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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1908, p. 4

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k -~ ... i I No better value auçwhera We invite 'ýour cereful in- spection. Dealers In Hardware, Stovés and Tinware PHIONE 66 OPPOSITE POST OF 1R SThanks for Big CM. Calçker & ýo n beg te returu theLr sIncere thauks for 4 the ver, liberal patronage bestewed on tbem during the yaar of s~1907, especially for their Christmas trade. Thein Xmaz3 display cf Spoulcr,- and meate was uronouucad hy ail Wbe wltnessed t as tbe largest and best qualit 7ever seeu Lu the towni, ail cf wblcb found 'a ~,quick sale wbiich wa.. a ,roat enecuragement for their, efforts te à provde the erY' bet qw,îaLYt t be btined. Since cleaang out ail their Xmis st ck tlvl bave secured some of tha choicest quelity 4, cf cattte fed b . orneeoftibe best leeders la the township. I bey have securedsome more choice turkeys, geese and chiekens which they , ar cw(ff 'ýring- their niumerous patrons. Trusting to e eave the seme liberai patronage ln the fature as thev have.received durLng 41 the long Iine hry h9ve been Ln busines;s. Their business bas been 44 eetablisQhed 56 yeËtr,, rie o! the oldest establishad businesses lu the + town and they are recazniz~d gs the leeding purvaers Inutheir p G~Une of business They wish Wal their numereus patrons a happy and prosperolis New Year. 0, M. UOAWKER & SÔ ON, HADDY'SIDEAL TELI The cup that really cheers ise b;ewd from IDEAL TRA. s îdeal Tee is selected by active trial. s We don't tekýe anybodv's word for qualitv. We test the flever, aro-me and streugth- before wa offen it for sale su! biend Lt specLally for our trade. ~ Iu ý lb and 1 lb packages et '25cts and 40e per lb, Green, B!,eck or Mixed. Dinner, and Toilet Sets. During the meuth of Januany we will make speciel prices on all dinnen and toilet sets now in stock. Celi and examine our stock. if we have envthing te suit you we wLll make the pnica right, Ai kinds cf good grocenies, Ne trouble te show goods. RAI-A-D DY China Hall Grocery. 41~ c4AGZINE NE "ESPAP, Suberbe tor Your W.~ TsLE -All s, le y; SKATES We hava a complate ine of Hockey and Acme Sprng Skates. Skate Strape, Skate Repeins, Aukle Supporte. Hockey Sticks, Hlockey Pueks batest patterus, al sizes, low R emove PFoisons FROM THE SYSTEM Tlsere are three ways and three oely, by which the human bodly cen be rid of poisonous, waste metîci -tise bowels, thse Iridneysanard thse skie. ltiii only wlten thse bowebs become sluggish and consipeîed that the kidneys play ont as a remiît of the excessive work throwe upon thern. Now, there is enly one inedical treatment titat fully reelizes tiss condition of ellairs, Dr. A. W. hs' For îhey negulate the bowels as well as the kideeys, and thereby remove tise cause cf trouble and cure tise sost compîicated casez. Yen cen scarcely ied a case of kideey disease which did net begie with liver and bowel dis- ssrcens, and whicis could therefore have been pre'vented by titis great prescription of tise lamons Receipt Book aniser. One nul a d ose, 25 cents a box, at ail dealers or Ejfmanà son, Bates & Co., Toronto. weM - R.1h M onrowï Braceb idg- O uýt-., 1 For seVeral years 1 was troubisid -wiîis coIpo l se- ~ sadJc.Di. Chase's Kidrsay Liver A s rcdreol i%,s- ailmeets and J -2n7 orn 1awý,s recossseend tiscm.Y 1atan is raceaIliito. hc idded greatly te the pleesune cf the v( 3vning. Gamas and amusements o! ai variens kinda were Partfipated lu and gi it 11.80 p.m. ali jeined bandsaend sang pi ýAnbd Lang Syne" and departad for . tain homes, feeling they haS lied-a--ver - si ccial aad pleasant v6eing together. tb ni Mn,ý O A Gaineby, vocalist, Croco, ai ;ng at a concert iu Bailiaboro raeetly Ji ndM -Tiioe-Guide. saya-- "iulby sustatuat V% le neputation as anartistcf high order." C', A SPLEINDID OPPORTUNITY FOR RETIRINU FARMER OR MERCLIANT. A larg" solid brick, là roomed bouse, with two baths, eteamn heated, on one of the best streets in City of Toronto, located ita the cent, rai part of the eity, suitable for boarding or rootntng bouse. Oen be purcbased at a reas- onable figure. Address J. B. R. Cet.lPress Agency, Toronto, Ont. 3 1w I3OWMANVILLE, JA'N. 15, 1907 I desire te sincerely thank tIÙe 165 ladies and gentlemen Who voted for me for the office of Reeve on Jan 6. 