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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1907, p. 6

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AfterYersofExere1eAd-vises Woinen ii Mrs. Martha Pýohimafln of 55 CetrAvenuie, Newark], N J., who blaa BlclyTraîning SAehool at Thldlia andfor . six 1 earS Chie ,-f Ciiinic î Nurse- at th- Pbiladel1phia Uptlwrites thletter p)rinit ,d1bu 1o)ý. Sihelas ii110. _ whjat sh1las to) sayma be absolutiely ceduo sam way.Etis prdet î to hed ucl adicefrom- afier egt1 er1o, eprin ccegetab-,le C, m und, hatIl Immdioel afermy rl'o mrriag1 I nd r hjm heailth e~ obi e severe bearing-dou-nlpains, Irarful backchaso1nobr1 tors pres tbellformenyetl bloat afier ýaing iand frj-,m y*ai,]ndtw cuntybcme nauseated.,lil. Siee"" that time I1 bave had ocaàsion taommudtrue reinedy. Lydia E.Pnka' t( toa numiber of patients suffeing; from aoil Veý>È7le Comi-pound at oc)ie ramýovea forms of female difficulties, and 1 flnid tat ch troubleus. while it le considercd unprofessional to raý- No ,other iemalýe3 mediciîna in the commenid a patent midine, I can hnsly ,rd a ecie1sciwiepedan Compound, for 1 have found that i t cureýs im uq iik' femala utsiwhere al other meicinie fballe Flieneedieýs fsuffelnmoe (J n fromi It je a gad eicn or -i-i wa nn. isO1eaSe peculiar ta theiex is terrible MQoney Cannot buy sclitestimoiýny. as te, See. The nlioney whic hy pay to ahs-e i amascan prod1uce sclire- doctors whad.o o -t lhe1p thPa iis an ,utadthe ableastLspc.ialists o enormlous waste.Th pain is cçuredl and agrree that IVlyia E. PnUams a , tenioneiy iae yLyi .Ilk tale ýCompmnd Iis the 1mosi uveSïallyham's VgetbleCompounid. sucsflremcdiy for ail femnale dsass It ila wel for w m i hoare :11 to) knocwn ta medicine. write Mrs. P-inkbamr, Lynn, Mass,,TIice Whaen wonen are traubleýd 'ith irre- pres;enýt Mrsï. Fikhm a he gtr gular, sprse or painifl pridsn-i-aw of Lydia E. Pinkhamai, her assýistant Yweaýknas-s, dir;placement or ulceration o(f for many yearrs beýfojraher dcae t"e femnale orgaxîs, that bearin g-d1own for t.wnyfv yar, since lier advice lias feelinge,, inflammaiocn, back-aclie, bloating bean frii iye tasik omnrin1-iaxe (or fltulenice, generai dlebilitv.y, iiges;- great e-xperience, whlcli covers many tion, andnevu prostration, or are bepset years, shie lias probabiy lia! to dleal wiýtf 'with Eucli symptoros as dizzine,-sa, fainit- dozens of caejust ilts yours. Hexr anees, lasiud, ecitabiiity, litiiiy avc ~srcl ofdnil tyda E Pikha's euetable conipouRd Succeeds iithere Otiers FOI. SUICIDE OF A FIN INCIEP. Ex.Prsieît ! nikeboke Tus hil~ ~ ~ ~~~a reie% 3leîce dPr le the &~rauersloflic chri iter 3 p. ~ ~ ýj m. ria aCo suddien -dealh end aleras anc io fsuicide. M.i -Ulac-i Il w w-, pri-denýt aoftht-KU1i-ebele Trust Ci onîpany uerto a dy rtw e- fnre I-iat tualilutien r)Losedils dooýrs, withlailities amouutiug ta frin ii$60,1 O0-0,001) te $70AOfMJ00. Il was under- s1ýood at the timne the