G To INVESTIGATE 'the claims, we make. We are ready ta PROVE to you that Q we have flic finest assartrnent of -Footwcar in tawn. In the fine lunes we have the Dolly Varden and the Miss Canada choe for Women. The Foot rite, Traveller and,. Lard Beresford shoe for men.,' Q In the heavy, staple Uines you have 15 to 20 different varieties to piek from, prices $1.30 to 94.00,' Our assortment of chiictren's goods, clippers and feit goods la very largâ, prices 25o to $4,00, In rubber, * stoeking and leggings we have a large stock. Cail and inspeet our goods and4 prices. Q Reid & ,Pearn, CLEANEST STOCK IN TOWN. opposite Balmoral Hotel - Bowmanviïle. 4î~ Wc arc, receivi ng new din l s daiiy. Speoaur windoN'vdisplays. ama NE W FALL WalPaper patterns siaitabie for a11 roonis W.-T ALLEN, Bg20, 11 U!Ë pt IV... -"' 1 ý111" Not overe a haf af he usual amnounti afbarlyt(habzs bn 1bauledt ta maket1 for two main reasoins: (',) Mare coarpe grain witl be fed üwing ta shartage 01 hay and oat crops and Ç2) tbe crop was ligbter than the average The locaî meanufacturers *ofpear] bariey-, The John MceKay Lîzxted, have nat been able ta secure the large quanfities tbey usnaily buy before this d.ate. The greatest failing off in the market haes been in oats, nat over one, quarter of the number of busheis bavlng been delivreeti ere that finds a market before this date in ordinary seasanse. The crop feul considerab ly beiow the average anti because of the s hert hay crop farmers are holding mare fe'9ding grains. Pea bave beeri marketed in larger quantities than! for severai 3ears, an Increaseti area having been sawn since the disap- pearance af tbe pea bug or weevil andi this seasan's crap ha,711g been fa-irlyv piaductive. Another reasanu wby gr ainnmarketing, bas been slower than usual, andi thiei reason applies to ail kind1s, le that the f armer s bave been aunusuaily busy gathering in their drops. Hlarvest was ,sonaewhat late, labISr bas been ecarce and the apple. cora anti root crops very [.ieavy, so tbat the.v have been too busy Lgtbering ini ta tako the necessary tinie for bauling 'La market the grain tbey have ta s'el MINISTERS AND CHIJRCHES geesai tOrBF pAfl rfR d bi Mir. W. M Wotten. 3e Wab fo;xnerlý clerk M.F W.Lee's.. . .The fune- %i 01, the late Mr. tJameùs pye w&a lare- ly atLended on Sundav. R1e wili be greatlY ,mis8s-dLîbath in the home and ln public 11e, as lie as a very energe tic man, for bis advanced vears .... Miss Daisy Ttiwell is visting lier sister, Mrs. 0. S. Tanner, Lakefleid. ... Miss Muriel Staintua, Mrs, John Martin. Mr. How- ard Stevens, MIr, Sydney Trewin, re- ceatly visited Toronto friends... Mrs.F. W . Lee took ber little nephew, George Argue Harris ta bis father at St. Catha- rines. . . Mesdame5 C. J. Pascoe and H. j Werry attended the Orono con- vention andi wiIi give their reports next Friday evenaing at League-(see report on an inner page -Et C,. & ). .. . Miss 0111e Willipnms is visiting in f oronto. ...Misses Addie Pse and Mabel Rab- bins, Taronto, atlended their grand- father'H, funral.. . . Mr. N. B.,ers. N.rs 0, j Mlountjo,-y, Port Perry, visited -at Mr w, M. WVotteu's.... Mr, andi Mrs, Dortaid McCultoch, Eiifiild were guesta at Mn. C Williams' .... Praetice bas coînmenced for aur Xmas entertaln- ment. Constipation, indigestion, drive away appetite and miake you weak and slk HollIisteï?s Rociy Mountain Tep. restores the appetitc, drives awav discase, builtis up the system., 35ç- Tea or Tablets. Stott & jury. Ail AN.lltu W.1 T U. meeting will be helti in tbe ilUJLlâ.l