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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1907, p. 5

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w-.fàff EOWMAbVILLa STATION. IoIt4G HAcsýe aoINQ Wus'r 69 a. j 1 Express -.4,8" P, Mf *.Erss - 100- LoCal ..--.. 757 0 5 3........ 1 Paossngw -.1 36 P. M Lol...-6 49 P.M. I MlXed ~- T744 *MauI... 9 58 pain. SOI&JUT. Tovtl Agents I WheiStot Jury test Diate 0f Our Jubilee- Celebration Definitely Decided. SATuRDAY, Nov. 16TH, is the day settled on for holding ourJubleeCelebration, Wfatch our windows an(d:eateh be in spiration. Thousands of nice things will ,je given zaway. Chidren wiII flot be invited> on we daiy of our celebration. They are having their fun now. 2nice watcbes are2 to be given te thse ehiîldr-en on Dyonda,,y5 Nov. Read notice below. STOeTTR & JUiR-«%Y, ûOhld r en' s Oontest. --e oail Chiidren 15 years old and under. in cour window eau be found a jar flied with Scotch Mints. No one knows the number of mints in jar and no one will until Monday xnorning Nov 18th. Our objeet in placing the jar in the wjindow is to ermats in terest in M-r. John S McDoisald, Toronto, spent sunday w mnliPM . R. B.Bird. MigssJeanl Tod, Toronto, slîut Sun- day witb ber brother, Mr. Thos. Tod. Misses Mildred Jobnston andi Arvilla Cox,Toronto, were home for the holiday, Mrs. Bey. T. W Jolliffe, visited ber brother at Biradiford during the biolldays. Mliss3 Julia Sinclaiïr. Toronito, visited ber sister Mrs. Alex Christie Ttursday. Miissp iloldaTabb spenjt;Tbank.sgivling wi'hb lir sister MiJss thla oPter.- boro, Mis i[aieHnck, etovie visiteti i er aunt Mrs'LPaterson iJast week . Mi"ss Minnýie j ennIi ngs spent the hu-Oi days with thle Misses Fleming, Port Hope, Mrs E McGratli, Toronito, spent Tbanksgivlng day at Mr, Thos fBot- trell's Mr. Fred Curtis,' Weston, spent Thanksgiving at bis father's Mr John Curtis. Miss Maggie Mara anti Miss Mahonev, Toronto, spent Tbanksgiving at Mr P. Mara'S Mre. Nora Rue Collingwood, visiteti b er niece, Miss Annetta Coles, andi auut Mrs. A. Buckier, M1rs. H Miler, Smitbfield, was guest of Mrs. J. Garbutt at the Pareonage duerig Thanksglving. Mr. W. L. Bennett, Napance, visiteti her sister, Mrs. John Perkins ani other relatives bere Wednesday. Mts. Overboit whe bas been sta-tdng with ber son Mr. B. R Bird lixs return- ed to ber home ln Welland. miss May anstone anti Mr. Byron S, Van Stone, Troronto, spent Tbanksgiv- inig at Mr, F. C Vanstone's. Mrs W. A.flianes and son Fordi, Tol- rto, spens se nocywitn uer par ents at, "Cambournle Cottage." Vr. andi Mrs. W. T. Willar,!, Toronto Junet-io)n, spent Tlinksg v!ng aPt Mr. Uollacotts, The Emeroreeias?½ Mr. andiMs F. D Cherry, Schenec- tatiy, N Y., spent Thanks.glvlng wvith hbt mother at 'ICherry Cttage". MTrs* John Allun andi Mrs. Jos Pattin- son spent Tbanksgiving holidava witb their sister, Mrs -W. Beer, Brantford Mr.D. Gaibraltb and twio daugliters are visitjing ber?ý brother Hon Dr. Wil- iougbýby, "Ashleigb Grangei" Coibornie. Mi% W. A. Weeâks, Oshawa, and Miss M. A. Bunner spent Tbanksgiving with ber b 'rother iRev. J. W. Biuier, Clarke. Mr B. M. Saxby has been ili for over a week. Bis phvsicians will.not permit hm to leave bis beti - 14/tby Gazette. Harrv Tvler, Fred Pattinson. Fred 1pr 4n . -L. and Norman W. Creep- er, Toronto, were among holiday visit- Masters Haroldi anti Arthur Weekes. Toronto, who have been visiting here for the past six weeks bave returneti home Mrsi. John B. Ttieker andi son flasil, aud Miss Margaret Tncker, Osliawa, raeently visited at Mr. Alex. McPher- son'si, Whuîby. M4isýs Tamblyn andi