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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1908, p. 4

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4î~ 3i Mere wè are aatn your order.l 'e pidcurselves S ou te qua[ity of, our groceries and wil try and make our prices as attrac- tive as oux quity. Try us, Figsi1 Figs 1 Fgs SI We are making a special (5 offering this week ln Figs- I flot the comnion cooking Figs thougli the 'ricie might iead son te think they were. ThBv are tire be t qualitv of laser fige, Regular 15e per lb. for loc. PRegniar 18c. per lb for 10e Regular 20c. per lb. for 15e At the present high price of dried fruits the-le should ha attractive, Full stock of groceries nd 'âcrockery. PRmO"DUCE T AKENU China Hall Grocery, 5 - ,Jw *DtQ--aC--CEce -m- euc y-A. <W w-~.-~- UOWMANVILLE, MAR 25, 19ý,08 1 LegIsiation ta raise the age at which youths are pcrmittcd taftraquenlt pool The yaung unanhood o! Canada le roornesvas asked by representativas of nss3rting its right ta be heard lu matters the municipaiity o! Orfilila. Thora was of public interest.- NVhý-tlucr-thi-sweces- agifftatlo-u ta reduce- the- ilceus~e e fuI efforts af!the yuung Causervatives of payable b-,t1hesie establishments, and lu thie tuwNv lu the last municipal conteet view ut feeling againet allowiag lu apposition to the machine that bas boys ta antfd their tme i l tem, the domiuatcd the party 'for Marly scars municipallty suggests that y.ouche uiider iaye the queue ta the Taronto -Young 20 be forbiddan ta visit them'. The Ousarvatives we know not, but the minimum age at presant le 18 ycars. Toro ito Worid sas s: ilThe risiug Zener- ationi wauted ta haye a haud lu the Toronta Publie sehool board decided SelectIon o! candidates, and, as a matter Dot ta appoint ladies over 80 ycars o! off îc', they find thenisel vos barred by age on the city tcaching staff whereat an arbitrary rule constructed by the the Teiegram commente: "A teacher ward asçociations, nameiy, thnt the nt thirty or forty le principally au edu- riding Coneervative associations must cator, svharcas a teacher at twenty niay have a membcrship ot 250, and muet ha principaily a candidate for matri- hiave beaui active for three vears."' The mony," This new law o! the board le dasa! the "machine" lu politico are exceadingly nonsaeical whatevar numberod and the uew ciection bill wili, pro.nptad its cuactirient But than as we ardautly trust, hasten i s daath kucil, ladies remalu 28 yaars a! age for a lang __________te il will nut matter vary mueh. The liability' et subseribers wba take papere tram the post office ia Unquos- We said the now Rouie o! Refuge tlaned. Occasionall sanie nman tries and Gaol at Cobourg, would cost the * conclusions againet a publiiher lu court United Counities 81U0,000 00 before but iuvariably bas ta pay bill and cosîs, oerytbing was rouuded tp, honce we Judge Morgan gave thc puhleher of are not surprised that the Grand Jury the Richmond Hill, Liberai judgrnent in its presentmeut last wee ays: .,&u against W. GrCam, WeSton, for several the jail we faund 17 maie persans, ail o! ywears' subecription. The postniasee at whom were cammittefi thoe !orImiuor Weston was suDrmmonefi as a wituoss tao ffaucas. Iu the House o! Refuge there prove that some mmember ut the datand- are 68 inniates, 50 maies and 18 temales. ant's faniuly hacd taheu the paper tram We noticcd- in the House o! Refuge the ýoffice regularly, Defendant thare la no mens, such as la usuàl for claimcd that he had'vrbally told the escape lu the event o!flire. and would * publisher reveral yeares ago ta diecon- briug ta Your -Lordship'e notice the inue the paper, that hie himsecî had absence o! fira céscapeo. andi wouid ra- not taken the paper tram the Office, command, that Fuitabe mensco! thie But the tact- that