1908. M. A JAMES. Port Perrv Observe- sa'-s Local Op- tion is on the riane Is t. eh? Repeal was vigerouslv attcmpted by the antis in six munîipalities, five votlng stronger against repeal than they did for Local Option. Where La the evidence of its waîîe, Mr Oberver ? Fan. ers raisinz sugar-beets, have been great]y disappointed. Sugar Companies have found t impossible to dispose of the immense Quanltities of sugar, their failure being attnLbuted te stningency of the mone-v market. lieue farmers have had unloaded upon them large quantities of sugar instead of the much deslred cash. The Canad Ian Red Book, an excel- lent publication'containing information concerning the Dominion of Canada, given in a concise and properly classi- fled fortu. It deals with Canada and things Canadian alene. It contains 260 pages and La published bv The k amily Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal. 50 cents a copy. Ontarie coullt% people fu te recegnize a.goodlthing when they see t, Durham countv is far ahead of it3 sister countY in progreas, morality and intelligence, evidentiv. Every ruý-aI municipalite lu Durham crunty bas edopted Local Op- tion and net oeeof them could be pre- vailed on by any sophistry cf the antis te returu te the license system Wake up, Ontario, te yourprivi!ege and duty in this metrer. TnEE TATE9MANcnld lately have made manv de l-trg advertising fer 'the brewers and distillers but teld these People that th(-Ir edvertising could net get into IU elumois at eny price. At Ieast four letters were received in which effort wes madêý to prevaîi on uis te ad- mit the anti-h-cal option stuif splnt out b-v them, but their money couid net in- fluence, us an iota. We desire te see« everv bar banistied for the sake of thet youth cf Canada Toronto hotel men flnding business lighter tnan-usueal have wlsely decided net te rai'-e rates, Hotel preperties e are in the mark et ail over Ontario show. ï Iun tht the bottom is fallinz eut of the liurthie. SuCcess of local optionc contests tbis menth bas, struck terrerv into manv a hotel ewuer's heurt Overb 100 biars lu Onâtenlo will be closed May 1ib 1908 Every township in Durham euntya Is under locai option and Milbreok hs alen jute ine. NeWcagtÏe tell several votes short of carr'xlng the bv-law, but t wih go next time. Bowmgnville Isd ripe for local option. unless we misjudge thÏè sentiment cf the cltzena. Montreal and Toronto have theirP level crossing evils and the beat mînda, t scientiflc aud 1ev, are endeavoriug to solve the problem. The Globe ren devoted large space te discussionsaLy written by Mr. John Ewan, one ef its bralniest writers. The Montreal WLt- nesLa tahing uo the question in the e commercial metropolis cf the Dominion s and If we mistake net a well wxitenW and apparentlv a ver-y prectical fuil- It page argument Lu fayor cf greund levelP tracks va. elevated trucks la from the Pen cf Mn. R. L. Werrv a member of the Wituess edttoriel staff, eldest son of Mr W. Werry, Seina, and a graduate of Bowmanviiie 111gb School. r.AH. Clarke, M. P . for South N Essex, while net a native et West Dur. Oi hem la sou cf fermer residents, hisein mether being stster of Mr, Wm. Werry, 01 Solina. Saturday Globe had a