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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1907, p. 8

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Escaped thue 'lr of a n ity Pr u~l iilf~aaUr~c,. 17 ears Id -Law Jfrrkday- SlkA C YBRet a citizen etofjicen- Jnan on-yzTx s livad for 117- Bora before the Uniýted .Ças cars. For nauyyears ho sesideri ut T wcreform cd. ~BoquaPuls, igheenmiles Wesýt of1 Saw 22 Presldents elected. Wacobut now livos with bIs o~n Pc-l--na h-s otecied hlm Teafrom al udenchngs some bime lgs, by vaqu-Iest, UCncIe So u-eehn9 Issus cam-sete) Waeo Cand i 1a!>for-bis pictnre, holing ihbisband astck fAiay cu ucedt glp wlth1 c.ut Nom tthe grmaeof Gencral A nd'-w s-rn i.ý j1elson. Mu. roo aa infld00 tnssl la ui ctte reevecI, aud-1t ehowo tthe d ateoz troubles, caalca %Wl i ,*uxPHOTOS FOR CHRISTMAS T C';0K E R$FtÎee~e~ Soveucigu Bftils hetme t bmAthuagpouto.t sud Soveregu Bai, Bittra j gtting eadv Com ab t luy'àstud *, Sovori>,n iai, illa ~1~IgU Bîthug~Viixtu~u, ti sud-have-eout -li- tube.a-t ~ '~sn awuy bu art t SOTT wat nit1the heltriatrU"b l o.Do it J UPMYDrg Slore. 41-2 m. w, Brinla fl tha f4am1vilvud lhave a 44~4~~44 4* gcuepicture 'te sec d te aour distant relati. NGw la the time sdhaÎs' studio ta the oLace. Naxt door te ,ýTi-i SvrTS7îÂN offlce. ru.ssd.Thimp snlias impr ouai i -- rasideonce wIma snw siin, .i ing oeakoeoe, . ..o f t'empirunee1 Wear elîugcot t 6 0 ' J~isimon wY" iecrgnzed Thursday îveSug. .Mcm'lus oetUnroca L. O. 1h, satin cGi cuen-d ea'y 'X w b.atede't ieAUnerl e th4btheqr OrigmJ lrIeD tata Jami P.te, Redit -npuj r Jn Htetrne, vi Ltc a ilMiLtS onîeu' u 1mn,..ieor Bovi i. ill, Lia'~Awilr;i lmti 'jr, r e rr't e eti Su-ýe date., . FatrA , i-cc3 la 'nr-, foCfa c a î r r e i.0 aril -. rse rd ! vue e Mu , l u r o a rS -w Y Wh , M m. fuaî Glugeile au ï a ail t4aid ; a 1uo/iý a, ka oi i eco r ee i e iO o-mss moi . ,fracs i Lac t 1 u onu mo ute l o p u ,-ldie ar-n, bU r 0lt esSi lu al hes c on bni--cs, e' pesat ' r PîrrCi- uitr-.e cd Tliet~e sty tgtVloour.-i eh i s t est u Prclj Tht ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N cel ee.air ub"tg u t i. , ut i-î CnlC- Ira nodY,1 I Nspakngetfw Mod hoauts anc! iterneso e, Mr r '"k sape: aS ,lng a Jbaeh o h ll ave outtoy .zeW? 'Sas sfuctona tue as-c de c nrctiy o iisfcrsc andis Uonits.S't fI avhal-s e en a ecy-Dlhalthe men, by, fecoArra, sbjcont2 e se chansur lulh cinat a; s. er a- tbec a rnrs ogliethv nw ao gi arrean - meti fr ceuin s ol1Os'£ P ieru dna, disv..foi f ehi ts he.t, e ic o,' . rla Žb'rs ed1--y frT is . af ymp , ICIh ben ysndy r rïny ar,j anid I a r uix orea ygrippe alti aondixto e astte this ne y "lI am eai feelinas wequia- J maentf.rt petcs, Te ofuem in te avi f ketese ysbleedigocd Ic1ucultses bttl er the mwlkaylittierthe gc 1er agdi ou mdetdo m prase Iii twolnts bthou Perna ws ency o this I caribha la grpp ajlTsaeiIndie catarrh trld Perua fr la grippbeoand9 ienditensale lieut th l ping. OSHAWA littie daughtsrs, Brantford, yisited