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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1907, p. 1

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1 ai t~ten,~ QUE TowN 4,ND CaUFNT' FIRST; THE~ WORLD) AFTERWÂRDS, BOWMNVILEONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER '27, 1907, In dvace (jouliJolnstn &Crydermaný-- extenct a b.earty inïritatîon to -ail their fi'iend i iu West DL-urham n wenl eomning to Bowmanvilie, ea .n1ispetthi d1n iol- of N'Lew, DRESS GOODS 'n ail thoc latest wef,>ï,v e anld jlos LADIES' COAT-Huný-tdreds of themn-all new and made up ini the very iatest styles, the finest stock shown in these Counties. Ready-to-wear CohigAbic- st-ock of New Perfect-Fitting, Suits and vecotsfor 'Men and B1oys -if alszs Carpets it. ail qutalities, Li-noleums, in alwdb Nbetter gods and no better value anyvwh-ere. - JOH NITSTO N &CRYBERMAN F <irocers' Due Bills taken as Cash.I P opular Crown Brillirant liTheB Ur n s'Price 1s' ____ Lowest. The Corner Shoe Store Rubbers Kncabus The German Kind. - Men's sizes 6to 11, ...,..,...75c. Ladies' sizes 2I to 8 ..,.... 5. Misses' sizes lf ta 2 ....... 45c.1 Boys' sizes 1 to 5----------65e. Youths' stees Il 101,,, 50c, Men's Overhoes........... $1.40 Mns Rubbers for ao.,.,,,1 Men's Rttbbor oots 3 7 naps. Dion't you Like Its Appearance,? This modern attrpactveSlave IF! unquestioeably one o! Ihe hiandsomeat oves buit Ils castin2s are bE;autifully carvot, lIe proportions are elleant and pie abîa-. 1t s n 1C 7,16e0 on amenbîo t a fi ab0ail and ta lise boat o! taste, Notice the lavelv finIshi andi monilding,-C astings are s-mooth anti fiawioss, porfectly put togethen. Nickle wonlt oxceýediingly fine anti white, Why 111es notet. foi economny la fue .-easei as tise ýgreateast possible aiting surface, wibh extra large rtuira flues, so asi 10 bîhng heat down the bacir-, aiound'he base ant iup the- back!aai before reacbiag tise smake pipe. You have double heating 10-Il traw,,s tha colt air from thie flcor înlarz andt dîscbarges ui lnbensely ett, 'Tho Ovea ls o! nice size, weil pr-irbianeti anti perfect :n bkir Thase who havel ir il anti heantll reUmet 11 fnIentis anti neighbons W. H. USe7TAN, 60 pair s Misses Box laetd, sizes il 53 pairs Chld's Box lacet, sizes 8 t0 Cal!, Blucher 10 2 $1,50 Cal!, Blucher These arie shapely fYirst. elass, WAestern mrade boots, Ul.tIef:Prieed Misses' rebble button, fiat heols, Âmes Boiden's neliable maire, ...... ....0.........100 6 0 paire Ladies' glossy Kid eBluch- ers, chioce material, stylish 60 pairs Men's choico Engiish Kip Bluchens, nnexcelled 'as- a wate.igt ......... 82.25 60.pairs Laçdies'. Vîil Kid, elastie front slippers, wool-lined, trim- meti Witli fur, ......... $1,00 Buying in a tight money mar- ket enables us te grant thece prices IYURL1Dlý I r r~ i bas becime u1mc"Om-! fotable, tocs not stav in plae, W anti causes sou no enti ol trouble If You wili consult us woecan show you a perfect fititig cr;mp- f orta b is, sa t iafa toî, Truqs anti we cen i!"t il ( pronerlv. )OUr Truss- crie cmfort Vwe have a pniate ci a- o a n n I o n 'a n a o, a e '1 n n n '-I o 1, BANK O0F Captal '8 14,400,000 Rest 8 11,000,000 Total Assets 168,C01,1 7C h~tOffice, rMontreal1 J. A - MCOLELLAN,ý 44 Manager, omnvleBranchn. