Thoýiusanfds of Tsioil AiAn Ideal Medficie. rxobauge, w-rîxtes: ~ "eurmedcin isan dai ( the bestlhave known te re- tos-e lest health and strenffthi ,t 'I suif eeed for ses-eai years. e'y back achied, 1 bad beaeîug Cown pains, sud frequent bond- nches. "4I 'çsold ofheu wake fromý fleep in sncb pain that 1 -wouldf guffer for boues before my syeca 7zould close again. 1 dreaded thec lon z nigbts as well natbi wearydys "1 cosuhedt, o hysicien-s ; spiug hoget rle.FLldjur that thiele miedicine did notý reein ta curle me, a friend ad-~f' ,vised me ta try Peenua., 41 arn cetaiuiy glad that I "011mwed her advi,' for cna ,*as the ouly medicinefor mle, ZMveey rnobe audpaindip FU5 pearest iÏ11four 1months suid I ~m ui .,erfcect bealtb ow ~erIug menis îOte ry PC tu Afr)1 fé! sure they wI èsot be disappolnted hi' it." Mes. h.E. r-le, Santa M~O1incCal., Ssucretsry Santa Monies Aiusica1 Society, wettes: "aS troubled for oves- free years eih ystemic caftas-rh, complicated by lkmale weakness and infuïnntîin "Tsindttced fr-e qucnt headaches, iirosess, hysterika and sieeplessý- 1Czs, hich natblng celd relieve uni) oIbga afan! better after 1 had taka te fratbottieful sdimprnv,,d _Um wçek -ta week 1un1tll ah thaond ~bou.t J.even Leksàiwas "enuhir'ely wo1. sur pleased îte say that 1i bave enjoyed splendid bie lbuw o na z ION LaisAd c this appointment held mun~iy eet~.gOct 2nd, 0Of fitteen mtnesthirneen were present, alsrj evalvigitors besidei our esteemeI pasttr and wife which shows the keen this society is taUing iu home and - îýreigun Missions, The flrst part of the afterrioon vwas spent lu quing. -A parce of quilts and clobing fi.î beiug prepprofd for thie-Deacoues8 llomý lu 'forono. ýRefre8hments were served and yheu Il lbAd been satisf1ed urder wa~ ~lld adxor usual meeting was hel wb~h asvery interestinz. 810 was gie o the Geénerâl Misinarv F _', t Que uext meeting, b4oi0 6th th prtrRev. T, H. P.Aidro ci)p a on God>S Promises". ',A'I ar1e h'e come WHnNTYOU , IJELTn FA1LS, WHA TRaN?-God halt isthe capitail of peson i sr hele llvelihood wltb bra î, id usc .Success for the stroi:g.and a'_ýert-for those whose blood -ls richandwse nerve oeils are flled witb energv. 1h is not plea'3ant 1ho failiug health and for this reason it la weil to heed the flrst symptoîns of uer- vous exhaustion gud ho keep bealth at high water mark by using Dr. CHAsE'S NEPYPE FooD. NE WCASTLE. Mrs. Neil and child, Bancroft, visited beor lather, Dr And erson. Mr John Law hqd a paralytie stroke. Ri, i~now lu his 81Lh ~ear. r i Alex McLeod is spending a monhb wi th friends et Fenelonl Falls. Meand Mes John Polkeahorxie. Ot- tawa, Prti visiting Mr J ames Pbilp, Messes Alex McLeod and Williamn Baines have gone to Wiarton to collect the usual snpply cf'eggs for tbe New. castle Hatchery. Hav-,e lno equal as a prompt Pnd posi- tive e for sick iieadache, biltousneso, cons,.tipation, pain in the ide, and Il liver ',roubles' Carter's Little LiVe1r, Pis. Try them. Union Bible Society meeting was beld, Sunday ruorning lu the Methodiat churcb. Rer W E Hazzard, Toironte, deh,,'ered an',,-ddress. Ms, Jarve Jackson la visiting Mr GuoJi mesnpr-ior to leaving for Svra- cu, N Y., wbere her hsadl n ggdas clerk i the Express Office. 