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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1909, p. 8

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BOWMANILLEMAR. 4, 1969 PROVIDEN4CE The follcwlng lathie report af S S Ne L, DarlingIan Toali100,, Sm IV-Effa Wight 81, Orvil: eondersan l7ETIa Wight 72. Jr IV-Irene BraZog 72 Haze lm~III69, Oscar Luxton 53. Sr III-Milela Hoar 74, Willie Hans 67, Pearl Luxlzen 46, Gladys Bragg 82. Sr Il-George Coiwil!io70 Helen Henderson 59,Wille arrît395, Penrl Keoler (bet)Jr Il-Cýil QuInneyG 9, Ber- nard Qnune>,' Pt 1-Leta Hancock 5,nypate- nt modicnea have ccme ant gnebu Biki'aAutl-Congump. hiveSyrp cotines t ocupya fore. moal ,tpla-ce among ti emoedies for coltia ni ?sanpreverilahiveo!idtaa>'ofthie lunqîga. lt is a standardmeiciethat wlosils spiereofa!usefulnness -ear b>' esIf yen are in neet ifo! omethlng te rit!,nursolf 'a!fa eld, yen cannot do bettes than tri Bickle's S, sup. ENFIELU Ms ill. manantid f, s a MsLevi Niddcryvs.dhed' at MsJlilieburn' . M..s. M abel Jewlitasben vslingluBrock anti aripoe.Ms CNtitiers lias beon '2-ii5glî rck.,.s A Niddery vil- itoi I .'~on..MsIl 11O0borna anti wi!e, eusti,; tMr J HalI's. ... Msr W Orîtnis maving trom -hie fiirm te Broiuwhen ho getahils new bouse 1bU'lt .,s0.-yiton bas roldti aina for - h00 uyr ave bought sev- cranbsss .o. MsjasGIl bort nrbte non y 70 ushelsaiasiRe lover seet IvluB.wm n île or wblcbho s e- ceiveti a gea igure..,, MsHudson, Ha ney, Man, la Rues, o! Ms John-- Campbell belore returnîag nom MnEPasce anti bride b ae returnetià -u mo a Iter quito an extûnsile weddiug- TýkUNT0N Msr A J H Eekast, Toronto, vos>' much i dssatistiedt lat Miss Luask dit! net win tic $50 silver tea £eltidonatoti h,' himaci l incheladies' tilincr coneat a Markharn last fali îirou h bis kint! geneossîy sent ber a handsome, gald- linet! silver de3sert set AVili positively cure siek icadacie andq E revent its seturu. Cartcr'a Littlo !ver Pulis. Thi s hanul lalk but Iruth. One plîl a dose, Se advcrti soment. Small rill. Smail dieo. Smaii prico, EAYDON Visitera: MssS Flomeo Bowmau- ville, at MrJ Wilt Miss G Trowin; tewn, with triends E-oe; MsYls M Lamb- kin anti Mr H Poole, Ne4stieton, witi Msrs T P'sýatjG3-; XM Theson Mounijo>' wti frienda ah Oebiawa anti Whhib.... Mir Harolti Son is sick. ..Suada-v meorninz whlle prepailrig te attend the funeral o! Ms J Gant!, Bowmauville, Ms Johin Gilhank accldontally felltiawn cellarbreakingis collas houe. Paý'in !om Indigestion, tiyspepsia., anti tee beamîy îthn slarelievot! aI once b'tkigeeo! Carte saLittlo Liver Pili., Immediatel' aftlasdianer, Dou't forgeS Ibis SOLIN.lA. Attendt te Sbamrock Qoclai aI Hamap- ton March 17. About hhirtv members ci Maple Grave Dbvi!on vis-t' tihere Fritiay nigh it nt gave Pa g0ootprograraa!elarsof ss"" ectaina anti excllent atdres- das ana S C RundIe. MrlHowasd Folev accupiedth le chair. Retreshmetite wcsc served ani ll were highl-v Pleasoti with nodatteded the Pe eki. ncr lv tha cîvIt> lst Tinrsati>anti visited Reognized as the ieading sipecîfie for NEWTON VILLE Ms anti Msrs D Hetidon, Columbus, recentir visitet!Ms W J Trenot..