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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1908, p. 7

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BAYS YSIH Dy Terrible Eczma-Head Became a Mass, of Itching Rash and Sores -WouLd Scratch Till Blood Carne -Much Money Wasted ln Fruitless ,Treatments-Disease Was Soon CU REDAT SLIGHT COST 8Y CUTICURA REMEDIES Our iittk gIrl was two montha old àalln ýe go a ash on hec face and withn fie daa hr faccl and hvad were 1 i oneisore. We used different ramne- rbut i o oe isedo letter and 'we huhnhe e1 Ublnd ad that ber ears would fali off. Sho suffored terriby, and would seratoh rad tohpin her bade down This went on until she was five suonths old, then I had lier Viider our f anlly doo- tor's -are but she contliuüed togro Veorse, d adit was eczema ,When even months od 1 started te useC'tt r SopCuticura Olntrnent5 and uieuraRaoent, and in three - ':owhat achange I I kept using the Cuttoura. Rernedies for two months and cur baWby Twas a different girl, Y-iu could 110; ee a slgn of a gores and rche ï a as fair aM a nev;-bo(rn baby, and ail ar the gmail coct of a dollar and saventy- *v cents whoeawe had spent ten Cine.. thi.- noney fo-r dnctor ng-.8h. la now tw~oyears old and liasfpot had a 2n cfthe eczesna aince. M . . Byan ItchiýngîlumolAsoto Cure by Cuticura Remiedies. "I broke ot4t with a humor whlèh g -dalmaosail& over my body. The 1 -ig would get worde on retirlng iso1 iotia nt ieep. 1 trled çaveraà tqnedIns bu It grew worse until 1 t eM( cuticura soap and Cuticura P ils uliich hegan ta reievenme at once.BY thxe OrIne 1 had used one via] of the Pilii flhumo was entirely gone. 1 wishl e au'ear vould secure fthe Cuti- cuIra Remedies. Travis Bates, Harnburg, Ark., Aipril 26, 1907." r rl.fg ne11MruiTreatment olku~uatut5t o: MiCIth km. edcu, rlRooVCt~~n 1he torm oi çCtoicoht tet t'tnbaîleoworld. Potter Drug Vh. MOr., sôe ProPs. Boton, M'te" aufl-LF4ree. Cuticura Book on Skin Diseasee. ASKED '1O SEBU A !aALIVE. Mode ot Denth Selected by a ChInaman Condinxned for Fractiolde.' Hlough Justice as AI s admin;steredi" la mniot parts of Çhina is som'etirnes '~prdby indix idual taste9, as an 4jdn.printed lna ene of the China; putjoi~alsateas.A man in su-: r s ~ - CH-Eh ERlEB FORi SUFFRÂUE Inoipfient Riots Were Cliecked in Berlin By the Police. A dcspatl from iBerlin, Germany, 'savs: The pcople et lthe casl sidret Berlin paid silent trhbule on Xedacs- day te Ihe mcmory cif the rexelution- lis h wvbe i kcililed lu the strect flght- ing in this city in 1848. An iinpes- ing crewd et synpathizers gathereci mi thi-- grav e-eftIhe deîd men in Frieder- ichshain Park, which lsataIthe centre o, th-e eat aide district, end -heaped tem hîgh witl fIew'ers ani wreaths. Towards the close ofthcl day a huga Crosvd gatbered ah the Halle Gate an,] mrched up Frederick st.reet singing' BUILDING THE EMPIRE TH1E MILE-RED- SEA RAILWAY AT FORT SUDAN. Important Resuif s Falltiting on Opens- tssg ot thea Nue ta the PRed Sea Lina. Ia Januery, -1896, wrihes Sidney Low iu tle London Standard, Lord Cromer, acceuipunircd by tIa Gevernor-Gener,ýal et tle Sudan, by a bevy etofflcials, and by guarch'3oethenn o etblujacketa. me- rnns, ani British mand Egyptian ifa- try, opeaed tle Nile-nedSea fleilssay ai Port Suden. la January, 1907. Lord Cremcr's suc- cerss-3r, Sic Eid-oni Corst, visiting tle ,nme localily, declered hunseit amazed ai îl.e cubstaiial end rapld pregres siloI ad been miade uinder