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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1907, p. 1

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~J~LLU!&O :-~~~.utj rer annum. Oux TOWN AND COUNTY Fi iïR T# H WouLn A]fTEÉRARDq., In Aavanee. BOWMANVILLEI M. A. JAM S OS.N, proprioeore ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMI3ER ,197VOMELi.N 4 e * s SS*'iI* L -a NEW DRESS GOODS! CeOATS. AND CLOTHING Couch, Johuýston & Crydernian extenci a heaîty inivitation to ail their Ffrienciýs in WeDst Durham wen) o ing toBow;maýnvIlle, au ad inspect theirelgt lot of Noew DRESS G-OODS in al the latest wea-es; andi Colors. LAVDIES' COATS-H5undreds of andi maeup in the, veý latest styles, shown in these Counties. Rea(lý Clothing-A big Perfect,-Fittmng Suits and Overcoats for talszs them-ail 1tlW the-iettc stock of New ÏMen and Boys, Carpets iinal qualities, idnoleums in ail wïdths No bettergod and no better value anywhere. C O il i l.i. j Gro~rs'Due ]Bills tkna ab -i - etc lut rprïacosi _ _n, 5 Piet reevn p% Csgi aGst daàily.,e See our windoN ipay.S WTall -PeP er patterns s ita c o i- rorn;s most cope Ssortment of papers yuwtr.ld S wihto s ee W.T.ALN Bg20, Bolsor.Bwmanville. "Imm r ____ The Burns' Price is R u bb eri The Germaniiuý Id, Men's if ta il1 75e, Misses' Lze~ ito 2â',,,. 4e youtbýs' size3 Il to 13 ,,...5e Renslu-bbers for s(.....1.,70 M~n' RaberTop Bo"ots ...3.70 60 pairs Misses Box laesizes 53 pairs Child's Box laced, sizes 8 te Caîf, Blueber te 2 $1.50 Ca!Lf4 Ulueher These atre shapely fitist- class, Westerrn rnacie boots, uw2derrprrieedt Misses' pebýble batton, fiat heels, Âmes Holiden's reliable maise, -......$100 60pirs Ladies' glQssy Kid Blucis- erg, cisoice material, qtyliah y0 pairs Men'ýs ehoiceeEgis Kip ITRUISS basbeo umcm ' ina -uplac(ýe, and l Si u eci Iywil consult us' Neea sowyou a 15pro"perlv OC)aur Z5 ['use Ilecrfr SDruggist & optieian, Bowmanvills, BANK OP -0- ~stablished 1817 Capital 3.$14,400,000 Rlest $1OOOO -epartaent~. -0- 1 4 M anager, o rn n ileB ranch. THRE A R'E NO I DL E VWO0RD S nLt:e through e.arafully mr',Ltan beýtter if we w-er- to chrge -50, for .it;adwil o u sr Ice f at hsi I f tde lover tnvoriiton oti as JeenU;tuIýd De 't-,ha sPeak 'ï lf ýr "S 0 Rodk M.Mitchell1 a, Co., Dugtsand ptcIans. ".3RITISIH AMER;tA 2 -0- " an TOONTODUHVIESMU. ance and prHISîiu socabiiîy an com parioGnship of te boys andgil rin TISWEK'SISUi DELIGHITFUL 'OCIAL EEENGAT OMEthe'Iotfeland cIf Dra"cannot b>31 0F uDsR. W. ScoTr, PINCA HOE ipraised tco i l.Tuis aSsocia.ti'on xa AG Es LCLP NORMýAL ýC11OoL-AN Houp's TALR wis one of the fsrst of its character to bie Brooïlin and Whltby news 1l'-3nDte 13Y CHIEF INSPECTOR HUGHES ON ,ai~d and is being kept very i.s Home and Fashioni page. J HIS TRI? TO EUROPE. aieyispooesadb uhgt - Miansters and and Newton.. DouroamTeronoyshad Grls.Assoca-rings ity holds for social purposes. ville rnews ,are on u nitier pagre. Durbarn TcOld jrl s L'mn hD3 adon e Bosure te read article ,Escap-etifrom and prosper e uion andbanuetsàndon an inner page, certairnly know how ta get the best ont \T 5T~TME .S oe's Obituary, E iito'sSkits, ofsuhocaions eveii on a social even- PlortHoe ew Ccbýouirg'. Chiarlotte ing. The Executive of this Associa-tion - jcar frici v ouSqar udfer haveSirice their organîsition, heSld Weý notiçe in the Fïarily Heraid andCo'ssrxoeeaeonYuglt' mouîthly gatherings during the Wînter 1ekl Star of Mon treal au earnest ap- p u-re(ge.