company cloted that Mr. PBarney h lad been heavily ini- vclxed hv this suiiiiiers sharp decline i h Uioces- ai ail secuities. He had not h-en --en ut' is atfice fo)r sce rut days-. and iii is kn.oxvn tahLs friends thet ýie was ini a state oaPI phyicaý1 i and nntlceilJapse, ce that 1 h iic1fniend noie pi-epc oar the aneuo(-ineol1 ai h trgiedeath. Il 1-rprtdta speatiîigterns1w lL ic w]:Ie h The Modesty of Women Naturally makas tliem sirink tram tise inilîcatre questions, tise abaoxlous ex.- amine-tions, eniunupiesant local treat- monts, n'hbcl soros, physirians considar "ene-tialin th tisa toment af dise-eses af woman. Yet, If ltp ciia lieliai, t l3 belier ta sulimit ta this arise-I tis-a lt tise dise-ese- gnon'anti pa r .Tie robl le tiset so of tan th« wnorn undergoas al the annayluce antidishume for Thor« ndsNi f wmea who have beca curai 1) r~it.rce's Favorite PrescrlPi. tiant wr n r u lpecietion af tise cure wýhiCh ids a i l~tise exe-mluetians andi local treatmaîstý,. £ITur leoailer n'ornent as "Favorite Prescripion." It cures ctbiitatîug drains, lirregularity and -female n'ee-kues. It ain'aysiselps.' It airnasî always cure-s. h la stictly non- alcoholo, non - secret, al l s ingredienta bein)g pîiwted on Itt bottue-wapper; con- tains isa ialeterlous or i-bit-iounilng dmug, eni every native nseitelnai root ente-rýing itt its eampositlan li-as tise fuil neniorsement ai thase mose- aimentL l tise several iu ofaImedicai practiot. Somo of tise-l ui ituerois eni strongeest ai pro- JKesiiei dorsoýment.s oai:lsturitns 1ruauni tisa bttl' aeha aahoienele ý ee anrequce 't, hy Dr. :R. V. Piar-e, af irlfielo, N. Y. Thase profeasiona, e-- daransntehoidhâve a fr more welghz til- eny e-moÀuof aitise orii)ary isy, or ThIise moStInteiigeut wn'onasnow-a-diays I<ufton kntoi g wiset tisey taeLeïs ied.. ie in intead iopef igtisair mxoiss 1ilLej Sofaiyowîg bina ead gulpifng ion wisteerteoff erei thise. I"FavorIte Pr(-% Isrpin e ef KOI O 'sXo.It tfnafak we-l-w1mpaîston a i ck Ien rc of u ist-mie-ata De- ofeesea Aeut I LeNe-lieu-I Bauk i Ga xm- accenut îhil cinpaiuy throug, îLe-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Nr NP akeeiighue c ai- 11ANNVS LICIESE SPIES. Unpopular lu Duerhsam Couilty. TLa Wiltne-y (ovaruime-xv-ete- e-i l b Lhqurvote, e-ied bLy iNsua icted anîer nense. Nasa11hpar- iIe-s e-ce - ,uvbiyevecn xidonîqlicuucîn Ho. i.J.Bepusspy e-be-ji lion. Gerge- P. Gncham, ihihe le-at 11wa îe liheraJ party. sl-ýnnl-y camn de-nu theo , ephationi an-d in hi- ne-ne-pope- , L Whiitney Giermn-i inu-coLce- i e-uculyiug e-pie-s tsitenup e-id tusp iquor de-clansta bre-ak th( aftni -e-ane-niSîuiay luas. 