île direc- to of ethîe Biish officers and officiais silo cenirol tle affaira efthîe Rcd Sea provinice. Unlil I wcnt tc Por Sudan rryself, tîmeugli I lad heard a goed demI about Il in Klarteum, I lad ne idea liaI tle devalopuient et a greai ýcommercial emporium and port of cail was Ieing carciad eut on tuis rernarh-able scale. Iexpecîrd te find a railway station, a tew shanties. and an impreovised quay or lwo. 1 teuad , instead, imposing wlarves and bridges et atone and iron, a range et massive weirceuses. cranes and ioading machinery, sema fine build- ings alceady erected, -otîcrs Ini prgress; efreels, squP.r40a. end public gardens ýlanned and riartîs- laid -out-, a husy the. workingrnen~s Marsellaise and oehlr Socialistic .&ngs, and shouting "Ilur- ]ah fer universal suffrage!" The crewd tried t e rch Unter den linden, but f<ii pproaching withln a blecit observed a Ihick cordon -et mcunted police oc- cupying the strýeet aiead, and turned ii a aide street, hoping teo reach thélr o bjective peint by anether route. They fPîund al l e cross streets held by tle poi.ce, ]bewever, ani macle a side de- leur tow ard the casîle, Pventually reach- ing the Reichsbank. The police drew flair ýsabras and torced tle nmarchtng crosvd tW rtreat. GETTING THROUIGH IAP LINES. Clîlese Spy Carried a Message From OneaRusafan Canerai ta Another. BAT ORANGES MOST FAMOUS SWINDLER[ IF YOU WAI¶T TO KEEP WELL 1 DEATU END -A IEMAKA Careful tests have proved beyond question that orange Juloe has clear- ly deflned medinal virtues. Those who suff.i' wlth InUigestion-are com- pelled "to diat'"-find that after eat- lng oranges regularly for breakfast thare la no distreas, ne palpitation. Wl'ere" thece waa a tendency ta- wards constipation, the. eatIng of or- anges regulated the. beweia. ln skia troubles, t4ose who began thxe morning meal with aht &ia.ige were noticeably lrnprved. Thece la, ho-wever, a qutcker way ta get better results. This la te take one or two **Frult-a-tlves" tablais ai bedime lnaddifltio.n te th~e juice of an orange before breakfast the nazi mornlng. "Frult-a-tives" are, the jutoese o oranges, apples, flgs and prunes, lu whlch the nma4lcinaî action la many tînmes loetnaîtied by the spe- cial way of cornbkning tlem. Valu- able tonics are tlan added. Talc. the jizice of an orange before breakfastb.-iake Ilrult-a-t4ves" ai nght-aad you wIll quiolcly Ixe rld et Indigestion, Stomnaeh Troubles, Con- tiâlnand Biiuw'.TYuitýa- Chinese bencsty is proverbial, but tives" are scia by 0,1l dealers at B0c a %vould seeni te have ils exceptions. The box-fi ffor $2.50. Senti an reSetpi ef [1ev. .leln H. K. De Forest, for thtrty- pric e by -Frult-a-ives," Llttd, rive ý-ears ceident In Japan and isigli O~a iht hIeconfidence- etfJapanese states- Ien and officiis, tGAldoetan episode, etwhiohhe hlid personal ]unowIedge- whc ih he-rm o urh- iMa-IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND 'Semaeofthîe spies usai] by bell aides during the ivar were Chinese,' le setd. "Complications net inîrequently resuit- NEW'S BY MAIL ABOUT IOHN BULL cd. "Kumopaikin oe day lied a parîlcu- AND HIS PEOPLE. laniy important message to aend ta Gen- Steoessel. To gai threugh île Japan- ese uines seemed aimost out eft île ques- occurrences In the Land Tisai Reigps lion, but tle Russian commander went le.