ý1.- o Months at the homnes of rreers qBe. peal from the pubolishers requesting P sides transacting business they bave subse-riber;i f0 renew earlier than usual Bowauile ws aud IEpwp'o, dh veyenjoy'able programs, The first tis season. 15 must be a great prob Leaguew report aýre ou Henatpg eeigfor the season of 'o7-'o8S lim se bandle the thousanda upon tbou- 'Setverl newadesemnsper beld on Thursday eveirg _ast at the sanda s uý,tbse3riptions pourlug into thatLu bsppr residence of, Principal and 'drs. Wi,'lliam gýreat paýper every day durinx Deeern- Efcie dqaeaets o Scî,576 Church Street, when about ber and 1;anuar 7and old subsrcibers, onlypas'or itefj a nsfricreasedi fifs od ad ouner uramies ndanad new subseribers loci, sbould remitepet and aàiil that ge ihabig,- f ew, invited frieuds sbared the hospitality their subseriptions uow in order to pre. ger soeadicesdsoeneeds.ý of the host and hostess and the friendsbip vent any possible delay later u h and frienidlY greeting of each other. Fami'LY Herald and Weeklýy Sa ee The eventcf te evnxngW21a avery iwassoqpopular as t Is t da % ga nbe- ieetngand instructive aýccoulnt cf the )yeuid doubt the Wigest doliar'sworth toý travels and inispection of the educational ahd PECULIAR HORSE DAS inlstitutions -in the 0OJd ýad ivn by PeietJamnes L Huges. At tise AT hYM)EN'S LA.Ceuesmyb clvh u u busýiness secssýin the verv successfal i- Gr egory ais al, bo asbenusl-n wssmr errsiA o ndoting f con.sider3,b!etoul , hi i;re wasreprsd Acoiîîitewaas No ,a very petyweddlinq, t 1k bs 1aced te ool. He enhsfo ap~outedcom ose f PresidetHuhî e c Ms.Frnkr nk-bs a[i e, oour,wberehe ý,,ýîisarge ec ertr To.Yloles, M T pacea18i c,ý,;r4ej Dixon Caig, ad ~esdmes ~.T. GLI townsip, whn ber ag- it akiug a Cceateogn onte -molrurnadij D. KtIachie to eiect a suit- te Arthu- eihBensn fM. m Illbr e nxbea rs cf AiberI abeplace for the auinulal banquet iu Mrs. Jame-' Byers, Carthvrig't" The Scctt <see'fehrpe) t fie go tc the - February A short tune-wïas spent ceremeny aspefoid y ey I sionfrbsbohr h esi a s1ociaily awaibing'SCite iarri\al of lette.Seiudraueegenarcis hr -ngn oepotat. ct' es corneýrs, during w ich iterval Eevera, the gzroom. atse1dnded by Il)owa-rd Frauik- a ig asfuu trteBlm li memerstoU hu orus tons ad in awaited the bridle whc,lergon this tùwn, M0rCcne hieaotr o e s t ia S m a d e ût e im e p s p e s u t y e r f a t he r 's a r r n u e e t e a g o rsm i r i l v r a L v r Lees 1trert vr icaiiy te at- rominto tbe, strains cof the wedd(ing whicb be lef t aS uretu otet and l),, tend wee rad froin Teayrr eahi mris The brieloe hrming SOMe masgot te HaPn-ton whtviere he ami D. Gi:our, ardencf Cetra attired Lu a costumetn of navy bluB silk stayed oue nigbt ,ttMlea' epr Pr~e.Th ate msiv aused cou- and, wýàas t-ended bv Myiss Emeline mine House. Next mornhing he biredt sierb' mriren, eigcoucbcd in B Poî-s er t .The -groem î'a pre,- llenry Elliott'a seand buggy te go tbe Dr'na characteîist',- Ic humorous phras. eut te the bride was a very fige bro-ch ta rk ef0n fr tovlss llt' .clogv. ~~~~~~set