goed te haif-tene portrait of Mr Clarke and a de sketch from wbich we take this excerpt: P8 Mr. Clarke wi s boru et Manille, Victoria su Counity Lu 1860, and in 1877 hie eutened Àý the Law Society lu Toronto. Re pur- th sued his law studies lu Whitby and Fi Toronto, and was called te the bar inuTi 1882, commencink the practice of law immediately iu Essex Centre, In 189a0tr hie meved bis business te Windsor, and bi was Shortly afterwarcis appDinted Crownst Attornev for Essex, a position hae held te until be entered the pelitical field lu w 1904 His legai career has beenauanin excaedingby creditable eue, and bas ' eabled huLm te win a reputetion espec- vi ielly ln drainage law, Mn Clarke has been a Bencher cf the Law Soety il 2 WEDDINGBELLS. REDiMTH-cuiLis. At the reuldence of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cullis, Cambona the mnr- niage took place o! Mliss Athena Culilis, their youngeat daughàten,to Mr. Normaim Redpath, of Camborne. Ray. Mr. jehnston perfermed the -caremony, whieh waa a quiet oe. SRIAW-MOELROY. The residance cf Mn. and Mrs. Henry McElroy, 116 Harnîett St , Winnipeg, Man., was the sceue cf a pretty'wed- ding on New Year's Day, whan their second daughten. Emma', waa marrlad te Wallace H. J. Shaw, cf Brandon. Theenremcny was performed by Rey J. W. Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw ,laft on thea west train for Brandon where thay will neside in future. The bride necelved menv handseme pres- ehta, lncluding a five hnded dollar check fcmrnte fathen. Guests ware prasent fnom Monden, DarlLngfend and and Killarney. Mn. Shaw la a son cf0 Mn,. and Mra. William Shaw of ibis1 icwfl and Walbie's meny friands effar sincera céngratulaiioua. Bai@RR-KELLY On Wednesday, -J auary îst, et 5.30 p. mi , a very pnetty wedding ivas solem- nized nder au arcu of evengreens, hung frem the centre by a large bell, et-the home o! the brida's paran ts. Mr. and Mrs W. H. Kelly, whenibheir ebdest daughter, Iva Irena, wes uuited in manniage witii Mn. Samuel S. Berry, e prominent young fermer of the neigbborbood, by Ray. J. A. McKeen of Orono, The bride entered the perler leaning on the erm of lber fetber, becemingly dnessud in white slik with white lace trLmmLngs The bride was unattended, Master James Sm;th acting as ring bearen. Aften congratulations the pantv adjourur-- eà te the dLningroom where a sumptuous relast was prepanad. Ahi pariook heartily cf the crainties, aftan wbich the avening was spent ln music, gemea and social intercourse. The bride westae recipiaut cf mauy useful and veluabbe] preseuta, sbowing ihe higb esteem lu which they wene hoid bv thein Iriendî. The groom's Lyifi te the bride was a gold bracelet. Mn. and Mnrs Berry left for thefr hem-', the Rund'e fanm, amfd showens cof nice and best wisbes hon thein future hktppiness, M ORRis- NORTREY. At the residence cf the bride's, father. ln the preseoca of about seventy-five gue sta, an attractive bouse wedd ing took place on Decemben 25th, the contract- ing parties beil)g Miss Aunie May Non- they, daughter cf Mn. and Mns Alex. Northev and Mr. Wm H Morris, býth cf Petenbo.zo. Rov. E. A. Pearson, cf George Street Metbedist cbuncb, was the officiating clergy man. The yng couple wes uDetteoded. Mise Ida Madeline Northey, wes the winsome litt le flower girl and carnhed a basket cf carnations. Clevtan Kensel'a wedûing manch was briiliantly pheyed by Miss Florence Preston. -The bride- waa gowied in a dressetc white silk with chiffon lace and insertion, with bridai veil hengiuz from a crown o! orange hinssome. - The grobm's gîfit teibe bride was a handsom8sistvan tee service, and te the fihwen girl a gold bracelet. Aften the cenemorîy te bridai Party set lown te, a dainty spreai the nemain- der cf the aveniug being speut lu socialI untercounse. The bride, who isi popular among ber mariv fnionds, neceivad a4 ange numben of beautiful presenitsd ameng them being a daiutv bend-4 pa iuted china tee set fromn the staff of the Times office.