their parents and other friends Dr Lee, Texas, who has been sp eud- îng he psf fwumntvs with triencLs and relatives in Oshawa and vtcinîty, bas, returne d home MisLuBassit and Miss Mabel Ray, Toronto, are guests or Mrs Frank Thom-.pson, Tauntoný Mirs 1 lMclCaffrey. who has been ln Brandon, n, and Minneapolis lias A serionrs and almost fatal occident Occurrefd Sunjdav week 'when Harold, th- e, eleenyear oýi1d son of Edia nMotb- ersïii was bdlyburat aboutt the hojad; tire intr e , rac.,ae ie t brew the hlm,, wns truc to aminevery Pvparticlar. It wa s ample , bstantLial- 1a ad0of te mos graiftngdecritinAs mauYY %al thuadpeoqplo ar-e sid tob)have par- tlcipate, ýA pogan-o, o ,onit in- toca anýd m .istruenta music, '£le Tbank offering sgervices in Sim. coe St. Metliodist chuýrch; Sunday week ereqbo t h intersstlng and profitable The Pas6tor, Rev, J G Lueis preached two,, thoughtful and helptul ýsermons- Mr Donald MeGrëgor, baritone, Toron« t -o,assisted the choir. Offeriag's amount- cd to $787, and it la expected thb ameunt wiii reaclh $1,000 wben aRIl the returns are in Alot Cazy M-rs. R. W. Edads 2 McMîurray atreet, Batod n.,wie - o fi-ve yeaýrs Is1fee mretan worv can tell fro nrvushadchsfir vousdyppian exato.Te pains in my headwolatieslot drivenme cra-zy. I cour-ld notslee nigits butwol walk th loorin iagony un -,til Ifelilexhausted aducncos was paie, nervouls, irtbe aiyex- hausted, was redwced[ to a1 mere skeleto of skin and bone,, admy hceautwod palipitate. Ail of tis as in spite o f theI Lest efforts of three Ieanding ýdoutor,3. "For lhe -past fine m-ontiffhave used DP-. Chas',e'ç3 Neuive Food, and for a1 eonsiderabl thlime 1 avnfot exp&ienedJ a headache, or any of the smptma en- tionied above. Frowa jmiere aýkeleton) thi nidicne asbult 1me up in fiesýh i - I BNINKiLD.ý Mr Knapp, Peterboro, bas be reptrrsgMvWm KnaPP's buuse13. Mis logarth, Solinla, is -visiting ai NMr R Pasýcoe's ...Enfleiri Division, Nc 4!. bias been re-organiz cd by Mýest A L Pascrie, C D W P, Solina, an, L Baird, Orillip. These officers havE been Irnstalled:W P-R Paseea; W A- Miss M Jewelt;-R SMisHume; A lR S -ýE1mer Boel; Char-F!roud Bravý; F tZ -lla Pascne; Tï,eait-âMiss J A.shtnnD CnMBrown;r A Con--Miss E Parr: O JO miton;1IS-MViss Etta Hall P W P-G M1ýaLnn;PDG W P-R FPas cee, Organisït-Mi,s nlil.Granié Divisio!n la held uit Port Ferry nexi week ud evrv meber a-cattend. HaLmpton League àeptttieondc ed serVice a't Salem Sundlav eeig. Mir, W. ,,Brown, Toroi ,spu u day at lis homne lere . . .. Lau pur- poseistTyoe League Fridav ev, euiug. Fuit tenac requested.. Culiimprovemeýnts are u-earing cerný pletion andi the reoe ing iiibe about Decmbe 15...MissHiu'-llis, Taunton. lias b-eau ,visitluîg friends lieue.... Mrs F T Atm ai nd ison hsNýe gene te lve witt lier mother Mus ,,F tEls. Rev and rvirs TlHlP AndersoP and chiidren re-- tuueed Fia after a pleasaut vîsitwit1 friendas at Coboconk . .. Clirch sheds are about eomnpleted and idwiIl certsiol_1, be a gratb o