~E O~ 0F UN~8STIIIES 0F SLN.BRITISHL COLUMLBIA. Charivrijs.Iatemsting News About the Cana- M ai lSZace m cfnti ,h n ay,199(By Jamnes L. Hughes.) o n ~to,,or, n -~'~~ It w, ~ as a strange cistom of th ., if nBrîs Cl nbj *,W.OT L"."t .. - i old dy htldteyugmn Y al[y iffe tnt f ron that. cf Ont.rio ço~ ~ Yo~a . ,ov f~ To~'? - i i o dystale thriongsin,-the air, th<e cr'mao, the %ueýetati._n ~~ .*..~~~~~Jr.0.towelcome a newly married cou~ple~, ~ ms c iprsptcs A " 57 I henoisiest way possible, anrd eY ,I o hihdisplaya.wd T h: GEi1aÂL8ATEEc- îna,îî e.ie'and fron thegroom a suin yvariation fo.what wr, weie rc- -___ merry,on the ro-ext Lof wiiirg the last day cf Ja .uaiy-wh-.-o wo ___ heheit.expect h.e and imow in (Outaîlo, Ji t1,> Probabiy, the motntal hari- ~teck a longak e tteour oo~T~.~ ~varof heblindisriewadtu, ' cvlhrf and up aloug 150u,Ro!-d, VI 1AicRiee:djjsr mon fur nid- sent out the con Hlli Park. There hauebron , g ody more.ny rost this winter duan in %n 68ii i. .. . 3i4 i torganized at ASlinaone -Car , 'yaar erioro for maýiy years, yrt, saï____nîiniight night urder mcrmandci f ë 0r the iew'ri are ail green, some c Tornto CtS anuryi 9GE. P SOOLI L ~ î II4CCiteel racBfart. arit- h Cnas fresh as in Mlay, and hel COej"!raissxigor chel's Georgp, n marehed ngrth- Yrà 1ku agirant 'varLy cf evergrean shruh -eFý -- -I-;1guis etAs 0 nr wivs or masers wassa ra us>de-e, thi .dacrtt-e ga'-deis look :almosi, lie mk1 'ý vîould hv rnn&l ou recOg- tint we thounit rheanus pg&ngete a de- srminer-sucb ns the hc ilyswimi M û ~ w - _ nîE thear. Many curons-Jgunsc1i1te nsuw eantY hvouineearplitS Erbig leVvs andl rc-d bouste, ini i Li pas cowbuu i d - r aus thrcuVh îh- sexere aie!da1 Uic winter -thé vth arl febxi ~,~y ctbe Aadcore, m".ci wr.s,l m:Zer.TYbqeZhMd nu apPette and the rhododendronis, which d4 payP îfco a O rn~n aighidý, ý uets e! e ahavealos un enegy .ed inter. flower buds ail wiîut--er and burst îîiht- ari tatiig tbehapy 0glaSrious on, nMarch, tý n n w 0logthehapy ou edG p. Q adition caused ucmtadge 11bd a ra Hi 'alsl" a ntve shrub whik.1 m- The G-~ates Iv~a la 1e Whonde3 he le wn? J. Sr b ouseabe 1 raeîexn.procure! PSYC. INiltains its dark grn oias e -J -tihe ch,-ictst product of -a whisper cas pnohibitod on t-be Ion hlmsdbssm ga e * lin eabur'hes offIee-erbuds allintsc.Cndsbutii,1hret Uineocf manob. laeQ 1eI srelyrmrsl o Yet je t-bern ont~h cfJanytsCaaasbutflarst The 'cststriingt-big t-at - raidlyliP spiedi!e' icire bruglt yor, w hav ha theeoldnt oap HE MONEyB1SrT wCA hav.eL_ù,E Wbo s tbe rra-tst-Mathe lat-a lit-tle bat-t-ent-han yen fcund curreal at- thre (ryderncharivari aheu ach-.r.Ale? aCaiunoeaor two f~mc er.It in-tuns'maîly d -eta.yi'jWr.oG sVnco, xvIi. 1. utweas thee fing of tir ouse b y tîî the as ha;umas s!lisd &ftendysad r tbt iad2 a nc I dis-b~~lécarge of agur under thbe ve- speedy corar ua soo sicIli, o sowfê and t-be l"ne