- The Foroabers b !da very auccessfuýl oystcr auppou huis Latige room spant Sundav wtihone fatior Mr James Courtico .... .Divis!on Intenda holding a basket social ah Mt Carswcll next Tues- KEEP CIIILDREN WELL An eccasbonal dose o! gontie laxative snob as Baby's Owu Tablels will cicar thse stomaci anti boweis ofa! ah ffonting m rattor, andi will keep lithleocnes happy. DARL1NGTON Mise Inca Peasce visihet Irinda lu Newcaste...., i Lewis Hase, Mark. ham, spent a wexwiti Ms EF Wi. longiby aht Ms GaVanDyke'a.Ms Jas Meade, NDakota. isiteti Ms John Witlieridge anti Mrs W Curtis,... Miss Wlnni.e Poer was In Toronto receutîs' .M Roy' Truil, Ncew Liekeard, le home a-na visIl. ..Miss Nancy VanCamp Ie wISli friendsisnluOshawa ... Msanti Mre W W Allia anti Mise Edith visiteti ah Ms W H Wood'.... Ms E F Wi- loughby spent Saturda>' ln Tarant..,. Mr Win Crushie anti famil>' antiMs, Marwoati Oke beave this wcek for North Dakota wliercthic>' lendt lamako their hiome.... .Mr Jas lark6h.bas senteti Ms Casey Truil's farmn, and the lattes is baving a big sale o! farin stock, oe, on Marci 17 .... Ms F TGu' driver was kieket! by anothes lhorse anti dieti tram injuriesMiss Ida Elliaiot, lown, spent Sunday with ber frientiMs Nli Guy. MA PLE GROVE Attend tie Sliamrock social atI Hamp- toni Mardi -17. Vlitrs:-Mr. Neil Martini, Brillis Columbla has vislthag lits cousin Mss, C Cax.... assJoan l'oti,town, ant içla Ernerson, Oshawa, et Mr,. bas. Snow- dons.... Misa Loin Snowden apent Sun- day witli lir cousin Miss Greta Van- Nest, tawn ...,. Ms. anti Mss, S. 0. '.' Brieu, hawn, wih ber sister Mss. Tru. Power ...Misa Riva Snowden bas se- turnoti homo ai ter visitiag lier aunt Mss Jobu Sandera, lawn . ..-. Ous Division visitediSbn Fride>' wien a gotime was crij,yot! by al... .Oshawa Division visiteti thir brethes anti sisters hese, Manda>'wben a ooti programme wa« given. . Our divisIon wibi -% iit Taun- ton on ÏMCrch l2thh. ..Goatiattentiance o! ý_meiorrequestoti, noxt Mopday givenb; Ms liont eadie- ale frnm a misslouas>' among Gicns Miss Farel giving thc latsst v;o;r d tram hie DOWans anti- Miss C W ~jivrtato n ie, 0 u n l 1. I9n anti Kîtne' -Lîe 2 Pila. Nrvouseadace le usuel!>'1ý* acoaaoinbytheaknoss, Foct the DARLINOTON COUVIL. ContimlahbetonHs,1a, anap. ven.ach, que for %7772 this municipal- -t'sabref om Pro-v, ala taxation fud 1'he Reve eparted that C. A. Ad.ýnm who bcd beau receiiag aic from t 'he twulV lad refused to ho de- pjovte-d, and advised that n farther roceedings be tmken -atlopted. printlnng for the ycabr, reportecd hlýiavln aýrranged w-iith M A. Jam-s & Sons- acepitted. BydaFw No. 67 aoppiating 1Pathrmasters, FoeiViewers an-d Pouin the Po.Good Roadaý Association in Toron_,tro Ac;ounts were passed as folaws-CW. Lawton printing $1 50 Municia World statiouery $3 15, A, Sharp gravai anti roadway $4 , F. Wer- den roadwork 88 50, Mrs. Lane support of Pre ri $3, C. Ad num support cf la m lly ~.] M. Wyn support $6, H. Eliiott regIstration feos $25 S3, G. A Stephens ceudar 238 Counili adjourned te Saturday Mardi 27th at 10 a. m. IL Ellict, Township Cark. ACUTE INDIGESTION Curcd Through the Timely Use of Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pls, There is no medicine can equal Dr. Wiiiiams' Pink Piliaforstamacli troubles These Plilla araeflot an artificial appetiz- er for astimulant Thoe net innaturo's ow-iway by making rich, red b!o9d l'his n5w blood gives vîgar tealal the or-gane., When it flowvs through the tiny veina sa the stamach It stimulates tiead croates that craving wbicb people cali "apeetito." Then when it is satisfied witb fiod the blooti gives the stomach strengîli to digest it. The nourialiment laabsorbediby the bload atir carried te every organ in'the boly. That la how Dr. Wiliams' Pink PUis zare stomacli trubles and ail blood diseases, That Is how they gi Te heaith end strength to weak, woftout people. Mr,.If. Thomnas Curry, Port Malianti, 