~iak Neadaclie anS reliera ail the fro ibîce Ina!. >d ut lu a ailione atate af tho ayst' ~n. aieci ae Dizzinees, 7iauee; Drowslaees, D'etreas aCter entlng, 1'ain lu Oia Sida, &o. Whtie theli moat reaiarkabic succese bas Sean ehown lu cw~ing Heattache, yet tiarter'e Littie Ilver PICe are cqualiy vainable lu Onnetipation. curing and pre- venting Thieannoylngco nplalntwhuie the~ aire correct ail disorders otibe stomachstlnniate the tirer aud reguiete *5e boweia. Erre if theyaoiy curaS ~alietbey saoulS Se aheoetprieeleî~ ta iliosa sahO ander frooî thie diatreet,.g conîpir iriS; but fortu- fletsiy tbeirgooduaes doas uoteucthareard tlŽoae wiio oncetry them saut finS theen 11*51" pille valu- ~Sle lu so rnauy sasys that they wrll noS ha sari- liug ta do saithouttbcm. Dut aCter alisic'k braS le 55e Lana ut so mauy lires liii t bore le salsaro WO inake our great buseS. Our pille cure 15 saSile Oteers do net, Oarler'e Lit,'e Lt-tep Pille ara rery ~mall ruS very eey tut Ire. Une or tsao pille araIre dose. Shey ar-a slriotty 'vegeteSie and do rot grîpe or purge, ans by ibeir Sentie action pieuse ail sabe lise 55cm. An ERTSIÏjIG RAIES, Tue Cariadian Steie-xnau le pubilahed ~ W "Ina day ,nr'î 'u-ïg et tho aiSce 26 Stateersean lliock, l(ing Streat, i-lowîîîanvlie Uni., by M. A. Jan.ee. fiditor aud Proprietor. iSubacriptian i i .,iJ iri-,- unnu n. or $100 il î'wid strfrtly ru advai-,re Advertlsiag rates, treoalarp ~,~ivor tîsug, Sou con te tii-r ~,ae. 6rst trîsertian, five ceots par lina ceeS eubea~;îreîî5 Insertion. Coutract retes on appirro,,îrou. A. E. J'ffCLATJGHIIN~ l3errSater Sotîcitar end Convayancar. U~Co-Iilr~okle Iltock. Kiog Street, liownranvuîîe ~loney ta joan et reasOn- eble rnte~. 48-lyr. Il0~ERT YOTJNG, V. S. FEICE IN HoltsEY'S llLflO~. ~o0poerte To-au Rail Eatraaa% Whar~ ?he salil ba touud troue S atm. to 9 par. Nlght oeils et residence, direct.. iy opposite Drili Shed. 17-ly. SIlffPSON & BI~AIR. P. 13. SISIPSUN, K. C., CHAS p. ~LAIH Itarrîsters, Soircitors, Noteries, etc., ~1orrîs iliock, up-stairs. Kiug etreat, Bowrranviile. Solicitore fox the Ontarjo Ban~. Private moncys joan- 56 et ioest rates. B.JHazlowood, MOD. ,05M B~i WKAN VILLE. * ONT. ('1 OLD MEDÂI4RT o! '?elnitti Un ~Xjsref4~, TaronS.; bar ~eara Aticaêi~f FhLslalaa SaiS Sorgeen aUR. ermel Hoe~1S Xi,, OttIce il Realdanos Weiilagteia 14t Tek or. 1.fe ~ ROYAL. MAIL STEAtI~Rs, Ohri~tmas Sailings. Froni Froni St JaSai Ralliai V'lctorian.........atl~ Fr1. Dec 6 Sat Dec 7 A lan Line Ag8nt, Bwa-ll ROYAL MAIL BTEAMSHIPS FRoex PORTLAND DemïniînoDe,. 