BOWMANVILLE STATION. aoltia B&sIT GOING WEeT 5RPrs -10 10 NLocal..-..7. 57 Mlxd..,..,.. 8 ~m.I assengerJ 86 y. O.-649 p.m. I*~Mixed.. - 7 44 Br:&' JURY. Town Agents IWhlen Stott &t Jury test Eyes It Is Done Properly Our Otica Roo0m 112 Private It is àaway from the gaze of the Mf the curions. 'Youl have the ad-vantsge of a Most careful examination that is entirely free. When yen get yourgîîsses you 13ve the Pri-vilege of briaging them '40Ck anci getting every cent you paid for them. When we test ey es it is done ProperlY. rraduate of:- Detroit Optical CoAllge, Canadian Optical Coll(Qge, N,,ew York Sehool of Opties,, Chicago OpLhalmic- College. The Time Is Week Ne arer t The dlay of our' 5Oîh anniver- ' fary is d- ra-ti ing near. it will pay7 rý youi to cal! lirst timfe you are pasa- fi ing our strer and ask about it. ý This will bc no ordinary cel- I -ebration. f P One day will bec for town'rs n people tch e other for our friends from e the cointry and niany pleasante surprises await ail customers.- Cail and let us explaini ourt S TO'%TTÏ & JUR Y, The Drugg9ists &Opticians, If you want a, GOOD SAFE j. FAMILY DRIVEIR go to Mrs. J. C. Rowe's auc-tion saeFriday, Nov. 1. ai This is a,- 6 year old mare, gentie, ci kind, flot afraid of automobiles and i t% Bafe for ladies or chilÈren. Also a t od2 seated Carrnaïge, iHarneas, pi Jutter, datc. t] BOWMANVILLE, 0 0-f. 3, 1907. t' Cash paidl for bitter anid eggs a-t F. fe A, Haddý'd., th Now is the ek buy grapes cheap T -t F. A. Haday'5. bi Delicious lu flavor ai îow in prIce, hi tnaddy 's Ideal Ta.w New'subseribers ffet TE thTBMA ýto jan. 1, 1908, for 2-5c' Ba~ie wsned by John Mackay, te Limited, Bowmanville. Student in Photography wacted Gt A HIays' Studio, Bowmanvlil l. 84t to îBad d's Ideal Tea sýttli continues te itE Cbristmas gods vrill g-ive a big dis.a counit for Spot cash. Now4 s the Ime te ai ýbuy.1 Choice dinner sets from three of the' leading potterles- lu England. A od Be select, ïn [rom $5.0,0 te 810.00 During 3 Oct. 20)% disceount for spot cash at Chipa~ àst opening up a direct importation ,)fDlnser Sets. Iu buylng diret we Save tw ommsin and eau give these retail at wholesale prices. F A S8i PERSON&ÂL. Den't miss ihe miock Parliament as presented bv tha3 Epwortb Laag nein .1 ha Melhodisi scboinoom Fniday aveu- iug. Admiission 10e. Mus. R. T. Brock, Teronto, la visîting Mua. W. W. Aluin. Miss Ada Allun, Newcmsile, recently vislted Mis Fratnk Soueb. Butter and egge wauted ai F. A. Haddy'a, China Hall Cuocary. MI'iss Florence Emery, Pluton, waî necaut gue't eh Miss Ethel haines. Sce our 60e Doz Tumbi ees wart frem 75c te 81 Oüpar Doz. F A H1addy. Mua C. A Joncs anS daughtci Miss Gertudsm Joues, Belleville, aue gucets of Mus. i R. Finkie. .Dr. anS Mme. F. C Tîebiicock anS Saujghtar are viqiting bis sister Mis .(Di) Adam, Cauaan, Conn,. Mr. Gao. Frank represented the cream shippaîs of Ibis district at a meet- ing, lu Toronto Saturday. Mus. D. D. Budd, Florence, muS Mis. A, Peu hound, BuSe, Cornwall, England, liams. Miss QuIgg, telegrmpb eperator ai (ha G. N. 