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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1908, p. 6

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CURRENT TOPDC'S. N0 MORE RhIENAITISMI v_ýt1f« s or TH-F MINES Tpe a, l'U FRUIT-A-TIVEV GRED HIM ES T-A SrC Eaný in Lnidon iDrcught for- N IDA b Shakeý,r,, - LARGE SLABS OF PURE INIETAL Christopher D. Graham is a well PIcS tl',st ý-[1. Lhe nlay.i, and. couxi- ward bý a àcGm"tt,ýee of no4ebles ccil- known citizen of Ottawa-formerly in C;l -of PeliL(,,l) 1be «'Daily TIIE CROW RESLnv£. 'OF CAlqADA tinues to bc a topic of pungent discus- the City Hall and largely instrumental says, in a recý îssue: "The City Coun- in Englond. The disputants have in, form'ing the Ottawa Ilunt Club. Mr. Cll ýgot thr,ýjïFý a big batch -of busii1«ýs Head Orec,-ýý divided jnto iwo camps, one' made UP Graham's voluntary testimonial as to. ýýird wenc 1,,i aijourri and ri lien About Four 11undred Native Silver of, adhË,i,ýnLs lif the clonimittee',s project Finds on l'%lontreal River Section' thegreatbenefithereceivedfromtakin.- 11, rrp ùn ll«-i;,r tor1sL't"t1,ý wiffi 1 owhship. JOINT DEPOSIT, AC W lerêct a monument, the, o1her of thc 4 (pruit-a vi ti u (ý,ziîýfiýp., 'Ilil, (ýouncii, of Janiq T Deposits may bc made or withd friends ýif ýý memoiial thcatre. D'y scmle _tives,, will carry cou le 0 t8i1ý. Tavrn by eithrr of -m h, This form of account is specially suitable for thozý living ,à pnocess of reasoning wlrich is not elcar Gcoffrcy W. Dicli- a,; just, iirned f deï C a ry.e " uÉi- an attend to the banking when in towt.. In casc of Àt this dislan ce the champiiDns) ül the thei-,Dby do b froin a1rip to the wid by the survivot without delay orcost. Write.orcuilfor nelss witWýid 11iýý diý-1ract1.uýi, caused by acti\ýi\ ýýnd considerable r, monument scheme have reached the reports; great Prosy talk, oýi(ý ids ari evil which ýe.\,citemeîit ni tle ne\\ cauip on acourit Interest added feuâ, liw.î 'Little Liver Pillse cý-jnclusiçn that contrLbutî dcvours tlx, of Our paplia- et recciÉ finds. A new find has, been abroad might, be ýexp-ecte4 and accept- made 'on the Willian-i's, claini, very Savings Bank D-epartment in Connec muet Beekr SIgnature of el for a monument but not for a na- mý,ntary and rcpresents net ci.,-se to the Keeley claini, and said te ciily masto of time and money, buLdis- beequally as good a6ý Keeloy's find. Nu- tiolial, theafre. traction froin the, peai business cf, par- merous reports have been circulalled BOW MANVILLE 1 liament, There is an inimense &al cf regarding offers fl)r the Keeley claim, J. jolmes, Xaný There are dangers and diýsappülnt- lime wasted, in lalk by icivic and kgis- but the writer bas it on very good ýaiithc)r- r-RAivcu Aiso Air c ily Iliat Keelley aetually rifused $125,000 Seo Fac.Slmlle wropper Below. m-ents in the thcatale prýojý',Pt, but they lative, bcdies, as well as iri busines,ý f,)r the lot. on which lie is now bagging are tc, bt welcomed rallier than the pno- nýcgoMtions. Busi-nessý D'en ý0fte11 fecl ei e every day, writes a Gobai V»"-Bmoa OU&OO Our t c(ýrres- V-dete plant, when unde -ound babilitiles involved in the moilument th, _rgi *.% that a icaller at a business office- Nvill pendent -of tire Globe. The stahinig - mci-k will be resunied with an increased v to take M-gmirffl runitier in the neighbourhood of '00 slheme. The Promise of a linge pile force. persist in talking and talkii ûady bav e extended over Beaa rue RUAC0919 &,-vised in the inisLahen veal, of one or ,ýrcndùi.g as niuch tiiiie, cver a trifling WILL GO ON DE\ E CARM IO 1, , Nkuritain and staking is now ing î a dozen artistie mediocriti-es is not cal- Ottaw Ont. NOv. 26th, 1907. matter as a butsiness man wloul do, in (Icnc to the sentir of Beaver Mouritain W Superintendent CharlýG O'Conncil of FOR 61LîQuýNEss.