-Ti mes PeterboroJ *The groom is a sou cf Mn John Morriq, L.eskend and a former rremban of tha STATESMAN Steaff. Con2griýzulatious. Advica te Mothers: Don'è bet vour children waste away, Keap tham strong and halthy during the wLnterj with Holbister's Itocky Mountein Tea,I It is the greateat toute. forelirn Pune and harmless, dees the greeeats ,ood. 35c, Tee on Tablats. SURPRISE A4DPRESENTA&TIQ. About tif ty friands of Mn and Mns. Norman S. Plummen frou Toronte. Oshawa, Clarke, Newcastle. and Bow-E nanville gava themn a genuina surprise on Monday, jauuany, 6tb, Lt beinr -the tentb anuivensany o!f tair weddlng eay. At 6 p.m. tha tables ware pre- pared by the ladies and an excallent suppen cf goed thinga was senvad. A (tar the auppen Mn. David Grigg called a th company 1te order, and Mn Wm 0, lishleigh read the fo'lewing address: d Té Mr. and Mrs Norman Plummer: a We, a few cf your numerous el riendsanad relatives, bave gathered 4 ar e tonigbt te celobrate the tanth mile- bl -toua cf Sour waddad lifa During these eu 3eare God bas beseed yen botb si with geod haaltb and bas given yen a number cf luttle eueswhich bas brouzht tc )y and, bappinesa inte Sour home al Feeling that we cou!d net let this N ccpaenaesa witbeut exýnpesingîoyeuM - - . West End Houlse. 1 im- Mv 'Si'- January w- TOLkHS AlqD lîUF Stobe and Ruffs rez. $35 00, sali 's Il ,, 18 00, sali Il_ 1 . 13 50, sel 7 50, sel 4 53, sel 3 50,saL SBring us youi ââànnâââ HAMPTON Mnr. Wiliau Short is baving a sale cf alb of bis ferm stock iplemants, etc., on Friday, Jenuarv 24 4esenva the dae and attend. See bille fer- panticu- ars .,. Mn. I. L. Brown haviug resigu. d as assistant supernuteudent of Seb- bath scheol Mn. A B. Crydarmen bas beau aleeted te 611 the yeancv *., Mlss Ida J. Allun, Mise Nora Horn Mles Hilda Johns, Messrs, Charlie Wood and W. H. Mooue are delegates totha Confarence Leegua Convention t Lindaav..Miss Ediih Sicaîs, Nestleton, le guest cf ban cousins, the Mises Jncks .... O0n Thunsduv atvenngr est the Womer,s lnsti*uta met at hcme rf Mrs Geo Kenelaka. A. number cf, ong 'eople and other friende of ibe estitute ware present and assistad lu reaeuîiug a gocd mixeS prozram airer wbicb ihe 'meitibere ineatad aillto taffy. About 40 wena present euSdal went ome feeling thet e pleesant eveniuqg had beau apent, Nexi meeting et hoste )f Mme Henry Wilcox on eflarnoon cf rhunaday Fab 6 wban aIl lnienests-d iu Istituta wonk ara cordielly invitaS. Pr.gran in change cf Mra Isaac Clark e, Ire T Creeper, Mre W Short aud Mns R Wilcox.O Wednaaday night, an 22 id, Ln the SO0 E Hall, the officers ýf Court Archer, No 3855 I1O F, wili bc istaibed by Mr Gro A Mitchell D S C R, D Toronto A full attendacce et the membere cf the court je raquestad. lembers cf sdater courts ana alec cor- lially irivited tô attend ...... Councillor Walter MeLean, of Est Whitbv,, anS wife, spent Sundey et the Tampenance lieuse with bis kiother Mine osi john lebýean ...The 5oueg peopbe cf the llage and immediate lccalitst held a mnucY drees carnival ou the ice Saturdav aiglt" a barge numben beiug preseet cd avany ona seemed toenaj w t'1e, 3vent te its fulleat eepacitv. Severab- Vouug men appaaned, Lu femae attira ind conducted ihemeelvas Lu a vers' pronenuct d the avent a 'leclded succesa . ..Mesdames E Hastings, C J Kan- a-e-, -J -Coll je§-and MissRoeh-he- aeu iii bflt .re convalesing,..The mnicipal Couiieil fon 1908 met Mondav cnd teck declaretion of offi2e Rege"e JW McLaghlin, deputy Alexander Wight, C-enilo-rs br ileu1r 'ourtice and R Woodley. WQHOLLEN BLANKETS. Wollen Bienkets, reg. $6 00, sala pnie. . ...