eherse5,... The Chee se Co. %dssposed of aIl thbe season'scese Ilie last bcin g, shipped Saturday... -The evapecratýor bas fluisheri paring apples this cao.. 10 r Henry C Hoar con. tracte-d a steïee ceild returnin'g froîn Orono convention-. A partner by biîs sîrie miLht have prevcýented a ciii... Missbita Rse iasgonle te o 'ro1to te resde. . M. ohn Y. Cole attenided iis birother EwsdCo'e's tunerat ut Gen- eea. esr i E ILCoe T J Cole, Sam.iuel andi Fucdcik Bray, A RU WiNck- att' Aud F Shepd neplieWs, were paît bearers. Deceaged was ver-y bigbaly rè- specteri and Mýrs Cole and Faimily have the incere srmpAthy of tiieir many i eds.Ran wite, Toronto. , wo bav-e mvdinte Mîr W Werrv'sboue,'Roslsndîïvate,"' Rc 1T1 P A derion etivered a gootlpractcal ermonS 0nd l on he Temprane qustin ... .Mu rana vi,,visiteri lieaSuay. . ..M Bair, Jrrats' ornrs1visited bere on'lt folv nat BRtrosputtouw affords greuter pleasure than either Antciatin r Ralzaton Bres W prNRevaelc-ds andi Clarence Vice. caiptaîirs_ .Messrs W Ashanri F Gerry, Too rereeutlv vistted friands liera. Muil sudmrsllt C Thomas and daugliter, Taunto1n, i1te at Mr. H. Argue's .... Ms W101 Chas Wrvsdbaiby Audrey viieilier futhe)r,MpeGrv. r Bob C Nualishvisltd tc. Mr A 'Watson'o pries t learngfoùr bnoEnglanri L.-. Mr ar lsNra S B James a-Id so>u Sartvsie u r John Van. Nest's,,Sna,, isLaýna Taylor La deeaa tSliabanh vomen's a!irt, tG11-1ph inDcebr Mus S Tliompson and f Mr W H Gorrili dasire te express their tbanks te the maniy friends for thclir verv many acta, of k-indnesa dringthe ý lmes uf Mýrs Gorrili.. .. Mrs Bla1ke GStevens, Sulina, xàtlat Toronato iast uyeek. Almoat ail thoe lus of babyhood andl chuAlhood ,iare dèue t îordof tise stomanFcli or beS. tthenu riglit aud th-e littile oaa wlil lie watt and happy, Noc other maýdicýino can do Ibis se promiptly ïsnd se saely am Baby's Owa Tabiflets. Mra Ulrlc DellsIe. Cap Sauta, Que., sys: My baby suffcred greatly fren cnsftipaýtionnand steiacli tro.ubles% aud -nothing lielpari ler until 1Icgave ber BaysOaThes he changea ty mrel ircniinwas simpiy marVe1cuý, anud Istonlyrecommýenr- ai the Tab)lis ,te a--i'l otliers. The miothaer aalngthaaTablaIs lias the 1go,nbute f o verq m a aalyst that dlo denAtcontaîn oe"a)partices oopaeor pelsonous e o&thing satufi. Socld by maiiedelr r bY malt at 25cents a bxfru r.Wllm Mad cleCe. 1Broekvlla, Ot Harold Toms waa up fromîî Frercott P'r1-Wm Singecr visitad bis Paun, M rs Me Kee, (Coberg', ,viE«ited atTvoe Màr sud( Mrs R1 Barrie visiteri their dagughter near Canton, Muril HooperOsliawa,visited bis sou, Harry Mr E N liter, Fout Hope, visited Mu T -Smithi John Il al andi wile, Newoastlecalted on Î r oals Mr T1homas Stauten. Pentypool, vis- ited rfrads ýhOeuýi OurltourngMiii receiveda car of Mui mesn dwîfe', Neweaetl-e, M,,r sud MsAdro visit-3d their dalitar, Me couper MsJavis Jackson, Peut Hopej, visit- eri a Mu1.T W j a ck,4en 's Massurs. Jimi anr Ha-rry Ridge, Pouty-; pool, visited ffienda lieue --Mis A1ce-Robnson-,Port--Hope, vis-- ited