ý culated te unloosle the purse strings Dear Sirs:- btiying a -d,ýamship or a railway.-,Be- the mentir cf the Matabichewan River tlic 6reen-Nlceian has been in New York yond, a it and necessary Iii The stakin cf the judicieus, Cx,-mpetitive designing I have been a sufferer from R -g done te date lias been rý,cently on business, and A FOR çoksTIPATIOlî ýss and luincipally on Shepherd's timber iiiiiit, that arrangements wiil Le made to re- does nüt prejuce the best rcs-ults, frein atism for a long time -pains in My t"ýý is an ý_,LstructI-On te busine where an abundance -of fine limber surnle, opera bons on the properly nt an the aritist. The bathos of a huge, cost- shoulder and joints practically all the cur city fpilliers do well W eschew jt TII FOR Tý4E cý1WLEX10,W Loth pine and maple, is te bc, fourid. early date. on the Red Roclý, Superill- ly, prete*nt,,ous, and nrediocre monument time. 1triedvarÎoustreatmentswithout beyciid what ie, absolutely necessary. Elan Johnson has been-liviiig in tWi tendent Thomsen is Lýoepujg up the de- The qi 1Vý 'clutmie, 4, the greât Ssýth(,,tic gemus of eur race benefit and then 1 recomiaended d'strict t,ýventy-four years, and ruirs a -clopme ý-1XM nt, wol'k willi the usual forýe of children 1 Is roL te ba faced with equamrnity. il byafriendtotry"Itruït-a-ti,%,mll Itook COMIC EA,ý',TEB GIFTS, general store, which is a great coriven- aLout, 20 mûri, and sonie good results they disl w-ould i-n(-,rit the eurses cf hisshade, and several boxes of the tablets, aricl riow, iencýe te prospectons, and Niontreul aru, lexpectea Le bc reporied at the Red puzzling the nialiedictieus of a posterity èwmed for 1 a longtime, 1 have beeti entirely A curJous casr, o 1 f deteriorati-cn is Io River postoffice is only one and a hall Rock during the corning isuiliffiler. Y-0 uil 1 1 1 AD«VEF,'.LISIXG RATE f, V views lir te pass, unc-easingly under the vast sha- freé from all rheumatism and rhelru. be- n-oted in the changes gradually tak- miles from Johnson's st-ore. Thrre Is a clorresporident bas r ceived ad ice fiý,ý,rn celucai ici, ink, place jik iruiiter of EaSter gifts. farming district near at hand but t1w, ilie ûvviiers of th, Cobait Contact that t4c qucý The c(,iiti(iiai ;statesman ta pubiiabea dcw of Our býanaIiIy. Shal,-e,-,,pe-are needs' atic pains. L' lowers kr people and cggsý foT. torrilory isvery rough and . brokeri where arrangements bten complet-ed tc saying svery rnorning at the office I wish to itate, also, that 1 suffered mâieral has been found. D-oriln's install the c-01-nprcssor plant and W ge Stq;,teaman Block, Kinl ytrect, tir, giant mernorial. But il we of th tlie children w(,i-e the two, original ftho te gerier ont" by M' from haemorrhoids, ca piler, f tr years, sý,,,inboIe cf firm bas boen surveyed in towri lots lahead witli the developmelnt work CI dit- ï.nd _rroprietor. 1 $ubscrîption twont:elh century would honor ourselves trie secred festival. Tlioese and il, is ealculated that a litalthy t-o,;ý,,n the property ,ý,Jde te, 1 used ali 1, 11 tural expression of the-irids of ointments and \verc the a . with lEn incrensed force. au(j that 3 Plýr fkilnuin, or $1.00 It paid in hci-roring him let us make. sure thal, ection L-uth-lile, bursting 'Aýill spring up. Frein presoýnt inclina- The resulis strict],, in pcivance. Advertieing r-.