with pearls; 10 the brideamasid ahre nîigwafou t ail Mr. Jneî L iugises bas had tiehansm sdubaee ie gif t of'Junction kind nother hehrse a-u0zbuggy houeor ainco orgarnïzaisseu cf being Presi 'the bride's parents was a handaome fur was bired frem a barber wb which dien-t cf this Association, but bis neal ceat and tisat of tise groem's parents, a Mn Cockney turned -1up laser ait occupation i% tist cf Inspector of Pubic icbly upholstened couch. The large Uxbridge. Here a ucrd had been sent. Sulbools fürthe city cf Ton >nto, a position number cf otiser costly and Ùureful Pres. by W G Glover descriptive i4 the man hýe bas held for over a quarter century. enta teptifled te the Véry biais esteem Lun and bis - horse. WVord came that a He was sent daning the past summer by whicLs the young couple are held. strauge- man answeriug tbe description tiç'Shoo1 Board te visit soine, cf tise Tiseir manv friends taul4te Lu wishising was uder aïrresýt t!isere -but the herse teadiug schools ln Europe Lcuigte ot ap daeover lf'iadrgw~dfeet odwssn G reaS.t B sitaiin Befere cmnnin-bssl.t old the mail and îCiief Rus8e cf addrelyss, U r Hue1s shewed tieetONl CoboUrg1 u s notified andbias now the pany smeriiieeig sonsvecîr h re- - JUBILEE ELBRTIN. fllow Iu safe keepielNg. He ld plaus. eivedrom pominet ~.rsonsdurin bisible storles all rouniid,rpesnif joreig.One was a a puwîper sedl4 by Canis Dikec, ce cfEngand A bg' row wasin cwuon Sturay if te be a ý ýssey.arnî,s Co. agent, gret eesan echeu pesnt LI ee ttraction bingStctt & jïry'a failed ever3wbýTere te()pay bis hotel bills, th pivleecfisndig . is d em Cuenia Clbrt -n. Tis u - i chreof hrus a fresh dresspresmed t Pteîdentg 'heji ad eusî'eswsetbihdL l u es aday- k1ept 0eut cf the raco f bfor evu nlnaorere, av'-lcue reetdtfceOrtc iursuerg. Wby h 0tecks UCba eniclesed in 2a siver tulbe-the Eilsstkn laels er rwd' t'ro-edcurs sntko fom fpr~evngsuhdocumentýs Ats tr rm75 .mto 11.803>J j), hausom aive in.sîudpreseuted teEier3 body was happy.>N ielrsi Mr uhsPensonally by Prof. Moseley were kepton the jump al da.y. Tise 10 vaI3 ano.tier cf thsebeautfu giftsbrougbîdckt hrisdtoetobcfirst ten1 homen and shown on tbis occasion Mr. People spenidicg 810 0 or over were ail CARPEr BALL LEAGIJE. - ~gisgave a very intere--tieg, intel: cene about 8 o'c.ock in the merning - ligenit and charrng acceunt cf bis visîti hý i ine Ribbon [Wa appeared te be Cmite rmteA .P te li -tisedcationai cntres in Germanv made just rigbt as every sierison was Cmites rc tb A.OF. cftsoe igbtful scenerv in Switzeriand' lcud in thoir praises et 15. The bot C. O F and S, O E. met and formed tise raval review at -Portsrnouth, Si eBevril was aIse ,mach appreciatedl the foilowiag sehedule for league games. ericerdili and estiernelv hiind'wel. everviady was.preaensed witb a sur- te be plaved this moutin buthe different creaccorded hlm everywhere lie prise bag coutaiùipg anïy cf tise foilow- halls as fOliows: WIS.Fie paid higis trïbate toe 'Dig g(sBiksTsteless, Colgate' Nv -s..v -,I .. al scisools, q stemin leGerrnany In Eng aur1 Perturne, TootisFaste DLnIlurice, Cream No.6-A.0Or,. vs SO.E. ln S.O.E bal, tise higiser grae schools excel thse Can, cf Violets. Starcb t s amarac Cor- 6-0r.sAOF.tA0Fhal adian schools but, in tie lower