11. S., say:-,"Abcut Ilirce years ago 1 era-s attacked with what doctors tesmeti acute indigestion. The first indication was a bad taste lu m v moath ln the morning, anti a saliow complexion. Later as these sj mptoîns doelapeti my tongue was hpaviiv coated, especiaiiv in th~e morning. andl faitpartieuiarly du'l M4y appetite bagiin to dwindle, anti even a liglit meal lIt me with a sense of haviug caten to much, AslIgrew worse 1 ate barely enaugh te sustain my body, but stili experienceti the most acute pains A wretched langour came over mewhicnlI ouitinot throw off Il seem- ed as iflIwere alwavss tirei, wlhbut littie stren gth andi troquent violent he!,ailieg. 'The remedies given me by mv dIoctor, as we1l as by many others 1 was l u Ibis very unhappy state fora!- mo ,t a >year when I read in a newiepaper one day ot1 the cure ln a case simhlaiïr to mine througi the uice of Dr. 'ý1_ iliam9' Pink Pilla This decidled me 3ta give these ,Pills a 1wao flot l'-n iong ba- fore 1 fait some relieJfnfrm tha dis-tres after ineals, and as I continue i the use cf he ill al lngor atidrowainess en-joy increaseti eneýrgy anti new, strengthi. Today ï an a well mnau on.1 jo)ying tue be6t of bealtth, wiili neyer a twne0 h i rule, and 1 attributoý - y cu- r enirl tctf fisuseo!Dr 1These Pilleare soid by -ail 7medie I aaers oir ùyen eaurgel ttllioýM- b rcmai1 at 50 cents oacx or sixboe for 8 25u froM ThoeLDr. Willlams' Ldci CiBrocki. ville, ont, îa n ieIige gad arhen- raves' Worm Etriao a rza nibve 'a gotime,, -n i abie~2a telb plelaïni2t orm .roi euhostelg chlîdren bwngltereot o SNo 8 for wer o le 11g Shoo . .- M AHos verywicre. It soidom ala, . Februry, )ýýname, iluorties cf munIt :Sr gasti lias "-beeonfiDEnedt te hbouse IV-Rup .erta Bernes, Flarunce Wbiue, wtht heuvtiM., ,, Miss Grace DuthieiMas>' Courlice, Aio Short, Sr 1II- liasï:Msne! hoe t Foanteattr aI NE OASLE.Norris Barnea, Olve Ptrohs Ansn îengîîyvit frinds here. - ,MiqssiaGereRnidEesFo- Lîla Blair vlaitot! ber parents ah Tan to Snd>',,, ~M ~TTaylor bas Ms Fan Rwin ,si 1 rso mn J 11-ele rlicePou- lseiMs Il Argua's farm . . . Ms ceci! e Busoa MsEtgr sore sW>brî, afi! Týjrov, Nîbateýýle n Pasco as anauulce3rabeti acre ý Liront1 gtingiebicrnd' for bsnew ses tutS lVr ihiLli butla mprvin,.. M Jon Ochad' idnca..,ss JSmih vsibt!Bow- Huggins, Litiseti hl'O. Wllie Wl JrieDo-isCauriceQiher Tevi sel. aa wii atvu~t! Turada ant mauilietrieds... Mis Winhe Hns>; V.ictor PhaIr, cbalý Wcbl ta Vi2o presitiedt! alle organ eýt EltatiI.n lueBwr d asiI siMr Sieliss Loua Tavlor hliaving re. jHea, .-e 4O.iwarcnî> Ndr-sBeseLutn siget.Ms "T02Bai il- 1- hs Topsnlas beau qulto?î. Havv eonliEe ettWls, Sr Toano ut ~ .5 5 îtlin M wl 0,afrmraeutatïi' -uu la-rle, Lloyd Courtice, Asile Mi 1 ?e.0 re picasedto te bas itTrdr' ak rcnl>ihat! fians obe>'PI I -taLla Go>'no, Ethel .a.tfIne la canivalescing nicely îaller brer .qnk T c se Gaîbrii, ramp. Breaks, GardonNichals. iaer>' ere hilineas,. . MssesAalbrath, B lu- beratis abu 'ose rspe...Ail > ides bon, rentiy vieitedt! lisfallier, Priai- ]LiEL A csoN. lea cher resitients luinJames L llugliesl articles, cipai Gaibsati'-. Ms... s Bort Ballagi Oui>' the unlitometi endure the agon>' [Elis contribution tbis wee-k la the bat lias rotumuedt! hler hameah ipe>,of corna. Tic knawing anes appi>' !!a. . fl%.4V fl14WL0taU iou w. Due Pinsidc page -SI)l OP ., .. Next meet- uf Women'a, Instt wili be helti Thu-rsday, March ii, nt 2 30 p m at the iomeof Mss Silas Wiiiiî1ams. Sabjeets: Potato and t l Uses, by Mss Sulas Wil liams; 1"Soring