ýeo, treatment azid notiiiiig did nie any good, 9reat Resurr, attained al Lhis property Ili, Tho wi adv'ertIming, ton cents per jine, Our act of honor bo'worthy cf hRcr, through. temporary fetters and spring- t-kirs endon ticecunt of easy acc4,ssibility date have been inýmt sclisfactory iiiid t, 1sý t e trot ýi,-ertion; five cents per lime each but after taking " Fruit-a-tives' 1 for My vvit elabsepamteint Insertlon. contract r4Ltfçý on ing into new bleauty. The first Easter this new belt is bound W bc a busy the Properfy sh,,ýuld je)in the li6t of reg- week all applIc on. rheuniatisin 1 am entirely cured of these cards, drevi their decorations fcdïh thes ýý plice during the suminer, prospectons ular shippers. during (fic, su The -biggest saklonkleep-ce and liquor dreadful pile& (Sgd) C. D. GRAnAm. simple ýIllotives, eertainly the mosi ft-xi-n the upper district can land at the North Cobalt Mine is still close'd Clown! fuý duri, T() U. S. SUBSCRIBERS. Fruit-a-tives or " F'ruit, 149 beautiful and appropriate, which wuld nOuth of the Montreal River daily from but preparlions in the, way cf ooal and srýheoI in sý,clIer in the W,ýorï!d is the czar cf the Liver Tablets" are sold by dealers at 5oc a box 'ler be, devised. Pres-ently the, old Ger- 1-Jalleybury and parties corning frmn other supplies are being made to re- Statesman will be $1,50 a year Rusýsi&s,. He ls propriellar -of all the sa- -6 for $2.5o--or will bc sent on receipt inan legend cf the luires . and the, Eastee the south cari. make an easy trip in froni suine operations Pt an early date nd have be( 'IA all >-ibscriblers in the United States, locris in his vast demain, and, thus of price. Fruit-a-tives Idimited, Ottawa. oggS came into prominence. Brought Mattawa three limes a wHeek-. te continue during the surniner. The fr,ý the ,vvhJ,,Ii i,' ivIo Portions of our country by the Ruby Silver whkli Ïon since $1.00 flor subscription. and 56 Owns the- biggest, trust -on earth wiLli adjoins Thý., Bcd more tha 'Û,"ri ts klr Postage. AIL subscriptions German settIeirs, A has spread to ether NATIVE SILVER lINDS R(i,,Iý, has net Wn ni opleratî of evil in -ton totally barrled, with profits ; been fer salle. y comp( ftn lis b b", Paid in advence'. Pqrsons, 1 completit« regi 10 n s last November, but ha, who enrid the paper te friends in U. increasing evory ycar. Vie 'away. No o4her lumbering cperation 1 lilçe our own New England, The new maps are -out of thelMontreal where il is absolutely awaningless. The Il, is staied en good uthority that un- l,, River section -of James township, and sult of IL must govern tliemselv6s acccrding- great, whit,-, czar's goverrinient encour- illuislrates sr) vividly, rerhaps, the, pîneh egg in the meantirnîe having been sup- show approximately 4w native silver Irsýs seine sales now in view niateriûl- bÏ: Lasteý, )Y. , We regret the necessify for this aged dri-nk te such a degreû last year in the timber supply-all over the world. pleunented by 4he- chick-presuinably to finds, which is, considercil a very mucli iyf,, the cwners will make Brrangernents thu, exe-c'] -change, but the -nýe;%v Postal Treaty tLat the Incorne derived frein the sale ýEvery yeni- timber cruisers, are poing rnake, the, lesson. clebrer-tho chiI(fý; better sh-owing than waLs ma&, in Cote- Io -opprat,- their property cri their own cet anyt irfifi4s A imperalive. Canadian sub- East r gifts began týo Lake on the char- man township, at a sirflilar stage of account. On the Pride of Cobalt worh jî,not en :scribers will pay only Sioo as, florin- of vodka exceeded Every ftiiýth-er afielâ and cutting trecs Pas b-een closeld down all výi'n1er. acter of a. menagerie. A particularly pocd One m- du former Limes of abundance, the' , developinent. Cr]Y, tnd w4, request Ol who ean Io ycar the Russian plcasants and work- y The immense popularity cf the chiý-k en the governed showing was made last year ORE REDUCTION COMPANY. pay fil advance. 