TRUEfiIFE RAS TS8 -S0-RRO WS Just as the Sky Would ,be a Pal Without Clouds and Showers' -L-et tCicavens r l icelette udte shrink, te bcoe ess ;artilgld-before tihLodfr uder the narrowig ha emtito judge tIc a.-t2iint ideal. V/ba t nuearidt- Ps. ~ ~ ~ ~ i xci 1,1.mcdi o ml eaueb ivi C het V/ýîien t1i-e ancient Hebrew ve tin( k t Sic!biies i îl~e ie thugitcfhi gd omngtce judge go beySnd tourn-igest th vend lie hugt rdcfthe M/at is tictrdiàtilnalgod of tic thunde.!Lrs cf an owu cou nt1e,nnc,eçe man but a beiîg poesesed befere vbici rmiig mrtl funiited powers, engaged in tie sirank ianfPar, bu cfeewhose soie buiness of restriction, v enge- benfcences fcunS its reflection in -auce, ani ruling viti finickly exac- tic ýsrnîing face of nature, in the titude our lix es, Vaitiug for tic me- giadueis cý f sca, and field, and ment whlin, efter deatlî, hec eau l oo.Suci a judgceand judgmeit, uc to account for our failures te do vas teci longcd for, ratier tien t-o Jh i vii'iTint makes life iier a lie - erd.i sers subjection te suci anopr- Tint meiy bave been a beighted sor or an excitiîg gume of getting ege, but it, icW- a freedcm)r, poi ti best of sucli a lord. tanity, and eoidiug in itsr0lg 1Ev biind vie nmust b u te ti ion that vie have lest. They ra ayglimpses -of tcg tfc bave vershiped ouiy ea local deîty, ever te have ellowed tic spiiual- thp gcd cfouIceHebrexus; but veWC astigmatiuc clesestiailears bave mmadc for ourselves, a !essersI esubstitute suci a bogey foi- tic being, liedged a¶bout viti Our ne)- reelity cf ic dix mre!: Wi y sheuid tiens and re-ýstri'ctionis, and him WEO ve hear tic voice of th-li finite caîl tic god of tic univ-erse. only in tic thunder and net viien it AIl!ur tiinking and speeking cf speeks in tie seng cf lbird. ticeliii a gcd ust be in terns cf perables lovis of tie sea, and the foýrest, and ami~ f fiue Mfseech; secb a bing tic beauty cf tic lmesn tic must transcend Our vcblre.x-esand'the glory cjf tic face of Our deinitiox sinif nt viat ýî Ç suci cri is, ut vat our uns TEVIIL OL oF approaci nd apprehnsionare.i Th(, imotnc four concption calîsteman te rjeice. Tihefiebds liesý in itruts on us, in ouri-V- maifstjey and gladncess; neomn inig sncb attiude te le.tcenopen us bPart in ticeout cf 1%e may nn longer beliee il, ,a doors and stay dîsconsolete. Tic deity ofthHe Hbrewtpe Lbealiz- Iar tificiality cf tic man-meade mon- eP.C and deali'ng directly viti mon, archiil deity disappees f rom tic but stIiaiu mari Who book beowv the immd amist tic glory cf tic au- eurfave believe in a Jîe in xiici ua ed or the glow ucf spring- dil Sies are gathercd rip, td oes Only in cuir crovded AAMOR>A L CEi'NTRE s;treoct s, vht Y ier ari'swo rkprcveils,ý dees ife, seem it-o prepe,,(nderate in and spiritul energy te tic universe misry and pain. and tic natter cf just liew ve tiink Ifu eauce set your heaart ee t-O àf this Ife is of na littie cen-cern faiti in the infinite goedness, even tus aiu. the deepest sorrovi have ticir cern Dues tic universe ln its higier fort ; tiey ied te deeper joys, te significances turri te us a face cf iai-ger-lftoamreseddfi viici eigorisf trurIg ailour find Unless our god means te us good- ivioirel Is the vii ht t urfiin ness, life cen never lie good; un- or oe, Isthewil tht eernll cles reliîgien meens a happy free- exypresises itsebf viti us or aginitý doma fer larger living, ife cen neyer ius J Shel v think ofcu god- grov; unless it me-ans a vision that tic- Life tiet, explainis ablivn- npiewit i bepc for tic future, in terms cf large lift- or less, wîti e nd gives cofdec f the weurth-i fear or iti gIad confidenc I viiees of peci day endeaver, If in lfeiri 'icbvo, li-eann t cen avenithar u nv 1 ae love and have sur being is less tien01r Our OMM, then our s ovi rlvs are RHENRÏ F. COPE.- thelrefore to prolong the life of the clothi.- It is easily done by taking a few -inches off one side and one! entd of the eloth, and hemming- it Some houselceepers put a peeled onion inside a fowl that ils to be kelpt for any lenigthi of time. This, abhsor>bs germs that wul other- wieinfect the rnaeat. Sie onions or a bag of charcoal placed near nieat of any kind has the sarne ei- f cet. first, wben this bas cooled pour the green grape je4ly on that alre-ady 1 n the tumbiers. The resuit wililibe a beauttiful jelly of two shades or red. Uncooked Catsup-Chiop fine one- hiaif peck ripe tomatoes, two beads of celery, and two red peppers. Add one cupfui of brow.