Sowing," b; Mss. Chas. Werri; Exchange A 'Patteras; "Easter Thuhs"by Mr;s. Tees Pascoe. Ail lad>"ies interosteu i cordiailvL1inyteti attend thie metln;g anti help tW alei asuecesq.. . Mr 1F M 4Crn tierrnan, bleck- -1 thý fing b is bsnesmore tthan Lie buas s ,f trentudo, .lias decideti te Soui his property anti wdbuiLer, hvre. It is ansb et tic boazS cacuntry stands üin 1h15 district, WIIERE BILE is NEEDED, Biliousuosa -toe much bile in the blood, Constipa tion-too littie bile lu the intestineos. When the liver is awakenod ta action bv Dr. Chas's Kidneï-Liver Plait filera bile tram the blood andi Pauss it int t.he psin. The resuit lsaa leansing cf bthe systemn, pures blooti, botter appetite, Improved digestion, new vigor andi goati liealth, IEAMPTO N. lbs'on . ..M WSlad aae Bel Tleepionc o COw, ntdilfe, at rA C Prîce-, Mnge îel e piaoeCo, BownRnviile, ant i wfe, were r:econýt gu"cats o! Ms CLiou, -.. Dr anti Irs Latta, CaiborLiO ,IMs Join anti Miss Violet Dadflcv, lomniiwt-ee se. c.9tqaI c! Ms Harry Dde...r ree ltl ilteti ber maties 3ssAbt Y, prvaste he dpar reo!hers sster. Mss Arseran", f-r ic-Wst...Mss Th- aant iber littbeganitauio D J Gisn, H W utiey Pd F E L,0vekin were luaoor ltlwe ls Marsatin anti wlfo visitoti ber es Mss (Dr) Farneombe on soute ta lheýir home lu Brandon, Man., after a tilp ta tie Oit! Country'. Paie, SickIy HAVE ANAEI Your mitrot wiii tel youi for the unnatural pailor ofi side of thse lips and eyeiids in blood. You nsay aiso have indig( ing speIls. severe headaches Look HRoe! Tie Ladies ot Hampton rafityndereeas E. L. C. E. will give a Shamrock En- is lacking in the ver>' eler, tertaitiment an St. Patriok's Day, 1tMar. tained in condensed and 17thk] A goati Musical -ant iLtrerary fomn psogsamt is being prepareti. Admissionfl 3atitsl7 cents, Cidren 9 cents and A . . ever y seventeenti Person admiltetifrrse, 3 Came anti be anc o! the lucky cnes. e v Fo d Program ho begin ah 8 o'cieck. 9-2w. This great restoratire shar 1 Scbool Repart of Junior Division for' invigorates thse nerves whici Fobruar', rinmes lu orties cf merit: Sr tive fluids, streagtheas. the1 lI-Ernoat Windatt, Orville Clarkie, gradually and naturaliy rs Evelyn Wiite, Norma Peters, Jr Il- fIbm weak blood te health, Frances Ciatworthh, Merlo Cryderman, See that portrait aad signatur Willlc Gay', Gracie Hlillier, Howard M. 13_ the.famous Receipt Ailn, 11ev Stephens, Levi Nidtiery. Sr on the box you bu>'. 50 ct Ph Il-Milton Averyv, Lerne Hastings, Edmanson, Bates & Co., T( Morley Hastings, Joey Etigerton, Wilii. Mss. 1. Edwards, 14 W Wlndaîî, Emuma Petley, Harry Ediger- Woodstock, Ont., atates : toný Sr Pt, I-Marjory Cole, Walters 0'My daughter was ver> in Jones, Haroldi Allun, Albert Gay', Alan IsealtIs, felt tired andi langui Wbhe, Winnie Warti , Jesse Jones, nierveus. She began usingE Marln Sephns.MIS ETLEE JONS, Foodi, and it built ber righti teacher. ia weight, improved in Colot The League enhraiurnent Friday Well ulght given by lie baye was a huge __________ success. A veem on the "Village cf____________ Hampton anti ita Prominent Men" written semewiere about thtrty vears ago by a ssîtient of! bil place was read by Rev T H P Anderson and was mach eayetibythie audience. Sine il was wsitteu 10 of those wiosà naines are 'nentioneti have died anti 15 have se moveti, Proceeda la! cntestainment Man's Scotch $3000... Ms W H Macro anti Mr J emn T Caleare sroslsy 11i.... Ms I L r ega Brewn and Ms M Rabbins are out e! Boys' Peuman' commission fer a few days, thie latter regu with a