i D sUi E ilA D -NiPTI ON ii Wa I Bd forThe Read how MrS. T. ocBraedesm, Ont., was eurc(s ud Llso hetr uieboy) by the use o! DiRV4Wjon's NORWAY PIMME syRpeL 8Bbc writcs:.I thouiit I woulAd write andlot pou kn-ow tise benefit 1 have re-_ I +ieve-trouigi the useof your Dr. W",od's iN lwy ine yrp A f(,% cw ycrs ago 1 wus so badly toulchith m ny luîsgspeoýple -adI bad ConsmiMon and tuat IWood ~not limîe thl tefil. I had two dcc- tors attendýr, inemcsd thüy ,verU very îmueh .larmied àabout nme. I was li bcd ilîrce monîe sd when I got up [ could noý t mwalk, ws had to go on my bAand an kckifr ~treecksandimy imbhs s"-emed of inu use to iqe. I1 gave upIli)ailhoe of ever .ettiEg bt5ter wheu Ihpendte sc in Almanso that Dr. Wood'sNra Phu. Syrs aagood for wcaik lns h,1ouc'h I uul try a bottei sud by the tiime I had uised it I was a lot better, s got morisd it made a com,.pleýte cure. My 1Iýîe by was î a lso rouled lwith weak langs and iC eurai hIm. I kecp it iluitise Isouso alte m n suadWooid nut bu with ontt lfor anythîing." Pruce 25 enits eau ail das caec Syrup Ask, for sund iusi3t onrittn heorig;nal1.Po up in u y, llov'rnpe sud threc Prie trees ibistraie rark RC VOAL VAILSTEýAMSHI1PS FIOÏORTLAND 11TO ý,LIVEROOL flnil, Noýv. 28, Jaul. 2, Feb. 6 'Çrlba ù i5e c. 5,Jais.9, Feb. 13 Ce.ad, hc.12Ja. 6, FeIs. 20 De.1.Jas Y31 ra carried. a 4250sd î45.00O ,codig to steamr,t As ofift lspaser9ers are0 Ca -rie 0,on1- 11 b SI ro al tijg 2scnd eas passqeoers ,i qîllbave ueof al peuud 3ff!ft Glasgo "fl25, For al 1-nformlatio)n apply te M_ A. J A lIS gn -~ To1 Tonl u ilIs Liverpool Prom St. John Nov. 28 l9ee 4 Dec. 12 Il aif ex Dec 5 ~osa..................... .e lth Lates and filluforniationl from M. A. Janes,' Alan Line Agent, Bowmanville C. P. R. Atlanic Sevic il, isspe,.sof lrelaind UATES:-Aeeôlong ,9to Steamr- 13- okin is ),<,r iea itin a ,Isle l obefore su Urr,-ylCaîsandbrthbstIss rugIsieratign ý J ALWWPs. S.71Vsgeet TOrcto Re'Pse.rve your aeeýinmodation eariy. BOWMANVLLS AGsr. Noticetu Creditors T ' M TT R F tu e-t ~i)lsbereby rs, prsst tasec. pes~fChars. lis. R !Z . iG ni, tiat al -~rette k vlnýgu iirnsordsnxni 1dsg gînt thse dlcd qu or abut "Strinday 0f Joue, 1.995 'x - eIcqed t')nscnd1-by poat rep ador deliver9J on o befre Ise ssI dayo' ecemer.1908 their hIrmiiusd-ra mei aî,sdaddrem'es sre cftise eerIt:çfaiy)Isldby thes daly day c 0, emb), s-8 satd aumýisîs retors wïiî proeeed .te doIrute Iibcset"f ;tIseid dc- 'ueasd emag tIse 1parties îe' Iled he'eéto. bar- inýg ,cg-ar-d On otA Is0el-ýýýilS of , Ili IltLshal t!ben fisve uosc,!udltbeïsad amusrtr 'willnot b bc e fo said ssst or mauy part thiereof, tc0 suy 1nersOn or persans of wbose cilaiisnotceshah oc,ý t bae bceaureceived by it r îe ,id olicitorsai the time f sueh TiTh r$& GAsN~C m5ANýv, Ltd, Sîno-&BLAIR, eldNoveinher. luth 9084 74 f 'Tise frtnetlr aprouninesuti pary naybrekoff tbe îmtch. CURRENT TOPICS. 