PROMINENT HOSPITALS SAY IN RLEVN L CATARRUALDIASS HOSPIALSAILffVETHECON TI NEN¶ IDP.R~ÀMUBEITETNALiAÂJIAIIES C ýýATARRU oBf tise resp'iratory organs la g acmmnaliment uCndo zI leas t tw-tihsd "i theyer Tisis conduitinl no doulit caused by tise long, saverewinter expeninccd-l 'ibs prt off tise contInent.'l covered lby Cndipeople 'à,) ase ha12ble rmeyfor tss aarsids --se, it at onchcame a po ppuiar-medi- cine, not cîyajmougldidu ad lu faiias, butilu tisegraisptl mmisee lwas used as a preeavee aï:n-od relef lisundrads of cas. The stittioso nuatL haitae t guie tiser endrsmut of tisa, îewedy whlcli issbeauso helfu in utisa Mt.t ment of their poor and sici. motiseistlluc, r s lsto TePerune cotnpscy, happy fsiaseptCet lifhas gieVetus at Theiter s of th dhped ftageIs gond opiulon oz tise reLady ~d epresesilso satU£action lu tise foi- jewlng torne: CH'FAN GE IN COAL. MoteI, ov. 7, 1903. We fundPru n"ý as eiflasever-alc We ~n aj' itis a go tic antdis- are vey thak fui Slsersof he ood sbpe tie yse, strebemas anhebtinate dis aetaead tu iigIýIUea every internaiormo he bod-ts an C abofte neessiy bsi'I3W Pav eun - c t uliareoyfI searchesont thecasa f hedie«e membràDas, ad tus giingatnre an moaa 0fTee morny hon sias wbeh hava fund erun ya o anel .etn eéoÏflowso "Wuar hapytwo lb o!, hat yonir muýces ralieveci, more tan a sa ba ~ATARRCIU, ÎD DE DFS 110 CON VINCE YOU we will set)yo, etj ;i e.a, cent tube of Karun ' ÎAusrlan Catarrah Remiedy ou ten Oay8? triai. Il beneitted seud us the maoney, Wekntow ur remed.y las no equal iu euring ebrante Niasal Catarrah, DesJues, and Cold iu the 3ead. Write to-day. "Bore tisetral mant i cold no walk ford auarter i an lonst'viou axprincngmui aige. ow fora ' CThrough tes iireacirc sta esi ta ~ i mae snwn1ote ubl tis o! fiec! youË!s-reaedy-." Hose(tzçSt. ohFlen fslt Jolies, Pro.- vin e r0f Qued ec AGçe ltar letirr e carivc mties -"TreeZiws orksl ig J wrD oine tate ya fun bon saisfch or efqu D "lagisve oYd tbemsei a aIolaWi but is equaly prm thdefficiemnt o catarbaidisasesl hi hon tae A cncet gvenunda'r tbke auspices o! tisa Juniior and Senior Leaguas cn- sistieig O! music, radItations, dialogues sud dn-ilss ml ha givan e saSons' Hall liera onPndy Dec 13th. Dtn't fail ta coma. Admiission 20c, cbldren 10.,.. .An enjoyable aed instructive program wgs glvven by - Rampton I f I Mrs W Soper, Bowmaavillla, is visting lier daughtar- Mrs J Siceman, ... MièssAllie Sý-tars lias returned 10 bar professt,3ýinal dutias at Guelph.., RE Po rlas arrlved from (Ora 10 com- imence werk on D Ruitberiord's fanm.. . .WV J Bragg's apple piekers sud some t1ire dofriands lu viaw of the close of thair seaasn'e oparationa in our orcliards,, lild an oystar suppar at L. B. Stark-'s wban -a moat pleasurable tima wPas exparlanced, - .Ttîei as a happy famuly gatliering of the Stark clan 1 ~ mi ~ ,.f +1, I jWANTED ANY the body and a shrlvalling Up of tise naerve colis sud blood corpuscýIes, Nature demanda assistance teoveýzrcomne tis dreadisi wasting procass aad the neaded help la hast suppliad by DR. CHAsE's NERVE POOD, tisa great blood- buildar sud nerve restorativa, NEWCASTLE', Mr Jas. Philp visitad relatives le Cobourg... -Mns Pope bas