may b~ îmnî~- )l ded y >persMI îî wbo Is tle fi'le he) o!ý.Iîî of iîy înaml, oelle. I je a 2 of nee tc etent ! oe-ul rer ec ion ai Ses. mor e or Iemq. À rIile!atlnnfor entry îrîSt 1- maite b liop ;vh iliai at aa DflîoiuLad Ageuw:(y olu-aec orthe dibe i wlm1, hOie la d O liaute Etyby proýxy mai', owvc, b macle it a', Aecy ncei c coni-it '. 1byltelatr, notrmi 4lgrni hi omer or lister Ani a telighesee. 'l'li esearlcr llAeree to 1 elrfo ila hcmeaead d lles adr one QcF the follow ug <1 A lat imnîhslý' r1 ene .l ad eti Oî thelau( n I ecli erfo re yea rsVe <21 Alî meteader may if I"4be zdsiep- on,îet'o e itleuce dall' y li -igo- ftinsim o wfe oeyby bhlm. 1),t ls tchan (,j jhty i(80) acre"s f; Citent., uthe ,:,Iiity or ihe housln.Joint oxesi ii lant i Poet meet tI is reqiremenýit. (8)I te at'er ormothler, if teMac ue l '31 dueonfarmiinig Lanido wned soley biyhn, 1îlot kirs tanelgIty [50) acres In.laeia, in Ille ellt.0 lue Ionita or unon a r anwaJ~ r -- nspalla-ces aid Irca rs;erpl leîdsoon forgotten hIl head, ses the ace offthe ý inf iit Paller. in~iî risliohers love,.ad ta- n hoîn beongs ail t rea'Sure fft F. Il. [Ilan is r i- n~~~ý 11 oreo . M tedd.Tr hi oar, aîonîooGolen satroot ,-,tonie root and Queenl's rooct, cnaadin *"Golden McdîcaliM seovery " il subdxuing chûoile., r ixger-lag coujghs, bronchial, throat and iung affections, for ail offwlc these agents are reomne y stanýd- ard meialauthborities. In aU cse whiere there ts a wasting away of lash, ba-s of apipeitor i, lx ak stn,ý,a lu the early stages of con- si ,there can Wbe1no doubt that ý!y- cerin I~tcs as akalable .nutritive uaod neu UAi \. D., ot 'ýaïC>; o gesthna off ail ~oris-practical. 1~aci- fui, unique. Lhiira Spencer Porter aird Jeanette S. Porter contribute "Croder- dia,' a UtIle famii~ Chîistr~rns pirî~. A feature is a theetrical rxniniscence by tiare Morris, "Chnistmas on tUe Bond." Dr. Edwaid E~erett hale nrrles u< "110w lu Use the Christ-Mnss." le- mg Bachelier lias a new bock. and ilie tirsi part off "The Cricket Tale nppear-s fit lUe Çhribtmas number. Di. Woods IIutchuî~son. tlie disiiogul Qred phy.sieicn, iii "Uhuidren and Candi (]iSSi~flîQ~ oîve for ail the oid bugali o tliat candv i, harmîni. Elizali 1h Sluart Phclps great noxd, "Ihougli I .ih~ Us Do Part," which ha~ jusi bcgun ru \'r'omarr's home Companion, Onu- urines iii Dccemlior-, "i{eeping Ihe Biiî1 Closed" tires a hig gun mii hie "Kincu Your Grocer' campaign off WomnauŽ~ home Compairion. Two soogs li~ flic iritu Edvnîd Gîuig, hie faîîsuu~ myjîim- poser. with fuil musical s more. form o rame lied loi flic hivers ol good mu c. I hî sîririe, le the CI}ii-îtmas mirrîber -- ------------ "I just n isLri ni ige1 ah i. Phhlip Il. Malyn. _on M tldtl niîg. \'r. 2,, Mi'. l hiitp H Mrtnil.cug~,plsc rw-h bs h'rrianfo Legsv ,zuPmrGlzd t h e pc, m o rftth e a re, a n d Il LoiliParaiyz t ýod os ucirriwl1itisms rnnna ________ oncrîs nema. i}ccsd a extraordinary ment i-of 1Dr. -hase'_Ner7ve , w b nartc î a id Ms Foo asa creforiaalssof the nerves. Mar!Y Mullog Iilpne wrts-Iwrite to tlynoteget iriPlifcer Ptf or nicuttoi rers benefit If found iin the useof D.Caeswe i o nae il i I ult, Nerve Food,. I haLd diplither;ia su bý0ad .onB rtn.t tiegre hr- paayss inte throait, hanrds andý legs. t iy aMr. l ualî ias- ru I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i w1,opeeydsbe adcudd hssri 1 îs na hu on~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" wnkwaee.T c AlAA toIti îissul tPrtPr.nir wîorr' iii I-O ro, r reoirika 5 ened n ys s o àthtI eela ca arc nmid -Hirstes Exïeînjrme il lias not Cv ~ Cli Ciii! tinre.