'W office laIt Sacurday alter- nooù fou ber home in -Lindsay Post. Fnli.aI Mus. Gee. H Blekell bas ucturna heom London wheîe ehe bas beau visît- lug heu father Mu, S. Davis, wbo 1, silightly improved lu bealth , Mi. anS Mus. -R. W. Gi'6sondu Smughten, who have beau visithng ber mother, -Mis S. Smali, Fout Hope, laIt Satuuday for (heu uaew ucw home lu Victoria, B.C. Mis. (Rev.)D. C. McDowell wbo ho livinig with ber dmughtar Mua. T. E. Hlgglnbotham ceiabuatcd, ber 8014s blrthday Oct 28. Mns (Dr.) J. J. Haie cf Ontarie Ladies' C;ollage cama down anS speuit the day. i Mis. L. Donnelly arriveS home 4 Et Louis,Mo ,ilusafeiy Oct 24 FriandýA haie were somewhat auxions te beauý as ahe w8sa feeling veny uuwvell wbeu sheo laIt Bowmauviia for home. We axteud îbauks for St. Loul- diy papers glvhng pariculais mnS hnteiestiug illus- trations of (ha hailoon îaca lest waek. Miss M. E.- Hewson, Calgary, Alberta, a foýri rtcacheat aiSlam, Darliugton, i-3 takhng a leaSing paî-t in edlucauional m-attera lu that westerni province. At tibc recantCntAl Aberta (cachais'1 conention shoe contnibutaS te tha pro- - inian uexelatpaper ou Heow toi tcach Gcegn.-apby sud was mfteuwauds elected a member of (ha Executiva i Zim elte. Heu many friands lu Dur-t harn are glaS te hear of heu succets in th est The profession banc was pooicu whcu she laft ibis ceuutv, MY. A. R. Wickett (Bail> of 91à Cburch u St., Toronto, son eh the laie Mn. Robart Wickett hormemly oh liowmanviiie, was receutl mde tha recipient oh a beauti- fui silk umbrahia with gelS. mounling, ultabiy engraveS, the prcaantatiho- C ug maSe by enoihar Durham boy, D E. F. Bowl . as a token Mf appreci athon h fon bis services t() (ha Orden of the Com.- panions of tba Forest in'whheh Ôrdeu as nember cf Court llermouy, h h b aik-9 en aetive ïIntarcst. The Aneient Foi-i estar sy Bro. Wicecî made a very tics aSSirssin ncknbwedem to! the uauyý kind thlngs saiS, of hlmn anS of ha handeoma eprescut, tg Dr. J. B W""bite, (ha iewell-knïowu val- rîuarv suurýzeon anS hiardware muer- hant, Port Hope, bas beca appointeS a Laputy meai inspactor at the Davis Cempany, Toronto. t Mn. Stanley V. Hamiy eh Danver, Col , formauiy oh Port Hope. bas beenI bhief traveling anditor, of the Rio t] Graný Railway Compmny, frem Grand d Junct\ ,un te Sait Lake Ciy. Mr George Gordon SieS ou Oct. 12, P at bis home in Haîlington, Man De- a eased was 67 yeaus of ga, anS was a asident of Dale near Port Hope, np te t Lwo meutha ago, wbeu ha nemàovad te d th West Ha succumibaS te typheld neumonîs ln the hosputel. i Capt. Brown Wallis, sou oh the Col. 9 W. H. Wallis oh Port Hope, s cieuk luin~ tleWn.ds paient brlsneh eh (ha interlor aWaument Ottawa, dieS oh acute bren- I.'V biiwihdape d ie ocandimeas ' rima, a! (ai an ilîno oeight weekka, i Mn, Chaules Goodman, an ampioyac Df the Fouuidry Ce., while ai wou -a [w days ago recegived a baS biow