returvad from visiting friands je Bowmanville. - ..Miss Hattie Masos vlÈitad Miss Mont- DISTRICT NEWS. Port Perry Christmaas Fair wiil be heM( Deebr19. Ragla-n X-mas Fair wilI be held on the 28rd of Decamber. St. Anidrew's Societiï banquet will bea heid ut Whitby November 29. Mr. Wîil Mavnard. Brooklin, has p)urchased bce butcher business cf Mr. Norman Colwviii, Miss Mary Toblu of Douro town)shi p diad -iuddaiy alter returning from a, weddling ýrecaption. MIvr. ïManiey Cola, Cambray, has retluried frcum the northiwest where ha speut tMO monthe aigî1ht-EeeýUg. M r. WV. j. llayraft, Brook1ia, has returnerl from bis bunrting trip bringing withhm two deer ;,D a large bear. Miss Caroz' Beacock, Myrtie Station, was lin D]say reCent]y singlngu at a poitcaneetîing efreG. E. Poster, A quie wdjling took place at the George street Mthodist church parson- age whee Mi,ss Jose 'phina Fisher, Cav- anvill,-as unlited in arig 'wth Ur, James Hfifiman, rillbi-ook,by Rey. MAPE ROVE. A fý ew friands gathareed al the home cf MrTosHggno and Zave hlm a surpise nd resentation before his datrefrom ou mida.t. A var-y enoal ime-f was spenitby al.... Miss Stll BacbunBase Linc, vstdat MrsTruan O-wers ove--r unday Mr Bld ana hasreturnadhome frcm th', stbc. r L T Pas coe aud c1arjoýrie ae envisitieg at Hampton Anual manntet!i,g for ihe elactian of offiers and teachers cf îEldad 8SS Monda evenng. .. . eral from liera areatndg Gr and Division aât Port Ferrv. Mr M Dewel isitdPt Linai- say.. . Mss Enel and TMr Frec] VanNest !iie rianids at Bowmlanvilie. ,... Mr 'Suas Wýerryv is niceiy settled on Mr Ja. elitlia's place, M t Vernon. . .. Miss Miired Peorf oued, Bowmauville, visit- ed liera .. ..Preparations are on for- the .Xmas, trea, Dec 2S3rd. . ..Mr and Mrs Tho)mas Stainton, Zioa, visited at Mr R Thae tin cfthe Epworth League and Wmae'sMisioeary Auxiliary Thuraayeveingwast1horougilly an- joyed Miss Paeniy V4rtua wvill talze the tapie i conecionwith conisecration serv;(iýemxtLageniglt.. .. eare plaasad te leare 'r. James A Wr was appoinctad D ,strict League iPresi- dient, ad is ais Jewell, Summar S'oo0rpesnttve.. .. Mrs J J Smith, has aXascactus witisoverf100buda aned foers on .... Xmas treaRutartain- ment Pida Dec 2th. Dr Siemon lias* charge o!M the mueical part, Miss Rose ,Lcedaous etc.-. Mrs F W Lee was in, Toron to recen tly, . , .Miss, Rose visit- ed Rnfleld frians....Mr Kelly, Miss S Jewell, Linds-.avý, vjsiteîd at Rer J A Jewell's. MissIda ockin was in Bowmauvllleý, lýzL U AILN 'VT i -John flacKay Ltdý., wïil pay bighest à Price a e ft~milgs awmn gk- Dr. Lapp, Pentpocl, wasberereceuitly. yrq, 'W. S G smeb-yl vv i sïi- eeen MiUss Viva Sanils Vititec Mrs. A. J Leigh.b Miss Millie Hill, Tyrone, visited her aunt, âMrs Ralpli Stutt. Mrs J R Cooper visited le the city. Mr R Smith, Tyrone, is visiting lis son, Mr T Smith. Mr Neil Reewlck, Toronto, visited at Mr H W Reick's , Mrs W R Stco, Oshawva, bas been guest of Mirs.A AGCamsby, "Maple Ave," Mrs. James Deýrman, Bowrnaeville, yisited kt M C A Chapruni's. Miss KXyle has returned fromi the city. M-1r Arthur Adamson, Port Hope, ris. ite) here. Messrs. James and Malcolm Carlton are visitieg le Picton. The Geo. El Beer residence bas been sold ta iEdmond Cohbledick, Mrs Alex Rae, Port Hope, visited ber daug!hter, Miss Lillian. Mr H Moulton and Mr and Mirz W Armstrong are bôme from Wiarton. James Kincade, Chicago, .