t te'n- unLord does nt conl..eme 11nan- Rer. Thomas rerd;Bridges, D.D. vna.Teb-dgor a îr bu ntetnnaie edyiot a-tn a ee ene hs biton bt-10Jfnes ils truc ob- - ina bis refusali to cpen t-be dÉoor te obayu~tiW aaayau,îes e Why such a shnîîb as t-hoe_ jee-. ru emitinaccndig i t-he iévade-a fi Ci bnctherbeMA e- 1aWd Y MM.otg hM- WL1 9 Isalai ls able t-o retair, ts grennfrt-asi fcrsIdiegoVi2 hz Ch rist-, i s dîs;ià g ai uhc d b y h umA i , ..1N' caped froi . m --abak doon and was ieitOi5ye CYHN.tonahi leaves-and bunches of ote. aIse bc,030do La-p Saday huA ..j ýga ity anu The flrst- qualîty anuncomfortabiç' ride ooartarait.off met sitMe hildeairgc d a wns wraaugren as oser wben ns during t-be i qîun:e r, forton iesdsvgaothwo sevch Imuln it1-ecod.H a swa-et ajrnwieisscte- ds of excrionists corme oven on denmds lt-bat- uncenscieus of ibone-ser, and was well drerîcheda t corepletîly for.ifics tbem against disme~. t-be snour disappeaned, be hrd t-o te 5amn fo.5 -atld-!_Il self. he secnd dean-d -bat-w MOtr TONd ThIsM t 't-be rain-barrel befere ho was purr- Ih shoul! alwys ba us ! for cda, a urdeistand. 'enhaps t-be raoîýt et scsraesfonSa--e o-t'1Ioa~~dBaaWr-,D ha cousemous ofcilea nited t-o go ira again. grippe, ie -ess, ls fs 'i" t.mosphare prevaiieg bore j is e 'eoedcdVne r ta - aA, eu..se adUn-. Scus.It-is probabiy krn,ri oi i ueSoid by Il iîormcat Ecni)y inRa s miniothr.Jesus ut-- htVnli ieRm erpre ndt w1 c1 on .A f5P1;csre cf ttt-biscliat-erfuion he catforsuct-lie ý A o lesrly wit-hout afc.At length, 1sou i -70a!$10. i- ns crn'pe l toe t-oc0eair.Mh "Y -arWcso>Trii~CT thbe mnerle."New t-ethese ambi-1 kowe Har DaUghter %Wags si ooft-hepart-yaeent-close vte'eUnidtedt-ot-e "Japan Iat plýi tist tiens disciles Ha said "Yen mnst oon and fiord bis gua rip t- nOug n bicbrt-s t-be shore cf t-is con- pee>piel moboosd -et-is hium ble oure ls ad hec.1oma s Rsoe otat b -ano ftbesrn b -t-et ln e.as t-beyn eix t îl"u n ins oetbnhi u- son-hbcd beau very dry and t-be ~Etmryapart fnem t-be clir-eîp ' -eSna xuies tctiibl sgv' ptotb lttl chden" Meaknass is Viol hingirs cene like. tioer. liaa few -cniin Victoria is noted for t-ucmltenvi-AKib-Er tboubt-by acnyt-oha -be ain asseconds t-be leaders were si-ed andJ bsfî- rcay cracr-w vihat bis buit-of itis ituîatiîonaandlsr e Vsii n ~$d)te~O laBedvy"byRentSrgn waakraess.It- Ai on thbe cOntray*,!"Our littie dcugbter, sixyears cf by c blaze ou t-he roof. tbeecaunjent-ions vere ha t-bnesvit- througb noudinge. lt-s barbor consiste cf ip Hellmcrunyd, whorobck,'h on t-be nclest kinal of strengt-h. icg,aft-er a severa attack of t-he fer me to ary ,,t-r ,sinstant-tb, ,idw s -emd anaanarrow bey aou-a1ie og, eilat-s cf (air La r ïfr ournt-bs a- avad" is velnci Mleuchdng t-et-ha idea cf personal esker, wbich develc.ped int-o y giron by "Kit" Mitchell, ccd broiera glass struck t-be t-ableanad imcm ed cf whih ext-erds prae