thç3 papar had beau sort ha provided, as soon as possible., 'taken tramr the post office hy sam nien We thlnk aiea that a botter water * o! the defeuidant's tamuly established suppiy siaUld ha pruvided" the plaintiff 's dlaim ta pay ment. Sanie persans wouid have funny news- Business muen are discussing lu carnest papers, ta ýhear their criticienis. Thc the iriquitaus credit systani and the way man who edits the average newspaper, their croditis abusad We heard two cannot weil avoid treadlng au santie- local tradeemen discussing the prablea body's corns, at t ies; muet expect ta bc that leo ausing many otiers ta scratch censured for uiiintentional failutes; theïr heads ln thair diiemma just now- muet expeet bard work and few, if any. the givlng of uuliailted credît. They coammendatians; must expecet ta ha calied thought it dacidedly dishoucat for a man a caward because hie does not "pitch in- ta buy gouda at cash prices, aud tien ta" everythiug that sanie think niay ha aslk ta havIe thrent ehargad This would improved, and a fool if hae speake out flot ha so objactianable if hae came toa piainly un other occasions:. he muet araund Iu reasanable lime and paid for expect ta grind corne other f,3 low's axe tham. But said anc III eau namne yau and turu the grindstone hinisel! Still, mon who pramised ta pay store bille last we think ht is not the worst profession on1 taîl who have nat eaid a word* ta us earth; one in which the aarnest rman eau about payment vat, (lu Mareh), and do a great deaal o! good for hie fellowmen, *worsa than that hava beau payiug their and for the community and country in M money (reaily aur moues) ta ather which hae labars stores lnstead o! camiug ta us ta spend it or ta pay last yenr's bill." Stralght We quota tram an editorlal in theclast stealing o! the goode would ha anly a Ohawa Vindicatar on High Sehool shade woree. We sincerely hope thet mattors, the editor tiareof haviug at thase mean meu ara not readere o! this persoual disiike ta the beadmaster and nmaral tamfly jurnal. Read the obsar- neyer tires a! eaing naughty things Vation under Current Tapies. about the school, the Hlgh Sehoolr inspectar ta the cantrarv. notwithstand- * Anen tich iniquitous credit system ing: The Whitney Goverumeut bas j the opinion is advanced and correctîy !mada a great mistake ln not only kcep-t Bos0 too, that the frac and easy waye of ing tire samne educationiets who havep truetlug evaryona who asks for credit bunglad higb sehool work ail aloug, butt will ruin any man unlees ha bas a for- lu adding many mare o! the sainie class tune whieh wlll bring hlm a returmuOf pratessianal men, Everytblug let larger than bis salas. Ona had featura yiewed front a aity staudpaint, To of credic le that custanrers are given ta improve the public sehool and thc traneterring thair trade ta other stores University l thie present policy o! the when ased ta pay up. In numerous Departmant and the high eschool le casas if bas beau noticed that when a heiug made more or lees a uselese bur- t bill la overdua the buyar eneake around don on thc taxpayers. Apart tram f with hscash and trades witb competitora' those tlhinngs, 0.hawa bigb echoal is p p p p -i. We ivant ail the news o! West Dur- hami fit to print and invite weekiv news budgets !rom ail points in ail unrepre- sented localities, couceruing the district lnuwbich the writer resides, and such guews as may be deemed of generai interest; write facts ouly, avoid per- sonalities and scandai. Address: Tiaz >STÂTESMAN, Bowmanville. Dont seal the envelope and a cent stamp ias uf- fieient. We ail weleome the return of Sprl'ng for varlous reasans -the coid bas beau intense, suow very abundant and busi. iness rather duli. Then its ushering lu seenis ta have had the effeet of lobseuiing Up the reserve that has char- acterized