[il , viîsited bis sister, Mrs Robert Metoni, jr Mr Blake Edwands and bride. Colborne' visited bis uncle, Mr Levi Edwàrds. Their ger'tie action and good affect. on the syste r rallymakes them a per- fect Little pili. They pleasa thosa who use tbem. Carter's Littiej Liv:er Pilla may well be iarmad"Preio. Mrs James DickEon gave an "atWhomïýe" W,ý'edncsdar, afternoon lenlonon otliber cousirs, the Mis'es Ututledge,Catn Býc enra-i ter witli bis key, Proteet voursoif, from dssease 'be Fruee Miiss Liliian Rae bas been na-engaguell as teacher of No 9 Scisool. Mrs Metcali and daugbten, Belleville, Yisited her daughter, Mrs Fred W Dob- son. Rev A VBrown.BFiA , B.D., Newr-j cast'e, pneaclied in the Presbytenlan cburcb Sabbatb. No oe knows batter than those wi bave used Carlar's Little Livar Pilla whiat-relief ttîay have glven whan taises for dyspepsia, ins, pain lu tise sida, constlpatiop, and disordered store- ach., Rev W Limbert delivenad a special sermon to young mes je the Methodisi cisurcli Sundav evening, A -maie cboir fiunisbed music linlthe evening, and Mýessrs Caci Powers and Sid Huglison sang a duet. This la tisa season of deeay su ad weak. aned yitality; good healîli is bard ta reeale. If you'd retain yours, fortity Your system witli Hollister's Rocky Mountain i ea, tisa sureft way. 85e Tes or Tablets. Orono Cheese Ca., 'viii hold their an- nual meeting in the Town Hall on Tues- day, Dcc. Loth, afternoqat 1.3 p.o Mr. J A McFPeetersr, O';n Sond, man- ager e! the largest butter factory le tise province will be present, Il arrange- ments cas be made lie is prepaned te start an up te date factory bhere next, spïing, THE WASTING PROCEISSos' DisEÂsui- Disease ia a taaning down, wasting In the Scleotîon, of auitabi ý G for flOUSE COATS are entitled to first conisidlera.-tion co11ar ana Ctuff £og, 0?hrta As we give our whule bille, Store, Spacei and tntiton tO cterng for the Men's Business, it is onlynaua that we c("to better for thel men than other stores,, that arie not dosng, an exc!l i veMn' Businiess. Grocers' Due BiIi t aken as cash. Masn lthkg o. CLOTHINnG ANDO11URNISIIINGS PRoaGENTLEMEN AN Y-)THiEIR SoNs. r r a 1 --&Il 1 a -4- H4eadquarters 10r XinaSGo o d,,). FOî7 Men Y OIung Men and Boys By the v ýery fiworahle ommentjs that arebeg passed about Our w'idow dsl. of Xmas GIftÉs for Men, an' d the -sti i1 gre.-ter display t1hat we hae nside the store, it is eviderit thant, the public are stii ijurther irnpresse' di ttheidea, that our -up-t)-datte exclusive >4en's 'Store isý fihliL- a long fet want. Every person knows the -diff- iculty exeine . eetn sial.ift for a yentlen-an- but we c'In ,assurý,e you thaýt aiokthrougîoh ourwell seleced 'b, ight es-w uip-to-dlate frihnswill1 overcornLe yurdifficuli.y. Corne in and ]ook th111rough- our stock, Corne early while is n goodl assortme-nt, seIecýý your gift and have us put it aw.1y for yen until, Xmas. Corne in aind see our >stor, w-hether you irchase or- not yon will notbe"Iurged toù,buy.