11,e Ypaaii n Ma'shead bas gorne, S hti's aýýs bappy ks eau bis, Bler fbealtb li right. lber temper brigbt, Bines aking 0Hollster's Rocky Mounj- tain Tea at nigbt. Sitott and Jury. MrGodail and bride are now Co- oebl ettle l e r1in1),"pd home on. ah th411 ne of the bride's pa&renýts, Mr aod 1Màs Berb J.ienings 5ý9Mak Lam ,s;reet, Torùoho tr Godiba Wm Pickard's old estPbliýlIedbla1 k siih shop and busines.s, and bas en- gaged E1Wssel Colweil a s sis stýant ComsleelyRegained lier MIss Bdih Rea, 7-96 Nortb Main St., "Isu-,feýred for some time witb both lung aud femals troubles, ---Ihzad beff under mfe fet~efj' gorod p-Pys Ican for abord nine nmrbs Peunew7S recOmmendedto me. After takng w-evebaffles of this medicine 1 haVe crffletly ancd my health. "h-' a-'1 pleas5ed to reccmmeud Feruma, ho ay os sifeiugfrom 8 h. aboe sail.- No etmo asptbllahed wtbout IMiss Gould, Torouhoe, visitsed ah Me. J G.loneo"e Miss Katie Sua eden, Torouto, visited ah Mr. H. H. Odeil's. Mr. aud Mes. S.tliuff, Toronto, visîited hah the Methedist îParsonage. Misses Lauca sud Bella Allun vis'ted -felenda iu aud aeouud Kirkfield. Miss Lena Dickey, Sharkville,, was .guest ah Me. G C. ýArmstrongsý r Misses Vilda Cowau sud ' Ruth Arm- 3 strong visited fInonda lu Port Hope. Dr. W. W. Dickey, New York, visitet bis daugher, ah, Ballagh's, Stark- ville. Misses Rboda sud! Minie McLeod visited their sister, Mca. James MoMul- Miqss Brand, Orono seoool,sund Miss Reasof No. 9 viited ah Poit IHope re- Me. sud Mes, m. Kennefick and family, Newcviashle, visihed ut Mr. A. J Leigb's 3forthbeîPoint aux Trembles scbool ai Mr Purcy Doncaster is home frein New Ontario sud will resunie studies ah Kingston. Yfiss Biack, a former heacher of the junior dep't, Orono Sebool, la vîsiiug ah Me, D. F. Waisb's Major- J. W. Odel. B. A , Cobourg, sud Mr BL G, Odeil, Toronto, visited t heir father receuhly. Mes, J A. Jerome sud sister-iu-law MeUs, Lapp, Ponhypool, athsnded Coi- borne sud Cashieton Feirs Mr. and Mes. R. Moment ahheuded th!e furrera] of lher brother-lu- law, Ma- jor Carpenter ah Fruitland. W. F. McEleov, V. S., la ereciug- a large naw ce menth stable ou bis prom- ises, reeuly purchased from Mr Ridge, Mr. sud Mes, Graham sud f amily, whe been visitlng ber father, Me, Jas. Camipbeil, bave returned ho Win- nipeg-. Mr. Fred Dobson, one af our popular -Yougien, has j uîned the ranks of the bnediats, bavIPg been marrled te Miss Metcaife. Mrs, A, W. Carvetb aeeonipanied ber sou Rupert ta Tocante Monday, wbere ho la commexicing a course ah the Cen- tral Business Celiege 1Itis eeported that ThiomasWiiliamsou Who laIt haro for British Columbia tweu ty years ago bas diaçaîiitd of bis riniig, proparty thlere for $40,000. Miss Rubv Thloruýton won firsh prize0 as b -ah lady driver ah Port Hope Fair, aud Me1. Geo. Davidson wvou firat prîize wlhh bis three year old driver in the roadater eas. wvil reliera the meat obathuýate cascs of iudigejsiou, constipation1, bsd blaod. bacs iiver ne ma.ttcr how long standing. Thtawhat H 11021rV ocky ounhain te ihldo,35 cents Tes or Tablets, S3tott and Jury. America is the Land of' Nervous Women. The mai orihy of womsfl are nets-oua because tbey