tbeycr- i-L; dcc" .,e ol f yecns ce Tae r bmportance. FIatt-eryis t-be surct-pncumcnia, was left- pitiflly t-ic,vit-b t-be -emarkabio agiity and 'put out- t-bsiigbt- t-be laugbt-an sud- t-icilyt-ct-be crut-ne cf t-be cit-v. Lbe chhmiorne-, peur "cmw cr aaflyfne hr-s-re rnad t-u favor. Wc are neyer sOeak and edmaciated. She liaad ne aigtisad h aniietG 1 hsi rb happy as viben people pes saptie c e toahw s rtrengt-b for which hoaviesnotentd, eîiy gave way t-o roe-nFcragt-ai, tnd tbemdtisat-c- be20-hcfJ r, t-iye(r ntc nmen AsPcy y h and bey dcwn hefo airns. us haa pek t coanot-er t-cmafch a. heacclimbed t-c t-bercof ced sor The charivari endcd suddeniy, 1EripresRot-el (C.P.R.) buîilt- mný cs L, _fer at- tnIOchetra," byMaic11;Be dntrti-fo.Seput- ont- t-bher. ard .centhese wbo bad tabou part-! fllled gronnd, vibieh boats former- oays vtbnnhzs eielt.~-ing Nier, " by Tiedr aes flot- learurd t-ha great-ners of bu- . ley in t-is cendition for weeks, ne- iWbrn Mn Cryderman found t-bat- in it wet- home. The yeung folks' ]y passed over. This splendid ýwouild teke t-ccrancb cf youn valu- ",Tho Truc, t-beRpan th milit-y. Ncr bave vie lrarned t-li ingtedc- pecibdddsonn e en vere shooting On isî frein t-be e nt-buest-cru district- inJbuilding vviii he ,rurndun4d by <able space te describe t-bis, t-be Mua,"Y;y Will LelvintnCmo 1 bit- cf gocal, andl ve we'o beginnîng vrn-han tesdirc heKnerccmputifllwswihhv bren_______ "Miss lkéV, CrE1ATNESS 0F SERVICE. t tin le0S 0crr Lord anal Master wcs rer- 1"At- t-br i t-t-medWrhemmcecte, st-o tear devin bis bouse, soehosur-' qccrtens, Tbo ey re trn otatincd is net-ing lass t-haun 9ecag srypac oubedn cf erglotniias, yBl van- f ail. The peorest ccd t-be rgivehon -Tne,adcthr asffeot vesrerdred ccd t-be charivari endrd t-lIr disguissccd p--.tin away palace ft 0 considereal t--e ie: -ifica bé;sn sc-e -y nh il nn WIoxaK:sMoain bhi)lest- conlal cemmaud Rira. He avlu. h otr mzd The last- griat- chariva-'i in So- t-br i plemne at-r, an! di cun~g bot-cl ou t-be Pacifie Cocît-rerîci ,îee eor;1 Bsoî baam olt-on Hll; "Th,,ovec J0~ e-et-abut-lokiîg ort-e pcpe t-ber pregres. and wvhea vie tolallna î-r eal ff - en ae -li xn-i' ft-h'ýevenîog. 'Trac Ulilfel-rsmPsurpa" in le epays cp bis debt-sfa-n ils is cdl- by Lc0. La<aeu. ogt-ecn %vrtaotloii o h epe!hum sec vere giving ber Vimiol, h h eurdnaly fyyiao tho ý3_ý ,gaeI in o trÈ'i-,wyertibntionsnet- fictionlj AP t-bat- neadeal Hm. Worldly ambi-i ole,'ti iermdkcpihnM.GogEraeadmo r îigce-.Wen,3 a cti ilrpriuas oi etadwl a tioin makas us lock<ct- men in ct-aller ,'I s in e'd, pMiss Maria Rare viene married. Foi - erapaiis bchd nary con'pet-d 1t-hac onth cf tbis lacer basin rsn.ds aadb-aa ii ng mbdfor L-rr CDoal," by ergLtbl 2lgt.Tbry arreraggrs t-e be ig- iu.'W isscd h eorrnie tino t-be leaders in sueh re- ibein îmro f costume MnRu, ~t-bn magnifi ent- panliament hailal -d Watbedofa