thalpor fl3tvin t .llbrin --o'u Id anîd the rnu7glly rellable îsrbool. Wler term nbcgii, jan. 4th. Cata. logffe fireü We have a spfcelal three ýmontbs coýurse a ns igî of bi. cesme bots. Ceuse ý Jin fr thr;ee ar V. 'Iho ceat la emaiL. sCHOO ý100L ACHE., Mefdlcal Sklllceuid NetDo WnasAempfhdlt arei troublletýi wiv-Ida11edo e e zj tej,, us BBB. lac new pro. 0iflcnw aubu c ncth ~DICTI0N. t thick tise Bible is spets i L, ves, I -e. for instance h -, I can't recencibe net Sobornon was and ~ kide ncd jY h~entvn cr et)f tise heartsef caAt anti then ttes theseserett other idvd aui atfamilies; t search outa tell in simple,di rectlang Agecfself sacrificeOf! noble endeavor, cf high echieve- mentý ,cf deotion te others - n9 ortting tisehumble and obsuh- whie dmrig thr briàliAnton famnus ; tepread the centagienc goed UNti mcacd wenantui chibdrenin cvcry grat ityanti every remote hemiet shai!beïcaght in th pdri.La te cupe cor preiecaiveenough peatlwte s'athedy faersgikothr ufuman. UBrs ekinas forero wit asee cd sestck odin scsolreeci we fr w dà Ther ceres at-Iimein Cveryi- Mefor,1dSisMrtuA i, istesLe, s 1mayeud, saîmi"htheis t ue c sfuti I net havet iegotiAtig tisere issorneqeig hiiscerin hfse ta e h ideasu,McfftUidness in, bitte thinga, cf Civr matie sweetcr, t ruer, bette r for cur living, cf a ficweiring cfourtiys. Truc ivn brings p-eceAtethesoul, fibreVt characta erigsiuovr selfin- spraio t oisrsb t onces- sarîly ney aynti material prosper- ity. Tfisec avtei proper paece1 anti their ue butis& re net tise higesti ) n Tise forte me f Csri anti home,"and wîi i utobe a gan. It nl]apea t Aglca churcismubrsfraupotdSt nr'sissue is cf epge,cfou may efte'lbeethe besi people. Vie nirues TheeWho qcake starticg aesptsan tdesentsget thmacves ta'iket a'boutL, but forth plain bus- ness cnd "eIwork cfthe Worod tis f isnh tyon tiegrndare! the enes we cncount on. il ià a enoothutsig teho abce te sec the glory - Jil h ornnl e Vie arenu enciy carriediawayet thel ight cf tise aecirnt tawdry trap- pinga cf cîediocrity tint when true wonti appearsin isornunwe re- jecýti- i; it ank ealescd fea- complain cft fortune ho- be in jeans or in khaki than éf zrlmoncdgreat bive are more likely te ho foudtiin kitehe n c torkhopsthe in ihe councilcan tiiCý iM U1C¶Uý O, ? IItU lA moiv; ow tise stains c, f teil be- abetis known, Mien wsvec thse dais as t'hey creaog, net, asSo rna hurs cf d1 tc,,S ks>-b u t as avngOse anly develpmcnt 50 any cacste de0 ged,1Ctj, give 1love , se1many0Oc- owasions fer the graces antivrud and ,so mnyinîtaiens te lee-ra tise real wortcf things, then tise days are trnfreifrein glieom iite ie neeti new cycsapcd new hearts Viehrwe live in e prisoýn or ai palce epetis cet on-,the waLls abu u ut on thc 'waill ithin teý býe te slave or king, en by ci li ot o rfreeie heart, whether we regard Cie as an imposition or as an opperinni . The quiet parts are rich te tise oen hepan cd ne wyis sef quiet that heaven mlay not ho- thecre. - HENY F.COPE. H99% STRU EVELIY CIILD SOMETïRING (JAN BE ONE SIIOUD RAE. !oStopthe lacease o! Catarh ini Almot eerynorm'-al uchiid, son- owmanvie, e-r laertaetrange fancies atarrhal troubles are increasin te boos that would selim far to oinl nBomnilbt ail old for him, and suchfacis e PSr t111w rry serve tobe encouraged, for what Caarrhis a gr dsas nd to is mised