P ITT i OLREBUE s 1 ion.W. . Fielding Says It Is Tirne for Caution and Courage. Thcq decciea3e in the net ýdebt amount- estimated ai $90,000,000 and the expe- d t, $3,37,11.7. ddure ai $12,0W,000. T!, ccxlt cf tbe Tiansonthictal l'O The l'est-Office Depanîment showed a dae as bon $8,163,878. rvnue of $5.061,728, oîiexpendilr Actue cahsrlsc 1 2~c-ocf $3,979,557, a surpliis of $1,082,17L1. DIRECTORY CURIOSITIESI OIDOljILUS ANIONG NAIMES 0F LON- DON'S POPULATION. q e1908 Dir ectory lias 4,698 Pages and) Weighs Nearly Fouýrieen Poulids. Dondon, England, kccp.s ýon growingy cdso doem ils direcry, the 1908 edt- lion of wtich Phas just ma&e its up- pocirance. TiUe Londo)n posteffice di- reclcry, il, is elaliied, is th4e biggeýsl -book published. This 109th edition 01 41L wLighs 13y, pgunds, is ciglit inches ASNS U10TOPuNI -FIT. To relleve Uiha- os frii o!cfPheurna- tisrn, take a tes oofo the following mrixture after each menul and at bed- Uirne: I Iùid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce, Compound Kargon, one ounce; Comnpound Syrup Sarsaparilla, Lbree cunces. These harrntess ingredients can bc ob- luincd fron our homec drugi4gists anid are casily mixed by shaking t0cm w'el1 iu a bottie. Relief is generally fait florn Uicficst few doses. This prescr!otion, stales a well-kno)wf authority ina Cleveland mcrning paper, forces the clogged-up, inactive kidneys V) filteranci strain from tie blood the poisonous waste matter and une eacid, Whtch causes Bheumatisin. CONDNS[DNEWiS ITEMS FTZNN(s ItWALL M11E GLOBE. Tnleçrapli Belics ['roni Our 0Own rani) ONIPer Countries of [teceni Events. CANADA. Brýantlird*s tax rate is 21YX milis On the' dûllar. Prine Fushîrnis visit to Canada cost thie Domiion $37000. Mc .J. DcnlÈy, Regislrar of DeedS for Norfolk county, died at Sirncoe o11 FrInfants and Ch idrer. Biears the