Stre ngth Ailling Gil Cati Be Had Thrcug1h Ui Ricý Wïllarns' Pink Pil1h Therec ones a time in the, life of aiumosý \t v girl wbeusiknssat ~ak e.Tit)e straîn uptj)iber blood supply is too great, sud th'îrq comes bead"ahs and backch es and beai platio, and sagen eral tendencýy lto a decline.'lh pniy thing that caea impÉh n Iw epeil ure tIhese trubles il Dr. Wlim'Piuk Puis. Tbs i h? oeil medicie that actually coakesi viw icbh, red bloo , auJ P1(a oe- fui sýupply vof rih biood is ftheone ~bîg nee'dred to imaintaLin te Ut ofgrowiug girls andi seomon ofr , a- tursi years. Tbe tîuth of tiis éate- ment m prored. àn te caseof ciss E sther E. Sprouie, Tru-ainvài 1 , N. S. witoasys: "At teage ifuL cloe oninmet andi o Ç3;ur (From ThA News.> bis thee Mr. E.Pierý. ' cap, atPeterboro. Dr.anýd M 4. -. 1.Ptes mad atnptoilamilton'. Mr..1llighiMurraujy c-f SCottvùi Mn IPaac Cobbledock. -Mr..Moses Cwau bs fo an st1rsngLh sinýe hi,- recentoprio and ià quite iP. A17.Mi. andMrs. J. A. ae a reburned %Mromodon, and are rc tnigtu the et Clanke boy, w ý-as gues't at Mrs. D F. Wah'. folthgi M & ra p door in ois bar M.Johu(WdIl tpeet (dts(o, Gat toi. Johna istd .'..Bw aid4Thersreceutly. Mr onMason, h sa t"ld romfi efreot's of 'a Stîok'ý bl'indnesýs frmctrat owgo The Caruival Fiday evening cc wsLte beSA Aofthe season. Goo attedaue. god usic, and tii pnîze winers wer: Bet ais t~e Winte. The bos' rac,,undee 18 yeas, wa an eciiug "couî'ts four tartug Jhn Crb i Pinivinur ibM C ae o aninvai der the cane ofJhi3 plssed a assund Wehk. iaiS ve' aiinsswa te esit- n-tl) On, 1h Wm A!stogW.Wltr Resortin f tonact tr. P1wer ornes uickl M3 som a" rs mm r i.ipw mlin pta i s o.,Xr. ý esio me h, Rd Bood adeby ~,ited bi's str .A lwrh Made MsesMaggie andi Lizzie Wilmôtj ýs for Pale people. Vi'Hed Mi,.PD.-J. Gbs~s h _______have beeu Hiidi th arlet fever are! 1m=kiug rapid recovery.i eut, and I grw pale and àepressc'L. Mr. Bi'lake Cr'awforIdbasbought 1 vras dizpy uearly aIlshdtie. auJouc h S.Laîvrence biruse, one, pimples broke eut n my face.Ilof Prort Hope's bst botels. was altogether in a m'.seruble c'-1 Mis. Jame,,sMcuouiCare, l -in,and i seec iiasi Wr+frviied ber si'te, Ms.Huh ib 2 ine, to cninue1> may sýu ieuies ot fouud a speedy cure. I1triedisverVMr. W. H. Chaplin and sou, Mi. ato sprsrbc ,bytedoo, -VW. H.LB. Chapliîn hla ve 1hadCI la! Pinik Pulis, adIf nnaily c(o'etd to bis niece, Miss lonrence BAfI t>, do So. 1 baci hardly fiuis'1 où' smito is also)tcesole Execut- second bbfore a cag o h îi better took place, and Jei use CF ai NeWcatleLegevstc New- feir boxes more fu'"11V rstccd y 1tonviie Lague Fîiay eveni n sud heathsudJ bve ino icn w'lgave a good programnme. Tixuy au- and treng. I feel iubat 1 canu si joyed tbeir visit immnensely. sayv 'oiac n faor ! r. I Mr. and Mrs. Saeni ud Mr.% liamls' 1Piu-k Puis and ist1 nlyrA aud is. F. Pri eeinWity > comeudtbe toolir tliu Snday, Feb., patteuding th- gis.-" freal o! their npe'slid. Bt Yonu can get itiese Puis rm ay Mr. Fauk oueis uon a isit torest: miedicine dealer or by mai luat Sc. iMnreaito visitber sister, Mis. Bel a bxor six oxS ir$M 0 rM Hearu, .and hber brother, Aldrmwan ] Tb P' JohnCnunigbam -. _________________faerai of1Revý . 1R. Emberson aPt - Pet Pibo)ro. 11v. has Aam Yo the Waddeil bomestead faimr tice-t xilaconîxtrii o ini. hue bike is egFiday ILstat ýThe funleral ! Mn. 