uin fe eye frem a hammer ha waa using. P 'ha Soctous 515 ail they could fou him A ýut il wms deerned mdvisabie te se ndà m tný the Generel Hospital, Ternoe 'hene ho le ai prasent Ha wiÀlllsa b ;ho silgbt oh the 13ye. < Bowmauviile Womesa's Instituý t iSl uts regular me 8in Stu idiýy'h- Pl sirnoon libaheCo ncil HRu M. Mrs E. a liBonshi, puesident, inÙ iha chair hi .hteu ganeral basiness ihaPresideut >0ok np (ha subject oh 1 The bath 'anS ti s valne". Sealiug witb (ha varions ie -1- Bri.rostbe - i KIo, la!Alxy aull Mpotunre ~hii Hi leir tii th6 22 iy avening as vemv intere stilurmeýeting 1 as hainluKnox cburch te diseuse (tha tSstieu of taki-ng a church census ohf i cîty sema dazy lu the nemi future. s saiS b9 thý,oe pieseýnt that Mu Yal- wicas -gave a ca,,pital addrescý, and bj' eaînesneas m d eep impression2 hie hCeas. Hav-,iug carnieSthreug-h ýc6ss[ulç snch a wo n , lu Toratoa, amilton muid many other places, ha is rfecthy ai home on(ha sIub1J -et, anS iswcied every question with a rapidî-1 and cicaunebscharacterisuîe of oe roughly conversant with every phase tb. 2ubÎjCi.1 1 APPLES WANTED. We eanUuse your frcsted apples kne t sû it,9 , atOoo and Bowmauvill A car of feed corn is expected te muiv at Bowmauville station.- Farmers an, others desiîing cern wll have an oî POrtullit-Y te get it ai a loweu price ù, the car than If unloaded. Leave yonr eider and yen wilIib noûtifiaS ef the exact dateo i arrivai. JOHN GILBEZT ç& SON, Farmers, John Maekmy Limited,war ail Sour Bariey. Hugli NoImu diad ai the Home fo the Aged Friday, aged 68 y cars . Bnlay, Bat-iay, Bariey, bring it ail ti John Mackay Limited, Bowmauville, B ring thochildien te Raid & Pearu' and have tham fîtteS ai moderate- cosi Girls, read the Youug Folks columr ibis week Additionai locale on lunei page. Reynolds Breke Record is au acaouni of the walking feat found on an lunei page. Bodwmauvilie notes anS cemments- nearly a columu-appears, ou an lusidc age Dou't miss it. Mis J C Roe, east of towu, bas Bold heu faim eof 138 acres te Mu. John Lana, Ham pion, for $12,000 Mr. W. Dickinson. Edvlie, bas pur- ehased Mr. Neil MeDonaids latin, casi of the Nursery cornee Eyery page a local page is oui am lu thîs journal. If youimiss apage yen maiss somethiug you want te know. Voaglîs, colds, hoersesess, ad otier Ibrffln b.îihnents are, qniekiy relieved by Cresolone Mi. Edwmîd Baliman is cenfined. te tha bouse suffering herm a lame ankie ha resuilt 0f a heavy weigbt falling up- ~'~~of hi failles and of men and wemeu- activQ lu the Fail Fair of 40 'ïea1rsýagoappear iu Ristory of Bow- naavlla on un muer page. Mauy hundiads of tons eh grapes lu th Niagara Peninsula wema ruiued by Fost Oct. 23 and tha grape gnowers have lost thousa nde of dollars. Renhrew citizans have pneseuted P bangford, the walker, with 6100'. Langhord bas gone te South Africa rhere a position awaiis hlm. Local Option Conteste is an edàitorial nthis Issue on the Tempermuce situa- lou ou Information