsl ini,,le-a!e,Ias. 1te1-ps for soaepiliiexs, glas-canti baud- Tîglstly t-rka t lkccps ýa lcg wi - a-chief bcxes, etc., matie attractive !,v Wbia Fui LaerCak.-aita -uppiuntnganti ernhi-cider, .Iïnishati wilhý If f butr w -p ex-irt uacrmi nor trie matIie tram glcas- ng tai a -upetswet mik,[bea ntia asalmcît -anhaitoti by adxethningt et [hao nîiilk ani]flur, beat lighl, t ita rck pen [hemr. Or mxsiinbaking1 [hae rast et [ha niuk ant ifleur, îsî gigr rai ai- lef c!i-e, insttd 1f [i~ xiiits, wipped le a, stlff foh cn ti h teiaac pti- ae Moinx--Cui iu ir !auu cg-gange tn~ai, aSI ee- I laib xveg ir nups. 5. hx atx e-c fx eex-hceal Ire-a i uistcxrtiîicýscut ehtap-t îîuts. lxo echc cl(walrs 1txoclves. Gu. hxxa ctd ltscfremcheesen lcl tue-. xi h c.Ixo fprcb:aî-x cd p e- - - i il le î ci a n ci-ait ge. 1 , .,x; ,t iIicîsxcc, t1o v -rif b i ce-ane-hvp.1cti eacisI 9, Tl eciei-ysals, s-e su-o ai cookiex. - ý ja- f ap jaîtf l i.c r i aaï cf choppe-irti ceic xvîlh a dîasîse-n 10. Txxc 'anitdi elts ifdot-s cii diits. a small spice-calc-. a jaîet ci-ange sa- lad, a hune-h ofg-ps 1.Txx-, e e li-y sa,îilîvi es, lxxe ' cclptichie-ken oncI clivsxxil-h aolit- [jý i' ayonaui-ose,a ari cf sex'tiriiesý g'îiger boi.;viii Ta ena n Iletie Cnipmin fe OioIý-et orîi-uiuc d afa-,îiýt mte- Conidti[ic FastiiinEdittîr, lias titint nîîîruîa liîauîany cîhar paro e iak his 0e-lober isueinblrstrg nile-plul. page ef tI at,eveanti pi-licltesg fer Fil ni suta-osnn-.Ap ait~ ~~~~~~ý sabis itt-iîtins;aitt-icI m-îtct--Jlcc I enionls "Rdingv ixp diseaes. «' Fruit-a-tives setnthe stomach-mnake thie bowpels inove regulatiy every day -- strengthen the kïieys-improve the action ol fitheskin-and ihus PuKj/)/ 1119 dahe, ackaches and bearing- dowu pa!),ins, anîd nake women weli and etrong. F" ruit-a-i ives" are fruit juiceri, inter-ified, with tonics and nntiseptîcs aded 5c. a hox-6 for Î25o At al dri ts'o rm Fruit-a-tjvesiimiited, l NEW CLOIISAND FAEI1RCS. busfrei xcx r H aîi sii asergesitti ýI, dîîac oicîs comprshes.llt *-cîti le pcdontina[e t-- lte -cl viii eru lie), [lie XVliti!- -r xx coi"iite-ainiiiiuuneialo ai-i-etics, ic -h1eck, Plaid, acut in.lt ENFIELD. ;Ji oiaiLinitsax ; MIa X-. H.Iliaee at B1u,11%l ; I. 1la-, ar alit.c ,ie. J iiMNcCullioch's; Mr. île-nu Nai-- lin, Nexta tisiçearti, at Mr. Fred. F. A sh cis. Mli,.Ai hur Me-Culice-t is -rha, tei hîs saduesaL Mojitieo I it O-uy Cc-tai Buinss ouge, Tcrito Mcs-n~ iuunas 'li ani Ge-c. Cce-l roneliase- bau uecessful pî,iz xiii- niera- a int oOsliaw c ctii3owxËnan- Mt%. Scîtîel Br-ay et Bîoesitie Stoclç Fîrî s ha cal le-e slitetving atI llis 51aon xhiblticjits. St-te-k couiti itil ha gellutnta sbesngconudtio. GOURTICE. BxJ.B aiuc hî-s. Biîtiel- rececutî NEs Nental\oi--.txOsha . sisilcc 'ti. ai-t itiejth, le-he-xiei, N. Y., xý a, i-e-ce-ut guest utf bus ou-il, Mi-s. J&abez Littijqoboh. Mis. Buntileancd soit, i-e-,T- iuto, oaet is iigNr lis, . X E. Ceni-- 1ullY Day xsas -hScsveiihy Ebe-îc-ei- Sabbahiixit lSunclaywxxeek. B-ia [ha iai- txk-nil hit-clxxekei ,M prr.,,iceal suffaring it doas ne't seem ýtetat[wcntIcurA eti1c iix'a nt su bheplan e-f inature tttx-ien shoulti -ha sufeeixthlibliîiin haa suffer sç>sa-ely. Titis le a k3es-are strain pain until il seemet i ,t II mustï onawThceepainis hasletifrein fxe- ci t ci omaný's s itality. Whipi x etseciy mentît, aui you e-en unclersîa- scnîething li,? -vrong mw hie-h shoiulti (1be set glati I i-as le Fat relief. 