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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1909, p. 3

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YOf UR COUR S E i;b Shrtband or Blusiness wIll bringyu -st resuits 'f tsken at our oaetbih îd and tboroughly relable Bc1,ooL U e term begins J au. 4th. Cata- 55etish -American Business CLlg Ceintrai Y7 A Bluilding, Toronto. rgYl-S taihi TINIE TAULEI Steanme, Argyle Coiumenciug TIuesdlay. May 25t%~ Fly«ty Tue dAa id Frlday Boat leaves t3e~iI .qoa m, Retu'u Fare 700 ÏXOmi ma. villa 7 00)" 0' a 8.oo oc60 Whitby 845: 600, Childi et nnder 12 yeaî s, hall fare. Arrivirg in Torotv 1115 a m Ier gleaves3 Toronto, Tonge Stre -t wharf 'r.00 D mn Hi uk Tcert-Buunks containing 20 One Way Coupmm ca. le obalni-d f rom the tonal agents at l%wng ruu ei asU d Rowmnau Vlle, aO ~aaadWfb,$ 0 These tickù aie good Éther way durig the season O! 109 Fri 1ýgb! iai ded carefuly and prompti>' an-d at ler 10 lw rates Agpeits- Al Laike Newcastle; F 0 Pethicir flrown, 0eh wa TowP; Albert W Jackson F~~~~ý T achno m ~cç)e Street, Tor nto, Pres Aryl 3, . C'y. 19tf FlaiI and Express Service BETWEEN YaeiN ., - 'Pori H004 - a. St1r. North King., UecoMMeng Ma%. 81st, ste.emer wîlH Isatei Cobourg at 1 '. p. mn and Port np t 280 p. ntiliv except Sunda, &ï r-Charlette, N Y. '[Port of flochesterj EetuurnlnFj steamer haVëS CbarcLute 'ai M.Oan. dail1Y excaDt Sunday Full infc"mation. &Hm i agents E. . florsey, Stott & Jlury, Geri. Manager, FL. A. James Kings-ton Agents, Onatarlo. Bowmanville TOMA TOES - Te,)Pool Tomatees.To pool te- Matoe0 nwithout scaiding them, rmb ~stall ver witb the bacS cf par- fAf easiIyl;vwitisut any of the ment aIdhering therete. Ch;ý-ee-Tem-ato Stow.--Pool ix i mediiumn-sized tomatees (cauued te- Ialtoos may ho uscd), cnt in pieces, auJ ho until thereughly cocked. Whcnmatees are xel donc, add oeue b-alf pound gmted Canadanu çhe se nitandJ peppor te taste. Let, mixture cook tînfil it is right tbîc-kness te spread ou toast. Aftem c.îLese le addod stir constautý,ly te rove ucLt stickiug to pan. Spouinia T, liti" Lýep,! eu *.bepofI IJbutter, one tbe sponfu cfsugar, eue cupful c breaýd cumeone teaspouful o cubljuce, cnt a thin suice frous the sme n sd cf'each, 'sith a malspoon scoep ont as rauch cf th!ýe ýp nprau juic;e as possible 'sith- euit ininiýig their shape. Mix puip -witbI theothe!(r inigredients and fil tomaoes'ih this mixture. Put on tops. prrange in a haking pan thtias,, enbttered aud baise siiy threo-quartems cf au heur. Lift 'ait-ck turner to piattor, 2 gmuih wth arseyand serve bot. TemaeesStuffed witb Chicisen 'ive:rs.--Taise nice, frcsb to)matees, ,eut off theif tops, eape out ail the nsdauJ fil'sitb the ,fe)llc'iug ixue. Baise ou a btee tin. Sere acitoateoua crenton of -Jea. Serve bot en . disb witb 1; le>Ie site cf egg 'shipped te a stiff fmoth ou n eh. Pound chieken liv- cr is t pepper, sait, auJ butter, th-en mi in the tomate puip; mix w"ell, aInd fil each tomate fuliy. Spmin1-kle hread crumbs ou top. Tomajto Relis.-One peck of ripe toates eecupful of ceiery chop- ýîed flue, ix 'white oculons cbopped üne, t'so mcd pepperis chopped fine, eure ounce -muistard eos two pond f hro'snsugrone-haîf cupfu c'f si.Cle- cbeytoma- toeesenins ausr]inkie 'sitis 1 sai t aJltstand tet-o hus liet vne arlaJsuad and let cc.Draiu n oatoes DaJ ther lu- anediensauixin uustard ses A Western Examle. A gentleman f rom a Sasisatche- w ere ,imbued 'sitisa w au to'su 'as recently oun abusi- Hc's the place'seul4C riess trip to Toronto, an.d lu cer- the residents of Bosv' pany 'sitb a Toronto friend, 'sent taise