Mrs. C. A Cawker will slng anti Miss Hawkins, Port Hope. wVili recite at Trinity chureh banquet Mr. Frank F, Brittain1 OshLawa, sptnt Tbanksgiving at home. Mr. Normnan MaRtton, Taronto, was home for Than!ksgivin,. Mrs. W. E TPilley spent Thanksgiv. ing with friends lin'rorontof. Mrs D, A. Weells, Toronto, bas been visiting her rdece Miss MacWain. Miss Edra and Mr. Fred Grigg spent Thanksgiving with friends In Toronto. Miss Celia Ferguson, Port Coîborne, bas accepted a position in HIavg' studio. Mr. John Beaco(ck spent Thanksgiv- ing wth biqs sn Mr. S, ýJ. Beacock, To- ronto, Mis Hodswrthand Miss Rubv CragLo, Torontoý, spent the- holidass witb Mro R Crago. Miss Etbel Y. King of St Margaret's Colloge, Toronto. was home for Thanks. gi ing, Rev. Aý J G Carscadden, Sandford. bas been vlsiting is isteýr Mrs F Il Morris. Miss Mande Willis, Toronto, spent Thanksglving with ber Hister Mrs W Maynard. Miss Luella Andrew. Toronto, was guest of Mrs W. McClung during the holidla.ys Mr. and Mirs. A, W. Piekard attended the funerai of tbe late Mlrs. jas. Fergu- son, Blackstock, Sunday. Mr and Mrs. John Beaeck spent Sunday week with their daughtier, Mrs, W. C Ferguson, Blackstock. Mr and Mrs Neil Yellowlees and daugýhler Helen, Toronto, were guests of Mrs James Knigbt, Lake Shore Farm. 'Mr. Henry Puley and daughters, Myrtle and Lilian, Fenelon Falls, bave been yisitiig bis brother Mr. Philip Mr. and M1rs. A. W. Piekard and duugliter Marlon spent; Thanlzegiving with her brother Mr. J. E. Beacok, .R. Norman Jollig(e. son of Rev. W. .Jolliffe. a former pastor of Bow- manvilie Metbotiist cbureh. bag been aupontedi baritone-sattislt of gherbourne 1 .rdehd chTU--ruo Pochet L-uife founti-Edutor, Two colmmue of news beld over. Whitby is to have a new Post Office, Cash paiti for butter ani eg'g tF A; Hiaddy,'tl The Senior Partuer is a. storiette oui an inner page Farmewrs, Jon Maï-ckaï Limiiedwant ail N OurBaey Now is the time to buy grapes cbeap at P. A. Hadfly's. Delileons lu flivor and low in price, Hsddy's Ideal Tea. New subseribers --et THF, STATESMAN to Jan.. 1, 1908, for 25o Whitby Presbyterv meeting le report- ed on an inner page. Barley wanteti by John Mackay, Limited, Bowmanville., Haddsv's Ideal Tea stUli continues to give satisfaction. Have you trietiit? Barley, Barley, Barley, brlng it ail to John Macltay Limlted, Bowmanville. Pteînain poisoing le an article al should reati. Finti it on another rage, Cal anti see our working boots. We eau Save soi] imeney, Reiti & Peara. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY Upera_ 14TI --nE,Boflnil E. WILLFONG PRESENTS 1 The Great Moral Sho;w UINCIE TOMS CABIN. Watch for theý blg street prd anti our concert bad.l We carry a pàck of Blotdil ounds, R smemher-thA 1,RvL- Frid a v. Nov. dmit4sion: 15, 25, 35c. Ap p iES wANTE LI WVeeaunuse your frOsted apples if neot s f t,'nt Oroino and Boýwmantrville eVapOratorýs. FINKLE & ACKEREMANý. SALE POSTPON ED, The furniture sale ativertiseti teo take placellast Saturday at; TbiteEý eFrrens" wlll bs beld on TIIURSDAF, Nov 7. ai 12.30 sharp, Sec bis b.L. W 'Tou,, auctionuer. CORNI CORN! A car of teeti cern isexpected te a rrive at; Bewmanville station. Farýmers anii oChers desiring corn will have an op- portv.nit;y te get it ai a ii owetr prie off the car than if unloadeid. Lrave veur order anti -ý ou will lie no 01ei fthe exlact datýOeofar-ia. JO0HiN G1LBER 1liT &SN 114-2w. Bwavle CORN COMINO Farrners, place your or- ders with us now for Corn- a car-load exp 'Ited soon. Will notify you when it ar- rives. 