1 arn inii% rigitt or il xill le-i0ad easroo itna f helItA ud arn pIeise t tegive yv ment cf the wheia erniacgais. t-îi. lfrt-a yu ai- Theusantis cf woan ava ate ei ntoafer e. grateful liatrris tbMkrs, Pnka ta Sue- tstînîîyshul h -c Lydia E. Pinkhait2s VgtbeCernî--,ail wen a eu neîi sidr pniosare-ornes xs-casn's speciel pains Lydia E. PniansXeeal anîl irregularities. peunti stands Y,ithouta p e as i 'It pros-ices a sala anti sure Iy t s-fr al ltaes -si ihî f wcmau cape fi-oi distressing and tiangerous The s ocs f Lyiia 1. Phxl weaknessas anti dis-cases. Vagatabla Co p, (i roesîs upe (n th, The tw-o îclîowing lattai-s tell see-en- earneti gratitude cf4Caadia wer vincingly w bat Lydio. E. IPinkham's ýVa- Wben wcmen arIe troubleti witl gabla Compoundi xvilldo for wcnen, lrtes!cpaeeîît rueera ,bey caîînot fail te bring hepe te [tha ci-gans, that bearig-dexiiif( tonsantis of sufferei-s. inflamîmationý, bacL-achc, betn Miss Matiltia Richardson cf 177 Wal- flatuiene-y), general ebility, inidip lington Street, Kingsten, Ont., w rites: ai dnarx-ons iresti-atteni, ci->rae Dear Mrs. Pinkharn w ith sue-h symptcrns a iarea "hoe fur aii-s ~o y nuaiy gociness, lssitude, excitibilit, irt bcalth begau tot fai. f bati sas-re pains in nervonQsness, slee-plassiess, Is my beck my itatialied. 1 woulti ha-va [bey shoulti raenniibtaili-e;s is n cizzy spailq, anti curing mï mentliy periccis anti truie renîety. Lydia E. Pinhul 1 would suiferites pain. I waadu-isat Vagetable Compoundi et once rie tetry Lydia E. Pnua' Vogetabie Cent- sue-h troubles. Refusa te bny any pound, and 1 an seglad tlet I titi, for i t matie-me, fer ycu neeti the hast. bM-u lit îtew lita ant beaitht te me. My mnont iy periotis t-i-e naturai andt painîces, Don't hesitate to write te andi m gene-railibeaiîht impros-et. I have Pinkhani if there 15 auny- net ital an ache ci- a pain since, anti I feel il a ciut[y as well us a pleasuire te tell yeu about your sickness you dc wist ycur maiie as doie forime." un-derstand. She-wilI treal Mme. Louise Me-Kenuzie, cf Mejunt Éfar- with kindness and lier advi ltel, Monti-cal, Canada, writasi: fe. N oînee ei Dear Mri. Pinkham-fe.noimn vrrg "I lied itard se ntnicb gooti about Lydia writIng heg and she bas hý E. Piniia's Vgnbermeniheoetei&-d.Address 3Lyno, P! Us r.PnhmsA veAW miBs ~isaisWmu~ rot!s sus bas- andi tio boi C Aer rédy a. ; retm'd iet stanu uî-uîuîn ia ti neveu unuys anti-1 w lu n j iluuX îiix n t er ilCi-001. - - - --1~ - i-cashnb as-en -or niake a apot ranD t.Ahese n 1hushti X bn ataulrsXeiui one Cuîtteua.iul u ffn-srie litllog t--f[aiui \ii .1letCliu- pe iitRl tx tt ek laciin lo- te cets oe ia lts o otaasx-nso nt s gci otix-e-îi~fruit cake or any otiior uinarv No-ief quae-,Ne-s- ockCut. e1acSeIi ts.lorî er -'s ý,oedso- and is ahiidudrauir-ea- T< h--uey 1t5y haf a docker tue la inyet ScutaaclixciifNlîIIy as ueu - ieaifect it. ncloAblneerze uiiis jzrlni y - - - - - 1Xis. Jasý. <)nec f [l platîce. ttIlix a e ' ~ta in hiat.Xilyi - e dev îs I gsen ton A Ir>