suifer from some form of female disease, Tbe grestest obstacle in the wsy of that aatarrh la te soure of Shahi iness. alimentu zhould neite te Dr tionUof youx aymptomq, prnonuS tfýèâ ment',and nage. Hle sill proxuptly reply WlItL fu ld5, r-actions fo7r treatmeat, free o cf ý Mrs J Tbompson reccotly visitedi Toronto.... Miss L McCufllough visited in Bowmanvil'e.... Mr mnd Mrs CBritton spent Sunday lu Port Hope. .. Mr WiI* bert Hancock was out from Port Perry attending bis brother's sale on 3oth.. Dr J C Mitchell anŽd wife, Brockville. were renewing old acquaintauces here.. ...Mesdames S Bates and A Haliowell attenuded the wedding of Miss Bates at Oshawa,... . Rev W E Hazzard, Toronto, District Secretary of the -bible Society,' gave an address lu the Presbyterian churcb Sunday . . Rev J W Bunner aisd family, Alfred Miltchell and wif e, Mes- damnes J Bragg, W Rich, G W Jones, I Penwardçn and Frank Law and others attended Bowmanvilie fair ,..... Newton Lodge, No 166 S O E, presented Mr W P Rich with an address and a suitably engraved silver lîcaded cane as a tolien, of their good will previons to his depart- ure foir British Columbi%. BLAOKSTOCK. Wrsy Jobb. Port Elgin, vislted ah bis home hero. t Western Bank bas opeued a brancb is aur village. i Miss Thomas Lawson bas beau riait- 8lirg ah Me. James Pare s. Rov,. Juo. Harris. Port Perr, occupied 3the Methodist pulpit Sunday weelc. Mca. Fred Broclt, Port Perr.y, sud Mca. Hatton yisltedah tMr. W .Pare.' Suuday Scboolraliy of the Methodist eburch Sunday, Oct, lStb. Programme by theaschool. Preabyharian anniversary waa heid Suudsy week. Rer. tJ. MeNiehol, B. A. 'roronto, pceacbed. Mes. Chas. Smithbof Jâmea, Ohio, 1 vrites: I bave used evary remedy for sick headache I could bher f for the part fil heenyears, but Carter's Little Liver Pilla did me more good thbýn ali the cash, Report of S S. Na, 2, Cartwrigbt,-for the mothh af Sephembar. Naines lu or- dec of standnz:-Senxor TV-Helen. Wbitfieid, John Honoey, Roy Ferguson, Bertha Taylor, Irane, Il ylaud,. Selema Swaiu, George Crawford, Louis Willau,. Juuior IV -May Seet,,Cari Wright, Evarett Trswiu. Senior 1I-Rose Wrigbt, Ethel Whitfield, Elmer Mount- joy, Howard Biley, Harold Hores, Roy Taylor, Arthur Bailey, Austin Wil- Ian. Cecii R11l1. Junior II-Albert Riches, Vers Hooe araGiesFrgusoD. Helen Cryderman, M!aret11a Willan. Etta Ceoker, Ruaseli Rices, Charhia Veuuing.- Seniior 1JI-Edua Knsma. Muras Fer- s3tar, haura Harrison. Margaret Forster, AlilesVeninrg', Ath r oziee. Gard- bain lTrewini. Il-E ns Hloines, [Ruatlis Wbitflel, ElvaWright: Cors Riches._ Part 1-FraniiheGrydeernn, Tomimy rokF,Alidtz aTayor-, George iCroker, Winnid rydarmeüa. b.. FnEQxssa, M. 7UýMIRIAMOLINE, thoacherS, 1Tpe euly true constipDation c-ure na Ust begin its soetAang, hea 2 estion wha u 1ht enters the motth -HRGllster'o Rockyt te a beathy, uses al condJition « S Tea or Tablets, -Steth and ur Wonien's Instihute wili meet on Thurs- day afternoeu. Ail ladies cordially iu- vihed ho atten.d. The ýouZreeguhIon cf the Methodist church bave purchased a new orgar aud the opening services, wiil be bekd as followýs. On Suuday Oct lSth, Rev. T B. P. An±dersou,,Pastor, will presac special