'U,ýJohn Mson, ilewemcas. Dèriig into the QO-an old 4)ien f Ouirilgwo entai Hotm!yrds wîtita mai of.ciied in Tooto, to opace [rom Le ceai, wbich Ylebd ioaded atbtitelp5;s Da Satundap, eb. 1i, tetic, yards for is ueigbboVrlbe jumt pe d Baumni11 -ilecemery.Deasc d! Off tierig ta tbefiýoen grouns i-_ _- a daul ighteLý-r uof! itlate Gong HPie et tît'ai slcg ;MRsinjred, era fOrn.Mi. 1Fred.sui ebutite wlkd oone OF the stores -ladf. Mný,! Mis. ot.S ac- Sandrnuade ta purcitasesud in ri! opuc rmisiee turning thc boues cf the log slip- n ped sar, nd netur til thdc lieorealze otittieha sd sustainecid!sTH !a fracture. i sio Bad areth Legu ~ wrd for ny >ýcase o! catarrh that, -,. cnuot be cuu1rd by 1Hll t's CstarhJ o! instrmentai solosbi yMis FJî, jCHENE7,71Y 'S 0, Tld,0 Morr, a chorus by six youug ears, su el- ve hlm ',perfectly hn ladies, chorus by ten yoiun il, d luatbsnsstascin i uanclailyable tça carryonut anly Aw'de-, Ralpi ýýStand Fid Cnt- Wlîolsae DruggltsToledo, 0 pH tei recitatcusby. AlMirJe Armi-,Ha003%Catarrh Cure AkWei l l- Maisesud ay Brircl. Avoca - d iud mus surnaces of theS R solo b M iss, iR im AIMov r ow.Missta(ciii. Testimonialie sent free.., I rie, 75c. per bti.Sold by bÀil Doroby Richards, Convenero! th0%-dmUgglts ~ Pt §Jommitte,icpablv -cf- TieIslsFamily Pilla foir Cn- 1X ~nLegue'cil ULD PAE ED ~~ en yen bave 'a Fric:nd t i E. Cas dn l ul tiy to oakc lier happy,- t-n vouIl givelier o! yeur best; ma_ Senleteil ber ail te storyof youî b ~~ V aie ourchuld cares, 5 Is"neuane8nd afEn. eAu v eîrlias tin11giy yulpist eecm by DR. cMSS abuyocm aais cil MO.frank Blooru, Hajdwoo ai. for merey's sair e le d le Ont., vlts ' aut 0to feu yoJKToput tiat belpiessmaman inULi ~~~~~~~~s ~ ~ ~ ~ Pl tegefbnftIoudutieue-cl spare bcd sufere sebady mtirkidey isese ou ay tei eH r c!ynr troublesc thaf vre1I ly doyu I couid net et ibynnmrueieigrs up wifh lameoueiug bacis, I ges 1 about DFr. se' iduey-làrer saidp," in! berunesndu lu the, almsase otthemud they wirls; ~ ued ueof kwduy dasm d =1 - Y il ay Vail ýcf iesrvn'us ache. Vian ~tiill ' st hi~hsand uhad redîiansl geai aids udobsiecre by nug Aîbegin nx euni. h ~ Dr.Chase's Xdney-Lire"r PIl.Ths agauAd fe reconnmenaUdmtm!u-lute irbtever cise cqlend, den' - Dr Olise'sKlduy-L EruS are! for mercy's sake, be lotd a detndfe sudacertAu in action, enliv To put the epieus womnan in te! -h tirelirrand homelsas M IIasutun bld. nidi sparc bcd! yen us- ge f8 geuin Dr A,~. ou mnay tel! ber of ynur pains, sud ch* Chses iney.Lr rpais. nOU pi wàac sasd irbat ftdoctor saic d"e,29 cm" ca bon, at ail deaier, o-Titturimeycam er yu i O! boss l'on pourci -dom btes Wbleu yoa, cauýgbt tbedco ialra -The daea!Je h ontmi sdbc nbarîiciI; ifiu, J11ny- moliay býore bher, yonîmy er w etin u itiav lic duinuiFeb- er, Viii she miche s sie were- manry.Ai fIat i ype I; lb ce ed alter s11unePin the weternskyin1 butor merys ake, dm 'tlutler scuif iiinhouscen in te00 niu befresturîe.aid àt wiiireaci Proper atnint h ii ils giacs pprntdstne1o ad scallpis Se best preveutive midi ! a i iî galn w os blnss nccsoarep tcmsn sd neappear in te ev- plication fBaie arPm eni sk. oDnsig ?y ficconet adekesth cl i1elh shudbespolun b4e odiin t noura11 iisLeu]the theculgit itfmy o eas inigbï! l1:stj"aSs oni