'etr-ol-air gasu, the invention of a Britisb s(cintist is destined to wor-k iodesi eveIIhalf (oI >wbat JosephlA il. Stephens soites about it fror Pyouhbe true. Mr. Stephs bas exmndtbe invention and de- lares that from 5)0 to 75)per cent. can bu saved on gas buis by its use. The g'as sCniade by tbe carburet- ing of air'owi a smal poportoný of petrol vapor, tecrsnlant mix- tur~ acoringto thlie onsul',1s re- -poýrt, -hIn îg- -Mgbly- ill-imfrratg, nlonexplosive, without seland wîtbout Injurions effects if inbailed. The gas costs less than one English shilling (24 cents) a thouisand cutbic f et ojro~acy Az12- eaïidfle pnwv- er humer wbien in secostIs ore,- Mit of a cent an bour and wHil1ligt a arerom, At a co),st of 2 Cents enuhgas can be suplied1toa raitrfor the henating of 1an or- dinruiy roonidurneigbit Jbours. A rduigplant capable of suppýly- ing twenty Cie ligbts can be made for abouIt $,00, Aside f rom the _conmyý involved it wond eeni tatisinvenjtion we hjavefon other long felt wnsagas ,tilat il ot biw u te fll who gees, huuntiug a bah with s lighted mnatch, Mr. ChasI. M. BcL.. t sud thatcan hbe ble(wn eut by vtheonya-aDevr oea ma-ý,n from nthebse ds itoutUS, a byaogus" net calng er he ervcescf he 8oro- s log agel, sdpiayed on thse corners aI Pitchardtrwu, the mcd- or, crun ois Otsdfis;hed in the streama.ý LÀike ýauoherCa- One cf the rme(st iprtu esnsou danbos o tnie -badsu Iwbeu hïis head w veWOl fillod w that epriueteaches ,is thalt obkoleg h wuerd"acrosa t'le whol;e sud in the gratmajrýitythe ln, Pudi4 u mnebcm cuf caes uCccss in if dpud asarcffs mgitudein the more on echaracter thas on et rgot euio inelcnf fortune. 3Mauy bri T hs ergadd sconi lian exeptons ne oub, tnd e dnced by biis slcinfoithe ,pin, odn ýf -d ranks ftelgl triyc f the obscre te me sud socf tewhcle United Stats t)1rt,- quaitesc chaCter Vthat suceo lrge lavwboDk on (oePeds the hest rmay vbe united ith grave sud Forms fris eangLa vice ord~fctsbut n te woleBock Pubiishiug Ibuse. Freinh thec- la i ee ha cnnt e uo-press reports cf the worh, it uîJid lhe aw ,- Oe irot e qes-appoar- that bigbes-t commendat'i tiîondd, sud it becms more sud fron tise legal' profession is beiugý more apparent as civilization ad- accorded Lawyer Bice for the val- vances.. Temperance, industry, in- nabLe, worh. We are sure bis mauy tegrity, frugality, self-rline udcd Darliugton u epcally Se- -relanceandlins- friends will rejoice te learu cf seif-rostraint are the meaus bY bis good fortune, sud the bhouer which the great masses cf mon risc conferred upon hlm. froni penury- te confort, sud it ils Mlr, Chas. M. Bice, the records thenatonsin hih tesequaitistat,. a-o hem in Darlin-,gton iu are' mest dusdthat su the n g 14 nilvd nte o sbpt rus ae th mostprosercasjmarSufhool sd aterAhrtCi loge2 Aeale vt(jiligautn 17 ste aneate, aoialovcs- i»g thn, LB ere. I ~n sitde n he cureof cmecs-mal credit te havý e eioerc mariy vastly ifluce P-the- p ro-speërit-y , ti-ie ca uhrtv cf nations; auarchy.-ý, aitation, un- volum euiis eyitmaes- 2 ý 9quaintance with ail branches cf the just laws, sud fraudulent enter- 1aw,' sud te write acceptabiy for prise may offer ms-ny opportunities the profession. We hoartiiy con- of individual or even cf class gains, gratulate oer ceftensporary on bis but ultimateiy it will ho found that distiuguisbed profermnt sud suc- the nations in which 'the soiid indus- cess in accemplishing the assigned tash-. friai vistues are most diffnsed sud moat respected pas-s