1IcCLELLAN & Co., Limited. HRENINGS-In Newcastle, Oct. 25th. to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel HenLings, a son., Conoit I O~hwa, ct Zth, te Mr. and Mrs. Jas, W. Cobden. a son. Mc&N- TIMu.s-In Toronto, Cetober 26th Trible daghrro Mr Oc. TimbeMaple Grove, Darlington. MACBasa-Ross-At C1edarme re", Port Perry, Oct. lOth, hy 1ev. B. Greatrix, Liet. James Macnrien of- the-HRst .Canadian Dra- goan,_Sanly Brraks.Tor i)to. and-Menpl .lue, e3nu eaughter of Wwt. Ross, ex M.kP., Port Pe rry, L&*sE- WALKER-At New York, N. Y, Oct. 22nd, by »ev. Dr. Jefferson, Joseph- RaDdolph LaieLos Angeles, Cal., to Rosa Mary. daugitter cf the late Wm. J. WTlker, Port Hope. RE»FDEL-SHOULT,9-1n New York N. Y., Oct. Wth. Alfred Helmmoity Biedel, M. D., anci Ela, otI-,daughter of Rev. J. H. Shouits, formerly WEt.rL-JA cXsON-In tOshawa,' Oct 3Oth by Riev. W. B. Tucker, Mr. Harold 1). 'nells and Mliss Elizabeth F. Jackson, both of Oshaw-a. FOST"ER-SKITCE, In Port Hope(, Ot Sist by Fbev. Gý. W. Henderson, Mr. Cha; es Foster, rreniton and Miss Anna, daughtero'fMvr. Henry Skitch, Port Hope. YOPsRz-HABnSuOes-At Simcoe. October 3lst byR1ev. Jas. J. Liddy, Miss Effie Fur,,ess Harrison, oniy daughtcr cf Mr, 1R. J Harrison' Stmcoe. and Mr., Arthur E. Hopper, Cobourg. DIU. PEaxmN,-In Bowmanville, November. 5th, 'John Perlktn, aged 79 years. Funeral Thursday at 2.80 p. in. MeflOUGÂL-In Bowamanville, Nov. 2e d Ella Maude, eldest danghtur of Mr. Robert McDougall. SI', -Ai 21 Oss1ington avenue, Toronto, Oct 2i), Artlhur W. 8mith, aged 39 vears. second sont of the Late Charles E. Smith. Port Hope. SEoRTIO. -OEast Wbtv, vfOt. Stt* Olive iMa y - ,,ughter of Mr. Thos, Shortritige, aged i0yers. ilpin, Alberta, Oct. 4h, Au- 1i arrei, daughiter cf Patries Farrel. and be- loved wjTfe cf jas C, He(iinessy, formerly cf E0-56 Spadina Ave. - Toronto, Canada. A School ownmed J-y business3 men-A Course devised by bsns Men-A Tyining to-,met the, ne(eds of business nr-A S,;taff of- -MUodem tpewr tin5an illng m Dhies-Latest moedfin devcesBes Oficeappianes-orktau"ght froru formýs and supplies ideniticýal with those nin u iýtse iýn the- largest offices,wa- bouise and fatre-i cnrbt o the rnaking of Busintess Syisteýmr Comme(rcîilSehool what it is, -"The Best for BPusiness Traîninig. " Write2 for )ur "Specialï Propositionà." .. F.WRIGHTPrncial CHIA HALL GROCERY no et( ciý !i Pa The China BaU reIr s~ i' ogtta AD' wbuy opeuing up s large IDEAL 'IR A isthteteu. et ý)!Christmuas ovelties in fA goo tesata lwpriýe, 25c. rockery antigd swr We and 40c per lb, itenti to make our chinas de- Bute is higb. ear el srtment botter than ever and ing a lot of hone.yanti eyrnp. wIll offer some tempting bar' gains. Don't buy without see ing our stock. -Eull particu- lars lu a few days. Special for this week china plates, al sizes !Oc. BUTTER AND) EGCJS WANTED. CHINA HALL GROCREY We have a few hundied. pouods of honey la fhur gr ades; and syr up in tins froma 2 lbs to '20 Ibs.. Ail Uines cf grocerles. WiII try ar-ýd pleElse Give usaà cal BUTTER AND EGGS W ANTED. CHINAi HALL-y GROCERty PROF.- DORENWEvý--ND, 18 COMfING e ilbe at Benett ose 1k Bowanv1, o LARGER VRJETY cfNew '~"" PREPARED TO SC0W ~~1 York, bo ndon ade arsct. e WV 9ýrl5 a6 rCOtitean ever offeUred Of tit e pubiev ai bforaceha.av Ldes at GENTLEEN AREYO , Lem?1envitwe, Toupees strteth cmpeSOwMiat Che f ilng it Viair udvey ' length andshadenetc ther ue potetsthehea an prdueaytmger eaesOun n dWt face.ont tefae GENTLEMEN RE YOU BAD? IEinvi E ~ut i hwRoosTH E nôii stat te onpitesuceoofmyar; ovrigsluWIsAND DTuEes no -1 i- 1 1- y 1 1 -1 -1 HAIR GOODS i % F - ýý - 1.1 A

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