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEE It moans eyer-, word itis.Ra tbtrough carefilyý,. "«This CoýughMdcn stebs maire it any botter if w wre to charge 50c for it, and wleflot lin- faHiblo. It wiil cure any coýi ld tat le hfûot sufficlontly bad to rirîe tho <p s'ervices of a physician, Ei t doos C flo doso o wlgadly refuild yoUr In ovor ten years not ono bottie si i-as been returnee. Doesn' tLtat d zpeak woll for "301. si TIRY T-I PRIOE 25c. I Rod'k M.11 itchell Dtuggists and r.iIas l3owmanvllle, Ont phon1om e9 ln oui achool sucecedtas eprevide sensible courses, emioÎy ancelèsful tea"the(rs dnt give ijudividual inst ruLction. Eniteran Une oft tbe Besi Faims la, Darliugton for Sauei auîea ~ ~ ~ ý3 potîuwor re-aR.t tgr. 'e- -AC E ,MORE ýOR LESq, beilig lot 2, onceàsien j4 and s, eigli-s-Grmau School Boots sarUîgo ~Zo) adfi eiea ,ea-vy weight, andmbii liiswel watered, ,Ood yOung sa'vy wiglit. rcliard f alîIly w'IlJ.fencedi. Binm god oal f ntliian, excellent grahn anltsock faai: aeiesit ta cliocian l ahurcli; cornseete-d by lioewitîiiOshDýaa.Wlt besoltat reesen T'ho Burnls col Ltd.~ able prfceon tasy tOrimS.Address Mai à)Four Oornero, ~ ~ M5MOE e, e v MA.JAMES & SN rpitr l'VOTNLUM CLINo 4 I 0< I N DRESS~I GOODS!t )ATS8 AND OLOTHING -s t, J AT HYMIEN'S ATR The manniago o! Miss LiY Ma-y Ag now, eldea1ft dangbter of Mr, and_ Mr T. J. Agnew, Prince Albert, Sask., t Vr. E. Méorloy Cawkeon druggist o MediEcine Hal, anti son o! Mr. anti Mrs C ÏM Cawkon, Bowmanville, Ont, waý solemnizeti at 8 o'clock on Thusdas eve-S f- N Ov.I4_thýaî t.LAlban's Pro hamn, assisteti bv the Bey., A. D Dewd. neiY, reetton, officiatoti, The churci was crowdedti 10the doors by fient, andi acquaintancos of the bride who on j03 d greal popularity ln the City. The bride entereti the church'prompt. Iv aItbe given bour lea.ning on the arn of ber fathen antiativancedi Up the ais1e 10 the strains of Mendelssotcn's wedtIýing Manch plavoti by the organist Miss r3toît. The_7 bride who was given awa.qý y« ber father wono a beautiful ecegw of embroitieroti netanti Bon-ion lace oven Duchees satill aanti chifton-. The lace ovon drees came f rom the CoaýÉst. Avi weddna ia oed vj -al lillios completeti thecotm.Sear ieia lang2buqe wie carnations anti vle ls lier onilv ornamaients wer'eanit ust eniat imn sunhuet, te gî t ! l com, and a pon nidiamntinekacthe gift 0f fierfter 'ile isses BEnt-ha nd Edna Ag- new, sîstens o! the bride, were bier attenda.te, They wene dressetili cream tame inesI1 dresses with pale pinksases he7wos-e large3 pair bont.!îis mar4 roses anti plat Mnf erg gow h ti rotheg of to brde wae bet mn. T c uhers wreMn.-ilJirïy As niMr, Wi kiai C0oss UThegnaomi's favora ta the attendas erel ealri obe tao e beeýt ian i phaen i r Ianti h45uqht-repeari pins, Thesericewhldl) wa&fuil ichoral wvas beàutifuulvý redri bV tle choir Who sn atthe op-3nnr,-cfi' eric" PerfectLovýe," antI ituingth inÙ o! the registený ' Leati ,s Heavenly -i Father, Leati us." The church a beautifully decorated i wth palme and fiowers. Alter the ceremonv a reevtion. was hei t at te home or the bride's -parents whiých was preýttily d(ecoratet inluwhite anti pnir. hito nibbons droopeti bell- tabes reentta vryprettypicture. A pbon 3ho he bridai ps1tyf, at tht wee r.atiMrJ M Co ombi) , God- fatlratifGti-mother o! is le bride, Bisbp ati n.NewnhbpM, ant i-,r and M'1s. an1I. The brito's umotber wor, a bandelome gown o! cýmbroiderned