as mnch intere, Vc maSo some small purchasos cf fa-me-cf cur to'sn as1 persenal necessities. The Toron- eî dees lunlis. But tonian suggesteJ that while ini the of fact 'shat do'se fi ,city the Westerner ahould maSeonely that mnny Bow larger anJ more elabomate pumebas- zons spoud mouoy a's olfet sbeuld supply bis needs fer things tbey might for. someU time teo corne. The West- home before leaving, b cur refnsed emphaticaiiy to buy emately defer sup moetanu sufficîcut for bis irn 'sauts until they go mediat need. Ho aid they bnd indeed, sesmd their n mec Liants in bhomne towu -wie anJreceive the good bnd hee indu-ýced te m est capital under the mistakon iP b3teprospcct for be ý l busness; they cau Save a fes' <bhIiosoif 'a oligapo- Joiug. Hesv our V'e .tute)that 'sas md possible No's, is it net pesý cybythe settliug 1in the immedi- oee cf us te emuint ate xieinity cf a number of busi- oi slidarity-that 's ues nsn arL urwrsandtisat- aity te cur own peo.p lie woulJ hc unjust te the intemoats towu and te ourselv of bis neighbers, bis to'sn auJ him- net seo that lu demn eluniess lie coufined bis pur- ouly belp cur neigh] c ass s far as possible, te bis materially holp oi eulooDality. 1would cularge cur If that i3 the Western spirit, it is our social lifo, t m net difficult teudcrstand the crease our self ep phenomcual r'sthoftho country mistaise te thinis yen auJ the etuis the Western- h1 acting lu a contrai cers feel for their tens. t is e- natter cf £act yen on freshing te oar eue c f themex- needs lu Boa mauvili( patiato n I on tsof his place, nomîcally a n uauy boeard the name fr, for the,.,'s here it cDostsiimore tý are maiing oessrail ut tht'here taxes are greal way justn;bt wesl" -noeibe thecost of liig is likeiy te ogotit in tft ure, censequent bigbeý,r pi after listeouing ý1te lu raid-imcauJ help of ah Skinds cicüquencýe and s.-eing,;iinfetinsLot us get togethE enthusiasm. You catn smile-at-z bis .ae can'sct give Rowuý s-lubiity, but 'se can teli yo-u, impetus. t 'sonlJ friends, that lu the initense 1locýal expansion teD our te's patriotism cf the Wsenr lies div'ldual meusher cf the secret ef the coutry's mar-' it1 'seuld resolvo te veius growf. auJ- prospoý,rity. ail bis or ber shoppu: Wbat a change there. -would hoci Bevmauville. in Bo'smauville if ail our citizens Copyright, 1909. aud pour on vinegar auJ ýcan air- tiaht BREAK FAST DSH . Rice auJ Piums.-Two cupfuis of nîitwôocunces of rico, eue heap- îng tahiespoonful of sugar, and one tenspooeu i ofva-J a.Put the uiik iîto a saucepvýan on the fine and ,wheu it bouls add the rice, weou washed. spriukling it inte the hoil- îing milk. Add sugar aud vanilla. Tiseý mixture shculd be juet thick enou-gh to pour iuto a- 'et rnould, Loave it in mold uintil cold, then looson amou'sd tihe edge, shako gently, andJ tam eut on a pretty dish. Arrange sorne nicely sto'sed plums round the rice, pouring ever ail the syr up the fruit. Fruit Ctip.--Th-is Is a geod dish 'shen cautaleupes rehigis piced. F~ill sherbet glasses 'sith cantaloupo ccpd out vth a teaspocu. S priukle this with chopped mint leaves, auJ peur crer it a littie giape juice or grape fruit juice. Fruit Mush-Fruit mushes sory- ed coid are generaIiy apprecinted berries, ýcurmants, or raspherries are suitahie as a foundatien. Slow- ly heat tihe fruit until scalded, then Press eut the juice. Put il. into a deubleobhouer; swecten te taste. To each pint add co tablespoonful of farina and cook, stirring frequently for three-quartera of unuheur. Peur inite eue large nsold -cr into lucli vidual nsolds aud sot aside tilt me mning. SEASý-'ONABLE