papiesin paiinasirb-hi oice n upeet sasso! mtor1s. iînrg air 'lut siuae e Thecoret iiibe earsf he rowh. 5 t a jar at your Se 14,000,000 miles, utfat that utome itn hl brs eoar fluecsun fiat itif pent asyfoonitU14e sun, but no g lîmli e t.,Por PCtA iil~efciermdfranlsî (mosnt, li WeWstmIsVe. j llaaswoa a m tet e Utcueýd JeOprie çe Teaus 0 y ul1o fiîse l cold t dut thout way, U ~JLLJ. will H-al11ey's e cnet,Isay-M. Flam- na rion, is not a 1bi1g èmetlike 'tholSe stne tis a med-iuim size"d corn, -1 show that itisetrmlvrib. In 168 ther was othing etar dinary about it, sp illyasIla- redafteýr te roigosoreto 1 in.lu179and 135it sacl iýimpreedanybody buit t sr name rs. ta is exent us tme or asto its Kidney an.d Lver M edi Ca ted padsý o, Shematie Neurla. Ailut Fenisi weaknsi 0 mll au fRst order Oe PirFree-tAt in Mo prs uou to-ay hischep sd-rliabietrsmn.2 Addessfli MED&CATED PAD C0OUPANY «BALAD,-A" is grown in thle finest tea ygardens of the Island of Ceylon, pî--Icked every d4ay and reachles you flot later than fteen weeks after beingf gather- ed. Its _native purity and fine flavour are preserved in ai.tgtsealed "SALADA" packets. You are guaranteed tea of un-varyin-g good quality. menst probable is that ouiere- gimmenings in the upper regions of ouS tail asa camno alW rvrsscs Cnte otrtnsaie of the glob a iight fog, thsus til, big s ostd he passage Jf thenceu Peihapa there W Yll b eoidi n lmnsin the comIet's tail vil teresting electnie and magnee besonareficdtbst, tiougit livng plinomnaniaifstaion"ofpoar or shrttime rgtinside it, t'Lit aua sto'rIns cf';a new kid, a ihaitantso!ftIc earth wîlbe un- <stomaer cfsbooting stars, etherelalaete discein auy diffrence. b' iIî OUrAGENTS AY nRto sign of weýar or rnýt. T r'sth ncessary expasio orcontraction for- extrem het r cl or shcka rora nimas. V 'itccnes Iock no stranda cian Slip or hoknoked130e.We xroiseevry Prin a equaro deal &ýtandth RECOMILENED AN SOL B Al OiUq PRESIDNT SAY5- t 1o. hnkow it is aa ctre n correct p1îincipliO frfion uperi"D.Er gade vire ar-dgalvan- ized by a prcs hat abeolu-,telyenr long 111e. Gui ae av urued3Oprcent. in three TheirInspcter aube.c h shipmcut 1 reiescdtests. You cen do the ae 5g t iitell you ho1w. Sve y1neart asonef J, Alexanlder, W. C. Tlhom-tpsoii, W. H. McGilI, W. F. Tlîôirnas, Wilbert cûlogUr hJonès, *1I sn a r, 1 REQUSTSFORTE getting tired o ae .aC pe sinsiply digests tite foodarliiciaiy. Pepsin iclievecs, if neveu cures. aoc starby [od, suci as potafoca nebread tc. Mio-'sclasssu uifines Viei sud pu ts iynotesomc the [ceýd mitbfie aturaI digesiv Mio-a abiets uckyaruetho) stmch[om it fs inaction, sud in a' feýw dayýs it is ailýe bfa do ifs io ani1 sd wmitho exrtion Ther breafi. Amî-c-a eniucet50tcents a lgebx, a" su sgnatedy Liniglit bfoeormuebak MUES CATARH, 4ASTHMA, mmony back. SOMdsdgaaate o JURY i& LOVELL. IN ACOMET'S 'rAIL. 'lt -ý 9 Frnc t sietet rrie ts flc Lbh eiLh iap cas ngtll e ati t atýýo c' CueIndigestiole Thic firme appear'ance oCou iI 1 nw riýv Sumnnme r Ca185isbringlng an a-valahe ofreqe8esupo lis, H~ eaperderlrI oknuehvbenahota Awy wth rgr osycs ewI hwyou the eapproved wwa- ong apel ori i , s'à, a althe nw ov1 ýaf m broughe bckfrom Burup ,îby our aMy byer-"YC's. Yout-r adj- d res s ç ue cadwlbrn ewyufeofchg. ~Tr ROBER'P TORONTO :ella Illat PIS Âh i PA ýlq