an important element of the buying public durlug the past ten or twelve weeks. Thoughts of brlght dass ahead saem ta have a cheerin- effect, and are perhaps instrumenital in dispeiiing sonie of the pessimismn that was allowed to ý'creep in and stay lu many homes and business hoeuses 0where it shoun d not aven have beeu p allowed on the dooretep, FOOTBALL The annual meeting o! the Bowman- ville Foot Ball Club was> held lu Dr. Devitt's parlors' Friday March 20th. The foilowing officersi were elected for thecaoming seasan: B onarary Presidents J. A MeClellan, Esq , D. B Simpson. K. C., President; Rcv H. bMuuroe; let Vice-PreEiideut, A. R. Cameron; 2ad Vice-President, F C Vanstane; Sec's'., E. C Hligginbotham; Treasurer, G-ar- don Mitchell; Managers, Dr. J. C. Devitt, F. R, K-ralake; Managing Committee-MI. J. Bradley,,P. Westlake, E. A Loveli1; Groiuds Committee, C. R. Mason, R. G Dkien R. Chartr&n1. __It -was proposed that Pa Darlingr n Lagne be formed eomposed o! t ~ee teame frani the township and Bowman- ville, Besides enterlng a, team lu the Darlingtonleazue thev will also enter teanis ln the Midland League, The interest taken in football lu this section is greatiy increased and a ver y success fui season la expected Practice will begin as soon as the grounds are lu condition. _______ HOCKEY. The final gamne of hockey tu decide the wners lu the Town League was played Monday eveuing betweeu Orgau Factory and Beavers, and resulted in a victory for the former by the score 0f 4-1. The game was one of the fastest and most evenly coutested meeu here this season. Froni the start bath teame went at it with a determinatien to w4t and dld flot let up tili the gong souiaded for time. It would be diffheult to specify who plavefi the best gaine as everý'man on the ice rlayed the game okhis life. The game was witneseed by a largo and euthusiastie crowd. The officiaIs lu charge handled the game ta the entire satisfaction of ail. This etWo vears lu sucéession the D. O. & P. Co. team has beeu euecessful lu laauding the champioubhip If we are fortunate ta have a season we will expect ta hear more of these players lu the O. Hý A. rauke. The teamg lined Up as follows.--'Z Organ Factory,-Goal. J. ILunney; point, A. Darch; cuver, F. Marris. (eapýt); rover, Roy Jone; forwards, 1,. Hooper, S. Cole, C. Lunney, Beavers,-Goal, R Chartran; point, Reg. Joues; caver. C. Rowe; rover. A. Legge; forwards, V. Legge, Rl DiliiÈng, (ca pt); F. Williams. Referce, Dr, J. C. Devitt; Judgc of Play, Fred Osborne COBOURG SPRING ASSIZ-'" The Spriug Assizes apened liere ou Mouday at one o'clock, before His 1 Honar, Mr, Justice McMahon., VanCamp vs. Langmaid, a breach of promise case, wae eettIed out a! court by the parties reaching au agreemeut. Verdict was entered for the plaintiff for 1 81 and costs, which were fixed at $250, are ta ha borne by the dafendant. VanCamp vs. Langmaid, et, aiau action arlsiug ont of the first case, ta recaver value of a farm dlsposad of by the plaintiff or her family ta the defeud- ant for lees than its real value, in couse- j uenca of the alleged prospective t Earriaga betweeu the parties, was settled bï judgmant b5ing givan for the Plalntiff for $1000 and $800 caste againet the defendants Simpson & Blair for plaiutiff. R& R. Loscombe, K,., for the defaudants. t Forre3t vs. McClintock was an action to recaver balance of purchase money undar agreement Judgment was entered in accordanca with consent minutes. The defendant undertakes ta pay plaintiff the suin of $425, a ich party to pay his o wn cas.