DISHES, CernPudîng.Sixcars fýc 3h ce nj""ý_ýtfrm the coor reue cna cfs ootcrn, threo cggs eae ligbht, thrce tahiesponfuis of meit- Ce butter, but not oudune-haîf cuipfuni ,f rmiik, two tbepofi cýi fleur . Butter a haking disb plentifuily, peur lu the mixture, aud hake lu a hot over thmee-quam-4 tors cf au boum. Ne baking pow-i der or soda is needed, eniy popper and sait to taste, to be served aud eaten as a vegetabie. Baked Tomnatees. -Wash toma-- tees, eut off tops, remeve luside, and make a ffihng cf one part to- mate (remove seeds), one part1 b-,ead crumbs, aud twe parts cern,1 cýithe3r green or canued. Scaseni wihsaIt, butter, aud one green1 peppor to six tomatees. Be sure to rcmove seeds fom the popper. Put< tops ou tomatoos and baise siewiy1 in a wel-huttered pan for tbirty1 minutes.- Creamcd ited Radishes.--Taisei four hunches -f smaii red radishes,i put iu eold 'swater'4over nigbt, part-î iy pool, cut in round suices not tooi thin, lot stand in sait water feri t'se hours, put ouý to hoit in cold ssatem 'sitb îwe sicýes of bacon, and3 one teaspeonfui cf sait, boit thirty-i five minutes, i, meît a large tablespoonful of butterlu 17 a sauice- pan, three tablesýýpoonfis of fleur, a half teaspocuful of sait, a ds efpp'_per. -_Stitr utÏll ot, withi a cup aud a hallif cf mllk or ceam,]j 1h, t ýI bel lxeinutes, ud madshes loet simm-rer fer a f e's minutes, and serve îla ramieiins wýitbhieken co- quettes, roast iamb , or 7eal. f k d.a old TnaeCatsup-one peck errns maresaaî rPe toînatoe hppdfue-n eus 1 s DeI,ù llitî , nzondBm iv Wrri,,Deý Prie 1 et bo, ixfo ~5. aa'sliplaseU'uicfchpped uni'? 'eaUp wlllure.Soldb al rugist ormallil a un, cicoaup plalpk on rcellot"ric. Nmpaarphet oua~uoe, trectable- spoonfuls of black pepper, twe tea- spoonfuls of mixed cinnamon, one teaspoonful cf mixed cloves, three pints cf colJ strong vinegar, horse rndish te taste. 'Thsis is casily miade, requires ne cooking, auJ kee-ps indefinitely if eorkod tight. Coid Chuec Sauco.-One peck ripe toinatees; pool, chop auJ drain oe aud ene-haif cupfuis chopped col- ery, six large enions chepped, four red peppers chcppcd, one cupful mustard seed, one-hall cuplni salit, eue tablespoonful cinuarnon, tbree pints of vinegar, twe pounids hrowu sugar. Put t-his in glass jars, screw the tops ou 'ht, and keep iu a coolv elaris place. DELICL OUS DESSERTS. Dolicieus Pudding.-Te twe cup- f uls of boiiing miik add four table-1 speonfis fleur and ta o of butter, beaten toeother. When tbicisened1 add four tablespoufuls of stigar aud eight eggs. Wbeu quito celd ndd 'shites of cggs 'soîl beaten. and [bake is moderateoeven tsxenty min- utes; sorsec bot witb sauce made of one-haîf cupful of butter beaten te graduailý bite of one cgg beatenu '.tiffý. Ad-'d flavoring te, taste. This lu a 'st excellent dessert. Stuffed Peches-Pare six or e&gbt penches, eut in hais os, auJ e- usove stones. Chop fine six almeuds aud six Eugi'ish 'sainuts, Fil' the opoîîings freux wbicb stoîses xere taken sith the cboppcd nuts. Fas- toen tho haires tegether w ith tiny skesver7, sprinkl(> four or five table- Us1,eonfuls cf sugar over them, auJ s a inasucpn'ith just cnougb 'tert keep fremn burning. Stenm abouIItetn minutes. Serre cold 'sitb creans. CLEANING. (ar-pet Cienner.-Tc eue bar of -'shitec soap eut fine in a gallen of 'sater-let it bell until svell Jisscîx - cd-add one -ounce of etbem-and use with scruh hmusb, and taise ecar warm water aud cloth te wipe off suds. Wiil rouew ail colors and make goeds uske new. Cieaning Stmaw Hats.