'Fb MaUil ui Empire, svhite condeiomntrt Ui. ie-ilue-nrau-d tLe Be-crier for oi deeeiugL-, cmsy cysI-eni. usehicou ie-îîîs i ute-awaud."The sts-a, cn cci tihi e uîy ime Opposibtion. M course, fineusablee -ormfate ir. h ie-partme-ul, is 0e-Le-ne-iofaiti. Ceaa( cauinet e-tai-d ion onv sumch 'coocky si) system. à ~ ~ IOfl aiIly,thse î-irafleln unnsuega 1-" ,,. t hiee ware arsidas v eyat-, ,jji Eastru cuntres, he lave ttrade p-'ie:svoctionl h mrktpae WOREI. ois o ttoaioterklnd ai sl avcrY NOUS F11'11E EEDE uninaîngy-et aîc avaîan SOE AINY iSIES 'Il-e bîce tallr maes, uie-neet le- efort t escpe Otaa l al aog SîvotCrobcry2aue- ota pn Le- iîatcroN e-ser a-e e so ni -toy ear te wadefut scae aiOasaf a soa ii yar caubt-Is v-ib aan a- c or. Ltewncm ys i a iiiîî t, ler isarlngmatone nomthaiphy iig e-i yu wil nt h h ribi i vii pui-ptc, Cîli ciii'il,, feiîidiiw(l i pain,,ar. I ussd m i rea -eini cu fSaîîn sr11Wltg îii i huiscci isi il I -iwiiut i e c a arsult l ctretn ,717bt aie-ùfo-uqari., wiï ueil nmiLio i n ir5îo aas ccsayinue lmot vrykaw inai za-l? H Ceko.00 cs aisufrin couse, shohi îîl jui c-oc Ili yer ao, sa' 'rui faorvs 0 av r'- ciili-i salir unî,ii aiseiiiea spnif cfl o da, glou(luiîcne ba x oînoliasquie t1ed nd scisd a yiem. Aftanci-t[wocrp i feu.SlptrY) l~cpe-hî f~i e-ni i in e-il -Led. C-u bec WrCo- iîe-altOawel a ae w oes 'smns Egi-leN-l-eaarîesbi dfIi rc iflt iit ci i ail oeel iegs. olwpaecpl acvii5~C Le n-i w ti bii. ciîin-oIi.n- nuc [saioi i i-iliLeai 101e- e mnîe. 0ea 6fo $50 At io ,!Iw-bil hafîl iug. ,, rarfre ai vfale ice. A1,, 1,ee-nýI tcup ai nepi g-aiapinane a i I , 'ijsvIi ;Ie toilert maie \011i,11 iro ad t ivli beuic o ltei f PSix tii on ni pcids potiîLe iufi pett- Iisi -cor Lcededun ptikblue, md eggs sur ofît Goilci-ee-no. Vie-m(if a Ic i l e-eincii ttg-iie agî l ui hL b-t museoîii crl1Iif t1' ier Tre uî e-ps nol rae iîecc i suun,-eu ie lsowe-n li1 at ile ctlPitic'111Jui li ne-I, iouîghu ,syiil u p lrn, anc tolihes on 1ai t-!ed but i go ta giîe cLýisss 0 cotuie;I, bel, w-uic. te--IMll l t-i, anc1 sp-oal air Pourpleirli-ofselt. t i , o i i eaî s lue-de l-ced ,shocs svereI rOîl f îItîci cl s " Iai- t t i v 1, tuiec q aitcr s nk jn Ly t ti i' u S pi IIlluo li-thu -n-imig li)tiiiesv ,tii isae kise---ut- i ad-aie eu iprp î piens te- cIll peîlî ilu lei-l cut.i 4lrusv i,)iin o-i fo aagd îo IiC C5 ok;t îLe legs i îLed-lfr4 ltt 'oi w1ic Le- ar coeec xlvt ut lîiouins Nrir es -n mlî ene inmm-d t4)ds m.i e tn e-s, i-cI l i veni i r Bvig, h tI-une- i ciu. Tbe cerpe ,de w 11h iui eîculLci -n ani s, aif broi. 'bile briliîîg. chne v I li i-i s Le-pt fer maîaiIe-g. I cis a" ieiîlm r altrl Uii1il-kucai i ttr, cope- arhe, ai Antaheruec lieni rs xvhie ino lit ai tteirînouiiu thn te-y avelicl-r i Iînc jnr-e ogetue. Spcaicarelo tl-n anaiaIs' ape. couhiiul u no rraeutyur ieo shndifi. St-e t-t t vhchnmsllenil is- -anenwalhka-r colon, riuîOfacousube - teoi C ur -e titan 1-h aoke-dofe-i. i liele-liirlnapasti uf-ali te hen -n if ,, beovoiied. iff e-ii_ toli for Bye * Big, ,Li . it u i-r aos a bom siiwiweete- -ani. Iy.uuiinies; iite-mga for rIn. TL a s tIgî Le fiuie u Lehl n lreqene vi eciiimrsl, fxr u1L;01 o ite e-ni îucaryc lcslyLoa - ~ ~ ~ :ipcal lemin ei. Teu-îeraefreia r- na, ciog tia io e-e-id-d anas e-n. ou i n'l thie r me-h ti i prste. 