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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1907, p. 1

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tte TERMSPhI .00 Fer P~Avnni. nia Tnwx rAND CO fNTr RT ! TiTiz * rr,.WnR, M, à. JAMES & SO-N, Proprietori BOWMANVILLE, ONTÂRJO, WEDNIiSDAY, DECEMBERP 18, 1907: I - I Xmras Presents AND WHERE TO BUY IHEM:j ouich Johniston& Cryderman make a fine display of sensible, use- fui and beautiful goods for OIUSTMAS PRESENTS. HandAkerchiefs, plain, embroidered and initialed in linen and silk. Ladies' Fancy Colia.7rs-a beautiful lot Kid Gio'ves. long and short, Silk-lined Suede Gloves, _81k -Blouses, -Golf- Jaékets,1 Toques,- Clouda and Shawls. Men's Ties a swell lot. Muffiers, Fancy Veats, Men's. Gloves, linied and unlinefi, Doylies, Tray Cloilis and 5 'clock Çioths, Table Linien and T'able Napkins. Lacties' ClatIt Coats-latest styles. - Th-- finest stock et Mufis, Rufla, Stoles and Caperines and Ladies' and Gents' fur and fur-linet Ccats shown by any bouse in these Counties. ...GOTJCII... TAIT flTI1T1~ TirliIIIAT K!1J Exactly 1 Woek and Xmas wI 1)b3 with ius A eaP at aur Store wil! DmAke Your Xiuas shoPPing eaeisy. Our stock comaprisesgifîs sfitable for young- folks, andlid foLks, lu fact we bave êmething suitabie for every age. Our prices will convine You that our values are unequalied. 'Il Ebony gooda aur stock is Compiete. Our PerftMes are as goad as ever, and in larger quantl$des, In Toilet cases our selection is Our Purse stock la veryv select and having bceen purchascd befare1 the advanced prices we eaïu give you values nat to be had elsewbere, We hbave Cnyoher ilines bb we wili be pleasefi to sbawýûouwben Yeu eaul Store open trram 7.3;0 ta 9 p m. Lt pays ta dea-L With F.'. Kersiake, Thie West End Druggist. MONTREAÀL -c- EstabIishÏed 1817 -0- al '5 OBITUARY, Special servies3 are fo be held lu ail tle ctlurcbes ou this Circuit, iu the interestia of the parsosnage improvement committee, ou Sunday Dec, 22nid at the usual baurs of servie, wben a voluntary offring of $300 wlll be asked for on the plates Special music. Let everyone share ia this vlctory. J. A, JEwnLL, pastar.1 TAKE DEAR BABY TU RAYS. Possibly no photographer has had greater suceess lu taking babies and young chiidren's pîctures than Hays the Artist, -STATESMAN, Block, Bowman- ville Few rreacbiers eau preach weli ta cblîdren and few photographers can niake real life-like pictures of children. ilsys eau do it and daes it well. It requires abundant patience and Job scarcely possesged more. Lt is n unusual sight to see sevenal baby car- niages lu front of hi2; studio of an after. n1oon. That baby of tours sbould be taken at least yearly during childbood and quite often afterwards. How nice it is ta, have the likenesses of the ebtîdren after thev area grown up andj ant ganie froma the nid home Take baby toa,,a s' udoand ihe will take i -'-as nýatunral as le." Just now you -eill want a r-emiembrance ta senci to your n end a Christmas or New Yeare. Cali ana sit for your own pictunei He'll make a g,,ood one of you il you eau "look interesting" for a second. ARTISTIC HOLIDAY GIFTS. Mcssrs Raphaci Tuck & Sons Co, Ltd , whose trade-mark, the easci and palette. is knawn al aven the wonid, tram the Canadian brancb aI this aid establishcd Englisbhause; St. Antoinie St,, Montreai, are supplving the trade with a splendid lise ai gift, juvenile and to 7 books, cal.1 endars, bookiets and- Christmas cards, The calor printing is beautifuliy doue, and whse taste has'been showu luinmre of the caleudars wbich depict Canadian sparting, bunting and fisbing scenes. The~ Droehi,> hiLhwav,,,,n nd ,,,,,,ji J Iamount spent ln the Buirna' store M this wlnter goes ta the poor. .Lu1 V.v * i