-Juice of eue lemon, the saine quantity cf 'sater, suiphur euough te make a thîn paste. Taise baud cff around hat. Apply pasteovoer outside aud unlder sideocf 'bat, using a ,niali brush. Put bat outdooms in the sau until thomouglîly dry. Thon use a clean, stiff brusb te brush off ail partîcles of suiphur svich inay ad- isere te the bat, Gaseline Cleaner.-Put gasclinea in a bread raiser that bas a cover into a tub of bot watcr te heat; put goods in ycu 'saut toe dean, close it up, audJ bave it for at least half an boum, 'shen you are ready te work the gocds in the satmo -way as you 'sculd 'sith cold gasoline, but It is sure-r te deanmboItter. TDo->tIie 'emisout, of doors auJ theýre n ii! hoe no epoin Do TNc-Diercfthýe di- gestive appartuiýshsould ho:deI't 'slth at on'lce bf opiain arise ',,that miay o lflui!t cp wlth. Tie sretreniedytets end0 and oee tat i ibnreach c)f ail, is arneeosVegetablo PuIs, the best la;;atavo auJa seda- IVoa on the mrIsIVet. Do etde buIýt ry ýi-tbmnow, One t-rial wiî1 convince qanyonle that liey ae tho lil beetst maCh egertaCIt au nbEý Even r cog dsgre ndwen they do itL h-elp,- s e sell Ithepou lo f eue e'f tthe e topfac'- Eîuest Hawke's young snAi- frdshe vas crippled a fe' yar ago xxiîth mexvor Suives,'sas agasu the vicUns cf ea seions accidaent. lHo 'sas on th-,'say te-Scoo at Les- isard xithbis brother i-,hu ho ',s runI ilste hyone cf.a locS )f sep 'sh"hSncked bixuJ'sbai ctiug is upper hp.Weupcd up h MmrArchie MCnabeh la uosclous, anJ is n iow sf- fei ,g x 1 concussion of the brain. C2artwright To'snship Exhibton wili bo ield ionth S o reunds, Blackstop,ron '10,a anWpe- uiesfJay, Hfpt. 2 aJ _. fficers alle directovs wil leIave noth,-ingL. undonle lisely te secure the crm- pistesuceseof tise Sh's. Alreadly the neeessavy prellinariies Mrc mnade and there is ne question that1 the Cartwright Exhibition for 1100 u0 'ii be a reoerd «ue. similar spirit. Id thrive if al nanvillc, would 3st lu the wel- that Western- Ias a mattor und? It isuot wmauvilio citil- -yfrom hem-e iutu they delib- 'pl-viug thei away. So-rne, îconey by mi ds hy expre,S impression îthIat wc-ents bhy 0 stemuer sveuld -rssroy sible fer cc ite that sIrJit beolesemo loy- le6 te curjcwn- ves? 1Can re ng so will noý-t hors but wl arsVý'elves. Lt business and would also -,n )Oct. Lt is a saxo anythiuýg ry way. As a an supply your e just as co- piace in Can- -large place , eo do business, 3ter and where shigh-or, with feor labor or and sce, if manvifin a uew [issean a new nu if each in- the commun- hencefcrth do ing right he NEWCAST LE. J. K. Allen is chaitn-îon of the Bo~wling Club svhen WV. L. Maiicry is net isere, Mrs. S. Mason is enýjoyinga visit frcm lhem sistor Ia Dr. and Mrs, Maljel m Ugiow, Chicago, areberne t ;ý,his father's., Mr. and Mrs, D. T. Aluin, Orono, visited at Mm. Frank Alns Sovoîal apple pi1kers ae et l the countrygahigfilrut Misses Wilmot, Bel1ev-le, re is- itiug at Mm. D. J. abaihs Plumnsand pusaegigte be a drug on the ake hs esn. Mm. HarveyDckry Touen visited bis mothei tM.S ea thau's. E. H. ýNcLeau ad Aa Oko mnade business trips tothcivas w eek. Rev. Jas. Batsteneî,, i-e au farn- lin' s. îi homeat, bis fthr' U lýs em mue. Walter Couch bs eÏ.cotace H--all -and is employed wivth Harry Dudley. Miss Brout, s ote f Bisbop Brent of the, Philippines, is guest at Dm, Mcîntosh's. At Rifle Ranges Saturday Jacki Hall made six points, Knox, Oreneo, '30, as agaînet Wriïght's 34. GeorgeMlelB.A., Strat-t Staff, S Mr. John Hall bas ou, e h licornent foundation au ethri!e ýpairs te Mrs. 1Masuu'sr1esidece_ý. Mr. auJ Mis.AdrsGuph who visited ber parent ai the Eimus have returnedhoe Mm, George EiekauJ fmily have mucxed t'Ohi u on oi douce from