furnished by the, atarlo Alliance, Il le worth reading. History of Bowmauville 40 y cars mgo sresumed lu ibis issue, about two col- [mue appearing oui au inner page. ýon Rav., T, S. Loscombe lu. the 8 fth pars ,raph read Rev. T. S. Caiiwrigýht. A ploughiug match wil ha balS ucan armonu miSer auspices of Ontario nuunty Plougbing Club nazi Tuesday 0v. r> ou Mrs Drews faim. Go te sec îw plowiug shôuld ha doue, boys. Do net h'orget that Coueh, Johuston Wd Cryderman show beyeud ail quas- n the fluest stock oh Caîpeis of ail duds and Lace Curtains iu ail qualities îew byans housa luWnstJDmrhamx Colbouig-'s F )ppulatinis 4, 833, AnSdthe otai assesment J1,74-2,228; the valueoho cal pirtcrv "S82614 value o! *idns 1 0071:busîines assese- neut ?146,079> n taxable incane $27,- ,SC Coun, Johnstou & Crydarman say liay neyer sold as many ladies'ecats or smmny drees geeda uer-ns much teady-made clothing iu an 'y day for he pattwenty-five yaars as on Fair lay oh lasi week. W. Il. Hateh & Sons, Dasernot, bave urehased the Oshawa flouse, at Osh- va, f on $22 000ý This hotel la wel ,newn throughout thid part of the coun- ry for is gond eider, cleaniinas.spleu- ,i diuing room anS firet clase mamie How Toronto has grown in numners neot lu virtue le showu hy the Tale- In l 1834 the populatlion was 9,254;1 1840 it wae 13,092; lu 1850 it was 25,- 6; lu 1870 it was 54,736; in 188D il was 7,073; lu 1890 i was 167.739; lun1900 was 199.408; lu 1907, h le 272,600 Cobourg -Rifle Association haielîs ' imu-ai match Oct. 17 sud was weil ai- -ded. Capt W. C. King and F. Hl. ýýris,Bowmauyille, and Capt Ralston,« ,to Hoper.diS some fine work. Capi. - B. Roerts headed the lisi ever ail ýcz .i hots. Mr Stanley Jackson who hourbi r i1 yaars wae emàplesed as drug- nrk by Mr R. De% el, -Port Hope, dieS LMillbrook Oct 20, The huneral took lce hrom (tha realdeuce of bis mother, tKendai. 'A widow le lefi 10 mouru i is departure At the Assiz,)s Pt Cobourg lasi week i case of B. G, Carscaddeu, posimas- su ad genai-al maerchant, Leskard, FLOUa, P .0Ioo s ...,.,-U 7,jteo 0 20 WWA7, Fa-Ll, bush .O O,1 " 1l1W " Red 1File ....... 000GO 115ý Goose ,... 0 GO ' !)0 8B&RLïrv. e bush, No 11 ,O00 'vO 8 OAT8, white 'i.........O0O O0 5 RT-E, of............000" 75 BtJCRWHEAT I............. 0 'i4O 67' PEAs, Blackeye, P bush. O (,,0 tû O95 sCanadian Beauties O(Il0 " O 09.5 n Smalî " 0(1)f10 O80 'a Blue 'i fOOOîï 0 8) .,LOVER SaD .......7 001 8 00 rIMoTHY SIED.......2 (00)".3 0 atJTTR, best table, )o03"0O25 PorATons, , bush new () O00 1- 0 35 &Ivhton W) v 01810 PHOTàO FOR C!IRISTXAS There is nothingrnicer te give yeur ntis ai Christmas thian a photo. Now is the urne teoi btiaking uaGout ih and weting ready. Coma flu te flay's stuld Iait unt;Ilthee holidstvuh is oni. Da il iow. 