se3rmons ah 2i80 and 7 p. m. Mlusto by the chrir. Collections lui nid of o-rgan fund, Ou Tuesdav. cyt. IStli at 8 p. in. a lecture will be gAven by Ren, A. Philip Brace, B. D , Richmond Bill, on "Mohors, Trailers, and Scrap", A ladiesý'trio from Ebenezer wiîi furnish music Admisïsion: Adulte 20c; eblîdren IMaster !Willile Lammiman bas pneu- moua...Ter was not a large attend. ah th e rysahSelint 'Division Thurs. day nigbt owing hothbe ramn The pro- grainm vsgood. Rev. Wm, Wal b, G. W. -A. Brainpton, was -prasent snd gave a good address. Mr. E F Wil- Fogh', Derlingtou, recitedniceiy s coupe o selctins.Misa Litta liuse, Hapton, Misa Ruby Pascoe, snd Bsn, T Hl P Audersýon eaeh sang solos very cceditabrlyý,, Master Wiliie Rowe of Wales, Euglanid. recihed and a couple of eh"aruýýss ade ia good entertalument. The3 ù. )W. A., lustalled tbe new offle'a usmelyr W. P_, R J McKessock; W. A.. Miss Riflda iockadav; R. S.. Willie Sp,; A.,R. F%, Mona Vice; F. S , R. C. Scott; Treas., S E Werry; Cbap., W L Law., Cou.., Clarence Vice; A. Con,, Vers Bakeer; I. Sent., Irene Argue O. Sent. R Lane; P' W. P..' Jua Baker; Ora idh inuie Bah etsSupt., oL-LWy al Crusaders, e ISotide .e Lamb sud ton Gordon, Woodshock, sud Me. Geor-ge Scott, Osbawa, visited ah Mr Walter ies. ... Miss I1O Cowle bas moved bier effeets ho OHhbawa wbere sbe sutndaho eaie sortr. he will ho missed l I ere.hbrhod.. -. Mes Rowesudai, Ie aeEgad r VisitD in caÈ. G. Pso,..-M.J. H. Wiiiam, Mdlad as eturued b orne. BA",BY AIND MTR A ew daFj0 of Baby's own Tableha relleves Lsud --cres consIhpatlon, Indi- geiincl, dîsrboea isud simple fer.T he tablets break ?-p colde, ex- peil aonssd bring the littie heetb tbrougb paýýinîeoasy. Tbsy bring bealtb ho the litheIe a sd -oenforît tothe mnother. Aed-' yen bave the guarantee of a governmeuh snsiys&lvft that thîs, med- licns doean nt coutaijn one partiaesoa oPiahe or joisaouna oothig atuff. Mes. 0. F. Kerr, Elgin, Ont., gays. "Baby's wn Tablats la tbe beat med- laine 1I hava ever usad for stopRach sud bowal trocubles sud dteahro.iug iwarms Sold by ail niedlue dealers or by m% I ah roc a box froin The Dr. William a' MedijueCo.; BrOcGkvllla, Ont. HAMPTON Report of Jr Room S S No Il for Sept eme:S t-Clareuce Martin, Fraul ~eydemauAlbect Gaie,,Milton Wil. ccx- .Illia Wbite, Frank Johus,,Eboi Robishla Setpheus; Sr Pt II-Er. Giske, E[,velvn Wbite; Jr Pt Il-Merle Cryderman, Frances Ciatworthy, GeacE Hillir, Howard Alleu, Eva MeLean, Lavi Niddery, Roy Stepbens, Emmei Pehîev, Eaele Mehean; Ph I-Ethel Moon, llarry Egerton. Milton Averyv, Moriey lbastince, Wiiiie Windaht, Lorue bastings, Joay Edgerton. Harold Allie, VWaîter Joues, Marlon Shephens, JeS8i8 Joues. ROBENA JOsaNS, teseber Me C N Ruse wili seillbis eue and one- balf storey frame bouse, containing seven roonis, bousehold effecta, borses. cathle, and 13 acres of land. ou Meaday Oct. 14 Sce bills for particulars. Miss Horne bas returued f rom Toron- te sItara pleasant visit .... Mr, Edmitad Moore wbile plougbing wss struek with the piough-baudie and was badly injured ...Miss Katersoni will give s halk ou bier trip ho Irelaud, Scotîaud sud Eng-' lanid ah the Leagua Fridav evening .