Lake Park,bigte last cf the campers. Mrs. Barren and guestMs Wrempieton and Miss Hambreo,ýk, are spendirîg a week at tho K 1ing Edward, Toronto. Mr. R. Katerson, Hnpobe tber te Mrs. S. W. Moo)r,i i a xrery critical conditio' hog bardenîng of the muscles. Mm. S. Jose, whose farm s as cf the- station, bas aàuprco cf catsý, and bis whoa is ume coý,mpauy o1'f i sFia eek pu'~t-door ganio, tnis rout cricket and ether ganse wreon tered into with much euthusiasm R. F. Green, ýcf h. -eli Metai Weather Stmip C.,Teuo is fitting up tbecdeors ard inow cf Dr, Mcînitosh'srsdec i th the strips- Mm. J. W. r Brmnpton, wher o ssa oe gateý at 1. 0.F.ih udM. Galbraýi, HgiSe ater, l'as alsoreuîed M-esýsrs. Sot nba n 'Emnie Wrgt etSnn o cancoetrip te osau tin a innnsping outfit, ndwl pu scusea tinso at Roebanklumur c sort.- H . M7 i. Trut, Aid ?s'eca~Io eyixas Ourccesn- patby iiih ls of i i 19 ~enr o Id dnughter, 1hy droxxnin, x ývhicbsc acciden.toccurred ut Cnr a land, Toronto, wlxee c fauuily xçomo spuding thoeusîe Newaul-eBolin Cub has a ieux-b er-ihip cf thirty, x'ih oxv- ]ingý grecu gratuitc;uSlI gianed by :~r.ThrîusMoutgue. Exprt Montane, J K. Allen. Artin EOO gae xaspuildofMo~a Hal, sipxvovb1thfrexh had scitd x iî l hs Mou.gioandw. J. ~lmib KIRBY. MisLaurne Claý7ton, ity vistedhemfriend, Miss Hattie Harris. Lerta, -visit'ed tMm. Wrn. Iar Deep sinspathy is feIt truh eut the secticu %-'ith Mm. Jnta C. Ciemený(ce and farnily, On die deathof akindchritianxviie an THE CHICKE N-RANCH. It w as au exýciting time for Mile wlh-on the, incuhatercmeams as excitiug as it wsformoer W11ho had heen wautin;g for a. wholo long year to try teraise cOrne ýchickeus. Fatiier just la'îghed about it, but thoy did not, change thoir minds. The oy hl were, sure that uothîng c-ould be so interesting as to ec a& flock cf fiuffxyeliow halîs ci:asing abouit in the peu' that was 1going te o bhýuît. Milo had neyer sfeenwanytaby dh!idkS in aitlilie, but ho- had heaî;Ld about them tili le was sure ho weuld know one if lie should meet it anywhec. su.ddenly ýcame true. Cewhoy Jack and '<Shorty'" went, away early that merning, and when they drove [through t he big gate that uight they had hiýought incubator, hrooüd- or, lumbýer for the, pons and coops, and-all doue up in cotton, in lit- tic square compartinentsq, inside higger eues lîid ;itJ erk, and fittiug jute strong ctses-eggs I Se ,many there, were that Milo gav-o up trying to ceunt, and jumped -frm 'scotce~ e-g-tooe 'millions.'" The incubator was very simple- looking, just a big box ou legs, painted yeliow, with its name, acress the top lu black lettcrs. Iusi-de there was a square rorn, with a thermometer at oee ide, a wire rack across it half-way.between its ceiling aud its floor. which was net a floor at ail, but just an ordinary piece cf burlap tacked tight to ail four n ails., The rack did not reacht quite te the deer, There was an o,ee space next the glass, as if the nkeshad net had quite enougb îre t finish it properly. Then there was a iamp fastencd en the ousdand a pipe te carry its hefat into the square rcomn, and that was Moýther teok tle bock e f direc- 4ins tolling il about how te doo eveythngand hegan te study. Sho aljost forgot wheu it was finie to puit Mile to hed, 0f course there were. lots of im- portant things te do. Mother gave directions, Cmo Jack and -3herty carried t-r e. nd Milo aeted as oeser ut l îa :,,!Il was rady. Thie incuha-i.btor larnp xas lite, th ýe thermometer that hung Is'ide wa1111,s watched tUP the mercury rcedtho black arrow con its g-laýss ront, the preoieus eggwre ladon ftiewire rack, Cthe glass doo elsed