in the mneauing oà the ne- iure it, germ ife in the nose, bie prose or.poetry will be made!throat ad lngs mus"lýt bedesroy up later, while these first impres- cd1, and thbis can b 1e dee oly by sions and enthusiasms (-'cf cildhocdbratig lyrni are neyer quite effaced, sy rd hr is no agrussonc erick Taber Cooper Yiii "h ed rgn nHoe i is1sed1;1ne ing Circle" cjf thie Decem-n-ber Crl aI1 rlqi nxtîe hrb Magazine. h ieto sotndsryd Accordirgly in seloting anli. st 'iiBreathed through the neatpok of bocks for oidren 1 oldbei-ý.n efinhlerthaýt cornes with every vith the oldcst anid bert testd cf ( tJiitS haigbism ee ail childen s stries, the fables and trale the most renme Air cel, de fron irne immemoriai, w and passed I quick recovery filans. The crn- on frco ne rce and nation te an- ;leto o ulfit cus!s but $ 100 and ather. !Jury & Loveliarest efn TheitMcfbocks wich DrCoo-'l nncysbuidHyoeifail te) do ail er rcoWMends lfor chidrnunder that is claimed fer it, twmeeisas felows:____ The Arabian Nights Leris Carrlls "Alic's Adven- SOI-Tif ARIGT "Threugh the L-1ki9gGiass.Reprt S. S, Ne.o,Daigtn I. an T.' TheWone ok yHwtcn ecl WaterBabie,)bY Charils Kus I V Mr rI 0 lay.SrII-Ane et75Ac SwssFail onsen. D ne6,MaHgisn 55, Wil-ý JuesVenes Twent hosadfid Runde 5, Frank CurtiS. La ueslnder the Sea" "Thir r. I.-IPhylis te6, Lena Mysterids I1%,""AJou eyte iginsrý35, Lwsjoer6, c the YCentrecfuheEarth. mn ecam Leila, o te( sl-d-r n -F. .-vaCrk 0,ore Littie Lod Fauntieroy, hy Fa-Bres70,Wiliie Meaf ces Hodygsonwurnt.Gid Pewer 0, Frarik Shferman Hans Brinkiernand cthe Sir o. Skates, by MSary Mapes Dedge. 1 Pt. 1-ereDwe 0 oi Lousa M. Aictts "Li't!e-Av- Clazrke60 mon,""itie Me," " (ghtCe-, E. F WiigbyTeacher. sîins"and itsseque, -"iosia Labs"Tles frorn Shk- AafPiifrufrng om. Diekns'"Chistas ale." The secluded Mifecf wmen which Ernet Seon hompon.of tic ona d liv(er andis ac- A qNIGIITCA TaeÏw Be0a1sPll'n1e t cinigat vii n i fe ind tiai eimne cptiemexpc i dýigestA>,ýIiive ore 1sa a i 1e sor h bIs ani Sgr iemoidlc wu- mcilc s hi wt eey e ~'nrîîare y ws bots t the wîntes hestrugghe turna i-- taCtie revmocf thewhole syste The pofthlat (car scnesand sesikcssare net qutuh same thicg is feunti in the faut that a persion miay be a good sailer ccdl yet suifer dreadfuly xwith car ick- nICs, cc-id viceversa, wii is oc- curnein bbisWou1ld go te ho that tCe senle impressions, that Il te ,!the limpressisl gainet b'yý the ear, the eye or the nose, arc net at tise root cf St hrdiorder, be- cause iný very tiuy babies the senme impressions are undeveloped o (r at thse best very fecbIy devLopetiý. As a further proof cf this car séickness ofteu ecornes on during sleep anti when . his occurs the eyes cf course are net thse cause Lis that particular case. The s oteh f car icknsay be cf a 1meisf ?appalýlicg voêctheï .staRte cf clas.bigs etrm thet cdeatis is often eaed It is, coiorring" te know that ti eri u'-nfouInder' d nd tat ateg pol if eersucumb.Yeuh'sCern- pandan. It is alwysauisak ttell a chilti hata mdîie ue neSSI il is trctytrucý. 