50-4w. nien ,nre said to, get drunker, dirtier, Passed because of the cf airl the harc n-ext stimulated the in- wost sidc -of the river in th h'east niushy cý thc forest. Meantiine, sornebody has ge Pl more miserable, and more bruLal. The nuity ýof the tradesman te, invent iiew corner -of Jarnes tûwnslii whoc tý, Tho plant of the Ore Bedu-,;ion Gour- ilon pictu A. E. MeLA«UGI-ILIN. iiiiperial grog shops are small and, un- fý,und the grcýat forlest of Kenia, in &f- ý,ariat';.ons -of the theme. This season li.cky Godfrey lsyndicate has six vcrýý Vla- Pt&I-IY '011 ilie Nipissing property is now rnany su thr &hop windcws are filleKI with roo-s- lutible claims. A finit made on Or iconipleited and in operation. Thils Here om VarrIster, Solicitor and Conieyancer. c1ean, with a couriter at crie. end and Il is the tropical continuation of ters, chieks, hares, and ducks, net only týese claims last Nevembler bas just Plant was built by the Cobalt Conoeii- and disli E)fnce:-Bleakley Block, King Street, il a lino of fomst running thi,,oiigh, CaPe in their natural feathers and fur, but, niade known. A meeting -of the Lucky trat-ors, I.imitÏâ, aiid flie plair is a dry ýo ferrn ]Bowmanville. Moncy ta loan at re&son- mW's cf bolttles of vari.ous sizes a able rates. arou'nd the Nvulis fiýom floor Le ceihng. Colony arid the Traýiýisva,,tl. AccSding rnasquerading as policcinen ai-id ,ýerv1ng- Ccdfrey syndicale is being called a( pr(,,cýess, similar t'O a fleur milling pro- tcn, and ROBERT V. Sý The people are not allowed tc, drink te a r-ccerit celonial rcpý,,rtof the srurvey, niaids, riding in automobiks, wearing once Io arange for the develor,)ný t -of cess. A sinall amount A is 287 rniks long by eiglit brcad, and huge hats (the label en one is "Wheýre the proporty and probably Ln tahle outa lun through every day in air experimen- soup, an 0T,ýrý1Ciý IN nonsEY'S ]BLOCZ. en theprlernis-es, se they go to the dolor- d.d. vou get that hat?"), cerrying urn- corioad of -ore, which eau, be bagged frein Lai wav, , and, v,,ýhile the ,vork being tielh-cent pposite Town 13ail Entrancn, step break -off the neck of th-eir bo comprises a million acros cf tiniber at brlelI,ýs, and eiigage,ý.1 in iiil sorts cf lu- the surface -on the big new vein, dis- &ne i's parily experiniental, res1ilts it !S imr where lie will ho found froni 8 a.m. ta P.M. Night C.-Ills at residence, a lieight -behveen, 610W endi 9,OW feet (lica7ýou.s pursliis« A ra1bit play ing ou eç\yered last. November, and ivlitch is have been satisfaciory, an A is lOPcd ing for ly oppozite lPrî.ýï Shed., 17-ly. above sea level. it is esthnatoj that a violin, with ftýree chicks û1^1 a bench from six Le cight inctres in width of by theiniddle of the month Io have the practise Iling IL, into the street. The bottle helds 1ýoýpks, are melýntcd on sclid iiie[,al, ýsinaItite and ni,ýkeIite and, plant running te its full CaP Ci1Y f 1 th kind lhý, total 'value is a 0 00 6 SI-IVTËSON &'BLAIR, about a wine glassful 'of the imperial a "1,--aster B, ýea-_-;al." A nalivesilver. IL is calculaied that bc- tc.ns per day. The -ore being riar through iýý a reail Slý,.IPSON, K. C., CHAS 1'. (11 119 and CCSIS 5 'cents. The daily rabij't ni a. waInutý-heiI chariet, fore the end of 1908 there vvill bc oqually is froin the Kendall dunip the Nipis- -as miIlý 33LAVL 13ai,,,,Iàiterg, soiicitoTs. Notarles, driving a fý,am of chicks is ai-ilo-thýer as ma.ny shipping mines in Jamestovýin- sing bc made, 2tcý, 1,1Urfs Block, up-stalrs, King wage cf a workman in the fields is The-,sinall--st,-tliingýs -visible for cyc rila'stelpiecd,. Street, o w inanville Solicitors - 1 - __ - __ - - ___ __ __ __ - - __ - - - ___ -- - - - - --ship- and surrounding districts as -there 11learn -to ar from 1,0 to 15 cents. Tchelysleff is the ontario Bank. Fýivate moneys icaz arethestars. FýowpecplewoÜld think il, The conrý_ý ýýlement in al] theso things are in the township of -Coleman at pre- Childre ed ai loweet rates. nKiiibýer of