bruiseti ankle andtihte former Men's heavv, wilh a brulsoti siaulties...A number ahirt o! young people were entertainod tia the ,,Cottonas home o! Mr C N Ruse Monday evening 85-. ....Messrs W N Brown anti Wiibur , Black Sa, Moore. Toronto, attendedtheti League Oeal entertainmFnt Friday nîght andi spent Salýurtiay anti Suntiay ah home.e .... o Ovesallsi T H P Anderson, tie popular paster o&,,WolSc Hamrptan circuit, aItach Februry Quar- , Woel lMi terlv Boatrd meeting recciveti a very ,d, heairtyvanti unanîrnous Invtation îo rc-: int mahiin fr liethirti year ,Mr lv iem enc", Kirby, visiteti ah J T Cole'a . lBack Mi *. . ,M"rs M BCrSdermau h,e been ah Orono lieilinglo Case fer ber graucisonl ....Mr[I 1, Brown wili attend the 2DOlE Sureme irùlecfhie Ortiesof lheI Berne C inlTorena exhwek.,. Ms J ColwDIl r 'laiAblileno- et-gain BIlTT .Allie cnclusion o icprayer- meetng ednetia cvelgMs j Ward wsprosontei wtà an easy chair by the Laelarcegnition e! ext;ra servir'- EMUA if you are aa'.ern, c, 4thse gums and in- ;indicate îhin,watery lestion, Clzz, fja- ls, and feelings"nai itude. The biood ments that are con- 1easily assimilated Chase's .rpens thse appetite, s cnt rol the diges- hearts action and estores thse sufferer 1streagth and vigor. ure o!A. W.Chase, )Book author, are [s. at ail dealers or Toronto. Winnett Street, ssuch run down in gid, and was very SDr. Chase%ý Nerve tup. She ,gained cand is nowý real .1 -M . ..--. ENN ISKILLEN. 1Mrs Smith, Brighton, la visiting ber sistes Mss Harry Rogers. Ms.NI Fred Rabbins lias lakon a position lu Hoch. cater... Mr WIU antonlaveock, visitedh is uncleNIrJnoRnt . 4Epwerth Le-aguý la havjing a esoci!al Thursday eve2ùiiLg MAardi 4, A ;goot pro--ag labelgrovidied; home anti foreign talen;urtdaerfemea Mrs T MceGIli spent Sunday iiu Osbaa. . MrsWcbsîýes Virtuelis vieil- ing ber paretts Mr andi Mss Jna Rantoni Mr Trenoýuth anti daugliler, llamp- han, visiteti at Ms C Pascoe's ...Miss Sadie Vistue, visiteti ber auht, Mrs Staplea, Tyrane,.., MiEs Florence Pye li; visiting frientis at Bowmanviile anti Newcastle . ... This community sympaîli- izes witb Ms anti Mss L B Williams, Toronto, lu the death of their daughter Elva .,a. Miss Editha Vistue visitod t 1 J Smitb's, Mount Vernon... Mr anti Mrs F W Lpe entertaineti the marricti peo ple iast week .. .. Attend lie Sliam- rock social aS Hampton Masci 17. Report t! school for Februasy: Sr IV_ -Esther Stevens, Elgia Bell. Douzlas Bartou, Elsie Oke, Ettie Brun.Js IV- Teua Sap Milton Santerson, Bonald Hall, Greta Smith, Roy Plowsiglis, Les.- lie Rtobblnis, Mary Brunt. IIJ-Adam Sharp, Colla Brunt, Cecii Brunt, Mas- ion Virtue, Sheila Smith, Willie Moorey, Merwln iMountjoy, Etina Mouutjoy, Uobert Eartou, Robert Preston, Warren Preteu ,Lota Oke, Florence Brunt, Greta MeIDonalti, Wifred Santierson, Helena Werry, NWilliam Hambleton LI-Euia Paacoe andi Pearl Sharp, equal, Gýrtie Sandesson, Whlhewell Hall, Edua McDouaid îand. Arthur Brunt, -equal, Walter Smith.-Russell Griffa andtiefoi ena Smihh, equal, Sadle Craig, Charlie McDonalti, Gostion Werry, Hoskin Sth, Charlie Plowright. Pt il- Mabel MNlontjov, Lamne Griffun, Roy McGill, Fretidie Preston, Fraudis Wer- ry, RoyMcouoald, Lillie Sharp. 