7 OadaFb8 Useed fan 4 Varcona mme. Stes;meri attaudm Pomtîsi 2p. nM Firat Claî aem 0.0 eou Class,$7~ iud nipwar.di3 acc.aIdlng e sme MODERATE RATE SERVICE To Liverrel 4".Ot %ad 142.0 To Londron ~.Oadio Third iClan ýita Lîveipeool, Londondcrry Emfs is% gew 827.50. For ad., oiaio apply ta ,r to DOMINION LN,1 SScaeîS MotreAL. BUsIESSKNOL EDGER UlN oYrLoms"TING PUSH cdvcry ea, instai o LroàW I u CENRA mai n wme 'aSe aco a u" peodan' c '1 ne el a ns JI e n HISTOR1Y OF îOWMNANVILLLE. Nev.sa o yYeas Aqop, 'IOM THE ST1TESMAN 0F F DC. 19, Mu icpl elec l ic's L lia lxi~~~~~~~ý ceLo.F usi u oetBs s -elf lo isLbe iJehî lMhil 'a -n1 espcta111o1e frùLeîeveisp de W.ý l. uo n'slantetasa ikey an e ilngtcne s o tsLUIitoel Cie ig ld-to lss. Bt ptln bctxît sn. , Poxers andid umuc as u-o'aie ntmiess.lachs Cr-oma- îbe -te h'angdla e 'red sir cornen'csnu fai amai ed mo Sho-makrs, aelM iaps ani ei )rs. Corn eirl~yclassa witlijelyiseu- ForChlssiStmas cre u neayar We'a Rives t kan nti a p,,Jnors1 su Our cuis su coler, Ifersd fue Ar g nti udclieap 1-iyLIdLdispte. If yuwl rim I 'lfl l our alm, earevrync O01vr sIuade anti) euery pae ndail vhe 4 sat-, liern qlc kly ox'fl)%,_ \V'emuste fer île lli fIse But isaSn'htIs pres ha1urei y~ TAr eavittIe m iaat cnr sgrt 'Iit'quksstiRssdhbycl Tisr' okunsrasepat se if msy petacis octets Lie paper di - coutilsucet ho ussusi pay cli at-renta ac - ci- Use hsublîshai' usscy coallîrua b sauset il nuitti tuai usueuîl is uuccde, anti 'cîleci thc s Icola usmocurît w Iseltuor tîsa pitisot- i luRon mous 1iiuc 06> - iii- usci 'I tir-to ccii lu,' use lapai cli e uîliuuuiaîice isntil hue pas isîn-rît t-, iriade. Atuy prasOir '-c l'o laRes s paper Item 1h lic-rf otti o, -ualueîîrer dtracîcd te Lira isaunue cm- onatiier, 0/ ssls"Uiec hO lias sols scu'ibu'ti ou- îîoi. N responeible for tise Uni - Thts pi-occeets apon tua geonîsti that -i nii~ n nunat pas fer siliol lie uses. T150 or-unI" lias e tie'idod îlot refu'ind t- laite non -rpopor~- antI pctiotlcatm- Is" lin p'sai affina. i-emoiung anti -" i i Ils. xii u'ss'aited- tes-s te- prima fa- 1- oui- t douce ~f Igienlional IranS. THIE TLIT, STBENUOUS. Ilurry and"w, r and fret, DOES THIS INTEREST YOU? Dealanidolarjtege;4 refat L sw1at\VewVwttisnnt1eny r- 1n'- T ge 1>e etAig isreoammionfc nhts pysaln anons fc.r Tir-ie tc)d,,ý olw% ou l"l'i D hi 0 sl5cta liturc ireatmuent of kid. dOtngle 11Y and bi'addor dbe sses, attriblrtos a C4wArst A ceîeng end Irtur t le reat dent of hlts ucocs ta the folio- Imd. nîg sijp!O vegogtablo proscription :- detayed. Ion; shahmis he, lne tdai lir, our oumos Comnpouud lSyriup Gopo, on hate!t' awfuly usyC Miu, shakewatterd tau, inta- S it xalg, lt aragairet beltima lmoardngistoan -nplylliaire. Dow li su, p L ges, irse e le *paEs aIhonre a" very ithuexmpera. pig. ,* Ths , tlîe dootor r a, es ireely, Pape? (Moin'reet P. UToiiusY t Wot; tert A poisw ontrm th oo suad lios ? is ar, ani f o't l normait, Aar. ý ,) l, we d. o ua r .aet ronasdi ssns' lasenttreas ueqr-ciittro îtsk ut csar oulie x'oie1holcagne sbc i '" md toc vy sa L. Ëneti î 'A ilse t il il.lr Testue g -ý I unrer sema oa? Welldontjsto te se";kms i ~ ~ ~ c nisWi hc Ifsrntsl-l i-e l ivnre was a very joiiy gaînrin-ýg