'Briug ail the lamîu l sd have a ~rop ittue tesecd te ýour distant ýtudin is the place. Next door te TiR iArSA4office. CARD 0F THANKS. I desire te express My sincare and 4earticit tbsnks te the- officers mand oimar f F;oreuce Nihial ,odze, L 0. . O.0O F., for the lodge senefts received and aise te themu and nauv f fadaluBowmanviiie for thieir iuduess and sympmthy shewt ume li Lhe deathi and ai (ha btirial of my late tusbaud whno remaqinsi weme lnterred n the eautiUlemeter', therf,4 NIrs. J,- N Kivei 1 King8ton, Oct. 291, 19Ï)7 Boomlis se q'hKnYllaAIîîBut r GousaîLL-In Soina, Oc, bnMaîh Ai -berson, beloved wife or' WM. Gril gd yeamS and lemonjtho. 1Iterred ab Orne. POLBON-Suddeiy On Oct. -29, aet 6 BeaumIront Rd., Oronte, Frankl- Bat'es PiMson, lu his 5hyeam, A native of Port Hope. TRtEwIN- lu Rftaes, OC-tober £5, John Trewln, agcS 87 years. O'BaîaaN-At Cobe, Oc, s, Stephen 'Brieni, in hie 68th year. JACK ON,-In, Mlbrook.4 Oct 20h, Stanley Jackson.- son o! the late Johln J Ksoleu- oeil, aged 27 years. ARNALL,-III Whltby, Oc(t, 19 Miss Clama M., iiasghter o! bhe late John Amrnaîlj, Whlte-. MOFAT-At Rlan1m.Ot.2,Calte ved wifcetfJohn Mffat, ho!hem Oth yel. InOWE-Ia Bc)wrranvilleý, Octi 28. An an Frank, Ibeloved wife o! WjpIIiam Rowe, aged 65 yeers, PiLs--1 esWuiitbY, near Teuntoo,,Oct. 22ndI,Lauma G-ýlibert, beloved wîfe ocf Williamiï Phlipe, agedU7 yeas ILAP sE-lu Oshawa, aËthe creuidencce oflhem s on,Fmenk W. Larke, S7nicce St ouih. Oi I îth, Ehîza, wîdow elf the La te Jolin .Lamke, la h or 88th y ea,>1 PstsaNqS-In Oiswa ctob(îr, .-4, Harvey G. Peknaged 34 yeam,, WÂLraa-Iïl EraLtMWhitb;y, (0"Il2..tern widoW of the laieJoli Waliems, egcd 85 years. Voss-At the home 0 f ber son-nawM. George Jamesý5. Short Tract, . "ey c., N.' Yà on Wedncsday Oct ,2S, 2»07. Leali ýBenne"L'it, m- liet of Mr, George Vcss, ag,,,td 8 years;. CÂaaoar.-n evr ioing emm lof inuje AIEn, vfe cf R-tW. 'E. Cam-rot,'of ew. "Thus do wekeup uirwokent The bond whichl nature gives, Rloping that our rmenmnc, hoh Munspoken, My reach ber ý-where she ve" hspi univ ssud t I Il v --- U uainedi on a - panlorateet table, droppesdhrectly mbt a wite 'per- celain enanieled casa, SEALEZD and im- beddcd in ie in, a Sealshlpt Oyster Carrier. SEALSHIPT OYSTEII$ do neot come in contact with ic air or watcr., They are flot opened, tili they reaeh the dealer. Thcy ceme ont fnesh. finm, clean and of (ha, natural color. SEALSEIPT OYSTERS arc free from preservatives of any kiud. Noue are aven necessary. The oystersaran ab- selutely clean, thoroue1hy ehilled and proetcd fiom-r. SEALSHIPT OYSTERS are juiey, lus- cmos, appeuizn, ,with, the trua "lhaîf- aboli" flavor, the tempting tang of sait- water.. SEASHJT'QSTRSREOEIVED !DA:LY, Theý ModelGroeerv .1.IÇ IfT ie owaten whare th.ey are allowed to soak and blGiat fan beyond thefn natural size. Then teyanc dumped intoa seggy, woodeni tub with--a loosa cover. Tub oysters bava chtinks oh bce Sirectly in contact with them, bruiaing, tearlüg and punctuÏlng (hem, se that they corne eut ragged, unclean and bleached te a sickly white. Tub oyaters are, of necessity, kept pua- sentabla by the liberal use of chemnical preservatives, faimaldehyvde, -boracic acid, "presýenvaline" eteý, addad! with the Tub oysters are fiat, insiphd, slimiy, sof t, wiîh ne paniilcular' flavon, exeepi that given by ceîasanS the stala, slhmly M tmay I)e, as Inspecter Hughes says, teu par cent. of the sehool childien FOrOnte canot SWiM, but grqat ra- îs.