- .. Rer. W E Hassard. Toronto. beîd a meeting bece Frlday aveuing lu behaîf of the Bible Society giving the mostin- teealig haik <iilustrahed by lanteen riews> 1thbas avec beau our lot te listen ho.. Rally servie in tbe Sabbah sch'ooi ,unday conduetad by Me. E. T. Sieomon, M. A , Oshawa, in the alternoon. Bath services were verg, iuharestieg sud pro- fiai,.,Mr sud Mes. Laneand son vialted friands in Manvee,,s Bandas-.. Mr. sud Mca. Olive Clemeu1ce, Kir-by,ý were cslling on frifads liera Sanday . - Miss Wilbur, Oshawa, visited with friends bare. . -Mr. E. Trunouth, la buiidinw sa esuent walk ah the cburch,, - - Miss Evel-vu WJsihe sang a solo lu sthe babbatb Sebool Suaday. E1erv eue, waa daiightad with 1.... Theiteo of the eburch bas beau frasbiy kalsaý- mieied sud the seats sained, whvicbà uak big impr.ovement. Thea Sab. bath Scbool bas added sixty volumnes ta the library. -., The evaperater la nrew ruuniug te iha fill eapaeihy,. , ..Phcased ta se" Me. W R Allia eUh sgain . dDon'tforZet the Organ epenag ah 1El. .ad Suuday. Spacial Musiceet-C., sud. lecturtg Tuasday night. BADLY RUN DOWN Tanou;ai OvEP.-WOR K --Det. WILLIAÀMS Pia PAsRESTJURED )HEALTill ',SIFFURED FOR YE-4RA CMPICriAOO "RObust Women vWhÀo Owe Thir estord Halt n Usefulness to P-un Read tho Letters of Gratef id me ..- Curo-,d by Dr,, S. B. atmns - Ç Fres ie . ...... my appetits iniprovad iy color came bacl and Ile le sthan as znth I wvs able ho Issea -iuy rooui. I eonhinued', the pis for another mouds sud tbey comiuletely cured ine. I am now lu the besb of baalth sud able ho do _my work without fatigua. I'feel aura that, aIl wha are waak will find renawed health aud shrength lu Dr. Willianis Pink PilUs.- Tbey certainly ssved nie frein a 11f eof misery. '"' WhnDr. Williami' Pluk Pilla mke uew blond tbey go rlgh ho0 the reat of sud cure ausemfa, rheurnatiem, St. Vitus dance, kiduey trouble, Indiges- tion, besaeoe and baokache sud those secret ailInents whicb tuake the livea of soemny wmen and growlng girls mîsecable. Sold by al n3ieiie dealI- ers or by mail ah 50c a box- or six boxes for $2,50 fron Tihe De.Williamis' YIed- flns Co. Brockvllla, Opt. OSHAWA. Mrs F. Patte and Miss Daisy baye returned *from a '%mouth's vîsit to New York, Atat,2itv and Philadelphia ...Mr. Jamies MoTaggart bas moyed the C. P. R. Office to the T. H Enerson biock. . ...E L. Vicheey is inoving bis barber shop opposite Central Hohel,.. Me,.1J. S. Preutice, of the PetroliaTopie kas been visitlug relatives lu this vicin ity..,.. Mrs. Hy. Brodie, Moose Jaw, Sask , la visiting ber parents, Mr. and MeWs.- Robt. Davidson...Mr. Robh. Brooks atteuded Bowmauviile Fair arsd caccied off a large nucmber of first priz6s ~jFx~areî AE JReury_ýtroneo iwas ln town recently .... Miss Cathartue Scott Is a-uesh of Mrs. Waltonbali, Tor- onto.... Messrs. Rogers and McLéau bave edded a haudeome uew hearee to their undertakers' equipment... . Mr. Albert E. Gibson sud wife, iedical iSuperinheudent 0f tbo, Bfarlin Hospital lIowa,recently nisited his sister, Mrs Joseph Luke....U, ssEdrdMeLean o~ atending McVt5sheï Uüiversty.... Re. J. H.Tralbothbas returned f1rom au extended trip lu tbe Olýd Country.... Mr, Alex. Henderson weîl known lu Osh- awa, recenhly appoýinted Commisstioner of the Yukon, on -nreiving at Daw-ýson was given a public welcome, followed br speeches and aluinckeon ... . Clarence Teull of A Ný, Elîts?