'e- o IIhat iii a ru li 'en i Lue- uilions 0v- e-(tn teî o i.Sc e s afor thluer ali. O esigab ~ e-e-ita ue-atiivian tot stappnge ar uncimocig prpl fo ngi ie-i a movingrine- i pari -aingcfrnuatarg iiarc lîcuisometnt bad or colre-i ofh-a e-clh the- iglît hoit-s Sema rerple ai- sainiou came-effaclva butonswLaa chage coucdcrretyisui-r aleetnhe iglît ciapnr1-n ap ith-p--o i- Me-cuLadase-niialer greens nti a ivid tig elr; ae i i e i -c L e- utle aî ge aItup-sai-,bue-m lavely emaRy If yu are sutferng agonesuf wcii h cVscy-si lce-e- nakng goo ia~getou-sci- poularferde- ure ue-s1e-i Rhe-mpsiim. Sciatica o;r Neralgiaof tce- ai buton epectie ltcizca-sir -cig ain nIut ao e ich if tie ia ysarlýie y so affeci i fa e-ni ste-ct, gbu t ie-ni he-ci.oe-t ofiae-, 11le- bhe nuos-ei oneslui gyou have pis t l orsloughie ipaan orngs lin tiseappliue ofocrtonneback-roa'ttliesandate ar- c1g herbox ai Bu-Jo, tie Gieîte iney Plli.i D h.inde-a pGyd ite rm tuuri ie-hti sey--on fciaeîed. Lhe ivont-i t alrntht iemca C,wiiîîgtaci el.i dor , ut 56~ , choîve îLeain, cltibluInd I a i-n ith.m sc winlf cstm-car-tu-lp a ndy caei i tha îsreueriie-niacr- i ii-ange-' a e-iihmot e-lerc r\IIesosuiiayehwrh cw dsstIaloiîi oldprud oiôt lfouces ouelde uteiig euve-io mute an effct ivesiiiy uoi tc nehlt;h t atrohgey ro e th erxaim ane andaoe TriouedI cppe-ccem, bru uigtheqnastly ntai iccIetemtn,. Otet' cLosaeD ve-NI.n )ryour ruisti ne'ip flt upply yau n'ii bu i-iils h, us tue apphiqimbe I ceonedazitg uh - aper pri, --d i nussd, retai'lpictadfTise in lai S siîih gen ployoIi viio mtie-lily XVou gei. Srneai îe x N% -iif, %tuar i Chem3,icl11 Ca., I ingited, W tio, i, 56t c ihcc iii, ctton e-mu dalLeglielmy- ofoug tre-s shuiaS pipiee-nide-e ut te-n lre-qe1tt-y cightee-e-d b' a valiIgllu---- ii p-e-oiine-i il n. se- lu py wHiTBV. Mu. Jas. Bcinmy unIse- i mie-tmiii Bosnni ue-xlUe- aniFriic v ie-els. Pea o erap ne-s geais eyean. John Smth oui E. Stoîe-îr acime-te- îLe-b yield alIA 0 bushele- per ucre. NIr. Manuel Behisamy je- plinegin Jon Xiliis, Ha jute-i-rs Ieerniug Mnr. A. A. Caen-in, Fieai Master ai Feue-hon Falte- Scboal,ne-c horne- or 'laulskiting Day. Thea end Taunit laid aIf caverai ai thse section bannis Nosv. ist. Fiai Gale Le-s LeisLisle-eue-epoaint-. e-i. Ahex Wilson idii the nank. iow-n but anses sal 1e-t a fuiru- Be-v D.O. rosMay avslBuibo an Sna ec r--hn -ii -sn carmnts.Mn. rasse-y as 1-teeLee Tro hîle-surprfs ai ihthte e-nen saes fbauid w-th VFme-îk, ut te-cIe-ge beehea ae sli onpbiatec- cons. Bahp'F'TId',Goneala a the1 aooie-rerindnLsmts IDEAI. 