Iamit-laitf- h as.HmmnShfave mont-bs br ore tbe dtorridsh cpiens bcd bora Jin Heatîmeand 1stp-oppd ut- firiNt-e shàinieviwan~d ings cf t-bis previ-nc, rnm'uncd uaveah oaff cniyc-pays bis repect-s to"h ct nored, t-bey arr tools t-e be nsed, i c edpban brait-h anal st-nengt-nbuyvers prayers t-c bis go-As ferpros- Sui-pplmct-" haraigi-SIi t-bey arc ivais te ha crusheal. But: otsL r hedco adseSteve Bradr. Tbey deesal--! t-e1 sai "iy-If yen pay fer the vit-b' heant-ifugl gre'anedilà,. Ira my -Gorg t-be apirit- cf service put-s t-hem cil vuld."-Mrs. J. W. iagg, Pont- give t-be yrueg couple t-hein er-iaap he-e t-na mrevopinion vihe cnchit-ctureocf t-bore pni the, lng iiyara-r]bapncystdur- eddg; ereL nepvrte iii cac class. Tbey are brcthers t-o;lenal,Me. J ade on t-be nigbt-cf t-hein vitadirag. hîenning, 1 rianîîcarry tb -i--nbuligormrnoatîn -a rg b 'v 1cr Te -ayr-r - ' "et- Rîd of Yu luin, hoe loalana l hepsal. Va-i cna cdlvrpr'pn~The homnecf Mn. John Ruseviesn fnhno" t--at-cf Ottawa anal 0cr Ontýi-re peia ie r-kre-fnî-aaoite wosgebmcfJ Who, t-bec, la grcct-nst- The ti-on,cnt-ining in a bigbly con-Oc t-be sont-b ride cf t-be maie st-rcet- 11e ho-crosse-d t-ha.fleidiand I hidicg loobssnuil anal pc-en hy it-bict-heose t-u drive t-ho c.viiB. B. t-aberas bist-ce"sP- mecn vibedors t-bs great-ast- amouat- centrth-o in an-b bdy-urad-tivei Sclina. The front- cf t-be aus bddinit-be nea cf t-be lange comparison. h, is dhinc .,t1drasuin r ont-, hutho e uieheisent--Day FictionQutepeia- cf gocal. Hcipflnrss.is t-be higb-- 1irag, trnt- na-igcdcuaieS aclose t-o t-besidwalk.4-eou refeet-be young aoa got-t-bey anc t-be flnest st-at-c logisa -e a n ve;t-e oe 'iî, ' n " A brief sketch ala "re, es-qcltyof bumain life. Service' emeets ofTe ecoal liver i ny aspad uicilsonth oninntdb Tot-o. a ist-ecrsvj~gorc m.A mcadded. It- ir delicicus tt-e ij~1Tsarnd i -t -e tcteeth' osyva aa.Be lio o -ecniet.ioe atbey v ihe "ranrd"en- bgTom. L.Macucds bmo a it-urb t-be ba y art- in t-be tb leaders adroitted t-ha-t-Mn. Ruse Thtntinas!sroni -b e--e -e vi o li 5t-ut-be numben. Toaaenm - o ohn h fod h ol elrnoef-sighetdegrea. Tbry appeared t-o - bd b e t-eo smnart-fer thoc, an.d of tonearc pîcturesque analld -- m u -eVcTt- - 1 excellntpce-ybyUitè- ar wit-b a great- affection, vihostirse ltrry mot-ber wh02bar, a weak,1 he nt-t-nly oblivions t-ot-be frAct -at-we o ere aIl grateful t-o bina analbecutifual-forest, moritain ced aDmet-unesý for biou-s t-bore is a con-kiras, Clarncre iimi Alr! a t-be vonla vit-b greet-t-honght-r, dclicate or ailing cbld, seua tnyIue n!bdî aalbre îs tmi ik!b2îbete eeus e i et- ecqie- assok hofaal,,tanau' a a f e ny nba-inra Ruyrbato-ne Fui viho mores t-be xolal t-o dards cf Vinûl onýou ofert-o net-erraber!pasanal lonalvoics - r, aigpo - fay n.i sl c f excry sze4 ad a - ytic, One st-ove-kseapen is ai- ! cCeat-osIanalct-berfaenesgr; heroisca. ~mocey