- a Chinese tamous tor hi&s-klill and Supreme ln lhe Commercl intrepidhty. The nid teitow didn't want World. ir risk i, but Kuropaîkma cajùled him te il, giviug hlm $300 and prornisiag A rat netean liehs long lias bacc him $200 when le veturned. killed ai Yewssb, noir- Aidecalot. "When le ceached tle viclnity oethîe Teli odNnuneaalI s Japaeselins, wtb n itenton IaItale valued fer prebate ah £988,386. lad cvidently-been witls hlm Irm thIe atari., le went etraighite Kuroki, in- Il la propaaed le held a pageant In aisling that his business sves vecy pres- the Ronman am-pitheatre at Dorchester lu g. i1909. "He explained in full Vo Kurei liati is estimatai] lIaitIahre arc 5,000 tie Bussian Genermil had gis-en lim a Americans permanently residing in tle lask which l-e oould net perforin le- cily -et 'Lndon. cause o! tle admirable disposition -et thc The guardians eofthie Lambeth Work- Japanese terces, thai theretore le hatth,,,use hae decided te send tlirty peu- dfrac the next bfraI hing and ceme per etilîdren ho Canada, straighti te lîlustrieus leader eft ile Ona hundred and tsvexty officers end tiuniphani Japanese. "Kur<ki rcad lie despalch, gave -,tmen 'of the Thîrd Coldstre-ans lef i tack Wa hlm. bide hi go on to esas &utlamptoa rcceatiy, beýund tor Eltypt. sel withlA and reiurn witl tle anssver Themas Bentlen, a Cimeani veteran, tdi the, lannneqe, camn w .er . .,.ia uwho derli-Acersllv Jlaextreme nos-ris CABEER OF CRIMIE. Rlobbcries on Extensive Scai-MNarri' flUes and Duels Figured in Ilis Lite. The death is announced et Milan ot one of the nmt farnous sawindlers in E'urope, George ,,asülescu, Duke of 01- ranto, and Prince Lahovray, both ti- lies being self-conferred on him. Hae was a mon of axtraordinrmy good leeks, a perfact figure, a bright, amiable dis- pco&ition - ad ail the necessary ilu.p- ment for the Chevalier l' Industrie. fe was born in Boumania torty years aM, the son ot an army efficer. Ha ram away trom a niilitary academy ut Gai- oatz and went ta Constanin-opie. lie îoon ahsoonded with the pe)cketbcok and the prize bea-ut.y cftihe Pasha!s ~harem. He was arrea-ted acress the Greek trontier and attempted suicide, He wus taken tc, a hospitai, where the hanmme youth attracted ha attention of Queen Olga, who xvas visiting the isîcit. She procured bils ceIrase, and gave,-hlm money enough ho take hlm home, lie leIt Boumaniathie second time a &towaway on a grain steam- er, and. reached Paris, He smon stola encugh to. set up a large villa in the tashionable quarter. He drove his -own r-arrnage on the. Bois de Boulogne and Ikared lits horses at L.ongthamps. Pre- ýen1!,y Justie e veriool< hlm and ne lwssenxt kmlait., When hae wes reie&sed tram prison, four or five years later, lie visited Lofi- dron and Monte Carie, and went te Cen- lada as the Duke of Otranto. In $an ýrranc!eco he w-as the nephew -of the Minisfer et Washington. Thence lu, want to Japan, and atterwards te Tioneluiu, where he fleeced a ricli wi- ctow. FLEEC-ED A MILLIONAIRE. From Henolulu ha went to Chîcage, where lie became engaged to the daugh- ter of a mîlîonaire. He returned to tendon and got elght months at hard laber fer steaiing jQwelry frem hotels. Aller this nie went Ie Brussels, where )i-, rescued a rdch Braziliari tram a geng irf ruffians and escerWedhim 10 a ho- tel, picking his pechels ef 810,000 whle tox tle way. A short vtsit to Monte Carie as the Duke of Otrante netted hlm 200,000 ciowns out et e dIch, Hune garien widow. Afler iservlng anether sentence Ia jail-fer a hetel rolbecy at Nice, le visited Italy, where hie neathie Countess Angelica von Kenig6bruci, o. îne-mber ef