'JSTCE inonyns-d -clle eeetyi A SIpach e fr Qeuarter.y: which he Lad tesd to)to îLe fa;untainý iri Madison iiSquaePakca-used he I c reunlr ithe ark feeing1Ï îLe" squirrcls adIhe birds n cusaai ta.iga quarim lea- )ute L sin bÉ,Se-e tlii. boys cumie Weuhe loughed on Tuesdý,ay î Lelo Oid rus-led to his Led afai. ctri1king hic làead. Ho wac deud jhtin an abulance Surgean caime. SUYS TItS 15 BEST > Ale-t(iin,.,helthljornalinaanswer- t ution, -ffliatli-e~ ý pres.cription to dlean and purify the bla'"printa iu a recent issue the ,~foiowring : SFluidi Extract Dandai ion ona aunce; ~ CompouaSlatone, ane ounce; * ComanndSyrup Sýarsaparilla, four* Shaka weIL and ulse la teaspoonful 1 dose.,itler eacl imeai auld at bedtirne. thles8 are- harmiesa eetbeingre- . itny goodprsrpinpircy * T)ie mixture wl la ts to of al lruiis a ja few days the s n eins t udar f sots, e and puta iq o n e nergy linto run1-dowvi debiiiatcd mon -idwonan-For 'lally ycaîs Saapail aonhsbeucadrd bt pauld mada )new bloo'dite ~ îipurtie remlne wihinanld tha good aeociho was 0111t, po 8ary.Srsprlahoer, he puisîLekîdcysta work ta iterl, : nd sfton is wst raie, n 0 dise,,aise. xtma enw bad scai.1 on. Srin-n oi v, Sg-al-Puidiiug. Oua-e-al poiiiIntl 0 e-i- -)i îotes, nue--quai-te-r pclulruc ai cuirrtsdhuairuitite-rde-r enidsiomse-i trgha n ire- siax-c or colonie-c, onec- La1 ouri uan-ue, eue-e-al paie-ci sediraieinis, anc-quai-le-r pouris moisi sugar, eue- que-cIr pannaI finely chop- pe-<, uet oua-hall pstuud ficur, tise ahanas ýc, audicipeel, ana talile6poanlul e-f yri-le e tle ýgrole-i nutmne-g. Put lie-e- ,inigu-dý,i0-nisinta e- bowl. chic until lang i ixai. leave itho ste-nide-il uigbtcvei-dii leaaucloth. Net day gre-ace a pudding basin, bit fur Leurs, on put lu eloîL, lic pudding se- aurely. This te geai eni econaînleal. Pcea- Coiseerva. Onse--ourth peeh afI gi-e-e-n peurs, txva large oamnges, titre-e t-mous, four pGunins cugan, bn-o ormees oi green ginger root, nue-fourn ib p ai w-eter.Peel, quarter eni crie- oii-iourtii peck be-rd greenu pears, drepping sanie- in cat)i vnihen as preýparadinlusocde-c b pre- ttrough foai cho-ppen. Cook tilt te-nie-r lu ane--laumnh cup aifxvaten îLe graici rnai(the- ye-los cInty) af lhra loe- iris. Serape tLe- gray caating from tîvo orntue oigreenu ginger root uni.e-ut up h1ta poot, ie-foai choppe-r. Combine- ait wiLfo ýur pauis ai granulaeicisumar. th,' juiae of Isva oronges e-nid i-e tenimons, anti coo lacrhsvo icnd onte-hoali Leurs. This quantity wHI 11 svaiv THINOS ViOtTII KlNOWING. Avot Teniu Cuie-it.Lace cu-i hue- i uts T jIs f e-e Uanes u ____ (it ite tee-c hale-shtu il. art , ,ual loya oi Le-es e bni b-ulaoghîyiva en uemît c ile Jr t dua i a t wih (L ne-stoei.jI L ~. F. WITHR, PONCIPA0 lS A ÎGOOD SC 0COOL Proidnggon c1r sA IC d inBiecseand simruiand eubje"ts. Juniry, jIntorn tsu! dSeoosi ae ailprovîed for, us t% crt frour c"sposai PropnspfoO." Cin l i tnukg-xxiidspei u hîr anIICu as bi rx- t nu- i 0 - amiVs sîdoy lmLeai a cutm-gsuemuoi srju Iss1@hi1u 1cx--rx 1db n 1-, emi hl: id b- ti es w-d xxot, r; oi cetir2e iiioh fit en huile-nis iru lh x i iiL n )as aal rredy ""; lR -- iu c t mut- ce-sie-, t nfi e- unru rîit . the e-cr. rni ai ti- h- r ei an n îl ih. flu i ui f[ viln ie- !Vh ue e-p-Ilý i-e- I, i u i e h î)f:p an-n t l i sit, ckuuîs thm t On [c- t au-e pli t cli IehIu xvihi, cire-uce ushori-Uioni iu r-. ivenug i-ont 