ut Mu John Chpman'a Mus Frank Pearson sud infant receat- iy visiteri at Fred Pauso's, Be-t, Hope, visLted- friands liera WIT H BarraIt sud bis gang fin isheri up thecir apple picking- isat week MiaLanra Allia lias secureri a po. sition witht the T Eston Ce , Torontu Mu J R Finkie sud T H Knight. Bow- manVille, recently caileri on W S Gama by W H Barrett and wife sud daugliter May, speiLît Sunduy week with Leakard friands< Miss, Rutierige, Caniton, ý is visitluig1 friands lieue tvlere the f amsly formarir 1Inspecter rsud Mestark wer e le cailiý1ng kou 1R'Cooper sud other otr< Mu F B LLovek-i awss u1hevilage rccently extendiug tha glad bhaud teo olu acquaintances M4iss Alice J Kezr, teacflir lu Morse Stret Seliool, Touente, visaiber aunt, Mua, D')M5 Billinga, If vou once tuY Cartor's Little Lîver Pills for siek heudache, bilionaneas or constiputioni yon will neveu be withont tbam. They are nualy vegetable, strait andi easy te takle. Don't forget -Mu and Mus John Osborne, Bowma-- vil.were guesta 0of ber sistar, Mus (Rev) W Limbaut, at the parsouage I aia't feeling riglit to-day, Somcthiug wreng 1 must say; Co ma ta think of t, lb at's riglit I forget my Rocky Mounitain Tea tast Mur James Cuitte-it, only suuviving brother of the hite Johni Cutteli, ta dan- gero-asly ili at bis hemne,at 5 Cttingham Street, Toronto, Mu Samuel Turner, Trickey's Cor-' ners, soiri bis six acre orcliard te l'use stauk, uf Starkville, fou $1 600, lusteurd et $1500 as stuteri lust week, MuTuruer pain $700 for ibis orchard twe years ago Nui:sru Tuons or RcEmA Cuita-Miss C -STÂANT*v-YJONs, pr7ofeSSOalonal urseý, A83 Simecoe St, Toronto, writes:- lIi iy occupation uas nurse I havo e om acros2 matsy cassil which D.. Âs' OÏNTMENT lias beau used iwth extuseýr- dinary resulta Oua case is Ibat ùo!pa M5Xýet i mnthe old ebuidWw wae eeretscaw har udanthrthat of a wmnWliowscuued f eczema ou) tbeface i'!ter hber doctor hari givan 1np, j -Hauveat Home servicesisil t., a ebu'scuiLi weue an imn1,ýse siuc ceas; av'urybOdy was more than lese witbi the sermon)s Suinday sudi theý lec- ture on Mlondaiv, wltli a dieticlous repustj t-lrowa lato the bargala Proeedei a boru t -$15J Gt3OD EL191D FOR BAI) TuÂAT is WUTDR, WLLÂM'PiNX PiLLS FOR PÂLE PI3OPlE ALr.wÂVs GivE--THiEY NE vER Far Good blood la the one thlog ne.ez- sary for perfeot heiilth. If the blood le g;Oo& -d1lseaae c3annot exls-lf ift 1 bad dioeaf-c se etcundte appear TheTe Are d7ezîss9oLmaladlas canAad hJ y bat] blood. Amongthem are aas i itu- Matlsm, 'heart palpitation, h.:adache and bcahidusla andthe ospec- fa! alimenta 0'fwonten and growiïn.g girls If yen suifer froanmy ofth ti-roht, esD. Wtlianms' 1Plk PIlis wll cure youf-becaUS3 they make ne3wredÀ -heatth.gtvlng bluood They succeed where DoctOrs soMetiMes fait. In proof o? thiis Mrs Swriab Jane Duce, DeeotOüt, saYý: la 1905ô I be- came -weýak and slcKlly. 