one -of the most distinguieli- ed ,Saxon famnilles. Posing as a weai- thy Beumnanian land-cwner, hae marrted her in Genca. The marage was ceiebrah-ed bere ei fashionabie audience liy the Arcli- TIIE TEMIERAIRE TYPE. The New Warships are Infinfly Sa- perler tu Dreadnought. A despatcl troniLo«ndegn say-ý: Speak- îng in tle Heuse ef Lords .on Wednes- day evening, Lorid Tw<oedmeuth, Firïti, Lasrd etf the Admiralty1, detended the îpOlicy of tle Government in atfraining tenp.orarie tram iaying down a Wage number aLt leiih1ps, and said fiat tlEý constructlon -of battleships just n-ow parieokl largety of the nature of .an eý;- perimieut. reat Bitains tIra. vesseis -of the Temeraire type, ha declared, wece iafiniteiy suiperler te the Dread- nought type, and tle lIra. vesisels of the St. Vincent typa fweuld »,e an lm- provemient on the Terneraira type. InI the eprlng of 1911 Great Britain wouid Lave three squadrons -ot four slips eci efthîe St. Vincent type. No power la the worid weould be aile te assemble euch a fleet otf îrst-etass battleships, Lord Tweedmoutl declared, and he could aimostsamy Ibai a combinat-ion -cf ail tle pmwersaoethîe mworld woluld net be able to put an equal isquadren a te besea. For Infants -and Children. The 'KInd Yon Have Alway: Bought Beare the. Signatux-. of ONTARIO BUIDGET SUAIMAR1ZED. This Yeas's Es(iniated Beceipts Amouirn tu Over $9,000,000. Lait year'a surplus, $66000. Beceipta 1er tle year juat losedwerq '1-1320,419, and eýxpeniditures 87,714,24,5. E'Stim-aied reco'ipîs fer 10,icu ing cash balanies onla ,ar I 595,856. EFiltmated expanditure fer the yeaie 19Û8 has$7,5Ù1,875. During tha past lîrea ytzàrs ý hesurd pluses have ameunte d, ta $1,656 ý1 4. If tle Gcverameat lied net oxtended Credit to luntarmnnthe surplus wouWd liave been $1,106,000. O! the estimated expendi(itur-e $880,000 la k 1epecial work. BteceOli,îs trenithe Temisikamning anà Nerî,hcrii Ontario Raiiway ame-u-nled tf4 $853,0fl, of which the provinceý recels'- ed 825,00 vhicl was e-pplled on fb9 b4an. This year, l 1s estîmatedj, the province will 'e-ceive 8200,000o. rThe Temiiskaming and Nemitîemn On. harle BRailwey will be cempleted 10o coû- aect wiil tle Grand Trunk Pacifie ai Go)chrane. Ont., by Sept. 15. The PrevinciaL Goverumant wili fleat a toain Englaad la inte Autumnn. SCIIOOL PANIC- IN PRUSSIA. Tep ofet làttle -Ones TrampledUintd Unconsciousness. - --- ---- ---- ---- When any portion cf food rernains in the stomach end refuses te diget, it causes the torments of idigestion. This undiglested food rapidiy ferments, irritating the sensitive co'atîng of th'e stomacli, while other parts of the body, particuia h had, suffer ini conselquence. So long as this undigested food remains in the stomaçh, the discomfort continues. -A few doses of stop ali ernxentati~n sweeten the clontents of the stomâch and give siaturai assistante thaIt r elieves the st mach of its burden. The use of Beecham's Pifl graduaily strengtlens the stomacli nerves and soon restores them to a normal, heal thy condition. Beecham's Pis positively cure ail stoeniach troubles, while their beneficiai effects on the liver and kidneys greatly improve the gen- eral health. Beecham's Plla have been used and recommended by the gen- *crai public for loyer Lifty years. Prcpared ouly by the Proprîetor, Thomoi Beecham, .St. Mlelons, Lancashlro. Eng, 51 o verywherc tu Canada and U. 9. Anserfca. fa bozoos c.*t.

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