al others in the race. The moral basis cf char- acter was the truc foandation cf tegroatuesa cf ancieut Rame, sud when that feundation was- sapped the. period cf lber decadence began. The sciid, parsimonicus, sud indus-- trieus qualitieos-cf te Fenci peasa- snitry bave givn tibeir countri jy thie recuperative force w lchus ena- bled ils grealuen(sa tesurivethe co issf ollies asdu xtravaganý,,ces cf ils raiera. Chbaraclor,, il may ho added, is os- pecisiily preomnont in these,- kiuds- su, 1d degrees cf s-acces that )aff ect the graes umbers cf mou sud in- fluence mois-t largely their rosi bsp- pns-in the s-acces-smhich secares a igh lovel cf matenial coifort; wbi'ch makes domestic lifo stable sud bappy-; which wins for a mas the respect sud confidence cf bis neigb- bora. If we have melancbcly ex- amples cf differcut qualities often gain splendid prizes-, i t us stili trac that lhoy are s few waiks- in life in which s character that inspires- comiplote confideýnce i- rsot s eadiug lemeut cfsuces nluthie patha cf ambition thaLas cniy ho pur- sued hy ÎIb e fwineletu quai- ities boar a lan-ger partnsd ihere are, cf cusnisnY works c f gos- ms-ý Hiat are iii their onnature os-- sen-tially ycitleta.Yt even Ihe mowst sPlend(id nca-s]lif vi cffiesbe c, e odue mc e- tha-n tb an (ext"rao'rdinsratnnt suld tn cit)f wIA-lMte eaum ai coýura1ge, erovracesu r powr tatsping froni it, Or tb mon shilýUuifi in se1iisg epportas,11it- <es, sud whichi, cf alitleta OTNE WOI'IIIAN T TELESlIER SUFFRING SIS- TERÎ_S TO USE DD Wero Aimos-t More ia She CouidBer St. Geoge, Ms. ec. 7. (Spciaýi)ý. Hisg ý1,Iýte s-ave lier ais-- sud acesu hc elitIe,,citi- cýal limesin a wnotaan.'s lue_, Mms-. Ans-ose Vinet cf tIbis pachas-giv- onr theý foliowing atm t for pub- lication : "I bave brougit 1up sa lange famiiy sud have alas enjoyed good hoalth until thýe is wo yoars. I ami ffty-four years of asd aI the crilical lime cfl'u tat comes- bo evory wcman, I bad pains- in my igbt hip sud ahonider. I coald sol lie dowa tire minutes aI a tince withoat snfferng the grestoaet ag-1 uy. Somelisses I awakeu,ý,,,ed vit'a a feeýýling as if seme oe ad ls-Id a piýýeo f iceonos my bea.LA- other lime il wouid hoa buing, paiudor th(-,boitsoadr coidgt rne relief, lireadin1g cf cures cf simiarcses te my rown hy Dods iNy Pilla, led Im e te-try thin TeydiMwndrsfor mle. "I wau alwome te how wbiat D Todd's KdreyPill a did for m. Dod' idniey Pila ure theý Kidcy-. Thewoanwio lbas senndd ucys- is- -feare againat so eîh f thie sa ffeisg' that mahes ile a burden ilt eew- men cf Canada. v e ZAM BUK AS A CURE FOR PILES impressive Cures o! Woman Su!- fercrB. Our Readers should note these cases. F PIRIST BY RqET Mfix the feliowiug by snbng wel in a boittie, and take( in ts spooniful doses after meuals aid at bedime: FilicUExtract Plidelion, 0one hýaîf ouince;oponKagoe ounice; Compouud Syrnp ars parilla, three ounces. A local drug- gist is the authority tbat these simple,Armlosingrdients cal be obtained at anmia cost f rom, our home druggist. The mixture is said te cleanso sdstrengthen theclogdand BacscheBladder vwcaknocss and TJïiury troublorc Valkindryiftk- en hefore_ tho stage of Briîghtý's