bac netovenLavondL(er suI ik h lange whl pitur ha caghtup i thse aides wich violýets antil white ostnsch lumes, Mn. anti Mre. Cawken befI Saturday inorning for Medicine Bat, whene thev will lu future reside, the bride travelling in a smart autumn costume (if soal brown broadcloth with cutaway coat showing n'est o! wbbe broaiclcth wilh Porsis n trimminge. The coat was warn over a cneam lace blouse A large silk velvet picture hat o! the same ebade as the gown, caugist Up at flic aide with a white ostrich plumer anti pii velvot roses complebeti the costume 'the bride was the recipient of an ex- îcdlngl5 large number of bantisomo anti expensive gifts. Thse fol!owing ils a lieszof the presonts: The brido's father anti mother, cutleny ati check.: Mn. anti Mns T D AgÙew, check; Mn. George Agnow, checkt; Mn, T-lilliarny Agnew, bandipainteti cushion; 1f.Fred Agnew, cut glass ivater sot; in Ariioldi Agnew, elver spoons;P M sse etha anid Edua Agnew, checkr; 1fr ant irMs _C, Carroll, wetigowood pither; Mn. anti Mis. W. McDonald, eut glasis bon bon dish, Mis J. D. Han- RI!in,siiven butter coulefr; Miss S. Norths- greaves, cul glass bon bonisb; Bev. aund Mns. A D. Dcwtiuey, si ver ooffeo strainer; Mies LeazoFcut glass olive lish;, Mr. anti Mrs. LJ, M.Coombs, iver coffee spoon; Mn. anti Mrs. A. Agnow, baud painteti rose jan anti plate Nisant Agnew, wotigeýwood China; Geralti Agnew, baud painleti bon bon !isb; Jack Agn)ew cul glass vase; Mrs, WV. J.Boadt, Jrish lace; The Misses Headi. Maltose lace hantkenchiefï; Mis. R. J. Pritchard, se t o! cul glaEs iie rests; Mn. anti Mre, Mounttorti, table monn; Mn. George Barley foliage; Mn. andi Mrs, lEobert ForsytLie, statuette; lire. W. R. MeLeot, case of fruit kaives; Min, anti Mrs. Fred MeGuire, banti painted salati bowl; MNI. anti Mie. J. E. inclair, hanti painteti fruit dish; Mn andi Mrs. F. W. Wright, hand painteti loviug cupa; Mrs. F. C. SinclÉlr, bandi )aintoti bowl anti plate; Mr. W. Cotîmbs I A~IERSRYOrPEýlNG 0F TRE CORNFR W1%wish to thaî,3k our nmany friendS ni patronS af th3(3pa8t yoar for ytheir goe.rous patronage. Wq assure theru that we ire in a botter position to-day - n eet' theîr waun1si3n tlie onShoc L'intPn i rbelore. WeInvite ail o" ouir oH utoe hni ost cflner- Ones to vbit nisdriiteomn'ar 1Tlhanh'iogyýoufoDr vour patronsinge luý the pns, ani sllitnga sbare fo-r the fuiture. EID & PAN GRAND DVSO4 Fwry NINmU ANNUAL SESý,SION OF TvEE GTRAN-)DDiVIsioN 0 f, TROS TE MPE RANCE, AT P'ORýTPRW. Ti-e 5t nulSsinof tie CGrandL Divisio,-n twIl b hoi;ulathe village of PortFerr, conmening t 2 pi. ni. on mt f0 ýensuro econ-for ni issr of tLhe representatIvCs ntivisitisrs attedin th sesio, is will be a moatimprtat ani ejo~blesession amntI a fuIl tednoisatcptd Write the rand Scribe fr i rato Of î- 'yvk;n I14, oor reatediiing St'iaudard CertîfiatGs 1,U TlRanti C PR.