-D. H. Chisholin for plaintiff. S. S. Sharp for defendant, c ~1 Clark vs. MoMastere. an action linderf YINISTERS M>CIRH The Ladies' Aid o! St. Paui's churcl will hold a tea and sale ou April 13. Partlcu!ars later. The venerable Archdeacan Warren will preach lu St. Johu'a chich ai Bunday next at il a ni. and7, p. m. 11ev. John Garbutt, pastor o! the Methodist church. wiil preach a sermon on Recreation next Sunday eveuing. AIl young- people cordially invlted te attend. The Methodiet Sunday Sehool arc preparing for afirst-class entertalumeni ou the evening ci Easter Monday. Tii Lorchestra and members of the school will furuish the pragrani. Ieserve tht date. Mr. I. W Brawn, teacher training, Secretary o! the Provincial- Sabbath Sehool Association, will address a meec. ing lu the Disciple Church Fridar evening ai 8 o'ciock Ail Sunday School warkers and athers cordially invited. 1At the meeting a! Young Men'E Mornalng Hour àt, the Methodist church, Sund% v, Mr. Arthur Trcbilcock gavea 'v6ry eirring addrcs-s ou "Dutyv". Be. 4ore leavlng for Toronto ha was pre' a'n- d with a bible by the members of the public meeting will be held in the Ca nail Room, 'Bowmanville, 'Manday, Ma ch 30th at 8 p. m. ta diseuse the pro ru ey raf submittiug a by-law in fava o! Local Option lu this tuwn. AIl ntercestd lu temperanc cordiaill invi cd ta attend. Temperance Rally of the town Su day School- wiIl be heid lu the à1uthodist Church next Sunday after- n'oon at 3 p m, Singing and recita- tions by the echolars and an address by 11ev. Mi Munt, W. C. T. U. Mlssionary ta the lumber camps- lu _Muskoika -wli] be given. Collection. Public cordiaily invited. A religlous census et the city af Peterboro, which has juet beau coimplet. ed, shows the denaminations ta ha af the foilowing streugth: Roman Catholie 4Ü2Bý Mettiodiît 8991; Anglican 8626; Preebytarian 8008; Baptiet 1158; Salva- tien Army 894; Lord's Day Alliance 225; Christain Science, 54; other danomia tians 196. Sunday, Feb. 2, ail the congregation, Vlncluding Rv. A. MeD Haig, the ~nnster, made their way ta Essan five 4ilies distant au snow shaes or skis. The *kis stacked arjrund the woodshed îaoked quite comical. But roads are uow Mlowed out and a load froni each hause are off te O:ilîia ta get the ail eau, grcr basket or purse replenlshed p=eaedto meet each ather lu Orillia- Rugqby Correspondent in Ori1lia Times. 11ev. H. S. Matthcws a former highiy esteemefi pastar of Bawmanvilie Meth- odiet Câurcb, but now assistant pastor ot St. Paul'e. Methodiet chureh, Taraouto,1 was recentiy given an unique presenta. tian, On the occasion o! hie 701h birthday, ha was presented with a portrait o! himeelf, the work of Mr. J. W. L. Fureter.- The presantation was made by the cougregatian. Mr A. M. Featheretane oecupied the chair, and ta mark thaeeut 70 cauds were burned lu a birthday ca'ke- Rasv W. L. Arm- etrong read aougratulatory resolution Sassad by the Minleterial Association. A very- interesting review wae cou- ucted by tha Methodist Sundav School tinday when affer the àpenlng exer- Oie conductcd by Mr. 'A illiaru Trewin, ýuperiùtendent, a brie! raview foilowcd, lo the tities and Golden texte by Mr. John Eliatt, B. A., associate superin- tendent. Mr. W. Dîckins5n, Mlise Grace [Antan, Masters Russell Brown and Wilton Elliott and Mrs. Warnica aither in address or story toak up the lesson review lu a very interesting manner rvhiclu wit4 music by sehool and Director Loweu's orchestra and a duet by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pichard completed a very succestul plan o! the work of the quarter, Barrîster MeLeanaf Newcastle fa ce' liously remarked at Durham Oid Boye Banquet that "'frein the church ta the peuitentiary Durham boye lead " Mare es a paragraph about a Bawmanviile boy trant the Dominion Presbyterian, ;L'at shows the carrectuese a! the state. ment ab lar as the Church lseconearned: "lu a recent issue raterence was made o-, a eau hbavinog ceeu cxtanded ta Rev. 