chwsase. Thiose who have tried ýthis say it pesitivciy overcomnes pain -in the back, clears the urine of sodimient and regulatesurïiuepclt at niht icriug even the worst forme i fbladder weaknous. Evory Maaorwomaure CIO feels that t'he kidneys atmront osrang or acting iiain naty mnnor should mix tis presription at homfe and gv it anrila it is said todowndevs uforumpny pr- sons. Chosen FrM Thousandsof Law- yers ta Com'pile a aw Rq- ook. KINFIELD. Pipa Fer Botter bouda tuBuikeon.' Dariiugtou Cnsinbs neglected scededimproývemen-t cf rosd bho twoen Enfieid andBaheon This a, a very mach aseýd bighway sud shonld ho kept iu boter condition. it is-as mail ruodus-d nice s day the yesr round, Sundsy excepted. It is car mnket towu sud seme farminra tavel mver it15 te 100 limes a es. Pssbl-;0faer use vhe rond oxtensively frein En-ý hail ing frtaprodace, grain,ho, cith',er nl ei umelm2ce- mont, sait, or memchneyor otherncs-t hau.t may h sbipped te Banheton. Se that tbe uecess-sy cf avng la weis kopt road h mveethoo )tw plces is cf va-timprtncls- vnbd Lnowsthe ottesr the noads mie langer loads cas luh bled itW;tCe saine draft, îtbey s-sin exra mose thso ays.N. Pse Soennicci s-rpor are gunsi Euf iseldth-ethoraoveig lene- lae. Tlsey isavoetn LaignC, ne Susndy Sccol e Diis-insdl nct cmsacor5 adoe l-form orpltialtraiios ar upa Thd. lu ýathemesutme iioae bas-y iponns- ofgthewiliuga f biisca sians sud hetrvellrs te local defnitesy thr esiescf S odensud l ( ire miliamb -s popula ".tion deesý piles, Zn u hudb pie Thereare ets f îreasnsfor Ltis, bu!t euecf te bst is tatin pa ticaiiy ail cases'cfpileswhrte thereut lo'rs. Wmï. Hgecf '25?3, Hoch laga Htreet, Hochelaga, Moutbreal, ~s~LcFsuffoTedftmblind, -it Cliug, sud protruding lrs fir ycars. Smtms hywre se bad that I couid bearly bCar te movve aýb o Ut. Thle in 1,f lammat ionil, the burning smaiujýg pý,a, !the threbb- f'eeling cf duL!iuess andJ dark -de- sýpair wbich ,Èthis ailmeuot brings, thie shogspasmîs cf agony ail were se terrible htcl ufrr roithsau aimen)cït can undeCLr- stand C' Bad as tIso case was, ZaniBuk Fer eî c l'onager. Itnk eeda flti pcrseves'ance with Zaïn-Buk cor- tiybut in.,.thecu ld it crd St. Thoas, say :-"Fo mets iwhicth ougbt weud give me case, but inhi eudisýp;rited sud stii Thon it s sehaîJf au soif te oYvery different. It raidliy te lo i sferr fepiles know whaýt ,agranthig Zam Buk is."1 Sa eue coculd go on quotihug case itiseif its grea'treuain cd by thefreoigcases! iFor interni ple mta littie Zam-Eh ud nthoogbysoak a wad, made cfden, ut o)Id linon. Thon apply tethe part,. If the pilesý are external, applicatii on f Zani-I Buk is stili moresipe Do it up- ou retiriug2,. Nx origyen wiil be welaised Zani Bah is î,a cr ieferced soes, sud cspe caced bauds, oUI, e m,"aeg ig om sclpoes, Labiurus 3sasusai skiu disasossandinjuries Bis asOc. ssbx' rma eo M p -N NeT 7-?s- fi L>l Fi.Dw wih rnay tr:oubles, Bootrbl's Kidney Puli-,ý IUs cure those ailments. Bowauvilepeople prove lius Mrs. amesBro)wn cf Liberty St., BcwmnviieOnt.,says: "Fer more tiaa eaýr iey son Allan bad su ffered with mrany symiptetas of k-idney trouble sud coaid find--no-1 tigte relieve bim. Ris bach was se weak that ho could set tare in bed, ho -was weakened geueraliy, sharp pains wotild shoot througb the s-mall cf the back sud in the region cf the kidneys. The urine vs ighly c.v olo)rc sund contai'ned a c~aatitycf bickdus-tseint Readahes f a iost iserable na- ollyaccopan >d vyspeisc. dzi 1n ,;n orse sud a lest mach cf bi o-fne nd therinso n a gne.Th apeae.