-and ail ranheswill carryrpesntie îrýfa or, th;e round tp (i. e. fuil fre goîg ati ne-hir tae returning Ail atî,,,,ingjI- v stantfor- Port romn tii atrd- ,L)cebor 7th. AIl memberIs Of thleOrerwill beadmit- ted as visitîons. Geo. M. ouesPortPerrv, ls ec~eret- ary oM the loalRceptin ommîittce to fiatels lOdgiîýns,(et', sh,071Wbe aRd- dvessed. ÈpRepr&taties shosiltiappiy enly fo)r botel acsioain VI1iTARIO LA)IES' C4JLLEGE. TiTm UIDv.INNE 1 liOYD B SOME A number of citîzoýnS bv-.,,~ n4. tatioh drove b VsWhtbv onFiday eve- ning to attt uci whaýt is kuown as the Term Dinner, given b,,, the 1Directorat anti Facult 'y of Onitanil adies' College ani nis'vtrv0 MuIsîc. '['ho par,,, left i boeaot3cr nibrig the sea !ci through icîh theY pass- et iin heCo(,rporati'on cf' Oehawa, tee rive wsan xeeig ipeasant oro the moon abnin bightly for the hümeýwàrc[jornv.Traf!aigar Castie, as the Cetgebidig ere once i-known. wao eahei 111e bore six 'clok. he collogeon011the 6mi" nonce vwith eveîr nm illuminateti was ajpretty sight as the grounds weraeon- tereti. Guests wa're corciallywec- et byDr.>anti Mrs. Haro, and ait at home vert ýquickIy. inorwas senvod at 6 30 in the large dining rooni, the tables extendfing labo the Concert Hall. About 130 young lady students dresseti in white, mancheti two andt two, followinZ tûe Board of Directors, mem. bers of Faculty andi inviteti guests fnom the recepti;on panlors whcre a bel! hour hati been spent in a social way, intro- ductions arîd music. tb Lillian Massey all wbere týa course diunen was senved in capital stylo and pool oooi The To0ronto membors of tho Divrco- raehati to leave at 8 p m te baste 2h6 west-bound express, but- the othen visi;t- ors andi studonts p DaLseti an)othr hour ve;y enjoyabl in thePa osDomecstic Scievce rooms o àpomna ing C he pepacss haflle he C o11e ge bs argen ate,,dan2e thn L Ébas oven beforu h-,ati aI th5e FEau term ,-which shows nîtaebythat~ iis popuianity lEeûr>ontiïdalince lg ltule one of the best, psibythe overy beet ladies' coileges ion thei continent, antithenofore v,.eny pnopeniy josa latrgo patronage Iiiwas an inspining ýcen e 10 sec 130 q ibt ou jilsof he average ageofo 16 to 17 voaris sitting' at dinner in the cheerful H lall witb a nolmher of the faculty presitiing at each table The protty bright faces, Dice table decorations illuminateti by he col&red lights preseuteti a most lovely pieture, Those present from Bowmanville a'ero: Rev. and Mrs. T. W Jolliffe, Riev, a n d Mrs. John' Garb-att, Principal anti Mrs John Elbott, Ca-kt, and Mrs, W. 0. King, E ditor andti rs, M1. A. James, Mr. T. E, Higglnibotham tand Mr. Norman S.B. Jamms ET..Hnue, nîR WILyan LURER P C Premier o! Caniadat Case of !ivon poosDr, H. A L Reid, steel ecngraving; Mn. aid.Mis. J H.' jfWilson, steel n.naing lis JLortisip tise Bishop antiMd Nenacul glass sugýar bowl and silver sifîer; rInspectun, Mis ati Mis Paeker, Mets- ciao fiat, bad inttij;Mn anti eMispF1J Agnew, inpg case o!, peau bantileti silven knlîves anti forirs; Mianii Jis Mcernie Bsîhein, hatiipaintetiladdlnb; Mn l RG Agnew Guoisey.Chanel Ilan e coppereti Guiernsey mîUr dan; Mis ýCi-as Agnewi - ker, Bowmanvi. aîer[il t'je gom hei;Mrs C M Cawker. omnvle 'r moho o the gr oom,Lmoechina idinnen soi; irnidMus C A Cawkýen, - al inon; 'Ai anti Mu( %Wm TreIwin, s~ ~~~ýl lIw&îilser carplate; Mîs il Blasn, kenead sivorphoto framne; Mr anti Mrs F C Vanstcine. Btowmanivile cal glass berrv set ln leather case; Mnr s fiat silverwiare; Missý A Cak hsadowùï iembroitiei, pin cus'hion aiilvnao s Mn Cawkern's numerous tfiondsinel sB u ,vm a ir- i1 1 ajntid vc îinji ty fextei hýýeazrtieaîcngaultouqn!ti 10hlm -anti bis brideat wishes for a hppy aiprosperoDUs,,future 'A SROOFAVYORUITE Menbusiness mon Ic', echanice, farmer,,ý etc, hoFa i Healti )a Waeekl lot. ! otreal, l e poulr ppe to!, fCnada.O s accecs a