il UUZU. l Rev. T. evenhng in .Jolliffe on Thur Methoilst nutchj I w- VOLUME 1,1111 ot A ha&ppy Ratherin'g (f frienda and, edthi way ta the home 3of Mranid Mr.William Paintor. Chapel8Strefet, Tuecsday ev-ernn Dec. lîh and gave theni a gniesurprhae After a-I w7ere, comfortably seated,' Mr. Geo. E, iMayna!id called the ,company ta order andexpiainedz the bjeet of their visit and Mrs. E. I. Osborne où behalf of the company preoentei Mr. nd Mrs. Pain- ton with a combined chJna dînner and tea set. Mr. Painton(- recovered his composurle and thanked ï il for remeni- bering the auspiejous event nnd for the beauîtiful gift presenated A verv pleas- ant evening was spent in game-S of varions kinds, music, etc lu'Xe iaules served an, abundant supply of gaad tbings and the corapanv departed for their homes haviug had anrother most enjoyable celebration. XMAS MEATS PAT HM As usuai bis customere have been well provided with high qualitr' meats for Christmas by Alex. Hume. tre peoplîe's ,butcher. His exhibition will be reaclv tbls (Wednetday) evenîngaP n wili include a verv enoice displa- o! as gond, meats as the countr v affords- The Baby Jumbo Durhamr Steer bred and ted by Noeli h, 2 tas id and weigbîng over 1600 pourd -. Two other soung Durhami steers iefroni the saniefeeder. A very extura fine Durham heifer bred b.y Thomuas Smale, Leicester Iambo, fed bvJh ongdon Yorkshire White hogs fed bv S YVood & Son and Neil Smith complete3 the assortment. - Mr. Il urne desires ta tbank the public for generous patronage during the year and hopes b] providing bigh class meats to merit a- continuance of their patronage. He wlshes aillaverv Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperaus New Year, PLEASANT A 0,IJ.W. JtYENING,Î jw% 1 ibou 'Mps. MAUTHA BAsKEICVILLEý Que by 0111àaur 0a1iresidents are belug called away. Duriug tbe past week we are calied upan ta record the deatix Of Mrs. Martba Baskermille, relilt of the late Sbadracb Baskerville. Mrs. Bas& kervilie died earlY Tuesday morning, Dec. 10 after a long and painful afflic- tion. Durlng.tbe past few Vears dece rsed has made her home with ber dauighter, Mrs JohnCurtis, Liberty Street, S b e w a s well knowu as a Zaod, kiud-bearted neighbor aud friend always ready ta speak a khudly word or help those lu need Iu June 1903 oue nlgbt she got out of bep and tank a faiuting speil and feul breaking ber tbigb near the blip. Since that tume she bas been unable ta leave ber bed or eveut turn over or ait up but through ail ber sickness effbahýs been very paient and ber Chistain character bas been ciearly exbibited toalal wbo came in contact wïth bier Truly it eau be said of ber "lShe bas came up out of gçrea.t tribulation and bas washed ber' robes an2d made theni wbite lu the blond af tbei Lamb." In ail ber sicliness ber danugb'ter bals been a mosi faitbful attendant n Ilv administrator t hler maitiher The fanerai tanok pla.ce Tus ay aternoon servi-e' being condUCtîed by bier pastor, Rev, Johnii Garbutt, assisted by- Revs William aud1 T. WV ollffe; the latter, having knrown bier ince is 3outh, paid a very bigh tnîbhute tolber as a womýan and as a abnistain. The bearens were ber two sons Mr. Harrv Baskervilie, Toronto, and Mr Cbap. Baskervîlle, Rochester, N.Y., Mr. John Curtis, ber, and Mni. Frank Burns,,nephew. Amaug the floral nfenings was a beautlful wreath sent by the Oto fliegelCa, Toronto, where ber Pon ýMr. Harry Baskerville is employed. Amoug the fniends present tram'a distance were Mnýi and kîns. HarryBiskerville,Toronto Mn.r Chas Baskerville, Rochester, N. Y Mn, Wm. Glover, Oshawa, Mrs.Triek, PontHope and Mr.Johu Beekel,Enfleld VWeep naot that ber toils are aven, Wleep not that ber race Is run,

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