LiU Ld Methodist church Tuesdav, Dec 3r d RYLM I5TAES. The Rev. P. B, Delom, who bas been ROA.MI TA1RS for some years organizinz Secretà.rt hitm sSiln for the C. M. 8, Engiaiid, is; expectetiFom Fo to preach in St john s Oburch an Sun- F ro Halifa d'ay evenlng Dec. 1. Qneen St. Methodist church. Lindsay,Ttnsa.....e(e aNo.0 U3ev, L. Pbelps, pastar, helti a very Vitra.......... aits Fri. Decc6 Sat Dec,7 sucressful re-union recentlv wben the Iloiiien . . . ... set$ Sat. Dec. 14 eleven departments a! the churcli gave Rates and fall infor~mation fromn very satiafactory reparte af the wbrk during the ,ear., Ligt trefreshmeonts 31. A. James. and a Musical program concluded the Allan Line Ag-ent, L3owmanvllle, evenilig. BowanvileMetodits re asltng a; reewil ff ering a $100 n aiversarv >'-.'~v 3SundaP-y Dec Renv-tia ofathe Y- ~ ' chunchprior tIo Counfernýice anioutiav ;y in and atround(, the paraag ae st up cansiderable mqoney thîis yea.Rv . Dr. Brigýgs will bcethe prea-cher cftheJ day. Contdutor H. J. Kniý,gtlin s his î c cho r prsctising on somza new antbemis_______ frtbeocain Mr3. C. A. Cawker anti Miýss irene Bray will assist the - choir anti ing olos. A grand day le To L--iverpoo3l0 From anilcipateti. Nov, i Empr, ýCA ofrc!an1d Nov. 15 The M1ethodieot League was higbiy Dec 7 ake 1Naitoba Nov. 20 priýile-ed Pt 1,5 meeting on Tuesýday Dec-ý. 33 Empr-eSe of Britain Nov. 29 Nov. It b avn M4Jon '1tt te.7 Emprees uol relanti Dec. 13 IIlbyý'- vigMrJoh ËliotLake C!a7m'plaiïn Dec,18 B.APrincripal cf Bowmanivile Higb i . mrSof Britaiii De(c, 27 Fecoi5 give an excellent revi,6W of thle REDUTUON IN BAPES: Life of J chn Miton, flic Englis"h poet, Undlifuriher niotie the foliowing Det and and one of 1hisbest pocins -'- aradWo e2ld (cain zratfes aîon nSwebut anti !ntruded. lie-e; . W. blffe Empesses (tsi0 $,700antid wrs movtiani r.W.B.C~u~5 2eti ntrcscs(d) $2,9 ni $59 eni apprciative vote o!f an a b Mr, fat etca lt 49 niuaate Eliot hih asbe'ril edo~i by andi Lake 1ï the audience. Mes 11iitchirsa,-oiai, hnPit an Lae Lrl [o6 1a (Toronto) aqui vr, rnrprae ï,'1 ote$4 nt 425 sceutomai goti vice nti as ~ W, acs. Agi,7 ngcietTroor 'y zapplaucldt h kfare sscete A. JAMES, lathe Lau.jAet ~ -. Bwavl Le ianuaezurML&±Ow prites C7HILDREINPS'WOLLEN1 COUS- In mittens, leggings of ail kinds, woi- ley jackets, alsa eloth jackets witn f ancy trimmings, and al ather limes taa numer- ous ta mention. Coa anti sec for yaur- self. SA WJE OEN [ HAWLS. NearIy a trank of Woalen shawls in fine wools; aiea Iceiand woi shawLiila all i izes anrd prices; nmastlylin whites but corne grey and white mixtures; aita orne blackc, and a few plain white centers with caioredi bordera, Ail selng at manufacturera' prices. COME AND SEE THESE SA/MPLES WNSHOUT FAIL I JOHIN MCMURTV West End House. Bowmanville,t Notice To, Creditors, In the matte'r of Fred rick Newton Farrell, of the Village of TJ'irone, in tthe, Counjy of Durham, 1/ecat r N OTICE i z hcreby ienthat the abo ve named Itneolvenitluhajruimad n anssigrimeil do me for the beriefit of his Creditore. bi' deed datedti 8h Noveiiber. 197, anti. the Creditors are notitied to meet aitha office of Jobn Mac donald ant ocmpany, Lmiinted, t5 nWcllingO Street East, lu îLe- Ony of Toronîto, en We11d- needay te ath day of November, Il 07, at l0 o'lock a. m., fi' the purpose of receiving a fitatement ci affaira3. appointing Inspectors, and dixing their reonmcration, and for the ordering of the affaire of the etate generaily. All persons claiming totank upon ta estate. pf tbe saiS Iceoivent are requésted to filic th eir claimes with me on or before the day of meetng and thcy are futher notifleti that after the 1let ilay of January, ltoOs. 