if it- feulst-ogive catisfac-I ~lu- noises ite, erre eaarag piorecsc Ou<. xîaeiug svani-y, harve disehange-! $1,000vient-b ene and reine spcnkliai pgncsb Seric i t-e -ug -bt-let-stion. Jury & Lovoîl, IJruggirt-s,discortn. isesang ced lauiela fteve-tbtIthleMi-atbt-jaaldsat-ncnasscine t-o manigiat-(mest-y paid for by ctist-enaers) Wl-c ui- nlMnaTo icagest-. It bas an ýa rt-bly immcm- Bovimeevile. t-bey beau-! ns net-. vas it-e riener eho t-ic a t- rice nike gorupanorcama. Acrees adt-be Chim'es Masour creeteal rmas Antriia. Toetpof vt t-r hdit . nd ec o u n amer s bave -q4 - Ji m ccn d S tev e c ll e! c co u rcou hero ut. t b o n l ia W s i g ton thle O hm - i g - fa-i n a- i r , c - u - 2 fret-o te r a l ,h ere is " W a m ci u ts c eW i ," t h prnmsed aal ou memny isfer-of van. I not-calt-be fcct-t-bat- t-be --picerauige uaeragrn acie- eiafot fthi alvhciuionm ueosdpatacrd gott-a, -begoal eee ve hve(~t~D BET.fine halboe st-cnt-rd t-oprepare a WITI TC 1T grounalt-o t--e picsr eanal on rcry se o'rdvtbfn-rceS, drers, Lippincc-ýtt's otbl ae doncviiiiiv on."Ch nerer1 Godalshe ie hast-t-hings for t-he supper hefore t-be gucst-s dpart-ad. - ealc dys, granîd lal Mt-.Baker, vicusrfolit-, ni faeuconuac EBast- WcashgonSuae fairt."Th beu-y f -h hna I fevi, I ias vieilacequaintnal it-h t-be si-sp- lb is t-hoe (AdAngle Saxon cm -n ibn-mcaniat-isp.rt estroan for o er bî e, boun.Pbthe dphia ficici dard, t-be vidov's t-vo mt-as, 1Who canet-o st-ced-t-be test; ing roof cf t-be heure, ced buevi for Da anffcd it's a good occ. jcf it-ha vend, dispîcys ite rbîcîg Cs-$li.Tm aei -eds th -Ib cichser bx-f oint-ment-, S Goal bas His scodchoice for boy t-o neach it-,se I 'propoed t-e fyou bîiaedandruff yen bave tch healfar up jne boclonale. tribut-jeu of t,--cbright me.! nev-,,- Pb1ilip Sdr' cp cf cola at-er, t-bore get- on t-be roof anal stop up t-be dn1n -e i--ecicee -a-Vicoria is hnigbt-, lprspenons;yeanrdegcd t-be visit-ing. le Seposns.Slc i tb ra t-beý pcýssigshadevi cf FIorener Who will eût bae is bet-. cbt-nney. My pîce vil apprcv cd, ,ar, pat analparce, of dand(ruff anal progressive, bas coidenabe - exr homstreacd bail a table rooe ur ced t-ohu a-piv-bo- Nightingae, vicb -ha yingsol-anal t-beleaders agreed al-oguaral wriing. it-ti ibégt- iocce -aeaon au ffri- !daintits spnccd, ';ritlilos. Wb'at-vre otb dier rove t-o kîs; thase are plu Give ume , Lord, t-be bcst thinga, t-be bcck.docr analde-leot a fl-dyo !soope r aerxviirrebt-nr na a reron tuie- na jrsetipe st -chue.Chn-faue iflls idgetincaros o turcs 00ih thir venld, bcdas it- Let-et-bers ake t-be r; lme t-o t-h-e r7of. ivas IscOfent-ho rery 1%ife fyonr bain and de-1trade. Nct lims t-bac a quart-en cfimec dre-sse!in tberbest- ccii, boy anemntor 4ment-ivry -y L dc neot-vent-t-hein gochal -igs, ttbe nocif heside t-be cin.Ira aI - iyls vit-ait-y.1 a mîîîon peopalecvii th-is plaierar -ebuehllcus