we teevti, toofcn o per b v,-1Can aa g cie hospleito Sualiorsat I onedollar Lpen àear le a mystey. Fc7ýw hoDmos la Cana da wilI b fodtiwitbout the big Maontreal pap)enr.f We learu thoro hsa a gre aten tm bni)aneven Ibis seasoni attoseLthat wat t 10 roceive tise pap-i or reeularly turing 1908 shouit. sent inla herorders aet once, WEDDING CELEBRATION 1 Ou the o! Tlianksgiving dayt the tome of Mn anti Mis Hentierson was1 th" scene cf tbc gathering of a langeÉ number cf frieuts from rear anti farn l commemoration, cf tise fifteenth an1ni- vesryo heir wedtirsg. Tise meetirg was cahot tao ortier bv, en mayar, who afteî a lew1 eiicitos remarks callet upon Mi s Nellie Hoiney inread the following afls-lu ,VIr and ÀMia, Wrn.W. fe!sron DEAR FRiEaNDS-W e,youu relatives antiý tnieutis gatheret bere at Ibis time, tiesireL 10 conigratulate you on haviag enjoyetib for so many years each otbier's oomtpani-U Ship anti te hcpe that tbe past may prove but theo niïe cf what is ye to b conie, Weasir you te accept these gifle hu the hindly spîrit *su which theyare I& given ýanti rosI assureti of the goot ish- i es of the givers. t Mis IYllyStapleton,' Newtonville, a presented Mr. anti Mrs, ilendeison, with i a bcauiful dinner set anti othervaluable e articles. Mn. Henderson in a few woll D chosen wordqe e'presset hie owvn anti bis tî paîtner's gratitude for tise gift requestiug Ic that ali preFeut shoulti feel quite fiee to eujoythomnselves. Aften a few kiudlyw speeches the evoning was pleasantly R passet in social flowsbip.P A SLICK COCKNEY S PRANKS. Geo. Hall, allas Allen, alias Gregory et ai, the chap wbose fontiness for a change o! boises eailY we iecort.ed lasIý weck bat. completi aruaechaplen la bis peclian conduct beforo TEP, STATES- mAN's narrative began. Cobourg Sentinel-Star publisises oui article anti gvstisese atidithoual panliculans: LasI week Mn. Walter J. Mason a fermer living nean Bomanton, son o! John Ma. son, Cobourg, was tsatde the dupe of, a slIcýk young tinan who travelled unden tise Dnmofo!Rall About a moath ego bo callot a, Mn. Masoa's anti sait. ho intondet iol bu,, a faim, anti negatiatet. with Mason. Be stau-et at mason's for corne lime ati îaiea speal aq week jwltb bowISrOlatie. Now In Le h 7ý- 1 I"l For over SixtCy years docors have eidorsed Ayer's Cýierry PectcofâI for coughS, Co ds, w-ea-klunce, brnchitiS, con-i sumption. You can trust pa medigine the best doctors ap- prove, Then trust this the next time you have a hard Cough, The best kiud of a t~1oi1 "'Sold for ovai Sïxtý,yearE. AqersPL. le b,v no 30-eaà ess .pribih te oei. f ian Our mcïl,sinta. .-A 1- -H itime. writo fer catejogue. BRITISR-7A-d-1 ý-L ev;dently finiding bomanton ir net agnreing with hlm, hoi qo teti b baun o! an ovuncoat, not hvgonle cfl hie own, tt isive3 mb ûCobourg,. u waR loained hlm., antI lie the rveba cat, "ho never came bc"deto iti the ovor-oat. Mr. Mason sworo out a wFýart for bis arreýt ani placd ti th mnatter um Chiof Ru, e'sbanEde. Bail %was arrested at Uxbrîdcge and WaSUP beo,-re PoliceMagistrato Blollanti Tuesdsiy has had a romarkablo careen. a- d appeare ta beg nione of a fool than r, hardened eiilnal. Chiot Buse of Cob3ourg recovered Masosi's ovorcoRet aI the Et. Lawrence Hotol, Port Hope, where Hal l hat leit Lt Pas ureby lWr 'Iobrd bill,

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