'Tail MePherson, M A., D. D. ,formerly of Hamilton, now ot Indianapoise, by he Tabernacle church, Louisville, Ky, [ha eau has bacc dcclined, although it carried »Ith it a salary of $5.009-a housand dollars more than Dr. Me- Pharson receives at- present, and yet people tail us that the, biggcr salarv always influences the minister'e ehoice." The Epworth Leaguere o! the Meta-. odiet church had as the subjeet of their meeting Tuesday evaning 'ýCanada" and the pragram was a very patriotic one under the direction o! Mr A E. ..ovall and Mils Lillian MebeLPan, the E BRITISH AMn * Alld wiiI ali SDress Goods Stoc li NoW Co, A il the latest and m goods are in such as fancy with satin stripe, ai-so al ~.. Voiles, checked Voiles, Satin ale- Granite Do Chene, Ladies' M- stripe Tweeds, creain WorE Serges, trimminge ta match qmptete. most -up-to-date colored voiles plain shades lu LCloths, Serges, iClothe, fancy rsted and wool ail gaads. £faàck, Co(ored and Fancy Silks. Oue case o! this line o! gouda openad Up everytlhing in black silk train 0 the 21 inch width silk at 30e a yd up ta -the 37 inch silk at 61,75 in colorcd silk aur stock le na w complote in India oËlike, British Taffetta aud Satins faucy sii a range in ail colora vcry handeome patterns and .-~. - - 2Oth Century Brana Clothting for Styf isb Dresses Our Spring Suits are moving out fast corne now and piek out your suit frorn -the -most perfect fltting clothing- in Town.- Our suits wilî give you satis[aution. 2oth Century Brand garments are nioted for fit, style, qualivy and extra, pool linings throughout give us a cail and sec the nicest and most Up to-date stockL of clothing in this Town. Sher Flannels. English Flannelettes m,) pieces in light and dark patterns ranging in price frorn 8e to 18c a yd also white flanneettes rang- ing in price frorn 10e a yd up to 20e Dori't miss this chance. Go Best English Prin ts. ýtEngiish prints opened ap ail fast'coloi ark sha, les, the beýt print or the markel CRibbons of altl Kinds. ie latest stripes and waaves also ail plaii fui range of Muslins,,Delainettes, Ginght is line. Vress Lénens, o x complete,- everything you want can s ini ail colors and wid.ths from the baby 'TBRY.& COLI1 ir Produce. B SSPRING TERM from April 5th merges loto our S Summer Termn from JnIy eth, Enter uo-w and be ready for a îr. goo stoation ln the early * « autumu. New Catalogue free. Write for lt. CENTRAL BUSINESS Yong & errrdSE.,Trn COLLEGErrad ts, Toono -w oods at aid prices. Cnrlui light grounds with Bt, spocial prica 14e a yd. n colore as Craam, Pink, lams, Vesting.' OuLr show- ibe tound liere iu rancy yribbon width up to 9 lus MIJED, owmanville,ý ESTABLISHED 1856 A great redaction iu Stock and Ponltry Foods Cail aud sac aur prices.- A tull assartmaut ou baud. Now-, lethe tima ta leave your arders for "SeedS",and Ideal Fdilce PETER-MURDOCH. Steamers saul from Portland 2 p. m, First Cluse rate $6500; Second OlaSs $4250 and npwards aceoi ding to steamer. à MODERATE RATE SERVICE, * To Llverp.)o18$45.00 ]Learn to be a Barber To London $2.50 additioni Men and women taught in eiglt weeks-tools oup Third Clasa to Liverpool. Londonderry, plied-graduates earn from $1200 to $1800 weekly- HtasGlaýsgow.452,so. aton an ctalPoeitW, sent fraon re frfuest. rm. For ail information apply to Spadina Ave., Toronto. Ontarjo 8,4MI. A. JAMES, Agent. )t< j )FOREIGN GoDS ARRVD on Show Wednesday Morning. One case of the besi * mail patterns also ail dî Drees linons lu ail the Blue, Green, and a beau--if la M ing was nover as big iu tI Our ribbon stock je no r.ý ib bons and plain ribbons iu width. _ MoM iBrillg Us You NOTICE TO PUBLIC Wm. Tannant, V. S., having pur- cbased tic zood-will and practice a> Dr. F. H. S. Lowray. V. S , is about ta open an office bere. Pul particulars latar. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. il ; 1 , - "i

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