$8 75. S e5 00, , 95. 4 50, , 65. et3 75., 800. FLAN NELETTES. 10 places of i'lannelettes neg 16c a yd s ale price ................................. 13 WRAPPERETTE. 400 yds o!flght, denk and fancy Wrappeaete reg 15c, a yd. toeleean et. ............ 0c LADIES' VESTS. 120 Ladias' veste lu naturel and wbite Ail sizes, reg. 35o lu 4ï)- toe ean et. 25c eaeh. CARPET SQUARES. Alb sizes lu Carpet Squares lu Tapestrvs, Brussels aud Valvats toe dean et ene-flfth off pnica EMBROIDERIES. 200 yds.' cf corset covan iSmbnoldery, reg. 85o and 40e te cbean et................... 24c a sd. Embroidery' Beading, reguben 20e and 25o e yd.te eaa t ........................ 14c. MEN'S SUITS. Meu's Suits reg $18 00 nr .............. $13 50 l, -., ', 1400 for............ îoo0 ,1 50 , lOfor ...........890o ,, 00 , OOfor .............. 740 9, ,, , 00fgr ............ ... 600 Man's O"ercets reg. $18 00 fer -.......... $13 14 Où fer,......... 10 ,, 12 50 for, .......... 8 10 (0.or...........7 Green Ticlhet Fur Sale -4c i l pucee..$26 0W la pice .... 13 50 le pnie.... 10 40 lpnice .... 7 90 le pice .... 5 50 le pnica .... 3 60 le pice .... 2 50 IWS FUR CA;PS. Men's Fur Ceps reg. 810 00,slpnc.70 80, sale prica...66 -0 IV ,, , , 650: sale. pnîce...46 90 5, , , , 00, saeapnice . 390o 4 00, sale pi 1ca.3S00 ,, , ,,~ 2 50, sale pnîce ,7,75 'TRY, & CÜO., LIMITED. rPro duce.' MANITOBA AND NORTH-WEST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Choice improved farrm of 2ze acres lu Gladstone District, ManitobO, 4 miles fnom station, e 't e bargain. Moose Jaw la the bargeet an&d eaof the noost repidly gnewing cities in Sask- atchewan, the cantne cf a splendid wheat- naising district and destined te bc a szneat railway centre-the St. Paul cf Canada Lots ini Rosedale sub-division cf Meese Jaw at $65 a lot, ou easy terme, are, a splendid investment. Ail bts guenantaed high and dry. -For funther panticulars or information cf the abqve seae or write C E. SHORTRIDGE, c-o'irna. Repreýentiof1SecuritY Land Co. Limited - Winnipeg, Man. 1.Now Open. , Kf ENTER ANY DAY.' S Whnter Termin ail] epartments S of the Centrai Business 0cllege, Toronto. offers splendid, chances* for spendin g a f ew monthg picas- * .c antly and prufitably. Twventy- five teachers. catalogue iree.* Write fcr it ' W. H SHAW, ~ S Principl1; E. R. SHAW. Secre- S tary, Yonge & Gernard Sts., Teronto. -* is a geod trne te start, New terra opens 0on Jan. md. W vrite for cataiegue; our moderate rat es anS otlier advantages vwili interest yeou. The British American [-Busines -S Coll1ecge.-- Youge ani1 McGîll Ste., Torento. Bowmanville. I 1~ ROYALMALTE SHP FROM POR11TLAND Dominion Ja 'IR n iKAr. Cana11da Feb . 5 Cqleodlq Mr, 4 DoIinFebl)2 SOU is Mn 2 S'en ouverFeb.Mar, - 18 Steamers saitulo Porthl m Fin-t Clases -at' , Q lass?7.53 an d npwards a-ecz âiiding s to1ieaja1e MODERATE RATE SEsV E To Liverp;tol 854.ùio ud 42.àC To London î2-50 additiosai Third Glass te Liverpool, Lendonderry 13elfast, Glasgow 827_1n. For ail information appiy te MA. JAMES, Agent. Bowmanvil. or to DOMINION LIN E, 17 St.acrament 13t, Montreal. MiS Toý Jail. 24th Febi Febi 7 Feb» 21 Fais. 29 Mal%. ail m4 moeyjsj Liverpool La e nat a Esupress oi Irelari Steerage i27.5) A d$57,Se,, «Lake Ente" and ' eChamip ene Cdase, (second) and teag a West St. John toLodndiet termaediate passengers et ;)i. Fo-r full par, icu are apiy te Pý.à W. PaSS. Agi., 71 one ti, Ton fA. JAME,ý-S. Agent, - o *WestEnd House. jJANUAI 4P- DON'r MISS TEE OPPOI COME EARLY AND a Ail G( 4îj titi RYCLLA.,RING SALE 'L 1,7 DAVS FOR SHOPPING LET RTUNITY OF BUYING GOODS AT PRICES THAT SHOW BELOw. D GET YOUR SHARE 0F THE'BARGAINS WHILE THEY LAST. ýoods ExactIy_,as Advertised. H o 'i o ci' o r M 1 [[il,

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