55 me-t m- xxil1d b rrl~ ~~~~- stii-ig. p cutoi e- dxx. e h rs, ho l-iencattiaxi xvbih Ae I 1 piul in er, r"s1f1 L t: I ln-s are rcmnoi t-hieoiert ancoumg ois nth ora melt-g oyri ande-r. outot o oa lloxv a Ch-mayuTsdliutiis ir-s.a For lnis,üktbngs Ihete- ids uchhiiîg bn-len te I 1- Gis ri l, îu IIiul us bc cu--rns ii renne-s. F 'ri.e- libpm-iee he i -bmoite tule u. tluuhî ik ra xxilL a ru-mi cloe ;ii. hùUse- tu e e-st xel-r assble exr f-vinc tuîin. iAxvpl eam Slwh olia wopeois,Y Mxcci ih-Dudl-ruy i ear an-;,Ie-mu viia - The-aidiii îlale-n Fpatetb- Abgoumttb oon f theeBok erItuaI il s-setiRe cSl.I Tu epicto xhc iuhilre r-ý lu-îcttie-I part. I h. l-ita- sth ci cen-;gtîh.Nei rortîgsî-oen tîs rchnip isîîli t72;uri-c 71vie ccx-i hemieri, 69',u îLReceignuii- sech oy lite- tee-iL ai s el rc-. it tslee munonsîthrst vaea suzathi maeve ninc u -îien In acrunol tasxn îLhe iaucuotouiY ai e- x-,volne-n'e- ile vonti Le - mue-thinîg f(ic- il il 'e-orni iton lime pose-tp uio-tiug about. (~ov's otk~Ro~CeCx un viagr -a 1 e:ir ainar - ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ am1 nnt 'tnmn Ilet ') ...... ail !ri ll-s, i- -on H.m-iA, JAadmes.Ts CG, AthiliOO,,Tiae Aet, (fen r-'iadr-),I To Liverpool Frc m 2ov, 1 Emprem,,of Ireland 0.. 1 No.9 LakeChamplati f Oct 2.4 No.15 Eipes cf UrItn In S V. Nov. 29 Emîj' es of ai 1i &nd N". ùeü. 7 1-1- M3aeitabit Nojv. 25 wIll be effctiv(. Lake elifitobe' ( wt $ mi ad upards, L'ake ciumpla1iî ,tnd Laite Ela fane k- boats] ?4o am!d ý4i-, For fouirlcunrsapis' P. .1-t A W.Pas, "Ag,. ,1yon"etr8t" T0 . ' nI. A. JADIE.S, , gent, '""ý"e'r"' Stn e1 'scnb. lor Wonien is cut by hand andeal- garment is tested cr mrodels raruging from n to 7o inch bustmasr -so that its exact s;Ue is determined. 3 winter weights, tor- ~to suit vyc1raen Canada. Stanfield's Uîidenaxea' 'ii absolutelxjuscutcbc At vour dealer's. A - If yau bha' ! la on ,gtKna1sSaO oe - e bave a Soràti t 5 i e ucn:rI ' ou01-1.s,11 'A a erOr -i 0 Brue, gel Kendlses -e-n aune. If yenhveair ia i evet- veternary c-tet iSaî-raySotBico- rSum ~et Keudait's Spavin Cuire. Be surs you got KNALS w eeetostuooui inn' uits iJied Sae-îv sdit mi pr'veiil. I bave be-en ising etne-l Cpai ure fer um eCi ae udawsvs5 flniadIl ne zrd su0re." a-e-,,M' lP.arM5 -de. ~. J. KENI r l'aile. F\IOSAND) FADS. ai ~edferthe offued)coa!ions. Yeilw chmoismaccacins for Led- Co'ntains the tif e-sustaining elements of Becfeexre-ci conte-un anth ie flavar e-i stinîuiatîng elemante of baf- île nuiltritive values are lt iseh seid lit is but a ,onimejnt -anti stimnulant, conie ig noa matter capable of ;ustining lit"e." Thism nhere BVI ifr iem becf extir-cis. BO)VRIL doas conte- ise-,>,nauriel- tue-t ae-nd f-sustaLining celamanto b e-a e'll as ilS icýhfavr mont othîe imi-lud. With àhie hlD yon ce-n me-kelefi-ovar scrape intt del:ious consoummes", ianlionlseni sooupe se-iS ri r fle- trouble. 130VRIï],iS isme-a i i nhe -f A

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