the third duma who, declar- Lut the wiscacres Say iL is se. Great isý simple and innocent enough in il- sent. This calculati-on is baised up-on OIL IN THE FAR NORTIL c) f food S B.J.HamlewoodM.D.9o.H. e'i drink IýilIs Russia and:that ncither ps many of the s tars are in actual isize, self, but vAýý,t relatinr do they bear te active developrirent work boing earried lieeps Oozîng Frôm Ground, but Its feed betý Easter? We sh-juld ho properfý'sheck_ -on -on the veins which show slil'ppingýore, go te the a constitution nor a revolutiéon are so t1içir distance is, so immense that thLiC ed if thlcy werle introduoed into the Sun, on the surface. Source Hard Io FInd. dýsIikes 1ý ONT. much rieeded as teiliperance. He says d--1OLD MEDALIST of TrInfty Un- angular diametleff- beccincs insensible, (lay-schools. Should we net expect flore tire] %_-X Ivéraity, Toronto; Four yeare Attendina IhnI the ý,fov,,erilnieiit budget is made up and thley approuch to the- condition of tl-je influlence of the bleuie te harmon- BITIBI. 'T drinh bc PhLoIelà» %Pd Surgeon ai Mt, Carmel Hospital. ize with tbo sacced character cf the Athabasca landing down in the Arctic hungpr t4 1pit burg, a. geomeiLpiG points. The minute dLshs The old Abitibi or St. Denis ropf'r Bod BiVer is full of vegetatioii," sa nursery 4 0111ce and Residenee Wellington Nt. Tek day? Is it net irreverent, if not sac- ty, in Lot 8, Concession 11, LQrr-,Ijllýe vý;ritcr in the -jelographical Journal., phone No, lop. thi&l y appear to have are iniaginary et- rijogiOusý to cý,ýnn«ct these animal tra_ C children Thej litt2c bro,,vn metrî of Japan are n 1,ecis of . rad Fuir tind formerly lo-wned by Je- -and xil! in rny cpimen ý)ne dny bc sel- iý_1.0d set 1 1 ýosIac:si witti Ilic, Lord's rising? Fortier, of Montreal, ha% been sold tted. In all the missi-on gardens at the LEARN PHIRENOLOGY. satisfiý,d çvith military rertowii. Thley i»,-, gcod and necessary, but as an anci- sepli pnnion. 1ý and reorganized as the Big Fisslre different posts that 1 pasised 1 sa-ýv w1reat arc preparing fér a world's fair in f-nt writer observed, "To -eý,er3,thing '\Jinirig Company, wilh a capitalizali-011 and barle grciWing, potatoes, IcItuce, TlIr ýbfl,-RICAM lN,ýý tit errinierits v, ýT- j C fr--O-f- cýýan1p!û and g-et closer togetiler arid on fil,- wt enst cf tiie-n-ig-P,ýLýte Ve1ý ',ýu l'ci ný!!Y on tw itiorilirig (tu', tims ýs1 not, more numer-ous. iit[i. IML sCaKeu Ili cil 1-n"i 14W - eNpcnsý -il they &,sire t& e-re:c.,t build- jýcÀn hands and e.nd,ýavor to inaij-ltaiiýi ýL fel- the Cobalt Ccritral. A new veili two ,ý,nd ýF,,,stcr -wilhé holy praypr. (in equal parts) ývhile fer- iows may bt- seen skipping abcut en feel in ýýidth cf calcite and well-miner- The tim;ý-1 dove that skv\%Tiird flies, the dK-ýCtor lo arrive. If is verv 111PUI ing- fcr the eNli,:Ijits Li their o,ývn styles the popularity, elliciency ai-id sueces.,s the logs, where cne niiss ýfep alized, carryjng silvervalueis, lins been Tf,,- Il ,,,rs vhose pci-futiý,,s fý'in11v f, administer stirnilants t4)"th,-- pfr- cf ýýiýcIiiIecture. Every single ýjf Bc,,ývinanviIlýa Fair. phinge, them bey-ond their jepth. Alld found in this prospecting work, and fi ýon -wWý bas been burrit. and ment in the Japanese, kingdom is ex. cften they go floundering 'jý: f1ýe výery Shaft wili b4, sunk cu the nem- vein. A A" Icve, in 111-eil as little, delay as P-OSI-1ile,. jams -of dealh and are -!iiJ,ýhý_,l back carload of concenfrales from Ille miii Foi ýwho rose t-c, Iiew ilj- ý!aY. Lc:ý, frniu as1hina have ýý uriý1 pmted toý ecn1rýbute gcnemu,-ýly toword #fALK AND BUSINESS. by some older lad oz plucky ycungste-r be s1lipped out this week. gr(,,ýt relief frcm the lise of SalIrý,.! i ci this hug-c ciiterprise. The eeý,itn, 1 gov- The 1 Crewn Beseivc