ýn sugar, one- haif cupful sait, onie tablespoon ecd black pepper, clýoves, and cmn- namon, two tablespoonfuls mus- tard, one cupfui of grated liorserad- isi, one quart vinegar. Mix and CandPeppers.-Cut the stem end froM sweet red peppers and8Liý wiith a pair of shears eut the pop- ý per s around and arounid in a long i rîibon one-fourth o eahml thick.] (cover with boiling water to wiich No trouble wit,.i Sýunlight Suap. lias been added sait in the propor- u î fiow the directions on the tion of one tablespoonful to a quart wape ndSnlgt us 1h ofwape an aterand Jt thm stadtoe ofght rand inta colsand er r -Costs ilttie-does much- nigh . D ain n a cola der and ne er injures b n ds or cl ot e s pour over thein enough cold w ater! evrIjesbnso ot.. to freshen tbem, and put them ia! glass fruit jar. For cadi qartof'- the peppers beat until boil*ing, oneI and a haif cufuis of vineg(ýar, on e ý ilk, -a -Ievel teaspoonful of -soda,- cuIpfuil of sugar, and asal piece one-half cupful eaci of New Orleans 0', notc. 'Lct s ovei P .r,2co molasses,tw tc the peppers and seal -w iule hot. etcpfuls of sifted flour. Mix the egg, They make a fine garnish for sal- suigar, and butter tilli;ight, tien ads and meats; also nice for sand- add the ginger, cinnamon, and mo- wiiches. lasses; dissolve the soda in thc sour milk and add that; then add the CLEANI flour, mixinigPail well together. CLIEANTNG.Bake in a modecrate oven. Dry Cleaning. Place a tin lard Poor Man's G"ýinge(rbrcad. - Beat can containing gasolinie in the cen - on egg, One cupful of sour cream, tre of a tub and pour hot water on!e cuPFul eiren molasses, around it to heat it. Put in gar- one tea-spuoonful o ýf ginger, one of ýments and cox-er witi flat iid. Let sait, and onue of soda. Iix well soak twenty to thirty minutes, then togetier; add one and three-fourths shake up and down several tinies, cupfuils of Pour; beat well. J3ake Sood. Use soap if soiicd. Hang in a shailow tin and frost. in the air. Lace and Net.-For lace eurtains, USEFUL IIINTS. net waists, and thin silks stir flour Riesuedoadangesa into cold gasoline xintil like thin border for ecraed meats and ve- starch and rinse the above men-geaes toearticles aftcr tiey have been Put a bit of camplior away withI cleaned. Tbcy will lok like ncw. sle o nue twî rvn Ail cleaning siould be donc in the, talvr nhinu t ilprv open air. ard oile gs r utai c 1(- olars.-To cleanse the collars, adbie gsaesial c of garments dissolve orlepart sait companiments for boîled fisi or in four of aicohol, appiy witb ainoddsiah sP019e, nd rb wel. ýWien food cooking starts to White Serge.-To clean bhitelburn, Place at once in pan of cold serge use a decoction of soapwort twater twfreo alsrcd roots. The gown when wasbed will To lrfyfttatrfrigtio. be 'white and soft to the touch. Soap -in aryfwtsces ftr potato, n hardens i e lcso suff goods and makes sm i lfor a w mintes. an them yciiow. oie l orfe p inatoes.kea Feit Hts.-Felt bats rmay be excelentorgarisb fpo fs, i anh ýcIeanned by;dipping ,a har-d bri aditon f ariey andr filemon.t te w luicas short, hairs iintosprt Tsknsadedi ecbno grease diappears.skun, andprmtof ises e CiaigCarpets.- To cdean car- 1inoval.ý r pe)ts' takýe one-baif 'bar of white /inmiigsarh h adto soýçap), one-haif Pound of powdcrcd o -wdo oftre tiyu borxonefortbouce f lycr-give a finlegos to coullars and in.Shave soapfie put in'foukr cufa gallons of soft water, heau>t until dis T mkeagrenmaonasefo1 fo sole.ten t _olàn it is ready vegetable sallad, add scalded ciop- To Wash Chiffon .-Chiffon sboid pdpa 1e to ordinary salad lie xiashed in soap lather by careful- a ta s old naban IY rolling and Pressing between the Haept n t viii roemin moist and haýnds, then rinsed in dean water eten i thwl e ain uce.Thegrasy and stiffened in gum water, tondagereudethe aLsir. h ges tablespofu to qarerof a T. remove ,paint from linens rub pint f atR oll in a cloth to hitpninhe dan it absorb some of the moisture, but i itenh tchah damp en e wit lo mut lo le oodry when it is bol îroned., To iron chiffon it nmust b le Vle ain odma d placed on the table wrong side UPliten c hpe parld ey. t willim and ironed along the selvedge, as poebt h at n per hroning across vould dis, roeace tetateantieer Zima PURE NHEJT Mfatt. à6:8. Lord Jesus, prepare us, vie pray, To tread in the patbs Thiou hast trod : "The pure in beart" Thou dost say "Are blessed, for thcy shall sec God. ' May we this truc treasure obiain; To us ail its fuiness inpart. A.