1- WIlberc Smith, Melville Griffun, Jack Smih, Average attendance 47. - Miss E. L. RosE, teacher, by Ml Sses Curtis and HiL' a-nd Nlesd&ames Phare and Hawtey. La the absence cf the President Rnti lst % Ice NMrs W Il Hicks abiy filled the chair. ZSeven new maembers were added t,) Our number and about W7 00 ta aur treastirer'e ac. cauiit. A hearty vote 01 thanks was tendered Mrs Ciemenus for licr getiurous Th ireat est Cornles Evidence of ' The Gr'eat Work Dodd's Kid= ney Pis are Doing. MATISM ANDi DIAB1ETE5 NY TREL KIDNEY REMEDY. FINDLAY, Man, March lI (Specia1). - Cyrille Maginel, a weli known farmos living niear here,' furni. aies fuirth(ar information 0f the great orcfDodi's Kiny Pilla are doing 1I su!! f r ,om Renaimanti Diableteka," M ingnl as uteliing the stoy ! is cure1. "y leep was 1broklc uti nreftsh -rg1111d1Iwas Lîreti anti tised aUils thtme, 1 was treateti b15,dctasbut hu., tliet tacure me. Rieading tliat Dodti's Kitiney Pilla were goûc rbrick sedinient lu the urine, led me ta trv Ilium, and after using twelve boxes 1 a n as weii ns I can possibly be, Dodd's Ktdnev Pllas have made a 115w man of me anid 1 am thank- fui." Dotid's Kidney Pillas are no cure ail. They cure sick kidneys and that lsa al tiat is clamaeti for tliem. But sick kidneys are tie seot o! numaous di- sease3 causeti by Impure biood, For you can't have pure blooti witi 51db kitineys. ltit lawosk of tie kitincys to strain the impurities framn the bloati. Dodd'a Kidney Puis cure Diabetes be- cuuse il 1s a kidney disease, they cure Rlieuniauism because itlis causeti bv sick kidneys failing te strain the uslc acid eut of, the blooti. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1 amn anthorfzed b>' tis eaxacîtors cf thsa late, Stephen Wagiag-ton ta offer for sale thse follew- lrsg desirable reat estata la BowmanVilla on * Saturday, March 27th, canlisting of twe blocks of dweliags. Tisa firat block consista cf four bouses on Ontario 't., ussetis cf Klug St. Thse bouses ara .lidl brick-ive somaa ach. Ilantati te gead tenants. Thse second block consists cf iwefour-roomed honsesad one 7 roornati house cn Washington Ave. Thesa are aise soîti brickt, Tisese pro- cptes are ail fiea cf encumbranea witis per- fettitlas and muai be soiS ta wiad Up the Estata, Terras: Ten par cent cash on iay f s1e balance witin thirt>' da.ys; ortf desirýcd'.ne haif the purchasa mcney may remamn 01n mort-~ gaga for three years aI 657 T E Washington, Trustese, L A W Taie, 156 Bay St, Toronto, Auetionear, or Rev W 0 Wasïingtcn. Bowmanvilla. 9-3w Man's Overcoats, black beaver, velvet collas $10.50 w.fth 15 Nlen's Prussian Collared Motor Coats Men's Ovrcoats. rown. e 95-5n w rt m f - Men's Overeo-atî dark Olive, fancy stripe, sal Men's Oyercoats, brown $.0Worthl ?12.00. u wUrti 0dvu u atIn lined 87. M ort Men'% Overêzoats, brown, grey atigreen $,0worth 1, The chgalice of Che Wintfler for. au OverCoa Grocers%' Due BiIIc, taken as cash COCnoîs t uNsu4sFRGNEE AND Tiffir. SoXs laow n. The lon tielýayet mar-na- 1adý î,.n-s reriýw iàanidti bov4re fine cdean stock. -lte value anti qualil'neyer bettes than new, Oaly, 25C ero ioz. We are selln large quantihies c! sweet oranges as nsaa being lic beat value la town, Fine Mexicans.............. 12a per tiaz. Ciaice Navals ........... ... 25e par toz. Fine large Navals......... 35e pesrtioz. Seo aur largo Grapo Fruit tbey malteSfne marmalade, Cliaice * goatis 4 for 25c. Extra large 2 for 25c. Fine Messina Lemons ... .... 25e per tics, Everything lu Groces ýýanti Crockeryv CHOIOsâ=-BUTTER ANïD EQOS WAtiED China iHal, Grocery Lieut.