properiv bas been it'ýin vour 011, viýOkt.s fair. a strong solution ofsalt- erriment aLready has appropriated abcuL Comnients on Conducýt of Couriefflors. papý Make ir% . the eentre cf a gre-at deal cf inierest 1 1 find iww life, ajý 1 jiiecnsýc rare, pefro and wafer, soak MIGIling paper ili trmard the crcýctioii cf three rich 1.11vn as Lhe morn Ilint breahs, 1 A fcw c,;,tizeris dropped into the Coun- Salvation Army Praise recently on ac(ýoijnt cf the ri('w and 1 U o-clily il, ,jjjoýv il 1,,) dry. IU- rndist l"dilidings for forcig find al, a dýstancù of nbý-jut 40 feet, frorn Rkspienthuit. o*er ýi- (,iýsIerij ýý-jy, di!- 1 iiig iiffecLiýon cornes ori L!,.tý a n ýexhibits and, is cii-rcom at the April session of the III feel it My duty to testîfy te the the -original di-sco-,-Prv. 1;ý,-hi(,h shcwed u Niv heart rejoiCýýS ý Lhý,, hght; j-)iýecc, 1 Ilic, paper abcut three, ýjo prepareý1 lo ,pýeud sLill largcr suros, Il Town Cýounril. C-01111cillors niust have benefit I have ràcived froni the use of vein 25-inche-, in m7l:(Itll, and verv rich in your blýss-,)ms brigJ'ýL lay il on a Plate, and ignil becn under the influence -of the ver-nal Psychine. While travelling, in New On- in riative silver, in facfj large slnb-q cf Bcth tell of 11hui a IX] Ilis 9IN-11- JoVeý Tý1i 1 P funie,ý, given off afford 'creat rclil The wc,,ýùd famine, spreaî tario conducting special meetings 1 cou- Sý An &U- Pqiiinox or the spring surishine: cr the tracted a very bad cold, whieh gradaal- pure inetal were taken The opin- Who rose froin eorth tu Waven fo the suftérer. riew m-ýý,cn Iir tue, Anril Fool period. ly icir haý; been e-_,,presýed by many in the stralian eurporation has just received developed into Bronehitis of the Camp that Ule ore Ls tll'- Tichest ever P-e the cause what, il niay, thOy were worst form. I was advised te try a oo ii ce niinÀýd in lhe camp. and lhal Ille, vein 7, iý -ýç_qîon from the Bussian goý,erii- as voung larobs a a,, frLs1ýy na, as frolic- Psychine, which I did, and after usîng éý_ ment to [alýe cut 30»0,000 feet of tim- but a few bottles I was compictely re- is, crie of Ilie, hest, vût Ail aSý;av 1 the bellig- ýd over 10,00 oirrices ýý,i1ver tý) the '(,qii bcr a ycpr froni a f-orýc:st in Siberia, 900 as Vý0,a il ý, colts. But stored te health. I recommend this Miles froin rclIt SI, ýva,,ý laken re,ýcntIy, and il, is The effect of Sco-tt-ýs EmaLsion on he dellv- PiriÏ, wus r1ther lý0,,), rouich n ývçonder1fUl remedy te sufferers £rom Io P fior, as Bronchitis and other troubles." IIýaf, a ciirload cf ore v, ill be sent offl :111 MeIbOurne, about nii ý_,s cvidenCe W, crinit Cf characteriza diriiig the n(,-,t féW dav'q ýýh;ch will pale children is magicaL l amhs or r>ù 1 t'S. Emtherly Icve was Later: 11Iwishto add that My voice, since using Psychine, is stronger and ieûlipse anY sbipni-ent ýcv(,r scril cul It makes thern plump, rosy, active, happy. niaiiJvîýt1y abscrit bietween certain ûouii- has muchmore earrying powweer than it f'Tr' i P ca mp in so Par as volucs t'O AL had before 1 had bronehitis and the SF (Jilors ,iij([ LshnarlAish ri IL y The Duc-liess prniDerýv iii -,oii Ili (,ast ern pýaýý,, juip-oý1'ta11t biisine-s pD,-- vocal ehords do not tire w1th speaking. ýÏ n', and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and b ri P. TILLER, Capt. Salv'n. Army. 'id ('oný1olledpr!