anl- he oulry-anch had hegun. The re was cne thing Miloecould (;ü te hurry rnatters along. Marna turned the eggs ex ery day, kept the Iarnmp f Iled and tî-imrnnd and the ve(ntilator just right. Thon things hegan te, happen. The rnornîng cf that xx ondlerful day --mania lsin front cf the incubator and st dowu upon thern. At first there was net wuch te hoc seen. Then a faint s<ciix- waus hcard, and ar egg-shcll1 hioke iunue wee spot, xvhich pro- seuýtly grew a littieý larger. A bit of a white heak came iu sîght, and soinething said "Peop!" quito plain and loud.- Mile almest fell off his stool at that, and nmania clap- ped2< ber bands. Slowly but sureiy ti3at sharp lit(ie beak worked away, fi the crack îit mado reached round the sud1 toi the Lttde hole w here if hegnuý. Thon a short rest, and then the. chick, tircd cf its narrow hestretched its littie huff co(chin lgs, and-snap! tw;o o î f sh'feil fe apart, and out roiied the bay It was very limp aud drag- gle lckigbut its eyes were round and hright as jet heads, and ità peeped as if if had heen doing if for years. Aniother rest, and thon if began to look out of that glass door. Near- ýýr and nearer it came, tili sudden.- iy it rpached tlie place where there Wbasýï not any wiro, and dewn it weut r:ghtiý nto the hurîap below, that iYas as soft and yielding as a, ham- 0f course by this finie there were ex-oer se mnny others at wcrk, each Un ogeile AERIAL LAWS 0F THE ROAD. So confident is the genemal belief that the probicm cf aerial naviga- tien is ne's pactically solvedi that already there is taiS of the regula- tiens necessary for the ceutrel cf air-ship traffie. Mm. Baden-Powell suggests that, at the bcginning, it svoulJ ho, sufficient to adopt the ules of the road prevailing at sea, since the probable emergenicies will ho similar. Aftcr'sard, w-heu experience hm~ shosn svhat is me- quired, ho thinis A it sli ho neces- sary te regia,,te movements up aud do'sn, as w ou as these to the riglit aud left.IHo helieves that nere- planes 'sili ho sîîbject te ne danger groater than that of collision 'sith similar vessels, the destruction of such aeumachino in the open aur ho- îug a thing exceediugly improbable. Aieroplaries, like automobiles, 'sili bear plainy i 'v sible nmerauJ extreîsseiy rap id police aeroplantres are sg t o t1ic catueof effe3nders.Î TH PIILETFLY hardiy te be callcct "iliitary" 'sors, but Tommy now-a-days ri- ais Jacis in bis "handyman", abiii- tics. Ou one occasion the Grand Duchy cf Luxembourg was iufestedý with 'salves. The inhabitauits lu' rural districts appeaied te their Govera- meut for aid. The Mlinister o! State at once calieJ en the- Armiy, aud soon the 'solves 'sere cempiete- ly -wiped out. Rate lu Beigium ýiancl sparrews in Algiers are alIso pe-ste agaiust 'shich scîdiers bave,- been cer-dered on active service." Perhaps the record of strange duties is, ee, held byv the Freucb Army Corps,'hich 'sas uma- neeuvriug Poeecaers ago noear Chartres. ieema iaimaliescapýed from the circus lun tihe neigbiborbcod auJ the rsîets'er scnln state oûf terrer., -Whea tey apeai- e. to the arOfic l Pri fr interru-tpitec, auJrhci liesset tW catchth uu'ny. Se'so î,ld tbey e hir'emsthalt, 'sth caoe exceptio,ail ftho amlniais'sr A Benef 1,to eAil.