-Col. John Hughes, Clarke; Libut. Col. R H. Sylvester, Lindsay'; Majar W C King, Bowmanvllle, were elcetetioouthe Council et Ontario Rifle Association ah tie annuai meeting Tuesday. l sou are iredt aklng thte olti.fash- ioned griplng plle, hry Carler'a Little Liver Fille andt ake came comiosl. A man can't stand overything. Que pill a dose. Try them, SIf yens system needi tning np-, take 1Miller's Compound Iran Pill. SoIt! by R. M. Mitchell & Co., Drugle-ts. Wlth thieIssue cf Friday February 26 1h, 1909, thie Deseronlo Tribune eeased ha exist a! tes having becu feo; ýves 26 yeare a power for geeti te; Deserente aud surrounding country. IL le forceti by lie lack cf local advertising patron. age' Il was thie only newspapes la Dzoaronto. 3efore Stoc~k-takirg Olearing Sale, Wocl Underwear, regniar $1 0 nuw . ..60c 'a woal fleeceti, igi grade Uuderwear n'a wool fleeceti, hîgi grade Undeswear, aIesla 50casr...................... U ,navy bine, fleeceti-linoti, shirts, top Is, regular 81 00 tes ............. 720. ade, flaece-lineti shirîs, hep shirts, regulas for ........................... 65e ;atin Shirts, regular 75e for ........ ...489 s, segular $l'Co for'.._.... ........75c o, regalar 85e for,,................ 65e cox, roagulas 0e........ fr25e litte, regu'iar 25e for............-5e Leahhes ilo regular àOc for........ 86o ,, st , extra ieavy, reg. 65c fer 40e Weiton Suite, regular $ý9,5' foer,,$550 .FOF$Eý V Men's Tweed Suits, regniar, $8,00 fer.,.......... $5.0o Boyi-' 9ý 0 1 99 67 00 for ........ .2 Bos 2piecel Tweedan Seg Suits, reg. $5.00 anti 66.50. your choice for..................8-2 5 Beys' [2 pleel Tweed Suita, regnias $4 25 f.r . $.. 28,5 Lue Pants, regular 75e for................ 54o Extra Heavy Wool Haose, sogular 25e for ..m 1000 yds. of Linoleuma anti O1lelth a ah bas than cash. Ladies' Tweed Suitinga, 42 lu.. wide, reg. 75e a yd for 85e 3 pieces T artan Plaids, regulas 635e a y d fer ......... 5e 1 plece of garmet Monk Clti, reg , 150 a yd., fos...,75c 1 oaci, block audi navy Basket lti, reg-.. $1.75 a yard for ý... ..... ý........ -....... .. 6e 3 ploucs lleavv Tweed, sulitable for men's anti boye' clothi ing-reg, a $1.5 a ydfes. ......... ... 60e Sateens, ail colers, regniar 20c- anti 25o a yd, for ..15e 3 pieccs of Satine [a great snap] reg. 60o ho 75o a yd for 25c, L-p B. N-eHEPàP q IS, Table Cltis ln Tapas>'y, Damask andi Chenille segular $4 00 for.................. .......... $2.50 Table Clotha, Linon, white with rot! border 81.25 anti 31.50 for .. ................ ..... $100 and $1.25 Bcd Comforters, damageti by water $2 50 for ......,.. $1 00 Cintz .... ........... ......... 20e and 25ecfer me, ',in ïd te 1ivd., lu lengtba, re g., 15c fer,.Se,5 a yd Naineook for [Jnderwear very fine In manufacturera lengths, segular 20o a yard for........2e 300 yards cf 811k, ail colora, reg., 200 ho 76e 4our eholce for ....250cayd 511k Waista i colora, reg., $3.00 oaci.......... 0 A lot of Ladies' Coats from,4.50 te 810.50 taolear, ou ehoico ah .......... , $17'5 oaci A lot of Ladies Girls' Skirts ln Poplin ant i Tweedte cloar ah ..............100anti $1Is Boys' Men's anti Ladies', Traveller's Sampkes, lu fine boots regular e8.00 te $450 now 61.50 ho $62.00 a pair i TH E AIEW -STOQRE The Old Batik Building, BowmanIvill~ i B. oujoyeti b2 a largo ccmpany. During tie ce37ning "Ms andtirMs W J Jones worc presontetiwiti lwo beauhitul chairs before their reioîtî'al te Torante ...Ms W P Rici, Salmon Arm,, B C, las yisiting bis meny frionidaluilite vil- lage... Ms W J Willams, Bawman- ville, is calling on ali friands .... _ Mr Sheltien Petbsck is viiting in Tomante ...Misa Lattle Brittea la v!siting lu Port Ho.. .... Ms anti Mss Moticalfe, Port hlope, were guosîs cf Ms W Lano Sunda>' . ....Misa Mary MeKer sic linas acceplet! a situation