ý are accemplished alowl.y. Let uIs u, for example. by establishiniî av- versal wiliingness asnong smai o. girls te wash the Deck -Tooeîtet E-lectrical Supply Depot. Now is, yonr time to, buy your ectric fIxtures, and supplies ai TÎ alInJ7g7s Elctrical supply. Wiring a sPeýýI at'y' C. HI. TAL.LINGz ROYAL M' AIL STEAtIERS. Montreal to LIverpool, Vorsican (new ) sals. .Fr. Oct. 18 Nov, 15 ::gi an.... ý -:-9Sa.Fr1. Ot. 2.1 Nov. 21 Tunisîti. .... .lil1n.Nv.9 a.m Victorien---- ----sals Nov.170,a:em: Montreal tfoGlasgow Ionien ...... Oct, 24 ÇCorinthion............... sals Thurs. Oct. 31 Pretorian.............o ils Thurs, Nov. 71 Grampian (ew----als Thuis Noy, 14 Montreal to London. Pamisi'an...... .............. sailq Sat. Nov. om2na ......... alSt ýo.1 Ratas aud full information from M. A. Jamtes. Allan Line Agent, Bewmauviiie ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS FO SR EAL FaoarPORITLAND Canaa ec. 7 Dominion N.,ov. Domninion Dec, 14 Kensingto' N ov, 9 Canada Jan. 4 S nthw ar'ýk Nv. if; Dominion Je. 18 steamers sail fromi Montrem daylight, from Qnebec î p.,im. Fis-st Casos rate $,à00; ýSecond Claso 875 anS upwards accus d.iing o steamer, MODERATE RATE SER'VIC-E. To LtverpDoi $40,00 and Z-12.50 To London $2,50 additiuLnai Thlird Class ta Liverpool, Londolnderry -1eifest. Glasgow $27,50. For ail information appiy te M. A. JAMES, Agent. Bowmanville. or te DOMINION LINE, 17 SL"earament,,Sî. Montreai. To Liverpool Fromr Nov. 1 Empreqs of Ireland Oct. 18 NOV.',) Lfke Chasuptelýiin Oct 23 NOV. 15 Emp1res f 'Brin i No v. Nov, 29 Enpreso of ]i-land Nov. 15 Dec. Lakce Manttoïm Nov. 20 REDUCTION IN BAMES: ntlfrbrn tic nte fclwig lstan bcl beeffective, Emnprese,ýs (lot> ,0 and lupwas-cte. Lake Manýitoba" (let) $45 100 ind sipTiards. (Znd)$30 Lake Cbamplain and Leke Emrie [one la,ýso For fu par ticofl ars apply t e 5SJ. ,suA uP, W. Paso. Ag40, 71 Yonge street, Toronto, Or nl. A. JAMES, 1Agen t, - Bowmanvllle P URSE FOUND-Contalinnr a suni o! money niear Cearea sehool. Owuer mnay have samue by Prcving PrepertY and pay- ing expensesý. ALMA 1. TKostAS, teatcher, DR .S., SOMERS, Uj 1DIENTJST, Opposite Eaion's, TORONTO. 11Yenge st. 3-6 mes. 1 k TO IE NT OR -VOR, SALE,- FOn Bi Se 11eiceig 211.acres,.f a l o a n , f i ms t e s s b i d i îI , w f n e ( o n da weîer. Undeî gond culiviounsl c 1 anS a; Apply to JNoTwLEI,,, bitly;4,w F ARM TO LEN-m eAres, of land J!lu good state of cultivation, lot 19, con. 3, Darliugton. Gond buildings, Possession et once. For particulers appl nth rmises t [MneWJ. of-vatheomh leMpstGrveFo One0fIfe es F'lMs1' NOTICE TO FARMERS. Darllngtoll for Sale. - -ACESMOE O LES, Farmers may store tihei-)r 150 elcg lot 