1 wil proced te distrib- Ute the aseets thereof, baving regard to thoee claims ooly of which 1 shall then have receiv- ed notice. JAMES GLANVILLE, Trustec, :z5 WeUlingtoni Street East, Toronto. Toronto, November vith 1907. 4S-2W NotiCe to Ceios NOT ICE isle rewy given aursuant to fl îse ReieStatoýCa olOnt1co1897, Chapter i2q, tbat alil credîtoîsanfI ueehaving claimes ageýiae thelic tate of (the-laidUobert SmUth who died on or ab)ut the Siîeenî,)h diy of Mrh 1907, are u orbefore 'Oie Tuwenty third day of Deeember, 1907, to secnd Poet prepaid or deliver MessrstHouston. & stol ' 0of lttCity of Chaîhaina, Ontario, Solicitore for- David P. Smith, Admmii- istrator of the estate ofItbe ea2id itoberI bnsith, e and descrlpt!u),flefo p siclaeof thellr c1aims, a taitemnït 0f eiratconunte aod the tiatutre of teecrt i n~hiiby thlei. AN.D NOICE je frtbr giventilihataftcv the eaid Twcneity-third day cf Dcebe, 97,1 thieeaid Admiitraýtor lvii roee to dis- tribo e hasecte of itaecc aec oiÏg the pa2rties ecuti .Lcd thýerto having regard -oily to itu'e daims ofm whi-ch he shalithen lhave notice ant0 that thje sai Aulîflifistrator wI Dot li Iibi -ior j cid 5 Il- 9'M'îY art ithereu ,f to avy not tîav~»ccn rccIve yb lm: land ailpren £la ii m lta Ui not have been recec'ved byià etie jctof thebC ieitaathi~ fsl dietr2it Dated at C!Iý am nîiI ,IbsTwny secndaxy o exber . D,1 HUTN& SOE 45 w clltlos fr te siSAdILnleratorn synopsis of Canadian Jfo]estead liegulati.Ons. A .;ev,,n umbered sectian e! Domi. Lade in Manitoba, Saskatchewan m. i -ýt-db u- j> hlad Alberta' exce tiug ',ant i st fot reservti, sole he.id cf lamily, or any male over 18 erOf aga te the axtent of Ooe-q3jarter sec. iL.ni cf 160 acres, more or legs. jApplication for- entry muaitlba matie in par- con liv the applicant ai a Dominion Lande Agency Or Sub-agency for the district in wbiilithe lattis ituate 'Eniry byproxy may, howeveýr. be matie et an Ageacy on certain r.nu)dittn by the fathe r, mother, son. dangliter, î )rethýer or ister of an intentiing homacteadar. The omesatir rqireti to perform the ho IUte tiets Àunder onea of the followicg (t> AtleaýCsi ixmoth residence epoI] anti1 ctiaonOr UIc 0LanitSl n cliyer 1for i fo-.tX içit !e r Linay if bha ro Seýire,par-1 requeti ethence 'ties by living ,on larmling lïluiownedcoily lby 1hlm.ni,,tesi tman eie r 5) ces lu exfleni, iiithe vicînity of th hme teti Joint ownerehip in lanti will coti mccl ibis requirement. <5 ftefather (or mother, if the father le 'ecesei)o ahoecede-bspermanent re- sidenr-e on famn anti owued solely by him, nIOt ae t hae cpighrjy [8icres tu extenit, lu tha vidiuýity, of ihe homatsteati, or upon a hmseai ata-reti for by h Iim in the vicinity sncblîom~tetiermayperfrmlisown resi. denuceduie)y lhvnlg ý%iLth ie father [or [s ctier v1(cinitY 'lin the t.wo preecti, îngparg-absi8 definiet as meanliig not oiedof f roati aSlowancji rossetinluthe Il Jhmeedritniu opreform bhis reetiecetuies n ccotiacewith the aliove hiic l ing lhparents or1.on tamiicg lacti owned ,bv himsecif fmuet îotfy the Agent flor the istréict Of sncItnin Si oths' noticeluMriigmuIegvn Plepty 0f iha ,inIiFter of the Inirior. varieenint i toielie plifor, 46;-Wmos BUILBS! -BULBS! Uyýaeinths- DLitcýhýsingle ýn double, al ,olours. Hycinth Roman. JOn2qUils. Tulips-singe ietv of othier buibs. Pratt's Poultry and Stck Foads. Ideal Fence-. Teas and Coflees a speciaity. PETE-R MURDOC,