fPrmlesVgtai WILL NOT LET FADE. For I have gct- t-eh bot-. foviseconde I bcd taben off iy Tny oul abllBl lalst- yrar. The population is Se - t-be t-rrrsupreme blessinige, sbcaPPuis. By rcgnlatir -eatinc The sucjs cf cent-uies ise anal set- eerceat- anal fclde! t andal peoalst-y-fon net- avec t-he a -oderful 000, xnblaEsquuscît- t-o t-be vert-,-ener a-s e gi nlth tcch ie- -etrul 11pnil It ~~~~is net- alvicys opens iii it- over t-be epeiung of t-b chimncy. rejuvanating properties iu paris, i-da Oak Bay t-ot-ha east-, pat-dPi.AIwf uwi1à() 11 is hyreoe bh hacty cf t-bis idéal cf son- Tet- rse t-be promîsealr-oct-; I t-h-rn set- on my coat-, anal I knexv àraSý-î, age cccgroîr bain aît-c t-be caly einuas-cît-y vît-hVictoria the les on0n heuspýmý rdhat ls vieis t-bat- it- je ithic tha rach The hart-t-aroften is t-be fo t-bat- mccct-ore veulal ha "aloiiags't haitruLh rrot sdca.PriinIa! d -!.denot-ber 5,000 people. ït- losigr." Tbey exent- a 'edetiefnc i cf cli. Brery it-y iS fulcf pcv- That beeprtir from. t-be hast-. devin stairs. 1mI vasom jubilant- Sage cures Dandnamff. Jury & ils clcimcd t-bat- eaarly 3,000 viore WLB .00B -enre c br -aoi n cn-,sut-eing,igoacer- ove-r t-be succs cf my plat-bat I Lerel1, tlia druggirts, selle lt--e- add-ed t-o t-be population lest- yean. Victoria, B. C., Jan. 31, 1909. uost t-bey hning reet- Ii0rnnt-cencey iffneeesbe dationi. EBryvhene our bret-hers Thrr's seercrly oceebut- vcgcoiy'vice crewlcg iraimit-ation cfac t-i-,cmaneit- acd guarant-ers. tont-;ces - différenMesDbe- lieý before ns as of olalt-bey lay be- vients nmpbact- roorter, vbrn I board a 1ny5 etclnebo--ea!t-ie-en Victoria anal t-bedit-es cf LTRR NTS S's e -1gmiae vnaa forat-b etern] Cris-, entmirr- e sme ay -o a blet- nose ebial e, nallooingcre yor mceyb50kif t- eust-odun t-eaEgt- Wrhav eiht--si se chi, ai mot-nole.Tby ord'Tc ot-Th 1esInlord, 1-eeek *my so _lde I ---]Mn._cn Rro Dcdnnff-Fe-lng Hen an! 1t-c -becanalo-elUTiens-sin t-is di-y, iNO'TEheS. gp, "Goucyen houer, il y're cet- od Fa'rn uti-os U10 4<4à4a dn ectoaare Jbv apso., claesraniy gocal onc on Fer Tcl foqehe - rai of i~~cmruk.But- nem. m's ecosnonicaL.This excellenit CcjWt-,nieri-e etb, dcp - ail ,îgh coaa-esppart-ment-s replet-o vit- nfm ati Mnlvccy. helthant enaiesit ta rositi anal a speci a count- cf t-be am ~'-So mclmonwec eiin abn onneviao igta "ulvannyl Anal de 'e mena t-o wne' xteecîi. u-ntrp ho-n unmn- y emi nb e-n a mne nga bou t - ay yc'rcOc GOinri s 1 Ovi p e crny navousand ereiah."O~ o."mouae up a- nunihor appcling t-c II nnir yvl,"ri n, "b-0 ,onyorlepes.rcry lever of be gro-at ont- abersl coet-be voneI c rr e-'mnnwthCtiy g" favet-ten cf ticF -ar orso -4, 1, n t V,atdsiro.s m-ib 1-bo . h Tee, ia a.a a.. 'lit-ers "un s t- honly von iule strengtoti. a- av erui ek c o n ni Tnslepnct orMrhia rs TOOT ~ I met i wbpollhnede1 mi .C ea~C~Tooto i agm anlvgorone as t-ha montbs raul S