- iig opposed apparentlyfrom Gcleman iiýý c,ý\-ned a Ann St., Toronto, Aug. 13, 1907. vatelv bý, Dur and so put together that it is easily ýýe ýk3ý-'3 New Yoi* ýý5%t , ir1cf Ille last vew several fe'ef, STA Thro.qt, Imi- and qtonifich troubles by lfttle folk. ýNLESS i(;oINE iD i ji T iVq F r trenebing ýývas done. locating 1 i ýiIjj , and deî bY i11Ciý,,fCý11t eon. C n all 00 thirly The property Is ALL DRUGGISTS, fýOc. AND $J.GCý. Cloc'ed;-d",ri M 1 rnq,,nt,-tu-id --- iirrangp- ýý1Cd W the Coý Or Dr S1-ýu1a Liuj;teýl,-Tçron-foÏ--- x, e ments will shorfiy be made for an up- Y_1 ---VF-solicitth- baýïnjbý1-cf jýiiginecrs and others who realize the advisaýl,81-' ýty of baving their Patent business 11 ý, tuacted y experts. PrelimInaryadvice free. Chàrges .fmoderate. Our Inventorla Adviser sentupon request. Marion & Marion, New York Iife Eldg, Montreal . and Washilngton, D.C., U.S.A. -1 'me 1 j iin __ 1 l oilo in 1012. 1 ne expDsMýo-n Ds to -open PlIPENOLOGY, by special act -of the Nuw Yý0rk Lýpg1sla- Apiil 1 ý)f that year a>J I&sL fýur six tripe, will cpen its next the fir« Tnýonths, and il ývill be und-cr the di'rec, ýWüdaiesday îii September. It ÎS Ný>,ý'Il ýi of the, gKDv-eirii.ment, whieh wili 'to Make. ýcar1.y irrang,ý,mentq. The sub- all exp-enses,- The idea cf ý(ct., emhraced: --PhrýBnology, Physiýog- '1ý,rn1v, Fthnology, Psychokgy, Physý,oý t4, powryrinient îs îi-ot sýo much to pro- iý gý, Aýý&t,&rnyý 11yg1cý,û and Anthrýopýo- Vido an int-ernabonaD -or univers-al wýgý' V<r ý'erM's and p;ýrf1cularS UPPJJ pýýisib0n in the pnopc s-ense )f thrý terin ýý ý m. Hý Piercy. Sý_-,, urü Fowler & ils to, sct, f-orth in c>Gncrýýt,ý shapc ali 'iXe 1, ]s -"e, 24 East 22iý SL, Ne-w Yýork N. y lbat Japan has been abit in thc arts, nianufaetures, ai, , agricultur- al ýstapie-,ý. IL is faken granted, C»k's Cetton Root Conipounî r, that nablo!ns of the, eartà Thç great Uterine Tonie, and 'W111 eomPe1,c t.lie na4iv4ý,si in nië- only bafe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can dpend. Sold in thrce degrecs clianical ar)pjiýiii industri ab pr-oducls of strength-No. 1, 1;,.No. Z and worlý,,, tüf At least they will 10 degrees strongg V; No. 3. for special Ca-se b rvcýry-cippýortunity Jef d'aing Sold by ail dr4,4?1,5 Pe.rî son't -ote the oornpeti, its, s c. In order týo pmm prepaid on rece t of price. Free pamphlet. Afdréss: THE bon of f-ùne!gncrsý, the Japanese govern- JORONTO. ONT. (tom-erly Windsor) mcýnt toý eïcýct tehmîe special one good on 8al. bý.ibddngs,: the Gallery cf thoý Sciencesi, NTED AT ONCE a lace aFy and éxpenses. ilie eal-ace ü,f Education, and the P, . Ir each locality M EN with rig or capablýý of handlin ct E1ec4rj,,ýity: Th4me lhree buildings to;ýdvertise and introduce curguaranteeà borses will b-ci enfir,2]y given up to fýoreý1m na- stock and poultryspeciaities. No experience necessary; welayoutyoiýIrWIkfOrYOU. $2ýa t;,,olis. thi,ýý the forcign gov- Pcýitiô"ner1nanet1t. Write JEUI i KIAL FAIR DIRECTORS AND TOWN. Direct-ors of BýQwuianvi11e Fair have gol, a, Iap ahmd ýof Peterborc Industrial Exhibilion Assoc!atkýn by buying new but the latter organization is rather ni-ore perscvering in the, matter cl securhig fInancial, a5sistancý,,. In Lcriner years Peterboro, bas granted $1ÏGO. Thislyear they are, asking fcr a much. larger griint "týo, axI in makin,ý, ',lie Fair üne ýof the best in the Prov- ince. Pete!rbero is urged ta purchase nýýw grounds and the AgriculLural So- cety would -erect newbuildings. - Tor- ontols Eberal grant annually te its Na- tional. Exhibitiýo-a was held up as an exampk- to muntxy bowns, Te«)ntýo gave a Lig grant because A was thoÙjcht to bc a pocd business investnient. Sýo it is. h is mcst expedient that Bowman- vilà, and the Wmst Durham Agri.cul- tural, Society should fýollow Peteiýboro'e- und 't illi . ( f $2,000»0, ewned al-id controfVë&ýy 1ç'ul ve HUAIL UUTR'S.-- heaven"' urnips, Carrols, and ewi.v For sWer eapitalists in Birmingham, Ali. Jos- getabie that cne grýD',,,s 11, -OnCs nonsense v,, liave April Focl's Day; let eph Ileeley, an expcrienýed iniffing man Onion Sý rup.