29, concession 4 an5,alyad asu h l Ilallgin, nerZoe -oda rsdnc v toratPort Bowmni iville orearfarl imhll'ncd.soiingod tae o i tei onnaetili tbey cultvitin, ecellnt g ai anS tick fain biprconeasy 'tm .Addrcs ALN'TN1IABRC. *New This e-t o ~AT~ ~ SNV. MASON&SO t: Ladiies' and Mse'Cas Dress Güocds, I.Silk, Muslin and Lustre Wa-isits o- Dress ~UndersKirts, ~ Eetc., etc. Men's, Overcoats, Sweca'ter-s, E Cardigan Jacket's, Smocks, 0 Scarfs, Ties, Ciioves, Shirts, etc. ~ 1tinx§Barg'ain S. The balance of our s;tocký of Men's anci Boyýs' ý4 ;Suits, Pants and Knces o g~ Al l ]earing at cost prie i Fiee shed roo9m a6 en-ral Livery yaris aniytime. E 1 1 CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLEtS A simple and effective remedy for SORE -TIIROAT5 AND COUGHS They combine the germidal v-alue ofCesen with the soothing properties of oippery cm sand lico- ie. Four drug«it or froni ms, BùicntIitamsp. LMLise. MzIbÉaCO., Làited, Agents', Montmeal. 403: PETT-In 0811%Wa, Oc-t Est, to Mr. anS Mrs. Fetts, a son, <tilîbm. SIT-Ir 'Jshawa. oc. t.ll, to Mm.t and Mrs. Chas. Smith, a Sangibter. WOOD-In Oshawa, Oct. 17ti, 1to en Mrs. Wm. Wood, a sqn, adMrs, Ernest Goid1sbor-o, asn SnÂri,-InOsawa, Oct.t, to Mmr. anS Mr. urdoch shar1'pe, PasouL. BAlLES-111 OShawa. Oct. 24o',ho,Ir M. anS Mrs. Fred -B lles8aso. LAWLOR-t Whltb , Ot. 0 eMmr. and Mrs A. T. Lewvlo. a anio r 26,t - . .and Mms. Mortijuer îla n 4Eao-NaZïop, Dallngton, Oc(t t ltb ~-4t5ima-At ourtceOct. 251h, to Mm. andj r s. r F. W. nndie, a daughter. Molcra-13a'rvy1n Neca(teOt. bIrd, by Rev. A. Min.rI,lM. NWm. Alfre o Mo , tha LOO - 0K ON TH-IS) ANV THEN (ON PICTURE,' THIAT. SEALSIPT QYSTERS arc. shuekcd, ..."- --A Y_' IMý" 4ý ga, A nn. yolilige&t ý daUgh 1 q moi, andi sittinr.rocnm te, 1ýt.Apply 1. Box 196> omnil.4 w MIEN LOVEL Y SOU iV ENI1R CAS- Return one cupnyougeu E10 more crdfree. BRICKDWELINGSFOR SALE- "Two-atorey double bikdwelltng wilh very goofi stable. garden, bhardiand soft water. Bitoaed on ivision St,. , Bowmanvill1e A DPly to Taos Ton. QJHEEP ASTRAY-Camyie oni loti.3 sarigewe i, Owner May 1kave sieby- provîng properýity afi pa1,ycnmg epne.Rn. SLEMoN, flaStreet, Vsw- F ORSALE-RRn tre Wst A Bwmnlle wn acres gof ld witb fratuje b ouse and tbe Goifui.Tm lm, Onaj.42 tf 172, Bowmanivillle. 43-2w F ORSAL ORf TO) RENTF--Th(5 res91 idne on deli St , Bowmnanvilig, fomryocupied by the late NMrsGýeo, Wilbur. Po. .song-enNov. Jet. AIyI 'Ytu mls. W, A ro., Collingwood, or to Tiiin6SAjxE5MÂN office. --42-tf WL-r- - 1 : 1 'l -, 1 -- C OLIýIE DOG STRAYED-About t helaiday of Septembe(,r frein lot 10. con. 6Darlington, a blac ücoie pup with wbi!te arounld neck and front feet; bobtail; about(, montbs nId, answcrs to naeCrl.ieeard for nfOrmation laigto bhis recovery. LE8EtE THO>iUSQE, Tyronie.43. "N EW IMPLEMENT GECY 1-%Frost and Wood biaveý opened a new shojw room opposite Glover's L-iver'y Salswhere samlesof al ipeet a ieseFr ersarcinvited to veau and finspeciA goofis. BCwmnaanV!Ile, 43-tf