-The slir f hesaiorthefisermn, he infer, the ~ ~ ~ ~~fn fameth mcaneaJ i existence inct e uloieel e ç The llind Yen Have Mways Beughb, anýd which asbe hi se orover 30 years, liasben h-sgatrcf and lias been made ýnder bis per soual supervision I' cts lf1cy Exper!ments that trille %v;ith and endaer isehelh e'- InUfants and CIidc-xeineagis xeiek gorne, Drops n oohn Syrups. Itii laat ~ coutaius neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nroi substance. Its age îs Us gnarantee. It destro-ys , Worma, and ailays Fcvenishuess, It cures Dlarrboe ad iu Colle,. It reileves Tcethureg Troubles, cures Cntpto and Flatuiency. It assimilates the Food, regulatesth Stomacli and Bowcls, giving beal thy and natural sleep. The Childrc's 7Panacea-The M1,1other's FnIend. T Kiînd TYou yRave Alwa"ys BouglutÈ IUse ForOver 30Years. cne p eepiug its greeting te its br-i EGYPTIINS SIIAVED FIReST. bhers ,and sisters, and e ýach cao jcui'ning the first in thehamc as Fa'cts About Beards--A iNecesSity ixi fast as it couid manage it. Biblical Times. If M,,ilo was disappointed in the-ir looks at first he sooII chaniged his Whether y-ou wear a heard -oz mmnd, for inside of an hour the lit- nt, yeou wilI hc interested inoi tic fellows perked up, their yelîow iowing the rather curicuýs facta down fiuffod out, their tîny win gs about the hirsute aclernment. 1Luý fluttered, and their volces-why, Biblical timnes the beard was a nc- the chorus they k.ept up was past cessity, as its absence was cousid- belief. ýered a siga ef 1ieprosy. Beus Marna end Milo laughed, and Philip V. of -pain as unale tý cried, "Look there 1" and "Only gow a beard the ,etl oEn fhi,% see tha,,t " tili it would have beeý- court crucified their ownnorr "lt teI which was the happier. te-, save their sove-reig-,il mara And ofourse papa and Nora- andý meut. When Cucero was exLth- CohyJack and Shc)rty ad hoycng mouýcf Be ý) let their bard fat ckanthtwnevnthhecrwa asg fmouiri"- A n ranclimen an cowhoys cae-foter a9"temp a" dto lae ata glimpîe. But nmother and M(le sa_,;t <on bad y Ier II n or, their ,tocüIs the lvlu a ue lzbt fLgad u with scarcelv a rest for dinner; an;1i i enien aCS trnl whou night came the wire rack asagint it'ta h tep a pilcd with cmpty shelis, w hile thie dropped. DurîingtheC reigr -oi burlap hammock was full of plunfp) James I. it v-as quite thýe prper little halls as soft as 'thistedw hng to trim the bar;ilfnt And hy that time Milo understood tic shapos; even aiiswe1re sl that the men who had made the in- represented. WýýhiIltepiests f cuhater knew how. the Roman Catho'ic Chumrch d o than simpiy hatching hem, te ho Church consider thebada ret sure, but at iast accoupts the buff ly necessity. The trouhIoiemf-cus- cechins were doing se well that pa-tmoshvncaeogialfrn pa had entirely stopped iaughing Egypt The Greekash.e fe aî them, aud was taking great joy tlîey had been conqu.ered hyth iii planning a chicken-house with Romfans. And the Roman sae aIl modern improvements.-Youth's during the decline of theemie Companion. In the present day some mTedi 1Cai autherities dlaim that the beard ja, unhealthy' , since i' catches germs,ý The Rjeal Livor Pill.- A torpid wvhich are kept alive by the warmth5 liver mean1s a disordered system, cf the harwhiletersconen mental depre-ssion, lassitude and in 1it is a protection t-fo the throat frein the end, if care ho net taken, a the diseases uFofhe larynx. chronie state of doiliity. The very hest medicine to arouse the liver IDYE IN ED teo healthy action is Parmelee's Vegetable Pilîs. They are cern- Strange Dîtties Premdby pounded of purely vegetable su b- stances cf careful selection and no Fec odes ether pilîs have their fine qualities. During the recenrt postal trou- They do not gripe or pain and they hIes in Paris i>eldiers were- called are agreeable te the most sensitive upon to de the oek f 'the strik- stemach.. ers, as far a esil. This ià

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