-WTne Frinec\leared sudii P is for te quck ud permanentc Soldhy ear. rice 50 c ents. The i R.T Rot e, CltdenceFort Erie, nteo anaian Age -Vns S. S. o. 7, CLkREE. ý Tub b.Iu,. hi Sm. 1 11Yaers Fors-cyrbe, Pea111 Sm. I.-Adde Mllau, ddi Crocsly, Hecor MISon,î1d0 Mifiacu. F.h.kI;.i,.A IR 51 Branche*, l A very poasýan1t sud -u1ybi tue was s"pen;t at the homle of Mr.i omd3 ïrs.-,H.1F. Obre ot there for tepu1rpese c (f welc(iu prosý1ý51idt, Mr, H, F. son.l the)f coure c te eveing the rîeunds asebldiflthe drawing room where an addess wss read te r wan Mrs Oboueon behaîf cf Suth srligtou Excelsior C1lub, and wrepren;ced with a ver-y handsome pair of parler pie- 1read by -Mr1 .>E.H. Willoughby, showve-,Jý_ry clcarly the bigh es- tiainin whîch Mq. Osborne is heid by the niombers cf the Society, aud ex-teuided a hoar-ty invitation te cti lub. The preseutation ws mae y is Ani Ani. r. 1Osbcorne- , altbough talicu o mpletcIy by suLrprise, mnade aveystal reply in whicbhoh thauked the lub for terkindne3ss toward lbu sua-d tirkiund welcome suid I inviLttion te bis wif e. After refesbeuts woeserved h athering)roke;,rip bysning the- clubsug "Auld ZION LDE'AD The Ladies' id cfZienCuch D)arliugtou, held ,i thoe ir, r e guar meeting Tuesday afternoon, Dec-. 1, at the, resideuce cf Mrz. sud Mrs;. J. W. Brooks, ocwlGre. In the evening gentlem-1an fri-ends were invited, sud aftes' enijoyiýng aý splendid tes provided !by'-tbehoh-' tess, an excellent pregrani wss rendered. Mr. J. G.,Langid was )&oen chaîrman. Tochoruse weesuug by the p oung ldis; solo, Miss Myrtie ookn; a quar- ,.-t was sung by Msr.W . J. G., G. A. sdP. iB.1 Lanmaid; dialogue by MisesR.P obbus nd aud Mar'oi uesn rinstru- 'mental duet by Misses Georgie suid -lilda Laugmaid. A clecinwas takeni amountiug te $400. Tho ro- n ainder cf the eveniug wss spont very ploasautly in gamnes, music, etc. At the close a vote cf thanks, iiove'-_d by Mrs. W. Glaspeill sud ~ooddbyvMrs. M. l1&bbins, wa ýs acco:rd!ed M. udMrs.,Brooksu, rePr epeu,ýning their home ý ,%ad-se gen-j ýjf thc Aid. findthiie"-Pý_rviii., and35. if yen des-ýire te ave youb oy ho-a bian te s schl wher houmarh quite liieiy te tahe chanýces on bis pichiug np sncb difficuit attain- monts. Thero is ne difficulty in discover- iug agencies sud means by ,vhich one may bears how te mahe a good living, but if ose wouid lbars the great art cf a good sud worthy life, that is s difficuit miatter, 'apparent- ly ose of les-s importance. It s-coma te ho' generally a.snmed cf the sa- turai sciences by educationall pro- cosses, but tise greateat cf ail the arts sud sciences yen gel 1)y;acci- Chaactrthe fruitage cf the !hielfe,,,the cron n of ail isý the las- trng o sdered ii) educiation. A ciidleauste plsy 01e piano te 'qimaci f sud ne les-ase leI oenbut the prctc icfvir- tue, ne onae hnows1how th a t I'S gain -îl