On Tulcsdý,ay evenînig, ecmbrlut, cil Neý. ! wit tiseir fmile)mt t r.W p. Bagg's for tili annîatmeingan bilow eout. Tisera were about 9 ý5 peat ild cystens, whtci La ben vey dm- tily prepad 1,y Mî's. \W.W.ows weeserved liMeasF.BneH 'nd Chas,. W ahs,)ito mAde verfi- eat aioer.AfieraH lied pataken of lt~~~~~~~lif 1pcosdatg-cm hr n nupl'mpprammeM moas gis-n w Il(Cïale V Mglt rsn. Tisosa who r oili ut ntge ie he rncm wer F entr- hIned i ain ee i r.C ~cer nd "Rnima"pteyugrcaet a~~~~~ ~~~ lieupeehmie.tdugn i Ia Tt tak es mrore thanl modm ach-inemy to p-1- duce good four. it is the came,- ised in selecting the whatbefore it is ground anal the searching tests of exeron eis saaewad fes. lu il rearlir pure iln ua1itis omiîted LL jsO e 1he Mc Jtal foi~ A 1uas Ta ihr rs G'e s rec ti inx otbex S suecü1 ilh 'ail t4 m on. sub~o1, nd spt~ï ld , îb, jon i ad rgc nrndRet'i ad eusMarln Kih, bs cenriiîcti c"" eaui 1,3 IDe t 1Set. J a lnetat XVillspBuks. h(jinnTiep'zeîe 1I1y Islil c-Jot HIMCa i n tts 11nretw iles ilF n Iii îdaiar cha pin sip cf orLreem-n. iseI ici s'Lt i h hteeetth igh,01read as -i lis1il-m fl ofUsenIai n Iets -Àat i-id Id inoati o itig I dea te I 1'Wles'150 t 1srl neei i bat oey"lwl uicîi DUBHAM OLD LADY. rs. Arque, et Neshiti, te 107 Vears o! Ago-Sha Formea-ly Lix cd In Dnrbam County. Mes. Margaret Jamieson As-pue, cf ~esbîlt, Men., Las reacised tise rament- lite ega cf 107 ~x cars, t~r et she lias spien- tilt isealili anti a reosI cheerfut disposi- ton. Tisis reulenartan is lise grandus- 'h o f Mr. T. W. Muter, 000 cf Neshiti s ceil-kuosirai larmers, anti aiso residos sitis lier grand on on hie Lornesicati lie 'att up about ai-c ruiles souili cf No litit i Itie carl1 oignit" Mca. Arnue lOrd iser siphi aboul s s on cars cgc. Asttt", Lois ci or ti'ir i lier lindîse s, stie is ssoudcî lutty ~l or cf il lied anet fatce~ e dcep inter ai in triups ta gcricoal. 1\lrs. Aitue i s Ces ut' hec d~ c risici', Mi' - 1' ltltcr, iS ycars f cg-c, .xvlco sas' >1 o e -xci' i cîncîîîbers -s moiti î' t as nig c'a lias . illacs 3 isis s encial tc oid ctt~-cn ci lic '-fi e t tic h b' liii Iti. lî~i ng t (us toi-rt n i-uian- pis (onnty, It-eloîrd, on Auptist rh1, tSi-i ~utia sit usatri d tu t' 'îc ai I n mou n'înicd Mttt i', 054 Si t t '-J Il; the tincmutitc~- suis xx tcoui she s i -s- -sidi 'g, 'nid ix iii. ci il e cgc ci 7s, lia iii, c nuet to lis alice tier aioîh"r. '11t5. Argno 10>1 lier husl oui t y et ciL s Irclo set, cal in 1a43 cuci>î'alcd 10 iîado otiet 'ellted in Coi-an Ir-, sus i cp, 'i ihoru Ci tale Gustacto. Sta. oltci- t nets m'iarricd John 5pc~ cf Di -oussîci r iii ni-lu p. id uer t ta dcc sac, cs'cu- on cdr-a cher lOiti tape t' cern iL uc cf tIr- s'y Ah cie, ni Mii 'îî o c, OuI. 'te. aiset Mta. Argue usoveet h It e Otor ian Pc3 e.~ 'n lh loi lty aller iteir I ~~rrtip , aîîd lutte Ihe titi r sud titi-I to ssidosv i turiiing la lier ci ccghlcr's * n c iii Tnî'at oic y I iîvir5li p, Oalaîio. la 183 'I. 