-nd cleanse us, we pray, f rom cacu - staîn - - - - - -- -- - - That we mnay lie pure in heart. T( Tbee ail our sin we confess: V/e would f£rom dleflenieut t-, free; For ixe vould this blcssing possess 'tic Source of ail blessing to sec Defended from that viici vie drea 1 By means of Tliy staff and Thy rod, Help us witi aIl firmness to tread Tic pati in whicb we shah s,, God. T. 'WATSON. Grantliurst,- Ont., 1909. RIE H-IPPEN'ED TO SEE AN AD. Foi- D. D. D., !,,'t a Trial Bottle, and is Ctîreui uf Eezna. 21 Givens St., Toronto, Juine £0, 1909. D. D. D. Company, Dear Sirs,- qm- Partner's f(eelings. Ilinowvi ery lid tbings, ,sncb as,; e r ede vieil tatif you iad so)mcthîng un-e bletviîliyufo.dsc]ii usual thIe matter viti you, you dut tic raýys if ti 1thngs vi'týee net 1ouldnot lke to havIe attetýini , ed11Up; but L'by 7t1ic r sth calied É t it. ave you Llever seen Sen2ior PatuerCold sec hig thoughtic'ss peopie staring rigit et scia dvde ndOugtta a lamne person or a person xitli a are inivisiblce ien to tic Xras strauge mairk on the face or -with Andl the beauty of tic Q-rys i a crooked eyc ?loy do you sîip- tiat ven tiey show anytbiig nup pose it feit to lie looked at like one can contradîct tiema and pro-va that? that it is not tiare. The Senior And I bave knoxvn lots of the:Patuer bas scen many strange dearest lamne chldren. and children tin gs viti bis Q-ray spectacles witb crooked legs and cidren wît jut because they siowcd suia c u- crooked backs, and it seemied as ray-ious tiings 1 thougi tiey lied trouble eInougli as After a careful examinetion thoe it was. Bujet me teil ,you1tet,, jtic Senior Partner deýuidC(d tiatth sufferings vibicli the lmeness r unorPartncr ne-edeýd astmat tic legs or tic becks îgazve ti1osýeio>rir, q combiniation cf4tmu dear cildreni wasnoin like a at. Peop"Ie goeaiyepe gr eat as tCesuferng be wlid rom oe in ie xdiie 11Iiing noticed n rmrkdupn Money Lias always been kxp>wn and stared et'. end pitiedl. Tliey, be to -)e aston Lsim!ulant. To m k comle used to bCn'g asteyare, but peepe tisti trnea psib they cennot get usclisd to bcing pt-Lk eeyohrpoverfulreed cd. Neyer talk to them ab , i)outten1 iltÎis an excellent medicine -ýil pro- seclves. Tell tiem sometiing funiny. per1y. used in tic proper caseî, 3but But if you have liad any sicknessierinuos cnrogyap- or iamcness and have gotten ovcr cd. PecopIe easily get to like it an,; it, then you do not mmnd to tel bave a craving for il wiici tliecenai about it and liov bad it vas, lots. neyer sntîsfy and neyer get ver worse tlîan Etieb's or Artliur's, aud Tiey seem to care for, notiing eisc ho-wtic octo w a afrid it ~and vili do elmost anytbinï, to:g -would t',rn into-endso forth; and it No ir m edButchee bas onc hovi tic nurse said tiat if it iad nmucli iîarm. Bt ticSeniora rt-e not been teken in tume-and 50nrtogi btti vsapoe fc rti; end liow it vas curcd. And case for a smabl quantity. if anýbody lias anytîîing in the îeast1 Itias been found that goats an like it (flot as bad of course; it nc htbv ee ae oe couldn't lie!) loiemîîst try your me- are not subject to dvadli. And tic, dicine (thougli it mugit be tic erythe do fa house vhere is.D worst tiing possible for hini). ofhysyvlntcoena TI, , --4. 1_ ie lis leasant fo fake. too 'T'he T,n l'W 1, m V ClareBrs & Co., Llml?,ted,PesnOt W. 1 DUST.AN, BOWIIANVI'ýLLB r-M 1 The And TheWodeil usdJoints3 Do you know what ------ Fused 'Joints are, *and what they rmean to eey b yro UUUUU\Var AirFurnace? - "Hecla" Fused joints are made by bringing steel anId P cast-iron togetheri at rwhite heat. T hec ~ Itwo metals become practically onc. The jints they form areý permanently tighit. n-2o iyears useý,j onceworlced base They form the ane and on-ly unc ontta o' leak gas or dust. Ifyuwant leCnty ofwam dry, PURE air- at theI minimum cas-t for ful> an at the same tinie- wat your home absolutely free of gas, dust and smoke-put in a "Hlecla" Furnace. The re are do-zens of other zî'cia1 iaters about the Itiecla" th at every intendiog furoa-e buyer si,ouid know. Write for illiustrated catalogue.