Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1909, p. 6

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M _____________________________________________________ _______________ _____________________________________________________ -~ PÂRLIIVIET1ISNOW 9 PE N Speech From the, Throne' at the Opening~ of, the Eleventh Parliament. A despatch from Ottawa says: French Ilepublic, r espectiug the Mil, hýazy November weather con- commercial relations between ditions attended the opening of the France and Canada, having been second session, of the eleventh Ca- approved by the Frenchi legisiatîve ladian Parliament on Thursday a!- chambers, you will also be asked to ternoon. confirm it. As a result of the nice weathier The construction of the Transcon- cond itions an even greater crowd tinental Ilailway has made substain Q! citizenis than usual gathered on fiai advance du ring the year. TIhe: Pai amient -Hill to witness the mili- Western division has been extend- tary pageant, and the arrivai o!fe 66 miles beyond Edmonton, comn His Exceliency f rom Rideau Hall. pleting a total distance of 861 miles The3 speech from the throne con- iwest of Winnipeg. Contracts have tained the foilowing- clauses:- been let for 399 miles in the moun- Lrmmigration has poured into the ý tain division; good progress was new settiements of the North and 'made on this work. The Eastern di- the West in a copions and well- vision is now open for traffic from ordered stream, drawn fo h Winnipeg to Lake Superior Junc- best elements of the British Isles, tion,'and thence by the Grand A-N OCEÂ'N RIILW>tY. Major Edivy White Writes Interest- ingi>' of Key West, FlIorida, aitd Its IVotderful -Ilailivay. The little city of Key West, Fia., which u as recently visited by the terrible West Indian hurricane, is a unique little place. In the first place-it is the Southermost point in the United States and bas a tropi- cal climatie (. No frost ever reaches the cîty, an1d inside its limits may bseen cocoanuts growing, banan- a8, Spanish limes, sugarý appies, sappi dillys, dates-,' etc., also the rubber tree aud many species nev- ev- seen further north.- The 25,000 inhabîtants of Kev West are made up of (ubans, Bahama Jslanders and Amiericans, C ubans predominating. ilavana, Cuba, is only ninety miles away 'aud the, boats make regular trips. Key West wvas a busy place du ring thec Spanish-Americun war, many plots were batched against Spain and manv filiburstering expeditions I tMonarch Peninsular" HEIRESS TO MIL>LIONS If NCe7Ieettd, it 8000 reaches thO ýzmg TUE SIMPLE BRING ING UP 0P Mr .L. Garrow of 116 Miiieen t.miss CARNE GIE. tracted a evere -Ild ini the chest, which tuoVle itePesrs developd inro Broachitis. 1 tank three Ta"'tt au ittcPesrs kinds of Ènedicinc an~d founi no improve- Simple Toys, and Unosteiita- ment. A friend oirmine advised me ta te>' PSYý,CHIN!ýE and inthreedaysl1feitlike a tious Clothes. nlew mnaain desiretoIetothepâkoýw what a valuable cure yau have i PSY Becing trained to inhierit one hunl CHNEô jcre eweealtbrmcd. dred(Amillionsb. bewllganndorheakof otherWl Sucli is the lot of a bonnie, unaf- mayeil.yumapubisthitesimnîa.' fected ]ltie girl of twelve years, Stop that cold oce resZUItS wilI be who lyou ight havepsedams srnous.Yoadoisboinuph anyv da'y if you had been walking in systera with PSYCHAINE. Central Park, New York. wheie For Sale by A lDvui,7its, 50c & $1 Par botile y-ou would have seen the little girl D,. T.A. SLOCUM fec'ding squirrels or tossing bits of LIMITED bread to the swans. You would TORONTO nex er dreamn that she wouild inherit à i cone million, let alone onje hundred millions. But that is because she is P S Y c i N argaret, daughter of Andrew Car- I egewho adds to the high iei S of his wife his own practical ideas PRONOUNCEQ SI-KEEt4 of education for a great trust. The .keystone on. which Mr. and "Monarcli Peninsular" Range- is miade o! the finest EngiishF polished steel. We import this special grade of steel because we have foiuwd, by long experience and caref ul selection, that it ýis the best steel ina the world, for, ranges. lIt has a higli poish-is dark- bine in color-and only needs an occasional rub with a dry cioth to keep it fresh and. bright. TiT NEVEýR'NeEDS BLACKENING. The finish of the whoie range is rich and tasteful. Irhe ouitside cast parts are nickel plated, and the nickeled edges -o-t-Ial that n theunrth easern-----------------------------Ater securing a large hook, with 1joyed better health generally than 1iiig ofthme fiirae argaret is ten- every Iew paces tuuadumirtn le rO1teGveneti mvmn 41 1--AAsiisipsiltogttebn chain and swivel attaclhed, we added! in vears nrevious and sneaks very trusted. This, one lofty precept 1 derf ul shoes, and, as often as she 1 nuL1~lh nai of 41 - - 11 -The Steel Range Which Neyer Needs, Blackenlng.

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