1 was ail rua down, I found boupework -a burden - 1oe msIcoula net do le t aIt, the least effort mame itired, 1 consel- tri a docto,-r v!o bld nie he mgi help me3 some but eonlUd not ente om-e par- manýtly on ac ot0f my âage. I amn oi er fty. Hia trarmntdd net help mue and 1grdat gzew wre ven may friendsm bege-n te despair. Four dfierent doctors told me my case was hopeless. My suffering was Intense. Ses broke eut arounri my mouth and ,r was unable tu eat, I coneulteri a Ppe- lallst who totd me my~ trouble was anaemiaand that lie had littia hopes fo r2 myrcvev was ludn sansd deieiit wal uselsss te pemzd anây mor"e moncyey n octors. Ona day my liosbPnd urged mie te try Dr. Ntllliamsý' Pink Pla. AIrer a few -veeks usqe 1)f Zthej Plls Iwas convinedt 1 liad ýoun-t her!glit medicine. i. zoo k t"7elVe boxesa andi tLhy com--plete1y cur- ad me, and aud I arn now fa excellent lieath. I utýadly com 1. harute al sufrrfor tbey cnred me whaýn doc -j tors liari flt d dmy trinewera exnaciiLg death t ensd My aUffrlng." Unea~afuit naine, Dr. Willtamis' on- the wr ýpe ouud aaoih bxdon't and màay docyen liarm, .If Soir medi- du dalr ia ntgot-- the- genuinie Dr, Wltm'Ptnk Pilla ;("c Pale People thev wý llbh, sent te Dyo u direct at 50 -ents a box or siX bxsftr $2 50 frocs Thai Dr. Wlliami' Mediclne G o., -Brockvlltaq,,Ot LOUN'GING ROBES Ail colers $6 50 te $8 00 BATH ROBES Bine, PF'ink and Grey. $4 00 te $6 00 SMOKING JACKETS $5 00 te $800 MUFFLER13 Paddirisatin sud Silk, Slk 'Squ-ares labicn Chec!is and Porsian joverclieck. New Sil.k Knitîed Scaufs, 125c. te Silk. Paifs, Four-la- baud, Bows. The naw kuitter Sitk T'a 25c, 85c, 45c, 65c, 75c, -90e, s1 008$1 50 andfac colra, Initial la SIlk asud Linen, iLOVES Unlineri Kidl, Mdand Dog, Linad, Mu'cha ï,andi Bue'kkn, Dg-Fur- Al colora, Ai! styles. 50e te $2 00.ý COLLAR AND' BAGS CUPF la Green, Tan and Drab, Dueeri anri Un. drased tathe $150. SCARFPIS Great assertraent, 25e;C to $1l 00. CUEF BUTTONS. 25c. to $1 0O S USPENDE aS.ý la fauicy CGift Boxe3'ý 50e cte $12 50. Beautiful Gif t Umbre"' 90 tete$QO FANCY VEST1S. Tb3 New Buewaïs, Rda Grey's, in the Ne,1W Vesting Clofli. Knitted Vaste, Green,5 White, Bruown. K 7,5 te 800 Sik ined Golf, Ftar- Boaund Cap's lu ail colora AND GAUNTLETS. Corne in and have a look at ail the , icehig have whether you purchase or not. We wMlI hop1easE to showour goods. Mes elothing eA C~rmGAND FUlNIsHrSE FOR GELTMEN -'AND T auu S,-s * rcea ten its , owwani e."- - JOHN ",1acfiK AYLIMI T1ED The Home of QuaIitv,I Quantitv %Value, Ail and SEE OUR LINES'IN:, Iron aud Brass Bedsteads froi s$8,Ori ltsesanri stands from $îo.holo $75 00. ,idehordsand Buiffets from $.5 t t$65.00 ý Aile andi I (omplete. î1D TC t 1 - XmIras ~it e Mens. rnmay be a littie premature fo start talt'k- ing about Cbrîiýtrnas presents, but as we know in the past a great manyý' of the ladies had to go to thcj cfty to purchase their gifts, we take this earIý oppor- tuinity of 'telling you of Sorne of the swell things that -we have, goods that were neyer h-andled in Bowrnanvi.lle before.

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