-Take one lai L,;- E111111ýpo8lC garden at home. y ucs lçeep Our Easter sacred. frcým Idaho, and who had charge -of the "The, country is lfiiekly limbered (r three small Onions, sliCý' _ U4 property under flic former owners, is Il, banks of tiie river, aud there, arefew di-sh, cover with sugiar aiid wt ýtýîr!(È TEACII Tus noys To swim. now in charge. At a distance of 200 places in Nvhich you do not find large ati hour. - This forms a syrup vý 1 Thel opýe,,ns cold, and -rav,,. leet from themý',',in shaft. a narl01,vvein patches of . prairie. You pass by a gpeit excelllent for cbildren wiiii L,1îd There is lo tempt the chil, rich in native silver was fouiyd on the, outrush -of natural gas, and cil is illid cold. It is liarmless iiiA ;ý- iiý i tu(j, drýCn tO pie,,, 'un tie bay and yet, surface, a cross-cut will be run from thé oý,,ziiig -out for nijIcýs along the river to take. this, -the »ýcasjn cf the main shaft nt the 150-foot level tO bank. An rarth. mn,, ewý iiý has taken Egg 5ý;Iin Good for Eyoiq.- 'Ilic jýîents Las coui-menced tal) Ibis výein, and il is hoped shiploing place, resulting in a, line ý,, faiîý, whieh taken offl -of on egg shell jr a ýiTtqpý( 'r iii and One Mý il, minee haine, at least, îs Superintendent jý, 1arjýed for mrire than one hui-1dred for sore nyes, ýlttl jýýit ý:1-ý desolate bý- r(-asýo.n cf the first eh apter Leyson cf the Townsite, shippýed a car- iniles along the baiik -of the Athabasca l-, -of J;ýý and bandag(, ,of the) season's tiécidents. The di,(ýlvn- 'CIl -of ore thisýýveek tc, Del-ore, and fliver. tc surpri-ý-,t. ii ing cf littI4, Pfion N',,,elnesday night to 1oý)k after M-ilton Greenniaji, , recý_,nt- il. The main shaft is dowi-i 130 fëût "Out -of Ibis cil -hais been oozing we do ling will go down zuid Ili- ptýî:j v,ýlï ly. was a very pathetic illejdetlt, and Pl nct know for how long, and ne onehas the eye. ti),ose who hîive chibiren of their o,ývn and a considerable amcunt of develo - yvt found the reser-voir of oit which may Nail fecl for the parents ii, thejr b-ýr,ýýave- '-"l ent work is being carried on at both exist Iliere. A German -noble. the Gount this remedy therp would iid 1 ment. lcvels, and orýe is being bl-o-,Içeýd out. v(tn glamrnerslej;n, bas spý,,nL a great cnýqc.s of Icckjaw. Cleanl l'!u The watcr bas a faseïnati.<),n for ýnjj S IN SILVER. deal cf hbs own inerrv îmd time in try- v,ýelI Nvilh v water fo ri iiýt výi r- Loys, large iqiid---- ,iliký_,, and when sin- lk, ýs bl,:,, 1!ýÏ- ,i-r fly- suWin-er days, conie The undergr-ound developuient 1n;ý-tîù frd a-resfýn-i,. t ýle - 01 ýîl1, , il, is difficult ccrely hope thut bc may blE, C99. mix Illi ýttl1, tc guard, against th4 ýers of ý)fi the, Badger is proving the mine to, dang the be very valuable. A considýerable ani- Coal and asphatit arle to be -Peu every Lalf the mixIiirr ýýi t c)f r>,i,,ýitT lake. The, -"asons conje and go a nd 1 yea 1 r passes, cunt of leaf and native silver licas been %vl",ere, and there are great salt plains Mý_,thý apply to 11eVý'r a by tbat soine fcund ni the big 18-inch vein whicli for- rot far distant." leu Cr twelve hours. Tl1,]ý home SI 11-et Plu-ngéd in grief. nierly carried no vaines. The wall rock rest of the mixture. i!t The &atest danger in the bay and etise l'lie wolind will be w(.11 !il rjvýer is the habit of j,ý also showing good valucis in places. treacherous logs. playing on flic Assays in exces of 84',00 oun s t ti EASTER VIOLETS. four hours. Those who watch a, Person is. badýv the boys ployin lor, have been taken recently. lhe hallowed.. daylIs licre. minîsler a, dose cf' lwo game Surface proqpecting bas been starled The joyful strains of niusic e'ý1 (if tortandy a[ nncýe. Wrap up t1lie CHANGE IN, PRIOE OF COAL. We are selling coal at 66 75 at -1 for carryîng, Striëtly cash. Corn for sale. JOHN GILBERT AND SON,

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