grades dm1l, 7,Sutherland Sistercs'ScalpCleaner, , 14-AO.F. vs C.O0F in AO F hall. ad in primant' work ours are superior, Colgate'a ine Tar Soap, Parker Davis' 19-C 0F. vis SO.E, lu .0 E hall. lie pek ¶e y bghl cf tis ceirts+ ute;,rjal Toilet Powder, T etis Paste, ~ 20-S.0 E vs A O.F iu A .O.F hall. adiert enterai imet le rec(ivedi,Pe er Pan" Perfumes. Tie entire , 28-S.0 E, Ys 00,F. in CO0F hall mcmiý tie Englisis people and of tbe mrany etablshmnent was hrown open tei the0 Ail gam s 50 start not htler than 9 frens ieme urieg bis visit te centres pubie Je teopIntlrmemnts exhib-or'clccklye cf~ ~ a ieiiecead refinement. Bc sawltdte aiususr etsuefoIGrespye mucIsf tisebrgt side cf tife and tis en he siget, s a large number T a ;,ms Score Rtre 1eeru hsilrtîy et England's great coIi nJap Andsamd Ch luese Curies Nov. 6 0.0 F - ii en. r H g e spoke over an ou, W", ch hav bý ce ecti>d by M r. Jury. A .0 F - 2I e . W e k s au1d at ishedtýiemehad been longer ,.,1lu tise lrg teereia Laboratony 1No y, à A.0 .-4 s e i t c e r e s t n g w a s t b f i d m s sAýejw e e s h ow n i s e r i m i ç , s t oe k c i 15 . 0 E - 8 7 G o . W e k e sý , cordial and batyvote cf thanks pro)- nbe odbtwae otelu Nov%71 A 0,F ý- 87 pedbMn .O'raiiia 'shbcrt ansrae tadrieripn .. 2 A. ary spech lýwas uaiosl iVen Mr uecfhi'ruesa Hanelts.Standing cfI em:W~ Les 'Tower Funrgason who wavis an invitedi J r o et 0 F guest -adîpessesses a spiendid contralto S, xoice favored tise cornpauy -,îwitisa ceup MNVLENW.Tss aie eog5ied te in- cf weicdereS. solos. Dr'D. J, Goggincraeheatnau fmemerip prsdd nbsVýeîy allaUle antd geniat pca e-epneno eOoo adas t utets etnsmore, in au u er. ~a ttra tiv e a d "i -g ti e e- e rPc Rýefrei-sm-xesits were gkerously served We neertitabssee1ar ae iffern sc atisî dsrtouch cocuSiu cfcofcesandwichses ie tisat b9ileis beel ý c:,,baewi)d lU creýars,.cake, etc. Alil pron cunced tie ec em e eue cf t,, ise luxurites f bses day. eue a uotber. occ-asion an exceedingly enjevable one. Apple pickers a--e in,,fqin tbeir se- Tise tegms reenn int utlyelr A vote of ttianks.pieposed by Mr. Thos. jisuru among iseh e a cd have Pna"t'-î%ic and re o inug ise proficieut YeLUowlees was also extended te Ps'in- takan up tneýir old miode 0f earuing lu tise gametlias u wç,udbeaucriz3.d cîpai and Mrs. Szott for opening their ap,,ain. te sec ohew tisesplay Eveiy game la bornec to tise Association aud fer their (,)î isàcf tise inist1ces (cf theday uineetlg CoaudeeStner genereus treatinent and tempting re sowuis tb ii h air ALI.,Be houid w6teome. No admîc Son tee, fre4hiients lbe sat on b, tisawhoicies1'_ Tise December meeting witl bceheld at Darlinz-bt,)rq aare F', eliu tis reidececfDr. G .e H. Carvedis, cream f enula deal s as 8o pe maýç College Street. As oa fitting closn 'ln 5i eairedi h î a Se suclisa deligbtfumeei ail joie d qukirt. 'H a-î a-"br~,ts heartiýil businginig 'Auid Lag yn a't in Lt wiîhriblispooin aud' Ced Save the King" and tise party I _ ba. odngî ePrincipal and AMrs Bwmîile15,-ei4'te'yetc iScoît iae d departed for their homes, adtmswj wc aof ee iTîhi, plan of culîivaing tiseacquaiantdue town~ ' d GeitM n Neil Y irwee as i ' City is quetjssnwmu'm bi 1;liA ,off A t,ï,eS wIL'uvrh .

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