in a milliînery store in Brantfordt.... Ms W Whitaker, Newcastle, le moving back le aur vil- lage. ... Mr W L Lane has taken passer- sien oa lise store purciaset! from W J Jones ...Wm Scott met witli a very pain! ni accident Saturtia> whlle cutting tiewn a trou. Tie Isue came down ratier sutiteul> anti strack Ms Seat t wib great force, inflicllng a tieep cultoun thie heati, When chilitren are pale, peoviali anti restiessata night theoy requise a dose or two of Mille's Worma Powdera. SoIt! by ýR. M. Milehel & Ca. Dsuggists. (JOURTIO.i Ehonezar Sanntav School lias, aecured Rev. S. T. liastlott, Genesal Sec: etary o! Suiay, Sehoola anti Epwortb Longues, for thuis aunnversary ln- Juno. .... Ml5s Hiltia Rundie, Hampton, le ylsiting Mss A j Gav anti other t5ientis hre..., Mss Wm Moose, Myrhle anti Margaret,' Tyrone, are viatiag Mss A Wybnrn. ». ..Mr ai dMrsJohn Waiters spent SUîudywith fionda ln Haanpton kept in every home. Motiers bave lie gnarantee ef a govesnmenh analyst liaI this modicîice centains ne apiate or harmfaltirug. Mrss.Ga.MeLean Springfield, N. S., says:-' I bave useti Bnby's Own Tahiets anti knew bhem le be a cure for al hie minas Ilus e! chit!- liood, I socommendti leal mothere. " Sait! b>' mcdicine dealers as iv mail ah 25 cents a box tram Tic Dr. Wiliams'j Medicine Ce., Bsockvilie, Out. T'YRONE. Attend thic Shamroek social atHRamp- Ion Mrci 17. Miss Menti Farrell, Wiitbyv, Mss John Dowu, Bowmauvie, anti Misa 'AnniA Monntjoy, Cadmus, were recent gueste ah Mr F N Farreli's.. .. Mr Tios Hughes, Long Sanît, tilet Monda> witb parai>'. ais, aged 88 ycars. Ris romains werc burleti from lie homeofet is son, Arthur Hughes...,Mr Wm tie property cf W t has Bail aI hi E ast Ruti. ... Norman anti Miss Ethiel Wood- bey wese ah home te a numbes o! friands Tiursdav cveang.... Mrý Bessie Haw- ko>' anti Mss J H Mutten vî siltet friands in Taranto last web anti attendrd ti bi Durham Oit! Boys' anti Girls' Býanquet -.... Friendis regret ho heas o! the demnise af Ms Archie Bingbi'am,'!Toonto, Prïd ay 26tb, witb tlienia Decease ivess the IeIdest son af Ms Giert Bingiam of, Marsballlawx', Iowa, !ormoarly cf lysone ...Mss Wm Little is seeovcriug !rom an atlack o! inflammaion ...The 'At Home" cf the W MS held at Mrs W R Cbemons' Tustiey wasa atceidat! suc- cas,. Au iaîeresting programa was --L OurLast Great eut BALANCE 0F WINTER STOCK AT STARTLINGEDUCTION We have hati a very sttccessful wintcr brade, have solti a great manly Overcoats, We have quito a few left in broken sizes. lu abou.thtree wecks we will have ho put these away. Wc do net want ho carry over a single Overcoat, To acearnplish thhs we are going ta MARK thein ah pricos wflieh will make thern sei 1IEGARDLESS OF WUAT THEY~ COST US. If you have been waihing for a BARGAIN IN OVEPR. CýOATS, buis la the time for which yon have been waiting, Irf yojý were thiiking o! making your aid ceaI do Ibis winter, d on' t Corne in and gel anc cf these suaps. If you dor.lot nieed van Overeoat Ihis wlnter it will pay, you wel ho buy ane at thbes, gcaî% du prices and keop it until next winter, It is a splendid in-Vesînieu,a Men's Overcoats, blue, black anti grey, velvet collar 4i0wrI ý&5 andi 7.50. Men's Ovescoats, black, grey ý-ani.broWn, heavy hwe, velve callar 85.50 worth87.50 and ý8.C0 Men's Overcoatsý,, black beatver, velivet collar $7.50 worth $0-U0Q' a es ~5$9,50 Worth $ 12,15ç Il ii -t -L r, -t -L i-ý 1-i --t iý Lx .ý stirý,- -- -.- I.. - 711 rr- r-1 ý-l- ý-r -L -L -L

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