7This 'is, aco- imonerreraren oterbutl nurss oghtotebe aboe adoptigj a corethat in th1e eccd Xwillsuey lead the cbild te istrust theciri wor d. if' a dose is veýry dîsag'rIe-ý abie, teInauseusatete mayte ai ceiainextntbe evercome bhy et-1 ing : a in l peppeInMIusîI dr dis»- svein hb"ismouItis juat eregiv ing the medicie, or suckîng an- orage efoeand after S svaclling To CourtPlaIstmr a ai Ct ..1 Fcld a piece cfcourtplaterlength- îs diecty trou i themidle. the' wýoond. No sa tsepaster. Saigtette ou tlse et ro "suebwmYc as ara sot serlosyomt of heit ut she aeea)igdte te ~ ~~~i j elr tbrI he ivay cf bouse- b I rresorini socaUl tlsanti lunc- ti ihi hserluslytex thecirstcgh as we ursng mohers, Dr. Pblec Favorite P mriptien has proved a mest valule s tn ol ninvigorat- Buon s Uke s MM " pvôled. ~...~t~tnfable..end thme S-Idoin have eb m(y,[ti rs ~~s iraena goa boon te ecxpeannt meter byprparngthe system fer th romîng of baby, thecreby render-iichilti- 1birthi safe, eas.ýy, andi aimostpane. Bee-ýr in mid, picase that Dr-. Pcr Favete Prescipti s nos a secret or patenit m ii,ainst which the ms Inteýlligent peeple are quite )naturaliy avrs,becausqe of theucrtit as te their cmostonatirmisuchýar-acter, but la asxr-[cruNExo7 HKNOwý5COFO Tioia, a fufli fikt cl 11 lis ingredionts beking printti, je implain ngison r, bottle.- wrappe xmn atio otiis làisi of MARKE-,T REPORTS wlch appý7ar in THE WEEIKLY SUIN. hesun fs the Farmei-rs' BsnesPaper. 1Besure you zbciefoi, The- NEWS o STATLSfIAN for ,'L7,5 ~ Te ttet iealr ver o drtc to tht poýbilo for P[LC-r and aMl kinis of SKIN ds Qî eo. ces flot ooly heaibt ît fe a irrinet le for Pls cea atJhun <JtiSoe~ Ichliuarberï'.s ~tLmpls.ChpptHantis, Cractk L~,Burnsa aud ~ ay other thin isasée commo)n luevr huehl >MDIR. ?A W VIEGIETABLE ONMN la This wod -fîl repar.ýation does ront ucotîiip.y minerai or oirAi fat but 12 c-m- onucdLed from týee oit! 'eethlf d.Tr sai5v box sud nýe cnvneiof tue a i4nqaitties illat Dr. ,.rk Vegeithelut i en--t psese ,AC'Cept lno subst tue. î i-Is V EG ETA b L ECO0MPO 0U ND l5Pi'- RE N 11 ;COLO-R bojslehyP.,R KERLK mland al fi, st classdrgis flat, anti ctn tlthe siesiseti pieces ati oppesite ends. Thiestrai ght etgesi shoulti be tuck t hefes o i-ý tiser aide cf tiseCeun s; tiawil brinig tisenarrow ips Iclslte cnit. Tako a sri fon chitie acd, hevicg moisteneti them, draw themn together gentiy closing tie cucdstick tise plaýstLer in plpace. tie couiilbe tieset im amane tonsure as perfect healiig as is po ssý'ible. GO9OD INES FR I{'N G Ri' llcr's n Exert viho SingsWho afre 1 rter atu t , bu t yung anti frssbekndie-t witis tise idea ' of imrxigtheir aparce.Te bac e few outisd, but thr ace prenouncet o ci"7eccri.ikg te a rierinou'qting,"tise moi- v change of tiet, buyr by star v o fabuondant eso. Dr . J Robrtsnan emiînentSulrgeeon cf pepewhen weli emitiei iib iig in celars, ACbeoh seuretithat turing four icars cf pspit tencîe o e r ae atinittet te tise Mnchester o cf Rcovcy cue 42 a yar, isil fuis errons eys2ý ten 9,inkene el r, "3. Sù il dv l r o Wij Dest in!ar ioelad EJft.s o ef use or .eesse Prce$ prbositsb$5. Ont iipleftsizv wlli cure. Setisbyui111 ggte r malea meaiupr.onBeeut e ce. lVedo tîiampi tïailed à., i ; -c Mw e m Ce.' ims the funtdymOFmcf failing health; ad cutticg ie fod suply Onvaîabl lcauesbs cf weight "To dcvebý aop strocg muscles weý tri ftcoraur aytdcsrn werk. the sane t.,y etce, by jdiiucracstmee J7yLL He bas when nun fact tisai s bowels we atnuc.ekt wltc ccx hwco~elyour n "My wi~he~ an nuis etomacis or I bîrn'a Laxa.Lh e iisem sulienevor opperteuity ced I cannot cet the Il J t-