cd; itiîapsdynma st posa]te2snihe1yen eduatina mehod bWe cas ri dogs sudcats andpiga -ýte hee b i e isw m;arnits, boohheprssdhad gei ý,,worhmen, hinidiy ueighbor s Aegoodnes- andd nprighitne-,sthe ressît cf intent, or thefmitage cf acc&deo:t ? ît is worth n hile te make np carrminda as le ib1is-. If s-orne anc good ud ome ae ansd ne osehus jus-t nb, ihccwo are fbpcted ud th evl eincistlu-i baud at Lny tino. ,ein1cdwefinioyt e- i o lical information? I ll àtraiingý nis udmiwrmoeta ke their su ~ ~ ýý41 tsunoldI Ra- tan igh, tbey blave pured oit theýir livoes s-oehisg te roaen thnia1Sureiy, Ibis is isd dut ion or. If any great thýinga are)te ho donc they mus-t Lho diose. bytraýinin.gmo sud womon te e hea(bLispr isg thota witb THE HIGH VSOS by teachisg themta te tbihsoery ciesriy, by leadiug Ihen in bof- csency iss theoroiiscf their- bigh visions. Net th scooi alose, but the churchesý, tho ro-s sud every intorest suid power thial touches and dtrio io u- ce-operate ttosed We need te s-et' beforerseve Mhe tas-k cfieamnig terouad we owe ilte carcmiir en sd !to future te sec that, witb ail their gettiug they get mwisom, tat tboy baýrs te bye sot as- mcuoy m,ý ila- chines, but as-11sen sud womenbora! n~isur.for theIueapig tp cf fortunes, (-ýbt ai thsere!1 that",n-c my p fae h l resc carbos-ededwaaioai advsntag- oe woteus;)- U 1 i>we issth great pui zo cf lue', ý,f we fil'tecorn l)nieio Lu-te sa hirnc h înahing s iving stan,ýd in hi wa of thIhlfi hn,,,chi- -nci livin, lxiag aight ud fainýg t113 largon ibile. CVE a e t m c s e s f n d b t o o at up n the stomach b ts- s- cemposed hat certinigedes cf il pas- aieme hog 4b ctc ail pulis. Du ingt yenstht be bvehesin nuse iheyrhame e-Ibisedtemacives as "Do you now ucu alk in "Wel,"nasthemee ris-y\ie 0F CAADA Banking rM ade Easy with ChisBak Courteous clerks wili maLe i1t efirst steps easy for y-ou if yon wish to begin saving- your spare dollars. Not much money is needed. OeDollar wl pnani aocount, anid entitle you to a pass-book ini whîch your deposits are entered. Ný,o delay i withdrawing ou moneyý-. at any time, .w1thinterefi odate, W., Jer .e s Vio. ýîManger u ancu k pipa tNcaii u Nc'_t m- ce- od-an ' r-ad ca wek the most c- Dicte andco-peese MARKET FREPORTS wh{ich appea"r in T'lHE WVEEKLY SUN14., The Sun isteFarmeirs ' Busineszs PpeBe sure you s'ubscrïbefo T'he S-'un to Ist -January, 1910, in, combination with T-he NEWS or .9TAT[:StIAN fOr '$I.75' eas he grea--est healer ever oferd to ;1jple fori PILES and ail klnc1. 0f SKIN dis- 14., D re';fotoldy heal b!o tîfet auema et re !or Piles.3, ze aSaitItL ýIeum, Olddors. tehs, arbr'.~as. Imples, ChadI, {ands, Crack Litsl Bure's aod( mauy other ,klun diseases comonin l'il11every hueod Da. SPARIIa'S EEAL OINTMENT Thîsi' wonDeTrfnl prepara'tion does n1t,Ëotain an minerai or aia fat but 1ý5um l p u dfr'om tIle üoIt "f Nvegetables Onr7. !Try a 25e bx aiod hee ,nm>iueed oýf tiie c t ~b ealing iqaltle IsIDr. Sprk's Vgtbl itmn ossess3es. Aucepi -o substitutLe. For isale by F', R. ERL Eaý d ailfirst elass druggssts DR. SPARK'S VEGETiAbLEOIN TN E N T, rý .Dauger That'in- Our Modem îiLA ife e ose Sigli of the Tll'ings ,>,ToihatOglit to-Corne Firsi Hip-w -R/-VýK