'Cc. 'dit c i cItai iii ttc NO but il i' 0k nîset Lords ~î1lccsvn'ds o' seul on t fît lits n Miser oiid grand- ~c l'icr, si-bu ceuse We I c ud isas e ce- t idrd itcc "ce There -utc n xx four gcueî--iltous cf t lamtl~ no s i c t liiig tut Na titit. Mos. ~rguc t nideuts cdli ihe otet at o r- niais ta lise \Ve I ciiet îîrotiably Ilie -oldest lu Cota la. 1' 5011E S iCIAL EVENTS. 2î~ESENTAT1ON TO- MB. AN» MilS. IIUIUE. Ectetos' cireaine, Nov. 2thili. airer 11710 cf Use tetauda ci Mr. sud M s. Alox. i-iunic, sorpri -cd ihem aI Iheti rcsidcîîeo, Litiar- l~ Street anet preseatoti thein isilli a eoniptimcnlaiy ecletre s muid a pais- cf tiusid>cnse easy chairs. Me. anet Mca. Ruina score taken counplclety Ly suc- ntsc, and aller lise pri-scislaticu Me. Hume mode a suileble ccptî, thankiîig llîctr many fi-tends fer this expression n Itîcir ttindly feelings iexx-erdis lLem cutI toc lIse beouiitsst gift. Me. Wm. Ciietîts road îLe addresa amiet fliesars. Frauk Baille and Warren Pinoli mode tho presenlalion. A fier refrealiments n'cre serveet tise m0mainder cf tIsa evening sires speuit in dc; ueing cnet ciher pornos and amuse menus, enet n'lien pomting lune coma esreryona jcined ta proctaiming il a moat pteasaut eveuing, long te be remem- ber cd. Tise party n'es ecigineled liy employ- Oas ef Mm. Hum-c, n'LioL shows tise frtendly spirit exisliug lietn'cen master and servants. POINTED PABAGRAPUS. Ris Satarsie rnajesty toirc.s a ciseectul prof tan, Ils essieu- te tati in icire tison il la lu mil oui aIrain. Futty twe lisirds o! tise taiR peoplo baud ucu ta bot ais-. BJeýwacfLisemon who is forever hacptng ornLsbu y Ilt a jusi a we [lefogetmotc L'iie prýomise epl aeeyn M'Gss cf tis wold's berces ýýdwl lie- iwea'n [lie enuvers cf dîme nos ets. Mone taIhe rase pint tlhat makes nîeny alie ce lo od A l o'an sea[svoums i-le Va c ý M)airp in .j , Wtsn me tPeshiset tc srf piece, and ceîs n- ineyrie Braýs. i5 Jeweledmavneat. arrinsaurfuilaî-t fotandck, ai tIse m rce'. a Trimph of IMeid ial tw Caltarrh Science, lHo Is Rel!eved BSy Peru n A Mazgnifleent amdiSoE cr r dies a mdiases toeFïnda ~/'n ---.s' s~ (Ouro, A12 AtLO D MtattIe ccamlioscn t ploodits ae i-i lui- cry, slof ly d Is aîcng .the îLe 1itorvi )aqe. n htlm lng lino, f sacet1!i!e o iey Iti itu -C cd hm1 osuhi-ins 0-eoltn- hartet- i i boc -tu lfo o- 1 vo for iseii g±e iusg îL od nileh iu lo I -~-U-~6. p A MEANS TO AN END. Drysa Diials Xi Ltuiî But set mosi- lesa lu -? Iles beau hînusîtu' acouaci oauoîsg liii bubes for' Leurs. Il n t s' Bl~ ct-,s Ha ccod a piece ta liso p~rpcc n liera ut soiet n tiot t' '17 cf- lias pus o a n'on a ciiocet 0f saisaRoir 1er cure s sîsahu - - o. Duyti~s Dual 'Ccci? Wuikct Bboclos Hec Irylu' tac fimiti n enake. Yen coul sut ta Nrm'ixcy uculsi scil lias e licou soccimioteti. c - -1 -r 1 -1 1 1