- clothing store loft Wedne-sday- for St, Thomuas .... Luther Kirby bas resumed std T ioronto University. IiNNISKILLEN, Jmproyenoieats are the order of Cie day. The personage obs much bright- er and marc cheerfu: witb ats ne ffîve- andah and coat of white.-. M.Nr Geo Presto's resiclence bas au attractive uew coat..,. Mr and Mes Geo Argue vis ited friends la Cartwright..Recent visihors: Mr E Harris, St Catharines, Mrs Remmer. Pickerinug, and Mr P Rog- ers, W hitby, ah LN r F W Lce's ...Mrs Boweu and son and daugbter Miss Ida. Bowen at Mrj, Pye's... Mra Cornish,1 town, et Mr James Mouuitjo'.... Sîlss Forrestor, Bîackstock, at Miss Helen 'Morone y'a. Do not suffer from sick heîzdache a moment longer. It is net necassary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure yen. Dose, one littie pilîl Small dose. SmaLl pili.' --Small price.- Report cf Public Sebool for Steptember: Jr Ist-Freddie Preston, Francis Werry, Lillie Sharp, Aibert Gay, Coca Sharp Sr Ist-Eula Pascoe, Arthur Brunt, Sadie Craig,_ Walter Smith. Gordon W orry Second Pt 1-Pearl Sha rp, William Gay, Whîtweil Hall, Gechie Sanderson, Lena Smith, Charlie Plew. rigbt. Second elass-Edith Gay. Marlou VirtueFloreinue Brant. Robert Preston, Stella Smith, Ross Woten, ilelena Werrv, Robert Barton. Jr 111-Mary Brunt, Eisic Oke, Cecil Brant, Celia Beunt, Adam Sharp, Leta Oke. Warren Preston. Sr IHI-Daisy Gay, Leslie Rebbins, Ronald Hall, Tenua Sharp, Milton -Saniderson, Roy Plowrigbt, Maud Gain' er. lV-Esther Steveus, Elgia Bell, Ettie Brunt, Howard Pye, Douglas Barton. V-Mary Craig. Rus- soli. Wotten. Miss E L ROSE, toacher. EsttuisheJ t8l79 Whooping Comgh, Croup, Brenchtisý Cough, Giip, Asthm a, Diphtherla Cr iln s a boon te Asthmatlce F Dom it not secmamore ecd, t, , beath,, ina rendy Sa cure diseuse of thebrathngorgansi thn tk iere-csedy il,thstomach?1 Et 5curesieeause the ai, rendered trongly anti- suptic is carried aver tise diseiesed s ,ac itb Ieery breath, 'ýp'iug Prelonged and constant treat. n sunt. S s vlal omotisers. wîsh sma. r.lidrein. fEslaf surn cu,, aor in- £ @ Gafiel euitoaof tbe jj ý%' by druggîsts. , . S~IctlobcGklet. Lassass.MLS.C, WANJED. ANY -V 77, John flacKay Ltd.,wI pay iïgheSt He ome of Qaiv Qmeltv 'au All SEE OUR LINES IN: Otiver Iron and Brafs Bedsteads from $3.0 Lines Springs aud mattroees from 82.00 tao 82100, F u ll Drt sacra sand sta ndýs fr-oni $, 00o t" $75 w0 and rdchoa s sd Buffet-s fromi87.50 ho The Home Furaishers Fuea 10ne ~BOwz*anwlý1e. &Orno and Humpto Ail Liner a.-ndJ Complete,' Directoersf hi Me. E. F. Willoughby sud Misses Leilsaud El va VanDyke atheuded open Division and visited frienda in Solina,, *. Mrs R. W. Lang-maid.. bas returned fromnColuimbuis where ahe vlsited ber father Mr. Guy. ..,. Messrs. Frank and Alvin Teery vislted Mr E. Richards, Osbawva, Sunday..., Mr. E. J. Burk bas bough a eream separahorand will sbip creain ho Toronto. ... Farinera wbo are sbipvinig mik ta the city are on atrike for higbrprîces. Dealers are retiiuig it ah 9c a quar1t. Report of'S. S. No. 3, Darlinghoul, for September. Mýaximaum 100. 8 r, i V-Nellie Guy 70, Lela VauDyke 62; Jr -Elva VanDyke 60, Roy Met- esif U; Sr. III-Mary TrulI 40; Jr. III. FranÉ Curtis 70, Peari Metosif 68, Wil. fred Runidie 65, Acy Bundie 63, 1Aunue HoIt 57- Jr. 1I-Lewis Power 70, Nor- mesn Metcalf 63, Pbvles Boit 50, Aib6rt Reader 50;,Sr. Pt. Il-Elva Clarke 68; Jr, Pt. IL-Florence Rundle 70, MOrley Buz;ega(30. WiIlie Metcalf 60,- Wiliie Readler 25, Glad3 s- Power 25, Pt I - Rosie Reader, 60, Doris Clarke 80. F. W2LLouGiIBY, teacher. Badiy run do wu is the Condition" af thousanda throughout Lanada-per- bape pyou are oua cf theni, You fiud worlr a burden. Yon are wesk, easily tired]; aut Of 1srts Pale and thin. Your alep i4 restle'3a yojur appeÙttepootR sd yOU suifer f-om headache. Ail this ýsuff3rIng lý aiused Ibyý- bad blood sudd notbilng eu an -ike yon woll but gn bLood-notýhlng cau maire this good biood a quickly -as De. Wilillsmz Pink [pills for Paie People. Thesa pIllit neyer fail ho inake, rioh, red, health giviug blood. Ml,. H. R. Reid, Quebec city, sapey, About twviE l ' uthelago I ivas ail rua dowui as a resnît of overwork- My doctar ordsed nme ho taire a coin, pIste rest, but this dlid not help nie- el had Do appetîte; mny nerves were un- struug and 1 waB se weak 1 could> scar. cely inove, Nothlng the dootor did îhelpgd me sud I began ta thinký my case was incurable. While confiied ta miy rnom frieuda came ho ase me and ue of them adviae d me h te y Dr. Wîl- STATE5MA~.Weekly~'~ $1.OO~~GlobI3 ami Caa Subscribers-2 o wort1i TiruSTATESMAN vwlll be, ail for si100- 1sent to any Address in canada or, Grea.t JAE IULIB nGOsE, Brilnto . neIw 8subs ' h)r fo"r-25c,. G Bowinazvilice Ont. J 1)n t, 1908. For $.0to Jan. 1, 190q, Add(ress J AMES I'UBLI5IfG HOUSD_ B5owmanville, Ont. 314ft 200 Boy's Si1t '00 a' VMrc0-31t Twice as rnuch (lothing as ail th(-es of the Cloth-. igStocks in l3ownanville, coinled. HEuR E n have alarge assortment in everytbing. HR you get what, S you want Me~iht zina of C1othinig for Men and * * Our Cash and One iPrice 3 Systemn of doing business,* and the large arnounit of business that we are doingO G puts us in aposition to pick Our Clothing. We do not à -have to confine ourselves, L. to, one Clothing iManu11fac- L urer. We hiave stocked with the v7ery -best ýj Clotbing thiat cant be O'btain cd. The poorer, kinds are * the casier to make anid the profits thereon large. But whnert it cornes to sa-tisfao- Stion.-that is wvearing quai 1 faulties fashioning. an 1MIN'OR'ýý CON5TRUCTION these are, the features wec O~t5~~RA>1 c~rconscientiously dimfo' *the, Qothes, we seil) you c4tnt get any thing but -good* e- clothes at this store. GV WeW±h To Apo1ogizo To a large nuinber of customera, who went out of o-Ii- store onsa- * urday evening, without being waited on. The rush of business ils o- o much greater thbin we anticipated, that it found, us unprepared - to handie it. But we have made arrangements whereby we -w -have-extra lieIp-oru trtyaedwl1Unn bidqik evc S to all who corne Iu our Gents Furnishîng Department we have everything that. is new and up-to-date, e CLO:TRIING AND FRISISFOR GEMN TLEE i MDTHEi fj11,SONS. ID"il 47, M-- -oiL7jUý.